Just Another Day

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Just Another Day

Post by TeenFan »

What ages are the characters in Ch. 5
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Re: Just Another Day

Post by Supermario17 »

Another great chapter. Keep it up.
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Re: Just Another Day

Post by ingridguerci94 »

"Yeah he's so cute," Savanna said, as she pulled down the blanket. Scott was shaking uncontrollably. Savanna's hand crawled up his body. Scott attempted to flea only for her hands to run along his sides as giggles burst out. She started tickling him as he fidgeted around. Before Scott could get a grip on himself Rose pushed her read down giving him a raspberry. Scott couldn't help but squirm until he finally had enough. He sprang up pushing them away.

"I am not a baby!" The girls all look at each other as Scott stood there definitely dressed as a baby.

"He looks cranky," Tanya said, through hushed giggles.

"Maybe he's hungry," Savanna said, as she nudged her sister. Rose giggled as she played with the bottom of her shirt. Scott could see the faces they were making but couldn't figure what they were implying.

"Or maybe.... he's ruined his diapy," Tanya said, as she tugged on his diaper. Scott tried to walk backwards as he fell out of the crib.

"So he needs a diaper change?" Savanna asked herself as the girl circled the crib. Scott sprang into action as the girls lunged for him. He dodged Tanya as he flattened himself against the wall then leaped over Savanna just missing her hands. The door was right in front of him. sex 3d Scott ran for it as Rose lunged for him. A sigh of relief washed over him as his hand latched onto the knob but something else latched onto him. Rose's fingers slipped into the waistband of the diaper as she clenched it tight. As Scott pulled the door open Rose pulled the diaper. The diaper came loose as Scott got the door all the way open.

"Naked baby!" Rose yelled, as she waved the diaper around. Scott ran from the girls to his bedroom as he covers his unmentionables. The girls just couldn't contain themselves with laughter as they watched his big old booty shuffle down the hall.
The story is really captivating, TheMilkman. I'm really looking forward to reading the next chapter. :D
Last edited by ingridguerci94 on Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Just Another Day

Post by TheMilkman »

Chapter 6: The Panties

I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was Cindy. It was just something about her. Something I couldn't explain. It was her hair, her voice, her personality, it was everything about her. I had the perfect cure when I couldn't sleep. Zelda was the fix. Believe it or not the main character's name is link, Zelda is the princess you save. I hit the eject button and swapped out the games.

Sorry Donkey Kong but the world needs me. I didn't stay up long. I quickly fell asleep on the floor, controller in hand.

I woke up late. I was supposed to help Mom with the laundry. I quickly stuffed my face as I dragged a basket to the laundry room. I loaded all the clothes into the wash closing the door.

"Oh no you're not wearing that again, go put something else on." Mom's words rushed me upstairs. I was able to find something that smelled clean but I couldn't find any underwear. "What did I say, give me those to put in the wash," Mom said, pointing to my underwear.

"But it's all I have!" She wouldn't listen. I stripped to my bare bottom as she carried them off to the wash. I just stood naked waiting for her to return. I thought I could at least cover myself. I bent over grabbing my shirt when I heard the door open behind me.

"Looks like a full moon out tonight!"

( ‿ 人 ‿ )

Abby stood laughing in the doorway. I turned covering my crotch with the shirt. As she laughed up a storm mother returned.

"I can't seem to find anything, you'll have to borrow from your sister." Mom seemed uncaring while Abby was head over heels. I followed Mom trying to argue but she wasn't having it. She pushed me into Abby's room. She opened the top drawer as she pulled out exhibit A.


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"Woohoo." Abby's voice came with a whistle as I held them up. White with pink frilly edges and a teddy bear on the front was a solid description of these things.

"No I can't!" Mom would listen she just slapped my bottom trying to hurry me up. Abby couldn't contain her snickering as we walked to the bus. She couldn't contain her snickering on the ride to school. She couldn't contain herself on the walk to class. I knew I had to tell her not keep this information between us. "Listen sis could you not tell anyone." As I pleaded with her Cindy stopped right next to us. My heart sank.

"Tell anyone what?" Cindy asked. I clutched my shirt in panic mode. Cindy was beautiful like always with her long brown hair laying over her shoulders. Her cheeks were red like juicy fruit. She was dressed in a cute yellow dress.

Abby was biting her tongue to stop from spilling the beans.

"Nothing it's a secret between siblings," I said, covering my mouth. Cindy just flashed her bright smile and walked off. I was safe that was until I was turned around.

"A secret huh?" Gary was looking me up and down. Now I was shaking with fear. "What secret?" I was shaking uncontrollably.

"Nothing i'd ever tell you." I felt good and confident in myself. Gary could see that too so he looked behind me.

"So what's the secret?" He asked, as he got in Abby's face. She almost couldn't contain herself. She held onto her cheeks to stop the laughter. That's when the bell rang. I was safe.

All I could think about in class was if she was keeping her mouth shut. But I had to focus on what was in front of me.

# 1
5×7 = 35

# 2
6×10 = 60

# 3
3×2 = 6

My head pulled itself up as chatter caught my attention. People were laughing and looking at their phones. It was probably all in my head but all I could think about was my sister telling one person about the girly panties and then...

Boom everyone knows. I relaxed myself. I knew that was absurd. She didn't tell anyone. It was gonna be fine. I watched as eyes looked back at me. Panicked I put my head down in my problems. That quick glance seemed to be nothing as I made my way to the playground. Everything was calm for the most part. Until I heard a laugh. My eyes shifted. My sister was on the swings and next to her was Gary. I ran to the scene as fast as I could.

"Hey Timbermen you didn't tell me how cool your sister was, and cute." Abby froze as her cheeks flushed red. No no no no no. I watched as Gary made eyes at her. No no no no no.

"Leave my sister alone!" I held my ground as Abby stood up.

"We are having grown-up talk leave us alone," Abby said, pushing me away. No no no no no no no. Gary pulled Abby into his lap as he brushed her hair to the side. No no no no no no. He's like three years older then her. I have to do something. I ran to a teacher on duty. I pointed and explained that Gary was hitting on my sister. The teacher squinted his eyes looking over. The two were laughing together.

"Seems like they're just having fun." His words made my stomach sink. Gary has never showed interest in her before. What's his end game? That's when my heart skipped a beat. I turned. Gary was whispering in her ear. I couldn't watch. I knew what he wanted. I didn't have time to think as the bell rang.

I was back in class. I had to think of a plan. What am I saying I have to just get through today. There's no way he could get it out of her before the day ends. Right? No no it's not possible. I had to know for sure. Sitting next to me was Molly a nice innocent girl with blonde hair.

"Hey Molly what do you think of Gary?" She paused her work glancing at me.

"He's definitely knows how to carry himself, I like big strong men." Ridiculous this woman. Gary is a jerk. How can any girl like him.

"So if you were with him you'd I don't know.....have long conversations with him?" I wasn't exactly sure what to ask her.

"I'd tell him anything he'd want to hear." Her words echoed in my ear. No no no no no no no no no no. Just like that the bell rang again. That was just one person. No way it plays out like that. Abby was enjoying herself sitting next to Gary at the lunch tables. I just had to asert myself. Walked over eyeing them.

"Abby can I talk to you?" Abby rolled her eyes standing up.

"Hurry back cutie." Gary's words made me want to puke. I pulled my sister away from his earshot.

"What are you doing?" I shook her violently.

"What, he happens to like me." I couldn't believe her words.

"But he's lying to you just to mess with me."

"And for what the secret of your girly underpants?" She asked as she giggled. I gasped.

"You haven't told him have you?" She just went wide eyed. I repeated myself but she just started laughing and walking back to the table. This is bad. Gary was almost kissing my sister's cheek. I was enraged. But what could I do. I basically avoided them at all cost. Maybe she said nothing to him. I'm just being crazy.

I made it to class yet again. I was safe. All I had to do was get on the bus after school. Easy enough. At least that's what I thought because a good half way through class I was the fire drill rang. If your not familiar with fire drills they drag everyone in school outside in the grass. I just kept to my line I kept to myself. I was gonna get through the rest of the day.

I couldn't help but hear a hushed voice calling me. I turned my head as I saw Gary twenty feet away in another line. He was trying to get my attention. I tried to ignore him but it was hard. I grudgingly looked in his direction. Gary was pulling on his pants. I looked at him confused. Gary leaned out of line.

"Panties." His voice was quiet but I heard it.

"Stay in your line please!" He pulled himself back as a teacher yelled. My heart began beating fast. I was afraid to look in his direction. But I did. His lips were mouthing something.


No no no no no no no no. This can't be happening. I have to just run for my life. No I have to stand my ground. I'm not afraid. Besides who cares that he knows it's not like I'll show them to him. The lines came to a stop as the teachers told us what's happening. I turned looking at the other line.

||||||||||||||||| ||||||||

There was a space. Someone was missing. It was Gary. I had to stand still so a teacher wouldn't yell at me. I just held myself together. Everyone turned as we were instructed to walk back to class. As I took my first step I felt something tug on my shorts. Hands grabbed onto my shorts dragging them to the ground. In my attempt to get away I fell forward onto my hands. My life flashed before my eyes before I looked up seeing everyone staring at me. I looked behind me to see what they were all looking at.


"Nice panties!" Gary's voice drew even more attention. Every face in the crowd erupted one after the other.

(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞ ( ≧ᗜ≦) ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª

Girls, boys, teachers, it didn't matter they were all laughing. I tried to crawl to freedom only for Gary to pull my short right off of me. I stumbled to my feet as I ran through all the laughter.

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

Everyone was pointing and laughing. I couldn't live this down. I just ran and ran until I got to the end of the lines. I wasn't watching where I was going. I bumped right into something as I fell to the floor. It was Cindy. She couldn't hold back her laughing.

"Wait Cindy it's not what it looks like," I said, pulling myself up. I just had to explain myself. That's when hands grabbed the back of my panties. I felt everything inch of them slide up my crack. I was lifted off the ground as everyone watched. No no no no no no no no no no no no no. I struggled. I wiggled. I shook. I........

*Rip* and just like that I fell back to the ground.

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Re: Just Another Day

Post by Supermario17 »

Another good chapter. Although I think I do prefer the chapters where Scott is more embarrassed by his family than other people. Keep it up.
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Re: Just Another Day

Post by Supermario17 »

Hope we get a chapter soon! Been a while.
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Re: Just Another Day

Post by TheMilkman »

Chapter 7: The Show

The song of choice was Dancing With Myself. The setting was a steamy bathroom. The main character a freshly showered boy. Scott pulled his undies on tight as he danced across the floor. He shuffled out the door and down the stairs. He squeezed into the fridge as he grabbed a mini donut. His butt wiggled back and forth as he enjoyed his day. Scott quickly turned around as voices caught his attention.

"Woohoo!" Shouts and whistles spooked him. The living room was filled with all women over forty. It was all his mom's friends. Scott bit the donut in half letting the rest of it fall to the floor. "Don't stop on our account." They were beautiful. Blonde, burnet, thick thighs, big chests, wavy hair. "Yeah we were just enjoying the show." Scott's eyes scanned over them observing. Nail biting, giggles, seductive smirks, blushed looks. He had no idea what any of it meant but he liked it. Scott tapped his foot as he began dancing again. The girls giggled and cheered as he turned shaking his butt. "Ooohh yeah shake it baby." His butt wiggled back and forth to the music in his head. "He's so cute!" Scott couldn't help but feel excited at all the beautiful girls cheering. "Yeah shake it baby!" Scott turned facing the crowd as he thrusted his hips forward. With each pelvic thrust the girls went wild. Maybe they were playing it up but they looked like they could pass out at any minute.

"Shows not over just yet." Words pierced Scott's ears as he felt hands on the waistband of his undies. There was nowhere for his to run. Scott froze as his underpants were dragged to the floor. Gasps filled the room as Scott watched all their eyes lower. All the girls burst into laughter.

"Oh my God." "I can barely see it." "It's so wittle." Scott blushed as he pulled up his underwear. Scott turned angry at his big sister as she stood there laughing.

"You're such a jerk!" Maddie did not take kindly to his words as she wrapped around him grabbing his underwear again.

"Ladies may I present to you, a romantic evening under a full moon," Maddie said, as she lowered Scott's underwear yet again. As his big butt came on display the girls laughed even harder.

"Woohoo look at that." "It's so big!" "I bet you could use it as a pillow." Scott was so angry he tried to get away but Maddie just shook him as his butt jiggled. "Oh my look at that." Scott fought his sister off of him as she chased him through the kitchen. Maddie pulled off his underwear as she held them up.

"Who wants a souvenir?" All the girls raised their hands as Maddie tossed the undies into the air. Hands fought over them until someone finally got victorious holding up her prize as she stretched them between her hands. Scott just held his crotch as he ran upstairs.
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Re: Just Another Day

Post by Supermario17 »

Amazing! I love when Maddie is the one who humiliates him. Hopefully we can get another chapter.
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