Winter Holiday Contest 2022: Countdown to the New Year

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Winter Holiday Contest 2022: Countdown to the New Year

Post by mastergepetto »

Damn I’m disappointed that I had this 95% done in time for the January 15 deadline for 5 bonus points, but didn’t have time for final edits this weekend. I decided to take the extra day and post the story I wanted to post. Alas, better late than never.

I believe this 3 part story has a pretty unique concept (I have never read a countdown story like this before) and each part has a completely different feel/ perspective as purposeful gaps are filled in throughout the evening.

Hope you enjoy!
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Part I: Countdown to the New Year

Post by mastergepetto »


“Please!! I am begging you! You can’t do this to me!” cried Annabelle.

Annabelle Stuart was behind a large black curtain, frantically looking around for something that would save her. The three other girls just laughed as they tied her arms and legs into position. They had already managed to pull off her dress and she could feel the cold scissors about to snip her bra. Her red lace thong would be next.

“I am begging you; I will be ruined. Everyone in town is here. My family is here. Every guy I know is here!!!” She cried.

She was right. Everyone who was anyone was here tonight. It was the 118th Annual Beaufort County New Year’s Eve Gala. A night that the elite of the elite from across South Carolina gathered to celebrate the ringing in of the New Year. Young and old Socialites alike frequently bought gowns worth more than the average vehicle to wear for this night only. A good showing tonight could put a family in the town’s graces for years. A bad showing could ruin a family for a generation.

“Please! Have mercy! Do you have any sympathy? I will be completely humiliated. My family will never recover…” the young Annabelle pleaded.

“Your Father should have thought about that before he challenged my father for Mayor.” The leader, Charlotte retorted.

If this was a night for the elite to worship the elite, Charlotte Burke was their patron Sainte. She heralded from generations of white, Southern debutantes. Her family–along with Annabelle’s– had founded the region and turned it into one of the most prosperous areas of the South. Although Charlotte's family was always richer and more well connected, Annabelle’s family was never far behind. This led to a bitter rivalry between the two girls and their families that had culminated in tonight’s plot to expose Annabelle in front of the entire Gala.


“Cheers, everyone, to another hard-fought campaign!” Mayor Charles Burke said as he raised his glass to his staffers and donors. “That idiot John Stuart tried his best to best us– and he almost did– but I knew we would pull it off in the end.”

Everyone raised their glasses and saluted the mayor. John Stuart, Annabelle’s father, had recently challenged Mayor Burke for his position. It was a contentious race until Mayor Burke and Charlotte unleashed a hellacious rumor that Annabelle had an abortion in High School. This of course was false, and the whole town knew it, but the scandal derailed John Stuart’s campaign long enough for Charles Burke to secure another term as Beaufort’s Mayor.

“Before my speech to the crowd, I wanted to thank each of you one last time for helping us win this hard-fought campaign.” Mayor Burke continued.


“Savannah, please! We used to be best friends! You can’t do this to me! You know this will ruin me” Annabelle cried.

She had now started pleading individually with the two other girls. Annabelle and Savannah had been friends until college, when Savannah, a legacy Theta, rushed the same sorority as Charlotte, who was also a legacy Theta. Annabelle, a legacy Tri Delt, feared she had lost her closest friend when she rushed the rival sorority.

“Daphne… You know how this feels… How could you do this to a fellow girl?” Annabelle pleaded. While she had never been friends with Daphne, she felt bad for her when private naked pictures of her leaked across campus during her freshman year of college. Annabelle figured Daphne might sympathize with her predicament, having previously been exposed to everyone she knew. Her cries fell on deaf ears.


Jacob Varner finished his drink and started preparing his camera for the Midnight curtain drop. He was a student journalist at Columbia College, where Annabelle, Charlotte, Savannah, and Daphne attended school. He was the editor of the Columbus Herald, the student newspaper for Columbia College and had received a cryptic email from Charlotte Burke advising him to attend the Beaufort County New Year’s Eve Gala. Having not come from money, he felt completely out of place at this posh event, but when Charlotte Burke, Queen of Columbia College, tells you that you don’t want to miss tonight’s “big reveal,” you suck it up and smile for the elite. Luckily, he was practically invisible behind his camera.


Annabelle was now completely nude and tied up to the makeshift wooden trellis. She frantically assessed her surroundings. The black curtain in front of her was clearly the curtain for the stage, which was going to drop at midnight, revealing her naked for every attendee. She tried pulling the knots. Although the three girls were not girl scouts, they had managed to tie good knots. Annabelle feared she could not break loose before she was exposed to the crowd.

But that was not all she feared. Charlotte and her gang had not just stripped her naked. They had placed a ball gag in her mouth, clamped her nipples to weighted balls, and strapped a large vibrator to her vagina. If the curtain came down, she wouldn’t just be exposed nude— she would be revealed as a sadistic sexual deviant. Annabelle’s reputation as a good girl would be over. As the vibrator teased her clit, she worried she would orgasm in front of the crowd. What a sight that would be for all the boys who had crushes on her.

She had to get out of here.


Rachel Cline adjusted her earpiece and smiled at the camera: “We are back live from the 118th Annual Beaufort County New Year’s Eve Gala! Every year, it is something to behold as the elite from across South Carolina descend on this small town with a rich history. We will hear from the mayor shortly, who is planning on revealing the town’s new mural at midnight! Stay tuned, you will not want to miss it! But first, we have Coach Zimmerman and the Beaufort High Basketball team, who are seeking back-to-back state championships!”


Annabelle knew the situation was dire. The knots were not coming loose. In fact, they felt tighter the more she pulled. She screamed for help, but nothing could be heard over through the ball gag, the loud music, and the excited crowd. Did she even want anyone to find her? She had to do this alone. Just one person seeing her could ruin her family for generations.

As she pulled at the knots, she could feel a familiar sensation building in the loins. The vibrator was hitting all the right places. How could she be so turned on right now? She had experimented with her own vibrator in the privacy of her bedroom, but somehow, she was more turned on now than she had ever been in her private sanctuary. It must have been the adrenaline and the forbidden excitement of her impending public exposure. She could feel the juices running out of her. She looked down and saw a small puddle on the floor that was quickly growing.

She had to get out of here.


“Holy Shit! I can’t believe we actually pulled it off!” Charlotte toasted her two friends as they stood in the back of the room. “This will teach her and her family to mess with the Burke’s!!”

Savannah and Daphne smiled at their leader but quietly wondered if they had taken things too far. They had done some messed up things for Charlotte in the past, but this was way beyond any line. Whatever, it was done now. And by Charlotte’s side, their rise into the elite of Beaufort County was guaranteed.

“Alright girls. I am going to go join my father on stage for his speech and the ‘big reveal.’ I want you to round up as many people as possible– especially boys. I want Annabelle to be as humiliated as possible.” Charlotte practically sang.


“Yes! I can feel it loosening!” Annabelle celebrated as she pulled at the rope tying her wrist to the wooden trellis. She had hope! Hope felt good!

The vibrator suddenly transitioned to a different speed. Charlotte must have been controlling it remotely.

“NOOOO!!” Annabelle cried as she lost the grip on the loose end. The sudden change in the vibrator setting had jolted her body, causing her to release the rope and pull it tighter on her wrist. She could no longer reach the dangling end.

All Hope was lost.


“Family and Friends… I know it was a tough year. But we still have much to celebrate,” John Stuart assured the Stuart family and their close friends that had gathered around them. They had a private room in the back of the gala to enjoy as a family.

“Joshua is in his second year of law school, and Annabelle plans to join him after she graduates with honors from Columbia College this Spring. I could not be happier for my children; the world is their oyster.” John Stuart smiled at his son and scanned the crowd for Annabelle, who was curiously missing.

“If that scumbag Mayor Burke hadn’t started that awful rumor about poor Annabelle, you would have won! And I just know Charlotte played a part in it– that whole family is rotten.” Joshua Stuart lamented. He had dated Charlotte in college when he was a Senior and she was a Sophomore. She had cheated on him and then had embarrassed him by calling him a ‘Beta Male’ when he cried over her. He was still bitter over how he had been played by a girl two years younger than him.

“Now.. Now.. Josh… We are celebrating the New Year. It is time to put that behind us.” the patriarch assured the family.


“Hey boys!” Savannah said seductively. “You guys go to Beaufort High, right?”

The group of high school boys could not believe their eyes when Savannah and Daphne approached them and actually started talking to them. Why would two Columbia College sorority girls be talking to them?

“Hi-llo.. umm.. yes.. we go to Beaufort… but we are graduating soon!” Zach, a junior, said as she stumbled on his words.

“Hmm… I doubt that since I would recognize you if you had been there when we went there. I’d never forget someone like you…” Daphne teased. The boy practically melted. God they were easy, she thought.

“Wait… aren’t you Daphne Sharpe?! Holy shit, bro! It’s Daphne Sharpe!” Another boy gasped.

“Umm…” Daphne was suddenly panicked, realizing how the boys likely knew her. She had been distraught when she learned that her nudes had spread to her old high school. She blushed and looked at her feet.

“BRO! I must have jacked it to her nudes a thousand times! I knew I recognized you! I can’t believe I’m meeting you in person. You’re a legend at Beaufort High!!” the boy continued.

Savannah stepped in to save her friend, who was clearly stunned by the turn of events. “If you boys like naked girls, we have a surprise for you if you follow us.” Savannah told them.

“No Way! Seriously!?” The boys cried.

“Follow me and you’ll see!” Savannah teased, blowing them a kiss and leading them into the crowd.


“Cheers brothers, to another New Year!” Mark exclaimed to his fraternity brothers, who had all gathered for the Gala.

“I’ve heard about this party, but I’ve never been able to snag a ticket.” Nick confessed, “It was baller of Charlotte to put the whole fraternity on the guest list! I hope we get to see her tonight! Or her friends!”

“Yeah man… I heard Charlotte just broke up with Luke. Maybe she will be looking for a rebound!” joked Scott.

“HAHA in your dreams man! You could never land Charlotte! None of us could. I am just excited to see what she promised as the ‘big reveal.’” Mark wondered.


Mayor Charles Burke stepped up to the podium. “Good evening, everyone and welcome to the 118th Annual Beaufort County New Year’s Eve Gala!!”

The crowd went wild.

“As many of you know, last year my office commissioned a mural to commemorate our town’s rich history! It will be unveiled at midnight! But first, let us reflect on the past year…” Mayor Burke continued his speech as the excited crowd awaited the New Year.


Eugene had been a security guard at the Gala for decades. While he enjoyed the festivities, it was often a night when the elite of the town had a few too many libations and snuck off for trouble. Two years ago, he caught the district attorney necking the pastor’s wife. Luckily, he didn’t get and keep this job without having a tight lip regarding the things he saw.

He had heard ruffling behind the stage and went to check it out. He thought he saw some exposed flesh in the distance but could not be certain. “Probably just some kids having a good time,” he thought. “I will let them have some fun before I bust them.”


The vibrator strapped to Annabelle’s pussy was hitting all the right places. “OH GOD! I CAN’T LAST ANOTHER MINUTE” she thought.


Mayor Burke finished his toast and started the countdown. The whole crowd joined in.


Jacob Varner readied his camera for the Big Reveal. Whatever it was, Charlotte had promised it would be “front page news.”


Annabelle closed her eyes and resigned herself to the orgasm.


Rachel Cline adjusted her hair and prepared to step back into the frame after the mural was revealed. She had worked with the cameraman to make sure the Live feed had the perfect angle to showcase the new mural as it was revealed.


John Stuart toasted Joshua and his wife, wondering where Annabelle had gone.


The group of high school boys were giddy for the big reveal Savannah had promised. The crowd was thick, and Zach was pressed up against Savannah. Her dress was soft, and he could feel the shape of her ass through the thin material. She held up her drink and continued counting, oblivious to the high schooler memorizing the curvature of her ass.


Daphne and Savannah toasted their work and scanned the stage. They had managed to find probably the horniest group of high schoolers imaginable to witness Annabelle’s humiliation. They looked up to their leader for confirmation but could not find her on the stage.


Mark, Nick, Scott, and the rest of the Phi Psi fraternity chanted the countdown at the top of their lungs.


Charlotte was practically in a haze. She could not believe this was about to happen. Weeks of planning had gone into this! She had invited every guy she knew and had made sure the exposure would be as public as possible. No one would forget this night! Usually not nervous, her stomach was in knots. She couldn’t believe how aroused she was. “I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!!!”


“Ahhhh!!” Annabelle heard the thunder of the crowd as an intense orgasm washed over her. She opened her eyes in ecstasy.



The crowd roared as the curtain dropped. Then, everything fell silent. Subtle gasps were heard throughout the Gala. Instead of a large mural celebrating the New Year and the town’s history, a nude girl stood tied to a wooden trellis. Above the trellis read “Happy New Year from Charlotte Burke.” The girl was spread in an X, with her arms above her head and her legs spread wide. Everything was exposed.

It was Charlotte Burke.
Last edited by mastergepetto on Mon Jan 16, 2023 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Part II: Countdown to the New Year (Charlotte’s Mistake)

Post by mastergepetto »


Charlotte's leg’s wobbled as she made her way through the crowd towards the stage. Never in her life had she been this giddy in anticipation. If everything went according to plan, in six short minutes, her arch-nemesis, the lifelong thorn in her side, Annabelle Stuart, would be exposed naked in front of the entire Gala.

She had orchestrated numerous humiliations before, usually revenge for something petty like a bad grade or sleeping with a boy she fancied. Or sometimes it was just for fun. She thought back to the numerous pledges she humiliated, but they were easy. She could get them to do practically anything she wanted, including posing as a schoolgirl for a day. Too easy; too contrived.

She enjoyed pulling the fire alarm on the women’s soccer team as they showered. One of the girls had flirted a little too much with her boyfriend at the bar. And by flirted, it was more like prolonged eye contact and a soft smile. Still, Charlotte couldn’t let it stand; the whole team would be punished.

Sure, it wasn’t very original, but seeing the entire Senior squad cower naked on the quad as throngs of Freshmen boys passed was hilarious. Charlotte was surprised how quickly the once dominant group of soccer stars fell into total disarray, but that tends to happen when your embarrassing secrets are exposed to the world. And boy did they have secrets. One Senior with a surprisingly thick bush started groveling for anything to wear, kissing the shoes of a boy she had mentored during orientation while pointing her hairy ass in the air. It took serious convincing —and a humiliating chicken dance—before he finally lent her his hoodie. Several of the other Seniors proposed rather explicit sexual favors in exchange for clothes, offering to do things they wouldn’t even let their boyfriends do, and started crying in frustration and disbelief when they were turned down by the nerdy freshmen. They mighty fell hard.

In desperation, the girl that had flirted with Charlotte’s boyfriend promised her anal virginity to anyone who would give her clothes and then went white in the face when her ex boyfriend’s creepy younger brother threw her his jacket. His eyes had always lingered too long on her ass when she had visited her ex’s family. Why did he have to enroll at the same college? Charlotte was beside herself when she learned the girl actually fulfilled her promise and then some, getting knocked up by her ex boyfriend’s creepy younger brother.

The Senior goalie, who was a Presidential Ambassador for the college, couldn’t decide between covering her bald vagina, below average chest, or her flat, pimply ass and so failed to properly cover all three. She looked ridiculous with her hands plastered against her ass, exposing her lopsided tits and razor burns as a chorus of ‘pepperoni butt’ and ‘Ambassador wonky tits’ rang out around her. Charlotte thought the goalie had made the right choice, as the combination of white cellulite dimples and red acne scars really made her ass look like a pepperoni pizza. She also couldn’t get over how one breast was clearly at least a cup larger than the other, and for a fleeting moment was thankful that at least her flat chest was uniform. Then, when a good Samaritan brought over a stack of towels, the Senior goalie mooned the whole crowd anyway as she fought with her teammates over the limited towels, only to end up empty handed and crying on her knees with her pimply ass sticking high into the air, realizing her dating and social life at Columbia College was over. At least her puckered asshole wasn’t red.

The Graduate Assistant, who had helped the women’s team run drills, had a full-blown panic attack and peed herself in front of the Freshmen Boys team she coached. She wasn’t even supposed to have run drills with the women’s team that day but had offered to help out because she felt guilty about missing the upcoming rivalry game for her wedding to her high school sweetheart. Several of the boys helped wipe their coach clean as she stood hyperventilating in her own puddle. Having only ever been with her fiancé, she worried about what he would think of her being toweled off by the Redshirt Freshman she frequently worked with for hours outside of practice. And on the eve of her wedding, nonetheless. It certainly didn’t help the unfounded rumors that the two of them had engaged in unprofessional behavior during their late-night practice sessions. She prayed no one noticed the growing wetness between her legs as the redshirt freshman continued drying her crotch without much success. At least his touch had calmed her down.

But worst of all, their star player, Miss Five Time NCAA Player of the Week herself, decided to make a break for the athletic dorms, thinking she could run her way to safety, only to trip and fall into a tour group of high schoolers. Luckily, a high schooler broke much of her fall as she landed with her sweaty crotch grinding up against the poor boy's face. It took her several seconds to catch her breath and get off the virgin prospective student, but he didn’t seem to mind. Some onlookers even gasped when he managed to slide his tonge along the star’s sweaty slit. Charlotte was in tears laughing as the police ushered the future USWNT star completely naked back across the crowded campus and charged her for streaking. But not before practically the entire college saw her large, puffy dark nipples and blue and yellow pubes, which she had dyed to show her school spirit. Chants of “Hail the Blue and Yellow,” the school’s fight song, rang out as she passed, and a few daring boys started what became a gauntlet of spanks. Even the soccer star’s friends and admirers couldn’t help but snicker at the girl’s colorful crotch and dark puffy torpedo tits as they landed their hard smacks. A few frat boys even started counting the smacks. The forward looked to her arresting officers for help, but they just laughed and told her she was doing far worse to that high school boy when they arrived. Soon she broke down into an absolute fit. People couldn’t tell if she was crying from embarrassment or the sore bottom, or both.

Charlotte still had the star player’s mug shot hanging on her wall, along with the TMZ article of the shots, and gloated at the poor girl's wet hair, red, tear-soaked eyes, busted lip, and pink, puffy nipples, which were oversized for her pointy breasts. She thought the side profile view really showed off the forward’s colorful pubes and red, heavily spanked ass, and made her tits look like literal waffle cones. Her poor nipples made up over half the point. Charlotte also laughed every time the fans of the opposing teams brought in large cut out pictures of torpedos, waffle cones, and pepperoni pizzas. The taunting got so bad the NCAA had to step in and limit what fans could bring in and chant during games. At least she didn’t have to worry about being asked to pose for the SI Swimsuit Issue like the other USWNT stars.

Then there was the women’s swim team and Professor Sanchez. She had really done a number on them. But nothing; nothing would top tonight. Tonight was her arc de triomphe. Her masterpiece.

Strapping Annabelle to the trellis was simple, but it was the event that made it so perfect. The Beaufort County New Year’s Eve Gala was the society event of the year. To expose Annabelle at this event would ruin Annabelle for life. Her family would be plagued in scandal for generations. Charlotte would have finally won.

Adding the nipple clamps and the vibrator was a stroke of genius. Although Charlotte had always been more popular than Annabelle, people always seemed to trust Annabelle more. Annabelle was seen as the good girl who would make any father proud. This would all end tonight. Charlotte wondered how long poor Annabelle would last before cumming in front of the crowd– or if she wouldn’t even last that long.

She left the crowd and made her way backstage once again. Everything was set, but she wanted to see Annabelle one final time. She wanted her face to be the last face Annabelle saw before her life was ruined.

“How’s my little slut doing?” Charlotte asked as she walked up to Annabelle. The naked girl was screaming into her ball gag and struggling against her tight ropes. Charlotte pressed the vibrator harder against Annabelle’s clit. “I can see you are enjoying the toy we left for you. Don’t get too excited now… you can’t get bored with it yet! Not before you get to show off your new toy to the whole world!”

Annabelle screamed in pain and pleasure, pleading for mercy with her eyes. Charlotte continued: “I want you to know that I am just about as wet as you. Seeing you like this; knowing everyone you know– everyone we know– is about to find out how much of a secret slut you are… it brings me so much pleasure.”

“I want to tell you something. Something I know you are going to enjoy…I’ve always been jealous of you and other girls. I have money and connections, but you girls have the natural beauty I could never buy. I’ve always been insecure about my own faults, which is why I play these games and tear down girls who could challenge me.”

Annabelle struggled against her gag as Charlotte continued, “You have always been my biggest threat, Annabelle. You are beautiful in ways that I could never be. But tonight… tonight I finally win. Tonight, while you are exposed as a horny slut to the entire gala, I will ascend my rightful throne as the undisputed Queen of Beaufort. You and your family will never be able to challenge me again.”

Charlotte heard movement behind her and suddenly everything went dark.


The vibrator strapped to Annabelle’s pussy was hitting all the right places. “OH GOD! I CAN’T LAST ANOTHER MINUTE” she thought.

She had just been freed from her constraints. Behind her, Charlotte Burke was thrashing against the ropes and wooden trellis that had previously bound Annabelle. Charlotte turned her head towards Annabelle one final time with a look of sheer panic in her eyes.

Annabelle knew she did not have time to linger and started running towards the stairs behind the stage.


Mark, Nick, Scott, and the rest of the Phi Psi fraternity chanted the countdown at the top of their lungs.


Charlotte was practically in a haze. She could not believe this was about to happen. Weeks of planning had gone into this! She had invited every guy she knew and had made sure the exposure would be as public as possible. No one would forget this night! Usually not nervous, her stomach was in knots. She couldn’t believe how aroused she was. “I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!!!”


The irony was not lost on Charlotte as the crowd counted down the exposure she had meticulously planned. She could not believe the turn of events. Everything had been laid out perfectly. If only she had just joined her father on stage, she would not have been humiliatingly swapped for Annabelle. But Charlotte just had to see her rival one last time.



The crowd roared as the curtain dropped. Then, everything fell silent. Subtle gasps were heard throughout the Gala. Instead of a large mural celebrating the New Year and the town’s history, a nude girl stood tied to a wooden trellis. Above the trellis read “Happy New Year from Charlotte Burke.” The girl was spread in an X, with her arms above her head and her legs spread wide. Everything was exposed.

It was Charlotte Burke.


Charlotte was gagged and screaming. The crowd could see everything from her breasts to her shaved vagina. Unfortunately, nipples were all she had– she was flat as a board. With her arms spread wide, she had absolutely no curves. At her feet were two foam pads that she had successfully played off as her breasts for years. Now her secret was revealed.

“Holy Shit! It’s Charlotte Burke!” Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

“Bro! Where’d her tits go? She looks like a little girl.” Another boy added, calling attention to the two small nipples that made up the only bumps on Charlotte’s flat, white chest. Her toned stomach somehow hung out further than her breasts. Her deepest secret was revealed to everyone.

Charlotte had managed to keep her flat chest a secret for years– only known by her close boyfriends. Although her family had money, countless doctors had informed her that her chest did not have enough skin and tissue to support breast enlargement surgery. The best plastic surgeons in the world had no answers for her. Her insecurities about her chest, which on her petite frame did indeed make her look like a little girl, led her to tear down any girl she viewed as a threat. Now karma had finally caught up with her.

“Is that a diaper? Why is she wearing a diaper?” An onlooker asked.

“WTF?! THEY DIAPERED ME?!” Charlotte screamed internally– as if her flat chest being exposed was bad enough. Below her waist hung an open diaper, taped to her ass but hanging down so that her vagina was still exposed. Charlotte had wondered what she felt taped to her ass, and now it was confirmed. It was worse than she had ever imagined. She had used diapers to humiliate girls in the past, particularly girls in her sorority who challenged her for power. It was one of her favorite tools of humiliation, reducing any up-and-coming threat to the status of a diaper girl.

“EWWWW It looks like she used it! Charlotte wet herself!” A high school girl cried in disgust.

Charlotte had NOT wet herself. One of her captors must have poured something on the diaper. Charlotte admired the brilliance of the trick, even if it further added to her humiliation.

“Charlotte Burke stuffs her bra and wears a diaper! The whole campus is going to flip!” A college girl yelled to her friends, who Charlotte recognized as Sophomore Alpha Chi’s.

Charlotte was in a pure panic now. Everyone she knew was witnessing her ultimate humiliation. The humiliation she had designed. She was tied to the wooden trellis she had built, completely exposed. This wasn’t supposed to be her. It was supposed to be Annabelle. She screamed in frustration and denial.

She was Charlotte Burke. Queen of Beaufort and Columbia College. SHE humiliated her rivals. SHE humbled the women’s soccer team after one of their players flirted with her boyfriend. SHE humbled the women’s swim team after the captain was voted Homecoming Queen. SHE humbled her professor after the first year PhD candidate gave her a bad grade. No one.. No one humiliated HER!

But now, she was exposed. And just as she feared– just as she had dreamt in her nightmares– the crowd did not like what they saw.

The crowd, previously silent, was starting to yell in disgust. The women of the town could not believe their prized debutante was such a sexual deviant. The men, having watched for years as the Mayor’s daughter blossomed into her womanhood, struggled to hide their arousal at seeing the object of their fancy exposed bare.

The worst came from the Fraternity brothers, the high schoolers, and her peers. Once considered untouchable, Charlotte Burke was unveiled as a lying fake. They had been fooled into thinking she was the perfect bachelorette with the perfect body. Now every one of her peers knew her shame.

Jeers rang out from the crowd, calling her names like “diaper girl” and “princess no-tits.”

Recovering from her shock, Rachel Cline realized the situation and stepped into the frame, telling the studio to cut the live feed. It was too late– images of Charlotte’s exposure had been broadcast live across the state.

Jacob Varner had readied the perfect shot. This certainly would be front page news at the college newspaper. He wondered how much of an exhibitionist Charlotte must be to plan this whole thing and invite him to her “big reveal.” He laughed at the irony that there was nothing big in this reveal. He couldn’t wait to get a comment from the star of the women’s soccer team, who Jacob frequently interviewed and who had come to him with a theory that Charlotte Burke herself was behind the odd strings of exposures across campus.

Mayor Burke stood in shock as he processed the situation. Charlotte had told him all week she had a big surprise planned for the Gala. He could not believe she would humiliate the family like this. He started backing away, disassociating himself from his daughter.

The police rushed the stage. They cut her down and peeled the diaper off her, placing it on the ground so that Elsa from Frozen was prominently displayed to the crowd. The high school boys started mocking her Disney diaper. With her nonexistent breasts and used Frozen diaper, Charlotte Burke had fallen to the status of a little girl.

The police ungagged her and placed her in handcuffs, reading her Miranda Rights.

“What are you doing? Why are you arresting me? Do you honestly think I would do this to myself?! Me?” Charlotte screamed at the officers. “Savannah! Daphne! They can vouch! Someone tied me up!!!”

“She’s been planning this whole thing for weeks,” Savannah told the crowd and officers, which was indeed the truth.

“Yeah, she asked for our help recruiting a bunch of people to watch, but this was all her idea! She told us she gets off on this!” Daphne lied to the crowd, embellishing the truth to embarrass her friend. Technically Charlotte did ask them to recruit people, and it was her idea. Daphne also knew Charlotte got off on humiliating others and had told them she planned on masturbating to images of Annabelle’s humiliation.

“NOOOOO!! You can’t say that! I don’t get off on this!” Charlotte cried but no one believed her. She had been aroused all evening, anticipating finally ruining Annabelle, the greatest thorn in her side. Evidence of her arousal was clearly present on her labia and down her thighs. It was clear she was indeed highly aroused.

The Gala revelers continued jeering the former debutante as the police walked the naked Charlotte through the crowd and towards the exit. The socialites in the crowd gossiped and wondered if there had even been a more sudden fall from grace in the long, storied history of Beaufort. Several onlookers got close up pictures as she passed, making sure to capture every detail of her pussy and flat chest.

Eventually, she was placed in a squad car and driven to the police station, where she would spend the night with the drunk New Year’s revelers.
Last edited by mastergepetto on Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:46 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Countdown to the New Year (Annabelle’s Aftermath)

Post by mastergepetto »


Mark, Nick, Scott, and the rest of the Phi Psi fraternity chanted the countdown at the top of their lungs.


Charlotte was practically in a haze. She could not believe this was about to happen. Weeks of planning had gone into this! She had invited every guy she knew and had made sure the exposure would be as public as possible. No one would forget this night! Usually not nervous, her stomach was in knots. She couldn’t believe how aroused she was. “I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!!!”


“Ahhhhh!!” Annabelle heard the thunder of the crowd as an intense orgasm washed over her. She opened her eyes in ecstasy. She stared into Luke’s beautiful blue eyes.



They had made it to the balcony overlooking the stage. The past fifteen minutes had felt like a daze. Annabelle had spent ten minutes tied to the trellis, struggling to get free. Then, five minutes before midnight, Luke Porter had arrived with two other masked guys and had grabbed Charlotte as she gloated over the restrained Annabelle.

The team of guys quickly got to work cutting Annabelle down and tying Charlotte in her place. Annabelle struggled to process what was happening but was thankful to be free. She thought the two boys in masks got handsy with her breasts as they removed the nipple clamps, but she was not going to complain. It actually felt good to have her breasts and sore nipples massaged by the boys after the painful weight of the clamps. She even let out a small moan in pleasure which was stifled by the ball gag. The three boys took her ball gag and placed it on Charlotte’s mouth so that she couldn’t cry for help. Then, Luke led Annabelle to safety while the two other guys finished their work.

“You… you saved me…” Annabelle cried as she came down from her orgasm. “Buy why?”

She looked down from the balcony to the stage below them. Charlotte was screaming into her gag as the crowd jeered and took hundreds of pictures of her exposed body. Charlotte’s boyfriend, Luke, had just saved her and had tied Charlotte up instead.

“Charlotte and I have been on the fritz for weeks. Her antics are out of control.” Luke explained, “She tried to get me in on the plot to expose you. I told her she was going too far. She dumped me and called me a ‘Beta Boy’ in front of all my fraternity brothers.”

“I’m sorry. She is so mean. She’s been that way her entire life.” Annabelle confessed, looking back into Luke’s eyes.

“I know. I see it now.” He continued, “Once I realized Charlotte was still intent to follow through with her plan, I devised a plan to expose her. It's high time she got a taste of her own medicine. You know Kevin and Kyle? They are pledges in my fraternity and take the pre-law class you T.A. They look up to you and I knew I could count on them for their help.”

Annabelle looked over at the two freshman boys, Kevin and Kyle, who had removed their masks after joining them on the balcony. She realized she was still naked in front of two of her students– two students who had just felt up her breasts– but thanked them for their help.

“Once Luke told us what Charlotte had planned, we knew we couldn’t let that happen to you!” Kevin said, “By the way, I think you are smart and beautiful. You should not be embarrassed.”

“Yeah, we were happy to help! And you have a bangin’ body… if you ever did want to.. show it off.” Kyle piggybacked on Kevin’s compliment.

Annabelle blushed and thanked the two freshmen again. She appreciated how supportive they were in her embarrassing situation. The vibrator was still buzzing and her heart was still pounding after cumming in front of her two students and a frat boy she had been crushing on for years.

“Alright, alright, let’s get you covered up.” Luke said, extending his blazer to the naked Annabelle. “Can you guys help get this harness off her? It’s strapped on pretty tight.”

Kevin and Kyle knelt down to undo the harness that was holding the vibrator against Annabelle’s clit, using their hands to peel the soaked sex toy from between her legs. Annabelle had not anticipated letting her students get to third base with her tonight, but there were a lot of things she had not anticipated tonight.

Annabelle and Luke continued their conversation while the freshmen worked the straps.

“Charlotte confessed that she was insecure about her body, but I can’t believe Charlotte stuffs her bra… I would have never guessed.” Annabelle observed.

“Yeah… it is one of her biggest insecurities. It took months of dating before she let me see her topless. She is worried about being labeled as a little girl.” Luke explained.

“Damn… Well her image will certainly be ruined after this. Does she really wear diapers?” Annabelle asked

“No, but we thought it would dramatically add to the humiliation,” Luke confessed. “Do you remember Stephanie Smith? She was a Theta pledge the year below Charlotte. She had challenged Charlotte for the Recruitment Chair. She got drunk one night and wet the bed. Charlotte teased her for weeks, hiding diapers in her backpack and calling her horrible names. The hazing got so bad that Stephanie dropped out of the sorority. We thought Charlotte deserved a taste of her own medicine. Kyle added some lemonade mixed with apple juice to make it look like she wet herself. We made sure to only tape it to her ass so that her vagina remained exposed.”

Annabelle and Luke watched as the police rushed the stage. They cut her down and peeled the diaper off her, placing it on the ground so that Elsa from Frozen was prominently displayed to the crowd. The high school boys started mocking her Disney diaper.

The police ungagged her and placed her in handcuffs, reading her Miranda Rights.

“What are you doing? Why are you arresting me? Do you honestly think I would do this to myself?! Me?” Charlotte screamed at the officers. “Savannah and Daphne. They can vouch! Someone tied me up!!!”

“She’s been planning this whole thing for weeks,” Savannah told the crowd and officers.

“Yeah, she asked for our help recruiting a bunch of people to watch, but this was all her idea! She told us she gets off on this!” Daphne lied to the crowd, embellishing the truth to embarrass her friend.

“NOOOOO!! You can’t say that! I don’t get off on this!” Charlotte cried but no one believed her.

Annabelle and Luke watched as the police walked the naked Charlotte through the crowd and towards the exit. Several onlookers got close up pictures as she passed.

“What’s going to happen to her?” Annabelle asked, knowing this was almost her.

“They are going to take her to the station and likely book her for indecent exposure,” Luke explained. “Her family has good lawyers, so I bet she gets off with some community service or something. But spending a night in custody on New Years will not be fun. There will be plenty of drunks clamoring over her. Her father, the Mayor, recently cut the police union’s pension, so I doubt the officers give her any comfort. They will probably just throw her ‘as is’ in the drunk tank with the rest of the New Year's revelers. It's going to be a long night for her. I doubt they even give her a shirt for her mug shot… not that there’s much to see.”

“You think there’s a chance Charlotte will be referred to one of those alternative sentencing programs? The ones where the girl’s serve as live anatomy models for sex-ed classes?” Kyle asked, “My friend had a sister who got a DUI her Freshman year of college and she had to spend the day as a live sex-ed anatomy model at her former High School. All the boys she used to tease saw her naked!”

“I think it’s a strong possibility.” Luke pondered, “Those programs are quickly gaining popularity, especially in small towns that find it difficult to procure live models for classes. Normally, I would assume someone with Charlotte’s connections would not be subjected to that type of alternative sentencing program; however, after the events of tonight, the Burke family has likely lost a lot of influence in the community. I am sure that there will be numerous members in the community that will call for the harshest punishment for Charlotte, and the alternative sentencing program may be her only option. It would certainly be a fitting punishment for her to serve as the live anatomy model at Beaufort High this Spring. Columbia College is also frequently looking for live anatomy models, but they are typically able to pay for theirs. Maybe the College will make an exception for Charlotte.”

Kyle and Kevin became excited at the idea of seeing Charlotte serve as the live anatomy model in their human biology class this semester.

Annabelle scanned the crowd as Charlotte was led away. Daphne and Savannah were struggling to get through a crowd of teenagers. From this angle it appeared that several were getting a little handsy.

“I can’t believe Daphne and Savannah turned on her like that…” Annabelle stated in disbelief. Just twenty minutes ago Daphne and Savannah had helped Charlotte strip her naked and tie her to the trellis.

“You and Savannah used to be close, right?” Luke asked Annabelle as she nodded, “Charlotte has been blackmailing Savannah and Daphne for years. She’s the one that originally leaked Daphne’s nudes freshman year. She also had nudes of Savannah, and used the nudes to get the girls to do her bidding.”

“Wow… I can’t believe that…” Annabelle gasped, “I was so hurt when Savannah broke off our friendship. She knew Charlotte and I were rivals. Had I known the reason…”

“It gets worse…” Luke continued, “Daphne and Savannah have been roommates for years at Theta. But they are more than just roommates. They are secretly in love.”

Annabelle was stunned; she had no idea her former best friend was into girls. “Are you saying… they are gay?” She asked.

“From what I can tell, they are bi. But they have been in an open relationship for over a year.” Luke told Annabelle. “Charlotte put two hidden cameras in their room. She recorded them having sex with each other and multiple other partners. Both men and women. Charlotte showed me the videos… and let’s just say they are into some freaky shit. Whips, bondage, spankings, collars, leashes, choking, peggings… you name it– they’ve probably done it. And it's all saved on Charlotte’s multiple harddrives.”

Annabelle was speechless. She had known Savannah her entire life. She would have never guessed. Poor Savannah, she thought.

“Charlotte informed them of the cameras a few months ago.” Luke continued, “that's when she showed me and I started to realize how horrible she was as a person. She used those videos to blackmail Daphne and Savannah into doing some pretty messed up shit, like helping her pull the fire alarms on the women’s soccer team while they showered and sabotaging the women’s swim team’s uniforms before a major swim-meet.”

“I heard about that. It was all anyone could talk about for weeks,” Annabelle said, “the stitching on their swimsuits disintegrated as soon as they all got in the water.”

“Yeah! We were at that swim-meet!” Kyle said, “It was hilarious watching the whole team frantically climb out of the pool and scurry back to the locker rooms wet and naked. Several of the girls slipped on the wet tile and fell spread eagle! Some of the photos are quite explicit. The team Captain refused to leave the pool until she realized she was the last one. Then she panicked and sprinted towards the locker room. She slipped and scrapped her knee. The trainers had to bandage her knee right there before walking her back to the locker room with her arms around their shoulders. Unfortunately, her towel wouldn’t hold, and with her injured pace, it took almost five minutes to get back to the lockers. She kept asking them to pause to re-tie her towel, extending her humiliation, only for it to fall after a couple steps. Everyone, including all the rival teams, got a good look at her naked body as she was slowly aided out of the complex. People started making comments about how her pussy lips looked like elephant ears, the way they flapped around. She had a really cute tattoo of the Olympic rings on the right side of her pelvis from her time on the Olympic team last Summer. She also had a Queen of Spades tattoo on her left ass cheek. The Morehouse College boys really loved that.”

Annabelle was friends with the swim captain and a couple other girls on the swim team and had sent them a text to try to make them feel better after seeing censored images from the meet all over CNN and ESPN. She didn’t have the heart to look up the viral uncensored images, unlike the rest of the campus, but had heard that some creep had made a collage of each girl on the team with her headshot and bio next to her naked picture. She didn’t see the poor captain in class the rest of the semester. The captain had always been a stellar student and was considered a frontrunner to give the valedictorian speech this May. She was angry at Charlotte for orchestrating the humiliation and felt bad that Daphne and Savannah had been dragged into it.

“You’re forgetting what they did to Violet Dempsey!” Kevin added. “Violet is our year and is a Theta pledge. She is really cute and petite and has a bubbly personality. Although she is quite shy, she is comfortable with her small frame, unlike Charlotte, who probably felt threatened by her. Charlotte convinced her to dress as a schoolgirl for Halloween and even provided her a uniform from the local co-ed Catholic high school. Against her better judgment, she went out partying that night with all the Theta pledges. The next morning, instead of driving her back to the dorms, Daphne and Savannah dropped her off at the local Catholic school and convinced the administrators that she was a missing student. They had even printed a name badge for her! Violet spent the rest of the day posing as a student until Daphne and Savannah picked her up from detention. I saw Violet the next day in class, and she couldn’t sit properly. I heard she received numerous bare bottom spankings in front of the whole class for not doing her homework and being disruptive.”

“Yeah! And the best part was that she had been volunteering as a tutor there!” Kyle explained, “She knew most of the boys from tutoring and had even helped them with the very homework that she ‘forgot.’ Several of the boys even had crushes on their college tutor before she arrived in their class dressed as one of the students! None of the teachers recognized her because she tutored in the after-school program. None of the students stood up for her– the boys were too infatuated with their college tutor to say anything, and the girls were excited to see the college tease who had stolen the glances of their male peers brought down a peg or two.”

“One of our pledge brothers graduated from that high school last spring and still knows many of the students,” Kyle continued, “He got his friends to send him all the pictures from Violet’s eventful day as a student. He heard that a bully gave her a massive wedgie at lunch and tore off her underwear. Charlotte had even made her wear little girl’s underwear to ‘complete the look’ and although she hated the embarrassing panties, Violet cried like a little girl in front of all the boys when she lost her Strawberry undies. She had to go commando the rest of the day and flashed the whole school during PE and assembly, which explained why she was pantyless in half the photos. We were all shocked to find out she was still a virgin, but you can clearly see her hymen in several photos. Our pledge brother also heard that her underwear still hangs from the bulletin board in the Senior room, along with several pictures from that day.”

“She eventually managed to borrow a pair of gym shorts from a Senior boy she had tutored in exchange for letting him finger her in the bathroom for 5 minutes. He claims she asked him to be gentle because only her lady doctor had ‘been up there,’ but he managed to get a finger in ‘both holes.’ The lookouts were useless due to the loud moaning, and it was not a pretty sight when the teacher who found them dragged her out into the crowded hallway with her skirt still tucked above her waist. The poor girl’s legs were so wobbly, she fell to her hands and knees with her red asshole pointed directly to the crowd. The teacher handed Violet the detention slip and a bundle of tissues to wipe up her juices that were dripping down her leg. Violet was so distraught over the whole event that she forgot to go back for the gym shorts before reporting to detention. I wouldn’t have believed it if the whole thing wasn’t captured on video.”

Annabelle shuddered as she thought about all the girls Charlotte had humiliated throughout the years. She remembered last year when her young female professor stripped naked during her lecture complaining of unbearable itching. Even after removing her butterfly thong, the professor still complained that ‘everything was on fire’ and rubbed her vagina until she came in front of the entire lecture hall. Her students didn’t realize she was a squirter until it was too late— the entire first row of boys became a splash zone. The video of her squirting on her male students spread around campus like wildfire. The first-year professor, who was a PhD candidate and once considered a female prodigy in her field, was placed on administrative leave while the school investigated the incident. Eventually they discovered that her clothes had been laced with itching powder and determined that it was likely applied when someone snuck into the faculty locker room while the professor was going for her morning swim. The College wondered how a student had gained access to the faculty lockers, and Annabelle wondered if Charlotte had played a role in this. She felt bad for Savannah and Daphne for being blackmailed into doing these terrible things.

“So, what’s going to happen to Savannah and Daphne?” Annabelle asked. They had just publicly betrayed Charlotte and she feared what Charlotte would do to them.

“I am afraid Charlotte will post all the videos once she is released from jail.” Luke lamented, “She showed me all the videos and got excited and turned on as she explained her plan for releasing them if Daphne or Savannah ever betrayed her. She will likely only be in jail one night, so I expect the videos to be public by this time tomorrow. Having seen the videos, I can promise you they will be extremely popular. It would not surprise me if they receive a million views within the week.”

“That’s awful!” Annabelle exclaimed. She knew the videos would be especially bad for Savannah, whose father was a conservative preacher. “Is there anything we can do?”

“Unfortunately, no.” Luke replied, “Charlotte keeps those hard drives locked up tight. It wouldn’t help to alert the police, since Charlotte made the girls sign a consent waiver. It will look like Daphne and Savannah knew about the cameras and videos and consented to their release.”

“I can promise you that there won't be a guy at Columbia College that doesn't immediately download every video.” Kevin confirmed.

“Poor Savannah. Poor Daphne.” Annabelle lamented, “I know they did some awful shit, but they only did it because of the blackmail.”

“Do you feel bad for them?” Luke asked. Annabelle nodded her head. “It means you are a good person,” Luke continued, “I know you used to be friends with Savannah. Maybe you can rekindle that friendship and give support to Daphne. They will need all the friends they can get over the next few weeks.”

Annabelle looked down at Savannah and Daphne. A police officer was speaking with them now, likely getting their statements about tonight’s incident. They looked shell shocked and nervous. Annabelle wondered if they were already fearing Charlotte’s retribution. She feared the same.

“I agree. We should help them.” Annabelle stated, “But what about me? Should I be worried about Charlotte’s retribution? She has to be pissed, having been so close to finally ruining me, only to be exposed by her own plan. I can’t imagine what she has planned for me next.”

Luke looked into Annabelle’s eyes. “She won’t be able to touch you,” he assured her, “not with Kevin, Kyle, and I looking after you.”

“We won’t let anything happen to you,” Kevin confirmed.

“Yeah! We’ve got you covered… or… will keep you covered this time!” Kyle stumbled, “You don’t have to worry about being exposed again… unless…”

Annabelle smiled at the two Freshmen. She wondered how her next T.A. session with them would go. Things would likely never be normal with them again.

She scanned the crowd again. After Charlotte’s shocking reveal, the party had taken a minute to recover, but was getting going again. A group of revelers started singing Auld Lang Syne. The mayor had retreated to his private room in embarrassment. She considered re-joining her family, who were probably dumbfounded by tonight's turn of events. But first, she needed to find her dress, or what was left of it. Luke’s suit jacket covered the important parts, but she did not want to rejoin the party in nothing but a blazer.

She turned to Luke, “Thank you again. Tonight could have been really different.” She stated, wondering where she would be if Luke and the two boys hadn’t shown up. “Happy New Year!” she exclaimed as she looked into his eyes.

“Happy New Year” Luke said softly as their faces were drawn together into a passionate kiss.
Last edited by mastergepetto on Tue Mar 28, 2023 8:16 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Winter Holiday Contest 2022: Countdown to the New Year

Post by Executionus »

It probably can't mathematically win the contest with it being late and over the word limit costing it so many points, but it's definitely a fun story! The format of the countdown to reveal was an awesome element, and the way that the three points of view were presented was neat too.
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Re: Winter Holiday Contest 2022: Countdown to the New Year

Post by mastergepetto »

Thanks! Right now, I am happy working on developing my writing and not necessarily writing to win. Glad to have a complete entry this time as I have frequently ran out of time or jumped the shark in the past.

I guess each of the three parts in around 3000 words if that counts for something haha 😬
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