An incautious act of generosity - part 1 [content warning: forced, bullying, cbt, surreal]

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: An incautious act of generosity - part 1

Post by Themarble »

I personally think you should do whatever you want with your story as I personally know that I will read through them. Keep up the great work.
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Re: An incautious act of generosity - part 1

Post by Annaneale »

Keep doing what you are doing. I really like where you are going . Dont second guess yourself
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Re: An incautious act of generosity - part 1

Post by WillyWanka2 »

It felt like an eternity. Endless rumblings, murmurs and the sound of a closing front door later, he heard the running footsteps of the girls were coming closer and with a loud bang the door was opened again. Happily giggling the girls rushed in. From his hideout Martin saw some socked and bare feet stopping in front of the bunk bed and then the girls fell to their knees staring under the bed at the naked and tied boy.

“Maaaaaaartin” Nadia cheered, “did you miss us?”

“Oh my, look at him, are you comfortable down there?” Becky asked.

“I don't know it doesn't look very comfortable.” Nelly said with a wicked grin.

“But his stupid dick is still hard!” Magnolia commented Martin's twitching member.

He wasn't at full mast yet, but the return of the girls made his weird arousal return. He felt badly. This couldn't be real. He wasn't supposed to be aroused by this. But his dick called his mind a liar.

“How do we get him out of there?” Rebecca asked.

“Maybe we should pull him out by his handle.” Nelly giggled, grabbed Martin's dick with both hands and pulled.

Martin yelled out and tried to wiggle forward like a worm to get out of the bed, without the girl ripping his dick off. While being hand-cuffed he wasn't able to do any better.

The girls immediately started to laugh out loud when they saw the pathetic looking moves, that the naked boy made to crawl out from under the bed.
He was just partially out with his hip, when Martin froze. The dog came back into the room.
He thought that it would have be gone with the girls' mother, but there it was.

*Please girls, get the dog out. I am afraid of dogs* Martin wanted to beg the girls.

And this was no lie.
He was scared of all dogs bigger than a chihuahua. But the gag, made out of his briefs, was preventing him to articulate. He mumbled something and Nelly was pulling on his dick now even harder.

“Get out there, you pussy!” she yelled, while Ginny came running between the girls, wagging her tail and the girls started petting her. “Oh such a cute girl! Your'e such a fine dog.” Magnolia cooed and her attention was focussed on the dog she was petting.

“Come on, Martin, get out there already!” Nelly complained at the boy while heavily tugging on his penis that was fully erected by all the groping and pulling.

“Or...” she paused as she saw the stare Martin gave the dog, “or are you afraid of Ginny?Bwahaha” She started to laugh cruelly.

“Girls! Martin is afraid of little Ginny here!” Everybody except Martin thought, that this was hilarious and funny.

“You should help a little bit and come out!” Nelly said and let go of Martin's penis, just to give it an hard slap.


And another.


It flailed around what made the girls' laughter erupt again.

Something else worried Martin. All of a sudden he couldn't move further out, even if he tried to.
Trough his weird movements and the way he was twisting in his attempt to get out from under the bed he was somehow stuck under the border of the front-end.
Still unable to move his arms, he was now partially stuck under the bunk-bed in a very weird and uncomfortable way.

His face was right behind the bars of the ladder and his chesst was still covered, while the lower part of his belly, his legs and hips were outside. His right leg was twisted under the left one with his feet still jammed behind something under the bed again, he felt weirdly exposed and helplessly at the mercy of the girls outside.

“Are you stuck, Martin?” Nadia noted and pointed at the half-boy, who was laying naked before them. “haha, that's hilarious!”, she commented her view and poked repeatedly against the boy's exposed belly. He was shaking and trying to get forward or backward but to no avail.

“Look girls!” Magnolia said, “I think I got some new furniture. Even if I don't know what it is for.” while she was pointing at Martin's body parts that were sticking out from under her bed.

“Maybe it's like a stepladder to better get into my bed.” Nadia claimed and stepped on Martin's penis, like on a stair, pressing it into his thigh with her full weight, while entering the bunk-bed.

Martin yelled out loud into his gag and grunted when she let herself drop on the mattress.

Martin felt her weight now on his upper body that was trapped below the bed.
She jumped around a little in her kneeling position, what made the situation even more uncomfortable. His penis was shaking around again and despite the pain from being stepped on and from the chain, that was tightening around the base of his shaft and strangulating his member, it felt like it was getting harder and harder.

The others laughed and Magnolia, still petting the dog, said: “Yes, that's a good way to use the furniture. But that strange handle on it looks very impractical. And a bit unsightly to be honest.
If we don't find a good purpose for the handle, maybe we should saw it off.” what was followed by another burst of laughter.

“ is some kind of clothes-peg?”, Nelly assumed. “It has the form of an hook. And probably it's for hanging something on it.”

Then she took one of Nadia's socks, that was laying on the mattress and hung it on Martin's shaft. “See?” she asked the group around her.

“Mhh, I don't know.” Rebecca answered: “It looks like it will fall off any minute.”

And yes, the sock was about to slide down from Martin's penis again.

“Maybe it's made for something to clamp on.” And with that she took off her own hair-clip - one of those simple, pink claw-clips from plastic, with 7 long prongs on each side of the spring – and clipped the sock with it on the boy's throbbing shaft to keep it in place.

Martin gave out a grunt. It stung when the prongs of the hair-claw closed.
One side was pressing the sock to his member and the opposing other 7 prongs were digging themselves in the sensitive skin of the underside of his shaft, while one of the prongs stung painfully into the delicate part, right under his swollen glans.

He was trembling as much as he could in his awkward position, making his now weighted dick flail around again, much to the amusement of his little tormentors.

“That looks better!”, Becky said, admiring her work. Martin complained in his gag, but the girls ignored him.
Nelly found a yellow pencil and started poking Martin's glans with the sharp point, what made the grunting of the tormented boy even louder. She tried to fight the weight of the hair-claw with the pencil, by lifting Martin's erect penis with it. Pushing his glans upwards with the pointy tip.

Martin gave out another howl of pain,what made the dog raise it's head for a moment, which was resting on Magnolia's lap since a while. Ginny looked into the direction under the bed in lazy curiosity, but was instantly disinterested when the girls weren't giving any attention to the noises Martin made.

Magnolia stared at the boys bulbous glans being poked with her pointy pencil and had a cruel idea. But she wasn't sure about it. The pictures in her mind were hilarious...

She was torn out of her thoughts by Becky who yelled: “Who wants to see what happened earlier when your mum was there?”

“Meeeeeee!” Nadia jumped up and down on the bed in excitement, ramming her knees in the mattress, what made the boy below cough under the pressure.

“Okay, so...” Rebecca grinned mischievously: “Ginny...good girl...come on!”
She was patting her hands on her thighs to attract the dog, that was immediately coming over to the girl and licked her face.
As it dawned on Nelly what her best friend planned, she stopped jabbing Martin's glans with the pencil and removed the clamp and sock from the boy's trembling organ.

The prongs of the hair-claw left some pressure marks on the skin of Martin's penis and when the device was removed, Martin felt the stinging pain from the claw-clip returning in some kind of flashback. He gave out a moaning sound into his gag, while his dick was now twitching up and down, at the mercy of those girls again. Nelly grinned in a mixture of disgust and fun.

“Look ginny, there is a fine treat to lick!” Rebecca said to the dog, while pointing at Martin's penis.

The other girls stared in weird excitement at the scene. Waiting if the dog would do it.

But Martin was in horror. He shook his head and violently tried to get out of his trapped situation. He wiggled and shook under the bed, but with Nadia on him and crammed under the board, he wasn't able to get away.

Ginny moved forward to Martin's exposed, throbbing member and sniffed curiously at the boy's organ. Then Ginny's tongue flicked it once....twice, but she immediately lost interest in it and walked off into the room to explore it instead.

The girls had laughed shortly, but were badly disappointed when the dog didn't like it's treat.

Martin was breathing heavily. He felt a deep relief, when the dog turned away. This was too humiliating. He needed to get out of this situation before it became out of hand.

But when Magnolia ran out of the room and returned with a glass of peanut-butter, Martin realized that the situation has been way out of hand already. And it could only become worse...

---- to be continued
Last edited by WillyWanka2 on Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: An incautious act of generosity - part 1

Post by WillyWanka2 »

Thank you all, for encouraging me to go on. I hope you like the new part and I will let it roll then. ;)
I edited the last chapter a little bit to remove a few typos and rewrote some very ugly sentences.
I hope you enjoy
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Re: An incautious act of generosity - part 1

Post by BrattyMissAsh »

I love your stories willy please go on
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Re: An incautious act of generosity - part 1

Post by WillyWanka2 »

Thank you. I am happy you like it. I will continue this story soon, but first going to add a new chapter to the Lola series. I hope you don't mind that I am using your name in it ;)

Regarding the incautious act - story: any suggestions from anyone?
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Re: An incautious act of generosity - part 1 [content warning: forced, bullying, cbt, surreal]

Post by WillyWanka2 »

so, no suggestions? Well, then I will have to come up with more crazyness soon. lol
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Re: An incautious act of generosity - part 1 [content warning: forced, bullying, cbt, surreal]

Post by drtickle »

This story is amazing so far! Love the setting. And of course, there is always room for a little tickling...

Keep it up and thanks!
drtickle :mrgreen:
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Re: An incautious act of generosity - part 1 [content warning: forced, bullying, cbt, surreal]

Post by WillyWanka2 »

--disclaimer: warning for the faint hearted. if this is too extreme for you let me know. If the mods have a problem with this please do so as well, everyone else have fun. this is fantasy, I wouldn't support any of these actions and things for real life and it's stated that this story is tending to the extreme and surreal, thx... --

“MMMMFfffffhh!!!” Martin was yelling into his gag now. This couldn't be real.
Magnolia opened the jar with a devilish grin and grabbed a spoon she also brought from the kitchen.
She called the dog over to her and held the spoon with a little bit of peanut-butter in front of Ginny, who just started to lick the spoon in a frenzy.

The girls all giggled in anticipation. “Ok, do it!” Nelly demanded and Magnolia already started to smear peanut-butter all over Martin's shaft. The boy panicked for a moment and wanted to complain but he couldn't avoid any of this happening and after he heard Nadya shouting: “Go get it Ginny!” The dog latched forward and gleefully licked the butter from the boy's swollen organ while the girls fell into a laughing-fit. Martin was in total panic while he was feeling the dogs tongue flicking all over his dick and balls. The dog was breathing in excitement and eager to get the last inch of peanut-butter from the boy's penis.

“Now that's was happening before. But I think this is more tasty than that other stuff Ginny licked before! Whoa...she is going wild.” Becky exclaimed while having trouble breathing.

This was hilarious and Nelly started taking a video with her cellphone. This was too funny. The dog was in a frenzy and it's tongue flicked Martin's penis over and over and made his shaft bob and dance around. It didn't hurt and if it wouldn't be such an humiliating situation it would have felt rather good, but Martin felt utterly humiliated and abused in this moment, and the fear of the dog made it even worse. He screamed into his gag and wiggled around, making his penis flail around even more under the constant licking of the dog.

Magnolia held her belly. Her stomach hurt from laughter. When she was able to breathe again she pulled Ginny back and added another coat of peanut-butter to Martin's throbbing dick. She gave the dog a “wait” command and Ginny sat down, staring at the treat and starting to wince.

“Wait!”.. the dog build up more tension until Magnolia was done with the coating. Then she held her index finger into the air and said: “Go get it!” and with a rush forward the dog latched at Martin's erection again. Due to the stimulated excitement, Ginny was even a bit rougher and was licking more impatient than before. Then Rebecca had an idea and without further ado she took hold of Martin's shaft at the base and threatened to take the treat away. The dog instinctively did what the girl was hoping for. It snapped forward and took hold of Martin's dick by locking it between her jaws. It looked as if she would bite into it and growled.
Martin screamed and the girls laughed their asses off except Magnolia who was a bit worried.

“Oh my god!” Magnolia gasped. “Ginny... be careful!”

Ginny didn't bite, she just took hold of her treat to protect it from being stolen from her, but Martin could feel the threatening teeth of the dog holding his member tightly. The three other girls laughed so hard about the view in front of them and how the purple glans of Martin's penis sticking out of the dogs muzzle.

“Haha, perfect. We found a great purpose for your ugly silly worm. It's an ideal chew toy for dogs!” Nelly chimed while still filming Martin's ordeal, zooming in on the cock trapped between the dogs teeth.

Nadia giggled and squealed in joy: “Yeah, Ginny! It's your new chew toy!” while clapping her hands.

Magnolia's voice of reason spoiled her little sister's excitement: “No, stop. It might be too dangerous. We don't want to hurt him so badly! Let go Becky!”

Rebecca let go of Martin's penis and eased the dog who was instantly continuing licking the peanut-buttered dick.

“It's ok, nobody wants to steal your chew toy!” Becky said while petting the dog.

“Owww... I would have loved to see Ginny chewing that ugly thing!” Nadia said, pounting disappointed while crossing her arms.

Martin was in a state of terror. Unseen by the girls some tears were running down his cheeks.
He felt a short moment of ease when the dog stopped holding his penis with his teeth, but now the dog was licking his dick again like mad and to his utter embarrassment he felt the familiar tension building in his lower body.

“Damn this is hilarious, I wonder what the other girls at school will think of you when I would show this around!” Nelly cruelly teased their victim.

Martin couldn't even imagine this. He was barely able to think of anything else than the dog at the moment and the animal was licking and licking, keeping his dick dancing under it's tongue, while the girls were enjoying the view and Martin felt this stimulation of his genitals inducing another orgasm soon. He groaned in his gag loudly.

Then a ring at the door took everyone out of the situation. Even the dog forgot about it's treat and let go of it. Ginny bellowed and ran for the door.
The girls looked at each other in a short panicking moment.

“Who's that?”

---to be continued---
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Re: An incautious act of generosity - part 1 [content warning: forced, bullying, cbt, surreal]

Post by drtickle »

Thanks! Great to see the story continues!
drtickle :mrgreen:
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