Lia's new reality (Part 17 - 2/3)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Lia's new reality (Part 16 - 12/5)

Post by student »

*****Carol’s dad had ordered to endure everything Lia was made to, the pussy handshake, the rubber band game, and the spanking. Carol’s dad was shocked at what he just saw his daughter do and what she made Lia do.
“Caleb.” He told his son. “You are going to watch your sister for the next few days. I think you are the perfect person to make sure she understands Lia's situation.”

“Yes, sir.”*****

This would be a promising spin--off, but are there enough hours in a week to write Carol's story? :oops: Caleb in charge of his sister has promise.
"Mom, Dad, Lia shaves, shouldn't we shave Carol, too, and expose her in public? Treat Carol exactly like you told us to treat Lia--or do we treat Carol like she treated Lia? I'm still a kid--what are the limits? I don't want to go too far and hurt my sister."
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Re: Lia's new reality (Part 16 - 12/5)

Post by Bucket »

perseus wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 2:25 am
Thanks! I also prefer when Lia is the only one naked, It's why I stuck Carol being naked at the end. I mainly did it for spinoff potential. I can confirm now that Lia will be the only one naked in the next chapter. :twisted:
Brilliant! I'll try my best not to mention it again. 😂 This story keeps getting better and better and I'm hoping we get another chapter very soon!
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Lia's new reality Part 17

Post by perseus »

This chapter was heavily inspired by SuperEvil's Picture Day. I highly recommend reading that story, it's one of my favorites. here is a link to picture day.

Part 17

After the events at Carol’s house, Lia was feeling more confident in her ability to handle her embarrassing situations. She was getting a little used to being naked at home; even masturbating in front of her family was starting to get slightly easier for her. Not much; it was still massively embarrassing for the girl, but a little better, and her orgasms were very powerful.

It had been two days since Carol’s, and like any average teenage girl does from time to time, she let her rebellious side creep in a little. As she sat at the dinner table, completely naked, with her clothed family, she felt the need to say. “I think I’m getting used to being naked at home.” She even pushed her small tits out proudly as she said it, presenting them to her parents and brothers.

“Do you think we are being too easy on you, Lia?” Diana asked.

Lia realized that she was on shaky ground and needed to be careful. “No, I think taking my clothes has been bad enough. I’m just saying that I feel comfortable around you all.”

Lia breathed a small sigh of relief when it looked like her mom accepted that answer.

“I want everyone in bed early tonight; your father’s campaign photographer is coming by to take a portrait of us.” Diana announced.

The rest of the dinner and night went by as normal. The family all watched Lia masturbate on the couch, a nightly event now, then they went about their business. Except for Lia, who was not allowed to go to her room until bedtime, she had to be out in the open at all times.

Once everyone had gone to bed, Steve and Diana were in the master bedroom, discussing the events they had planned for tomorrow.

“Are you sure you want to go through with it? This is quite an escalation. Are we going too far?” Steve asked his wife.

“No further than what you have hanging in your office.” Diana retorted.

“You can’t see her face.”

“You can see everything else, and everyone knows at this point. It's actually helping your campaign. People have told me that if you are willing to take a firm hand with your own daughter, then you’ll be tough on real lawbreakers.”

“That’s not why we are doing this.”

“It will be fine, dear. You heard her tonight; she’s getting comfortable; we have to keep the pressure on. Don’t get soft on me, Steve.”

“I’m on board for tomorrow; remember what I have hanging in my office. I just want you to understand that this is also embarrassing for me as well. A father, knowing his daughter’s masturbation techniques, is not easy knowledge to sit with. But I’m on board; don’t worry.”

“Good, because I have another escalation we need to add.”

Steve looked at his with interest. “What more could we possibly do to her?”

“We have to start spanking her.”

“Out of the question! I’m not hitting our daughter.”

“It's not about hitting her, Steve; I don’t want that either. It's about humiliation. We have to keep the pressure on her. I’m not saying that we spank her hard, just enough to sting a little.”

“I never want to be the kind of parent that would raise a hand to their child.”

“I know, but I know you never thought you would be the kind of parent that would strip their daughter naked and sit her down on a copier, either. Look, we have crossed the Rubicon; we can’t go back now. We have to keep reminding Lia that we are in charge and that all privacy is gone. With that, she needs to understand that she’s not above receiving any type of punishment on any part of her body.”

“What do you mean, any part of her body?” Steve asked, already knowing the answer.

“Lia was very embarrassed when Chuck spanked her pussy, and then that boy she seems to like did too. Punishing Lia in her intimate areas will also send her the message that her privates are not private; getting touched on her pussy is no different from her shoulder.”

Steve thought for a long moment, then exhaled. “Okay.”


The next morning, Diana was driving the rest of the family crazy, making sure everyone was looking their best for the photos today. She laid out a sleeveless black dress for Lia, which hugged her form nicely, as well as a black bra and panties. She even did Lia’s makeup; she didn’t need much; Lia was naturally pretty and only ever used a little here and there. After she was done with Lia, Diana moved on to drive the males of the family, especially her husband, crazy with wanting them to look the best they could.

Lia was sitting on the couch, watching this all unfold. She was feeling good, wearing clothes, and with the way her mother fussed over her looks, she thought she was going to keep them on for a while too. Lia was feeling normal again, almost like it was before she gave her parents so many problems. It felt nice. Soon, her brothers had joined her on the couch. They all watched as their dad was making sure that the white backdrop for the pictures was set up correctly, while their mother was trying to get him to hold still to style his hair.

Lia smiled as she watched, and then she felt Trevor put his arm around her. This surprised Lia at first, but then she remembered that she and her brother had a great relationship before she started acting out. It felt nice to return to that. She leaned into him, enjoying the feeling of being held again. Then another surprise happened; Chuck laid his head in her lap. Lia put her hand on his shoulder. Lia let her eyes close, and she dozed off.

When she came to, a few minutes later, both her parents were standing over them, arms around each other and smiling at their children. Despite everything that Lia had gone through recently, she felt loved; she felt happy.

Diana was strongly considering pulling the plug on today, but she remembered what she told her husband the night before; there was no going back.

Finally, there was a knock at the door. It was the photographer that Steve used many times over the course of his campaign. It was one of Trevor’s older friends from high school; he just finished his first year at college and had taken a photography class and had a natural eye for it. His name was Ben, and Lia knew him well.

He came in, saying hello to Steve and Trevor. Lia noticed that he looked at her and then quickly away. Lia instantly started blushing. Even though he wasn’t at the office the day she was there naked, she figured that he must have been in the office, where he no doubt saw the scans of her.

Lia stood to say hi; she didn’t want to be rude. When they said hello to each other, his eyes quickly went to her crotch, then her breasts. Lia had all the confirmation she needed that he knew what those parts of her looked like.

Ben started setting up his equipment, with Trevor helping, while Diana put the finishing touches on Lia’s hair.

Once he was done, Ben set down two chairs in the middle, then alerted the family that he was ready. Diana had given him a rundown of what she was expecting. But Diana had not told him everything she was planning.

First, Ben had Steve take a seat on the right chair; Diana was on the left. He then had the boys stand on Diana’s side and Lia on her father’s side, with Trevor and Lia placing a hand on their parents shoulders.

“Alright, hold and smile!” Ben snapped the picture with a bright flash. He took several pictures of them in this position. Ben then took out his laptop and connected his camera to show them the pictures.

“Oh! These turned out great!” Diana said as she scrolled through the pictures. “I can’t decide which one I like the best. Oh Lia, you look beautiful!”

Lia blushed as everyone looked at her.

Steve knew that this was his cue. “I really like these, Ben, but something seems off about them. I’m not sure what.”

“You’re right, dear.” Diana said. “But I do know what's not right with them.”

Ben was about to apologize and offer to try to fix his equipment when Diana continued.

“These pictures don’t accurately represent our current situation, but I know what will.” Diana turned to her daughter. “Lia, we need to take your dress off.”

Both Ben's and Lia’s jaws dropped. Ben’s because this was confirmation that rumors were true, and the scans he saw at Steve’s office were really of Lia. And Lia’s because she couldn’t believe that her mom was suggesting that she take a family portrait without clothes on.

“Mom! You can’t be serious! You actually want a picture of me like this!”

“I do. And you should know by now that we are very serious.”

“What are you going to do with this picture!?”

“Hang it in the living room, of course.”

Lia’s heart started pounding; she couldn’t believe that her parents wanted to have a naked picture of her handing in the living room! But there was something else pounding besides her heat; her clit was practically throbbing. Her brain was screaming at her to fight harder, to try to keep her clothes on. But she didn’t; knowing that there was nothing she could do to change anyone’s mind, Lia reached down to the hem of her dress to lift it up.

“No, don’t, Lia. I don’t want you messing up your hair; your brothers will help you. Trevor, help Lia with her dress.” Diana said.

Trevor stepped behind Lia as he reached his hand up the zipper on the back of her dress. “Don’t be mad at us, sis.”

Lia couldn’t be mad; she wanted to. She kept telling herself that it was unacceptable, what her parents wanted to do. But she couldn’t feel that way. She loved them all still. She looked back at him and gave a half smile.

Trevor started lowering the zipper on her dress. He then pushed it off her shoulders, and it fell to her feet. Lia stepped out of it, and Diana folded the dress and put it on the couch.

Ben was in utter disbelief; he saw the scans of the naked breasts and pussy at the office. He was told they belonged to Lia, but he didn’t fully believe it. He had known Lia and her family since she was 5. He never saw Lia in a sexual way, her being a bit younger than himself. But right around when she hit 13, he could tell she was going to break a lot of hearts. Seeing her as she was now, in lacy bra and panties, she was a knock-out. No longer the little girl he knew. It was causing a stirring in his loins.

“Now the bra, Trevor.”

Trevor stepped around to Lia’s front; this was the kind that clipped in the front. He looked into her eyes for a moment as he reached up to her breasts.

This was the closest his hands had been to her breasts. This caused Lia’s heart to flutter a little. Lia nodded at him.

Trevor unclasped her bra, baring her small but shapely breasts to everyone in the room. Her small pink nipples were already standing straight out, hard as diamonds. Trevor laid the bra on the couch with the dress.

“Chuck, if you would take off her panties, please.”

He came up to her and knelt down on his knees. He also looked into her eyes as he reached up to grab the waistband.

Lia nodded again.

Check slowly pulled them down, baring her bald mound and already wet lips to the room. The panties were also laid on the couch.

Lia stood completely naked in front of her family once again, and for the first time in front of Ben.

The room was completely silent. Even though most of them had seen Lia naked many times, they were all stunned by how beautiful she looked today.

Ben nearly dropped his camera; he had to focus to keep his composure. This was not the semi-annoying little girl he used to know. He also didn’t want to make a scene in front of her parents.

Diana went about positioning the family this time. They did the same pose, with Lia by her father. Except this time, instead of being slightly turned towards her parents, she was facing straight ahead. Giving the camera a straight-on, full-frontal view of her naked body.

“O…okay, now smile.” Ben took several photos.

When he announced that he was done, Lia breathed a sigh of relief. She wanted nothing more than to be done with all of this. But Diana had other plans.

“Now I want to do the same picture, but with Lia facing away from us.”

Lia looked at her mom, confused.

“I want one showing off your cute little butt.”

Lia looked around at everyone, as if someone was going to say anything.

“I think anyone who comes over should get to see everything you got, even if you have clothes on.”

This comment only caused Lia’s heart to beat even faster.

Once again, the family resumed their positions. Only this time, Lia was facing away.

“We can’t have a picture of the back of your head, honey.” Diana went over to Lia and turned her slightly back towards the camera, keeping both of her cheeks in the shot. “Now turn your head back and look at the camera. Good! Put your hand on your hip. Yes! Perfect! Okay, Ben, we're ready.”

Lia held this pose and smiled as Ben snapped a few photos. In this position, she felt like she was modeling, looking almost careless. Like she doesn’t mind that the camera is capturing her amazing rear.

After several minutes of this, Ben announced that he was done. Diana and the rest of the family went to Ben’s computer to see how they turned out. The results were stunning. Lia looked absolutely gorgeous, posing naked with her family. Diana began to kick herself for not making the centerpiece of the photos. She was going to fix that; Ben was being paid well for today.

“You look beautiful, dear.” Lia’s father said. Both her brothers also told her the same.

Lia was in awe of how stunning she looked. She noticed that something was different between the ones she was dressed in and the ones she wasn’t, besides not wearing clothes. She wanted to confirm it, but she was afraid of what she would learn. Her mind was telling her to run, to not confirm. She had to know. “C…can I scroll through them for a minute?”

“Sure, no problem.”

Lia reached out, her hand slightly trembling. She scrolled through the pictures, starting with the clothed ones. Her parents watched her silently. Finally, she got the first one where she was naked. She studied it for a few seconds, then switched back to the clothed one, then back to the naked one. She did this a few more times, just to get past her last hang-up he had in her mind. Besides being naked, the biggest difference between the clothed pictures and naked ones was her smile. She was smiling in both sets of pictures, but she was practically beaming in the naked ones. Not just beaming, she looked happy, more so than the rest of her family. Sure, Ben told them all to smile, but she knew she wasn’t faking it. That smile was genuine. Her parents noticed this too. Lia was the opposite of miserable.

Lia kept trying to deny the truth of what she was seeing, but she couldn’t run from it anymore. She liked her punishment; she liked the treatment she was getting. She stopped scrolling and focused on where she was naked and facing the camera. She looked at her naked self, then at each member of her clothed family. Seeing the contrast of them wearing clothes while she wore nothing but a smile was causing her pussy to burn unbearably. Anyone who looked at this photo would know exactly what she looked like naked, that her breasts were small but shapely, that her pussy was shaved. While her family stayed clothed and covered up, and there was nothing she could do about it but smile. Looking at herself naked while everyone was clothed got to be too much for her; she let out a soft whimper that sounded close to a full-on moan.

“Are you alright, Lia?” Diana asked.

Everyone was looking at Lia; they all heard it, how sexual it sounded. Chuck wasn’t sure what just happened, but everyone else did.

Lia could only burn in shame at all the looks she was getting.

“Ben, are you needed anywhere?” Diana asked.

“No, ma’am, my day is free.”

“I want to do another one with all of us, then one with just the kids.”

“No problem!” Ben was getting much more comfortable looking at Lia now.

Diana took one of the chairs away and had Steve sit on the one that was left. She then had her sons stand on either side of him. Now, she was ready for her daughter.

“Lia, come over here and sit in your father’s lap.”

“What!? Really!?” Lia’s eyes went wide.

“It's for the picture; it's going to look great.”

Lia had sat in her father’s lap many times before. Even at her age, she wouldn’t think anything of doing it now, but she was naked now. But she knew two things: she was very comfortable around her father while naked, and there was no talking her mother out of anything. She walked over to her parents and sat her naked cheeks in her father’s lap. She felt her father’s hands on her hips, nothing inappropriate, more just to secure her; the reason became clear with Mother’s next words.
“Trevor, Chuck, grab Lia’s ankles and lift them up, please.”

The boys did so, lifting them up to about her waist level. Since the boys were on either side of her, her legs were well spread. Lia’s breathing practically becoming labored at this point. She wanted to reach between her legs to cover but was afraid of what she might do when her hands were down there. She kept them at her sides.

“Higher boys, I want Lia’s lips to spread more.”

“Mom! You’re embarrassing me!”

“Don’t be silly, Lia. We just want to make sure we get a good picture. Higher boys.”

The boys lifted higher. Luckily, Lia was very flexible, but she bent her knees to make it easier, especially for Chuck. She could feel her lower lips pulled apart. She looked down at herself; her clit was hard and poking out.

“That’s good; a little pink in the picture is a good thing.”

Lia’s face got even redder than it was before.

“We’re almost ready; stand a little further back and lift just a little higher. I want to make sure that little wrinkle between Lia’s cheeks gets in the picture.”

“Mom! You don’t have to point it out!” Lia was mortified; she had a feeling that she was that exposed; she could feel the cool air of the room down there. But now Ben was staring at it, yet another person who was seeing her most private area. Then the realization hit Lia; it would also be in the photo. Her face and pussy both burned hot.

Lia’s brothers held her legs up high; she could only imagine what sight she was presenting, but she wouldn’t have to wait long.

“Just one more thing, Lia, and we’ll be ready.”

Lia waited for the next humiliation her mom was about to throw at her.

“Rub that little nub of yours for a few seconds. I want your lips to really stand out.”

Lia opened her mouth to protest; she was sitting in her father’s lap; there was no way she was going to masturbate now. “N…o….uhhh!” All that escaped her mouth was a whimpered moan. She didn’t realize it, but her hand was already between her legs, rubbing her clit, just like her mom told her. Her body wanted what was happening, and so did she. She was beyond wanting to stop. She rubbed and rubbed. Until her mom stopped her by grabbing her hand and pulling it away.

“That's enough for now, honey. Don’t want you ruining your father's pants now.”

The comment made both Lia and Steve blush, both knowing it was too late. Lia started to whimper, frustrated that she couldn’t finish.

Diana finally took her spot, right behind her husband. Lia was short enough, and her father tall enough, that his head was well above her own. Her brothers on her sides, holding her legs up high.

“We’re ready, Ben.” Diana said.

Ben worked the camera, telling the family to smile and snapping the pictures.

Lia was used to the feeling of eyes on her private areas, but the feeling of the camera was entirely different. The focus of these pictures was entirely on what was between her legs. Every time the flash went off, she swore that she could feel it on her clit and wet lips. Her moisture was leaking down over her anus as well. Lia could barely feel any part of her body other than her burning pussy.

Ben announced that he was done. Lia’s brothers put her legs down, and she got off her father's lap. Lia looked back to see how bad of a wet spot she left behind; she was relieved to see that it wasn’t as bad as last time. She wondered how many girls her age could say that they left a spot like that on their father’s pants. She had to be the first one ever. Lia was worried that her dad would think she was a whore.

Steve could see Lia looking at it with a worried look on her face. He pulled her into a hug. “Don’t worry about it, honey. It’s natural.” He whispered to her.

Lia felt a lot better after hearing this.

“Look at how they turned out!” Diana called the family.

Lai’s heart was pounding as she made her way to the computer, knees shaking from lust and nervousness. What she saw only confirmed what she realized last time. Once again, her smile was absolutely beaming. Her smile was perhaps wider than the last naked photos of her. She looked absolutely thrilled to be showing off her pussy. She took in every detail of herself, not having seen herself like this before. Her nipples were clearly hard, but it was her pussy that really drew the eye. Her lips were red and puffy, clearly aroused, and parted like a blossoming flower. She could see her inner pink folds. It was clear that she was wet. Her clit was also visible, poking out from its hood. Finally, Lia looked at her own anus; she had never seen it before; it was small, wrinkled, and pink. She thought that it actually looked cute. If she had to show it off, then she was glad it wasn’t ugly.

“Lia.” Her mom said. “You can go ahead now.” She motioned to the now-empty chair.

She knew what her mom was allowing her to do. This time she wasn’t fighting it; she didn’t want to. She wanted to masturbate, and she wanted them all to watch her do it. Lia sat down on the chair; it was on the larger side, so she was able to put her butt right on the edge and lean back pretty far. She bent and lifted her knees, then let them fall apart. She wanted to lift her legs up rather than just sit with them spread; she wanted to show off her butthole as well. After seeing how cute it was, she wanted everyone to get a good look at the real thing rather than through a photo. Lia was giving in completely to her lust; it turned her on to be naked in a room of clothed people. Lia was so worked up that she immediately attacked her clit with her right hand, while her left was pinching and pulling her nipples. Before, she would make some attempts to stifle her moans, but not this time; this time she let them fly. “UUUUHHHH!! FUCK!! MMMHHHMMM!!” She hoped her parents wouldn’t mind her cursing. She made sure to look at everyone, finally making eye contact with Ben and holding it there.

Ben had switched his camera to video and turned it on when Lia started. Trevor noticed this.

“Hey man.” He whispered to Ben. “I don’t mind you filming or keeping the pictures; just don’t make my sister famous on campus.”

Ben nodded. The last thing he would ever do was share these with anyone.

After several minutes of rubbing, a powerful orgasm hit Lia, but she kept rubbing. With her other hand, she inserted one finger in her vagina and pumped it in and out. She kept going until she had another orgasm; she finally couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore. She tried to keep them open, but they were forced shut. She would just have to accept whatever punishment for it later.

Finally, her orgasm subsided, Lia let her arms hang at her sides, and she drooped more in the chair. But she kept her legs up and spread.

“Oh shoot! I wanted one more picture with just you kids, but Lia looks like she can barely stand.” Diana complained.

“Don’t worry, Mom, I have an idea.” Trevor said. He walked over to Lia and stood behind her. He reached down and took hold of her thighs and lifted her up. He easily held her up, keeping her legs well spread. Lia just lay on his chest and let it happen. Chuck joined them, moving the chair. A few more pictures were taken, with Trevor holding his naked little sister up and keeping her legs well spread.

The pictures were finally done, and Lia was clearly exhausted. Trevor laid Lia on the couch at his father's suggestion and put a pillow under her head.

Steve tried to lay a blanket over his daughter for her comfort, but Lia kicked it off. Then, to even Lia’s slight surprise, she brought her feet and legs into the best butterfly position she could manage. She felt she needed to stay on display for breaking her father’s rule about keeping her eyes open while masturbating.

As the rest of the family helped Ben put away his gear, Lia drifted off to sleep, arms above her head, tits pointing to the ceiling, and pussy spread open for all to see.
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Re: Lia's new reality (Part 17 - 2/3)

Post by student »

Thank you for a well-done scene. It appears that Lia is on her best behavior without clothes.
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Re: Lia's new reality (Part 17 - 2/3)

Post by Diapal »

Another amazing chapter!! Always happy to see an update to this story!! :D
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Re: Lia's new reality (Part 17 - 2/3)

Post by superevil7 »

I love this part!! :D

The wicked plans Lia's mom comes up for her is really fun, and I like how her dad seems to reluctantly go along with anything she suggests.
I feel like you definitely topped me with everything you did with the photographs. The part where Lia is getting turned on when looking at her pictures is super hot! I may have read that over a few times... Anyway, I know I, for one, can't wait for more of this!
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Re: Lia's new reality (Part 17 - 2/3)

Post by extr200 »

A fantastic chapter that inspired me for a small illustration.
Thank you!

I also like how Lia's father reluctantly agrees with his wife's schemes... In the end, he can't help but like it. Great)
Ben had switched his camera to video and turned it on when Lia started.
This video definitely shouldn't get lost—it might surprise one of Lia's relatives someday!

Punishing Lia in her intimate areas will also send her the message that her privates are not private; getting touched on her pussy is no different from her shoulder
I hope Lia gets punished with a spanking on her pussy.. it can be painful for her clitoris...
A good reminder that underwear isn't just for covering the body but also for protection.
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Re: Lia's new reality (Part 17 - 2/3)

Post by Bucket »

Ok, so it's safe to say that the latest chapter is the hottest one yet! Holy shit was it good! Loved it. Cannot wait for more!
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Re: Lia's new reality (Part 17 - 2/3)

Post by demon_saint »

Great chapter, loved the idea of these pictures being on prominent display in the house. They could even use them for xmas cards and maybe on her dad's campaign posters :)
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Re: Lia's new reality (Part 17 - 2/3)

Post by perseus »

superevil7 wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 2:51 pm I love this part!! :D

The wicked plans Lia's mom comes up for her is really fun, and I like how her dad seems to reluctantly go along with anything she suggests.
I feel like you definitely topped me with everything you did with the photographs. The part where Lia is getting turned on when looking at her pictures is super hot! I may have read that over a few times... Anyway, I know I, for one, can't wait for more of this!
Thanks! I really appreciate your kind words! I don't think I've come anywhere close to your level of writing, though. Both Abbie and Julie are huge inspirations for how I'm developing Lia. Thanks again for your comment and your stories!
Feedback or suggestions are always welcome
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