KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 35 Added.)

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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 32 Added.)

Post by AllieNF »

Author's Note: THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE. Life happens, I hear others say and that's such a truth. Things I was able to do two or three weeks ago I haven't been able to do thanks to changes in the personal schedule and the schedule of those around me. It didn't help that this was happening at a big changing point in the story. ...but more on that later. Part 33 now exists and Part 34 WILL come by the end of the weekend. I ask for just a little more patience. This is an odd part of the story, but we're actually getting back to the reason I started writing it after Part 34. Thank you for being with me on this long and incredible journey for me.

The Nude Fundraiser: Part 33- The Caper

Carly grabbed Jenna’s hand on her way out of the drama room. Jenna in turn grabbed Sarah’s hand. The chain of nude girls, led by Carly moved quickly down the hallway towards the main office, there was a job to be done. Mrs. Dugan (from the school board,) and Mr. Turner (the counselor,) were following quickly behind the girls, but were overtaken by Jacob, the naked senior boy who had a job that was in the nurse’s office.

He finally reached the girls, and was trying to keep up with them. “Hey, hey… we’re really gonna do this? It’s absurd.” He asked the girls, waving his ice pack around.

“Yes,” said Carly as she made the last turn and hurtled herself and her team down the administrative hallway.”

Jenna said nothing, still not sure entirely what was going on. She’d spent most of the time getting Sarah out of a bad position with her gym class. She did give a shrug, her bare shoulders lifting her tits a smidge as she did so.

Sarah, who was in a very similar position to Jenna, did choose to answer the older boy’s question, “Sounds like a yes to me.”

The three girls continued on while Jacob stopped. The two adults passed him, as he entered the nurse’s office.

He looked down at himself, his penis was still red and swollen from the actions of others students, but he was once again erect. He imagined that watching the girls running up the hallway had caused that and it made him smile. He was being a good boy, as much as he could today, but his girlfriend wasn’t around to see all the excitement the other girls were giving him when he had the chance. That would have pissed Lauren off a great deal.

Nurse Bergendorf looked up as Jacob walked in, not expecting to see him.

He held up the ice pack. “Refresh?” He offered.

She motioned for him to sit and began writing in her log book.

Jacob peered back int the bed section. He could hear Mrs. Ritaworth on her phone in one of the 4 partitions of the Nurse’s Office. He couldn’t tell which. It would be easy enough to search when Nurse Bergendorf headed to the counter for the ice pack, but it would be better if he could figure out which one Ritaworth was in first.

“What do you mean I shouldn’t bring him up on charges? What kind of lawyer are you?”

Jacob figured out which side. As the nurse got up from her desk, he figured that would have to do. He stood quickly and slid into the first partition.

It was a 50/50 shot and it was right. She was shocked to see him. He was also shocked to see her. He was more shocked because now he had to enact the second part of his plan and keep her here…and he hadn’t thought that far ahead.

“Look Hoyt, I’ll have to call you back. One of those drama kids is here.” Snapped Ritaworth as she abruptly ended her phone call. “Can I help you?”

“I don’t know. You haven’t been that big a help all day yet.” Was the first thing that came to Jacob’s mind. He was trying to remember all his improv training, but it really wasn’t one of his strong points.

Mrs. Ritaworth was obviously confused. “Look, you and all of your perverted drama friends should just go and…”

Jacob stepped forward and touched her hand with his penis. That little act made the acting principal scream like a girl and her body cringed on the bed.

“Scared of a dick? You must be lesbian.” Jacob said with a smile, formulating a plan.

“Young man that’s not funny.” She blurted out as he hopped up and sat next to her on the bed.

Nurse Bergendorf entered the partition just in time to see Jacob throw his arm around Mrs. Ritaworth.

“Oh, Nurse Bergendorf,” Jacob exclaimed grabbing the phone which the administrator had set on the bed. “She said she wanted a picture with me.”

The confused nurse took the phone from him, while Mrs. Ritaworth reached for it.

“I said no such-” Her words interrupted by another girlish scream as the acting principal lost her balance and fell to the floor.

Jacob looked down at her with a grin. “Gee, I think you may have a concussion from that punch.”

The Nurse was helping her up and Jacob hopped down to assist as well, and in the process, he took the phone back from the nurse.

“You may have a concussion.” Nurse Bergendorf said helping her back onto the bed.

“I didn’t realize it was that bad…I’ll let you work to make her better and I’ll wait in the waiting room.” Jacob slinked out of the partition as he spoke, leaving the two adults.

He sat in the waiting room and opened his legs, teased his cock a little to get it hard again…and starting taking a few pictures of his slightly bruised and red member. He found one he liked and started texting it to people in her contacts with the phrase “about to have fun with a football player.”

He had gotten it out to a few people when the intercom came on, and a voice that sounded very much like acting Principal Ritaworth started speaking to the entire student body.

The real Mrs. Ritaworth was starting to freak out over the voice and she was looking for her phone. She entered the waiting room and was making for the door when she saw Jacob with it. Nurse Bergendorf was trying to stop her calmly and get her to sit down.

“You give me that back right now, you little perverted student. You’re a damn nuisance and probably a straight D student anyway. You give me that phone back this instant or I’ll have you expelled!!!”

Jacob hit send one more time. The name was “Dad.” He tossed her the phone and smiled. Her homelife was about to get a little more interesting.

“Now,” she continued, realizing the nurse was in her way. “I need to get to the office and stop whoever it is that’s talking in my voice.”

“NO, you’re going to go lay back down.” The nurse insisted.

None of the three was really paying attention to what the intercom was saying. It had started out very even handed and nice…but now it kind of sounded rambling and disjointed.

Mrs. Ritaworth was struggling with the nurse and that made Jacob chuckle. He hadn’t made any deal with Nurse Bergendorf to have her help him, but whether she knew it or not, she was. His part of this caper had been simple, keep the acting principal from entering the main office. The trick was keeping her in the nurse’s office and he was only 50% of the people actively attempting that right now.

Mrs. Ritaworth was 100% trying to get out of the nurse’s office. Each action she took, each word she spoke seemed to make her far more agitated and a fair touch more upset.

What kind of thoughtful caring student would he be if he didn’t draw attention to this fact?

“Hmm…I’d check her blood pressure too. She could be onto a massive coronary.”

The nurse looked at Jacob and he shrugged.

“I said what I said.” He said.

“Yes. He could be right, you know.” Nurse Bergendorf looked right into the acting principal’s eyes.

The act of making such severe eye contact had little to no effect on Mrs. Ritaworth. She had already decided to give up the fight. She knew she didn’t have high blood pressure issues, but she was fairly certain she had a concussion of some kind. While physically she had been struggling with one nurse, visually she had been struggling with at least two.

In her mind, as she backed down, she knew there would be time to fix this. She knew she’d get them both, the Nurse and the Boy. She knew she’d get back at that Hank Turner and that perverted drama teacher. She knew she’d get back at all those drama kids for whatever it was that was going on. She’d get all of them…and their little dog too.

Mrs. Ritaworth gave an angry look at Jacob’s smug face. He stared right back and made a masturbating gesture, throwing his opening hand in her direction. She flinched, he laughed…and there was silence as the two adults disappeared behind the partition.

The intercom was off. The other half of this caper had been completed, as well. Jacob felt pride for a moment that his plan worked. He recognized that it really wasn’t a good plan, if it was even a plan at all… but at the very least, he had achieved his goal. Now it was time to head back to the Drama Room and begin the second part of the day.


The girls had it far easier than Jacob did.

Carly, Jenna and Sarah entered the attendance office and spoke with Ms. Carol briefly. She led them into the main office and right to Mrs. Ritaworth’s office. With Ms. Carol in front, none of the other secretaries or vice principals that were in the office stopped them. Having Hank Turner and Mrs. Dugan from the school board didn’t hurt either.

Inside Mrs. Ritaworth’s office, Carly went straight for the intercom on the desk. Sarah and Jenna took the two seats across from her, the positions they were in when they first met. Ms. Carol stayed outside the door, while Turner and Dugan just stood off to the side.

Carly felt like she assumed a president would feel giving a radio address.

If you had asked Carly what the weirdest feeling she had ever had in her life was ten minutes ago, you’d have gotten a very different answer. If you had asked her when she had been most nervous or scared, she’d have answered differently as well. …but now the answer to both of those questions was this moment. Naked in her principal’s office, at her principal’s desk, and about to impersonate her principal’s voice to the entire student body.

Time was short, it had to be now.

Carly pressed the button on the intercom and began speaking in a very spot-on impersonation of the acting principal’s voice.

“Good afternoon, Kentucky Central High School.” Carly began, not as strong as she wanted, but grew with her next phrase. “This is acting principal Mrs. Ritaworth.”

She looked at the audience in the room with her, and they were all supportive. Carly continued, “Due to some changes in the day and a request by the cafeteria staff, the drama naked drama club students will not be on display in the lunchroom. They will be putting on their slutty show in the actual theater. If you wish to see what all those perverts have to offer, you must go to the theater and not the lunch room.”

Jenna nodded her head, smiling. This put Carly at ease for the next part. “Please continue to donate in cash to the drama club students, but in classroom situations and in the hallways…and at lunch, treat them with respect. Consider them human, and remember this could have been you.”

The impersonation had been holding very nicely. Carly was proud…but it wasn’t over. Mrs. Ritaworth’s voice had a little more work to do.

“Thank You.” The little acting performance brought the official announcement to an end, Carly pushed another button on the phone to sound like she had done something and then with a deep breath she launched, “I don’t know why you’re forcing me to be nice to those tramps, trollops and man whores. They should all be tied to a table and have cocks inserted in every orifice. I mean, have you seen some of those boys? Thy need a cock.” Carly started to speed up a bit, a little more excited, “And to be honest, I wouldn’t mind some of their cocks. I can tell you this in private, but some of those boys could really make my day. My husband doesn’t satisfy me, but some of those boys could.” She was starting to enjoy this rant and became a little more unhinged in her performance. “Hell, I wouldn’t mind playing around with some of those girls either. Their perky little tits. Most of them unshaven. God, that’s such a turn on. I’d eat most of those pussies for breakfast. And you just know they’re asking for it. All of them, boys and girls. Why else would they do this? They’re all a bunch of sluts. Grade A sluts and whores wanting to be used and abused by those in power like me. They want big teacher cock. They want it all, the little hussies.” Carly paused for a second and then glowed with a new idea. “I should call a pep rally and have the school run a train on the whole lot of them. That would teach them their place in this world. They’re objects to be abused.”

Her phone lit up, one of the rooms was trying to contact the office. Carly lit up; the charade could be over.

“Oh Crap, I’m still on.” Carly exclaimed as Mrs. Ritaworth, trying desperately not to laugh. Then she clicked off the intercom quickly.

Hank Turner, opened the door to the hallway and ushered the team out quickly. The five of them headed back to the drama room. The bell rang before they got there. Lunch A was about to begin for some, 4th period for others…but whatever class the non-drama club students were going to didn’t matter to Jenna and the gang, for them it was a new day.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 33 Added.)

Post by Executionus »

That was probably the first time that I've ever seen a naked guy do the wank gesture in an ENP story and it was perfect.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser Part 34

Post by AllieNF »

The Nude Fundraiser: Part 34-The Variety Show

Jenna, Carly and Sarah returned to the drama room and approached Mr. Elba, the drama teacher. Carly had filled the other two girls in along the way and the three were pretty confident in the plan’s success. Carly’s spot-on impression of Acting Principal Ritaworth had hopefully had the desired effect. Mr. Turner, Mrs. Dugan and others from the School Board had remained back at the office to discuss what would happen next.

“Mr. Elba,” Jenna said “We peeked into the auditorium. It’s filling up pretty fast. What happens if they start a riot when the nature films start playing?”

Their teacher turned to them and his face was a little less strong and confident than it was when they had headed for the office.

“What’s up Mr. E?” Carly asked.

“The projector is broken. We can’t show any films. We’re going to have to actually put on a show!”

“OMG! You mean like go out and there and do sex stuff on the stage?” Sarah exclaimed almost screaming.

The room fell quiet at this.

“I hadn’t told anyone yet,” the shocked teacher said with bulging eyes. “…but no. No. Certainly not. Not sex stuff. …We’ll figure something out.”

“Mr. E, it’s already lunchtime, the theater is filling up. The time to figure something out is over.” Jenna calmly stated.

Several of the other drama club students, some with their lunches, all of them naked, began to group up around Mr. Elba and the girls.

“Look, look… I can’t ask you to do this. That was the point of not doing it. To give you a chance….to…”

“Does anyone remember the dance from Anything Goes?” Jenna interrupted her teacher and asked the group.

The students started to respond, at first tepidly, but then more strongly. “Yes.” “I think so.” “Maybe, if I’m watching someone.”

“If you think you remember it or are at least willing to try…” Jenna looked straight at Carly and took her hand… “Follow Carly backstage.” Some of the kids started to funnel out and Jenna stopped Carly, “Partner them up quickly, and I’ll be there to help.”

Mr. Elba snapped into action, “The cd is still in the booth. I’ll go get the music playing and turn on the stage lights.” He left the room.

“Sarah,” Jenna continued taking charge. “While we’re out there for the dance number, see if you can find anyone who remembers any short scenes or monologues…or even wants to sing a song.”

“Are we really gonna do this?” Sarah asked.

Jenna smiled at the freshman and reached over and tussled her pixie cut blonde hair. “You’re damn right we are. The show must go on, even if our clothes are off.”

Sarah watched Jenna walk off towards the backstage area and then went to work checking with the other students for scenes, monologues, and songs they could do next. As she worked her magic finding a random of assortment of things the drama kids could do, she heard the music start. Everyone in the drama room scurried to the backstage area to watch from the wings.

What they saw wasn’t the world’s best dancing. It was a bunch of high school students struggling to remember the moves from a dance in a musical they did in the spring. About 13 naked high school students were dancing to the song “Anything Goes” by Cole Porter…and it was simultaneously the strangest and most courageous thing many of the students in the wings had ever seen.

Mr. Elba, watching from the tech booth was proud. No costumes at all, no tap shoes, no rehearsal and not half bad. He was smiling as the girls’ hair flopped around and, though he wouldn’t admit it, the way some of the girls’ breasts were bouncing was giving him quite the hard on.

The students in the auditorium, the ones watching were at first excited…and then confused. As the number went on there was no extra touching or kissing. There were a few kicks revealing slits and breasts were bouncing…but it was somehow not enough for half the audience. They wanted more.

The naked students onstage were doing a great job, but by the time the song was done, there were boos and jeers.

Jacob came out onstage as the dances exited. He looked at the audience and announced proudly that he would now do a monologue from Richard III, to be followed by Natalie singing “Somewhere over the Rainbow.” He had just gotten into his hunched back position when things started to get hurled towards the stage. Crumpled paper and soda cans came flying at Jacob and hurried off the stage.

Mr. Elba brought up the lights in the auditorium and took to the “God Mic.”

“Students, you wanted a show. We’re the drama club. This is the show you get. You either accept it, or go on about your day. Lunch is still being served.” There was a little smugness in his voice. This wasn’t at all what he had expected to happen, but it was working. Large swathes of students were leaving the auditorium.

“Jacob,” Mr. Elba spoke again into the mic “You can come back out and do your Shakespeare now.”

The star football players and Kentucky Central High School’s current leading actor walked out onstage, fully nude with his penis dangling and he began his monologue.

Jenna watched from the wings. She had helped Jacob with this, and the fact that he still had it memorized and could perform it was a great achievement. Sarah stood beside her and Jenna put her arm around the freshman.

“So, what are you going to do after Natalie?” Jenna asked the younger girl.

“I don’t know. I think I could do Burn from Hamilton…maybe.” Sarah nervously offered.

“I’d really like to see that.” Smiled Jenna. “Really.”

Jacob finished his monologue, and Natalie took the stage. More students left, but there was hooting and hollering as the junior with the d-cups took the stage. The music started and she did an amazing job hitting all the notes in nothing but her smile. Natalie was usually a little nervous and soft spoken, but her confidence was true and strong onstage just then. Jenna watched the whole thing, and even noticed about midway through that Natalie’s nipples were hard.

The applause was genuine when Natalie was done. It was more exuberant from the wings than the auditorium, but it was genuine. There were no boos, though more students left.

Sarah stood there for a second. She knew she was next…she wasn’t sure she could do it.

Carly, who had been standing near them and knew the song choice hurried out onstage.

“Mr. Elba, Sarah is going to sing next. She’s going to do Burn from Hamilton.” Carly called up to the booth. She could see his silhouette give a thumbs up and then she exited the stage.

Jenna, who still had her arm around Sarah’s shoulders gave her a squeeze. “Go take your shot, Sarah.”

Sarah began to move slowly, as Jenna’s arm retracted from around her…but then Jenna swatted her ass, with a cute skin on skin slapping sound that was much louder than it should have been. That move caused Sarah to stumble a little forward and she was in the light. All of her.

Nervously smiling at the audience, she heard the backing track from a karaoke cd that was in the school’s library. She was used to singing overtop the voice on the cast recording… but now, it would be her. Sarah would be singing by herself. She stood proud and began the words she knew by heart. It was a little weak at first, but soon the electricity of the moment propelled Sarah forward. She could feel the warm lights on every inch of her flesh.

As she sang, she became aware that her nipples were getting hard, and she pressed on. She didn’t stop. It didn’t slow her down. She sang stronger. The excitement was filling her and making her do better than she did at home. This was a favorite for her to sing in the shower, so she had sung it without clothes on before…but never in front of an audience without her clothes on. Something about that just made her sparkle inside and out. She widened her stance as she sang. Every note true. Every note wonderful. Every moment of that beautiful and dramatic song crisply ramping her emotions.

The students backstage were in tears when she finished. Mr. Elba gave her a standing ovation from the booth. She took her bow…and for the first time during the lunch, no students left the auditorium. Sarah had captivated everyone.

And the students who stayed, stayed. They remained through each successive act of the drama club’s little naked variety show. They some stayed until the very end. They applauded after each performance. Supporting their friends or their crushes…or whatever. Some of the students just liked watching naked people perform.

Honestly, Jenna couldn’t blame them. Watching her fellow students exhibiting their talents fully without costumes had become something beautiful to her. It wasn’t about the showmanship of presentation. It was about the showmanship of the people. It was watching them take that breath and sing their song or speak their words and just performing…they either forgot they were naked or just didn’t care. To some, she imagined, that was part of their performance. They were pretending they weren’t naked. The nervousness of being unclothed took away the nervousness of performing. She, herself, thought she had done better in Anything Goes than she had during any of the performances last spring. …it was almost show quality, if she’d been able to wear her tap shoes.

When the bell rang, there were about 50 students still watching. Mr. Elba thanked them and the performers over the mic. The A Lunch students had left a road map for the B Lunch students to follow, and follow it they would.

…But Jenna, Sarah, Carly and the others had classes to go to now.

Jenna had gym. She wasn’t looking forward to it, but she wasn’t scared of it. Despite the lunch going differently than anyone had planned, it had given her confidence. It had given her hope. It had done what Mr. Elba wanted, mostly, she felt like they were actually in control again.
Last edited by AllieNF on Sun Feb 06, 2022 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser Part 35

Post by AllieNF »

The Nude Fundraiser: Part 35-The Gym Class

As Jenna strode through the hallways towards the gym, her confidence was on her mind.

Her first thoughts were actually doubtful of the confidence she was feeling. She was wondering if she wasn’t confident and just aroused. Watching some of the boys and girls perform may have been exciting in more ways than just support for her friends. She knew she had gotten tingly and a little wet during the performances. Is that what she was misinterpreting?

She shook it off and continued towards the gym. She noticed the stares and cat calls in a way that was at the same time oblivious to them. It wasn’t ignoring them. It was just that they had become the dull sound of background noise. In time, they would fade into the din of the hallways she supposed. How far things had come in just one day. This morning that was the only sound she heard.

As she came closer to the gym, she remembered that she had already had a not so pleasant interaction with her teacher, Coach Weir. She had been with Coach Morgan when Jenna had gone out to rescue Sarah. This memory slowed her walk a little. …but could not stop her. She had to go to gym today.

She had to go to gym mainly because she had missed it on Friday. Due to her altercations with Lauren, and the fear that some of the cheerleaders had made a deal with boys in the class to toss Jenna into the dumpster to dirty her up before the pep rally, she had spent much of the time in the attendance office with Miss Carol. Jenna doubted she could pull off the same maneuver today. She wasn’t really worried that the boys the cheerleaders had made a deal with would go through with the same plan today, but it was a thought in her mind. Lauren was out of the picture physically for today, but surely things had come to light since Friday among the cheer squad that might put Jenna in jeopardy… she shrugged it off. Deciding to be cautious and alert, but not overly concerned.

There was some joy that came to her as she almost reached the gym doors, this was the first time today she’d actually get more than a passing moment with both Livie and Kenzie, two of her best friends. The girls were among the very few people who had seen Jenna in the nude before last Friday, due to a very naughty sleepover that had occurred during the summer covid had rampaged the country. Honestly, Jenna had gotten very few moments with her friends since Friday. They only gym and math together this year, and on Friday she had skipped gym and math had been cancelled for the pep rally. Everything else at school had just been a whirlwind and she just hadn’t had the time apart from a few texts over the weekend. She’d at least get a few minutes in the locker room while they were dressing into their gym clothes.

Jenna entered the gym. There was applause from a smattering of the students. This was her first class with regular students since the event in her history class with Emily and since the variety show that all of these students could have seen. She wasn’t sure which event was causing the applause…but the number of students participating was enough to bring her some kind of comfort. She had friends in this class. Yes, she did. Jenna saw that both Livie and Kenzie were among those applauding. That made her smile.

…Then Coach Weir ruined the moment.

“Get you butts in the locker rooms and get changed! We have a big day.” The teacher shouted, punctuating her command with a whistle.

Jenna started heading for the locker room, even if all she had to do was get her bag in a locker. Coach Weir ruined that too.

The crotchety gym teacher sneered at her student, “Where do you think you’re going, Jennaked Jenakins?” And followed it up with a cackle at what she thought was a clever name.

Jenna cringed at the sound. She stopped and turned around.

“Put your bag under the bleachers and get in your squad row. You’re already ‘changed.’” The Coach ordered, using quote fingers for the word ‘Changed.’

Jenna complied. It wasn’t difficult and maybe letting the coach have a few of the easy ones was the best course of action.

The bell rang for the official start of class…and a beat later the loudspeaker came on with an announcement from the main office.

“Students of Kentucky Central High School, I’m Mrs. Dugan of the school board.” The voice paused for a brief moment. “Some of you may have seen the ambulance pull up out front. I wanted to address that. Former acting Principal Ritaworth has been removed from her post and sent to the hospital for evaluation. We wish her a speedy recovery.”

Jenna smiled. That last part was a lie, but no need to rub salt on the wound by saying it.

Mrs. Dugan’s voice continued. “In the interim the board has decided to install Vice Principal Adams as the new acting principal.”

Her eyes went wide and there was a sudden pit in her stomach, Jenna knew that wasn’t the plan.

The sound of the phone switching hands came through the intercom, followed by Mr. Adams’ speaking. “Students, staff and faculty are to refrain from any teasing, touching, and all other humiliating acts against any students, specifically the brave boys and girls from the drama club. …Until further notice. Thank You.”

And the intercom clicked off.

Jenna’s mind started doing somersaults. That wasn’t the plan. It wasn’t as strong as the actions that had been decided. It didn’t give the drama kids the power or rights to fight back. What did he mean by ‘Until further notice?’ Every ounce of confidence that Jenna walked into the room with was gone. Her posture deflated as several students started flowing out of the locker rooms in their gym clothes.

Sitting naked on the floor of the gym a few moments later, surrounded by all of the other students, who were not naked, made Jenna feel self-conscious in a different way than being naked at a desk in a room filled with clothed students.

The act of sitting on the floor was generally normal for this situation, but unclothed it felt awkward. She kept trying to adjust to feel more comfortable…to keep parts of her body from touching the disgusting floor. Her squirming was not helping her. The roller coaster of excitement, confidence, fear, loss of confidence, sudden arrival of the unknown parameters and change in plans…it had been playing on her mind. While she was not what she knew to be traditionally horny, her body and mind craved an escape…a release.

“Jenna, are you alright?” Livie asked from the column beside her.

“Yes, I’m-” Jenna started to answer but was interrupted by Coach Weir.

“Alright, 10 laps of the gym as a warm up. Get moving. Hustle! Hustle! Hustle!”

At least things were going to be normal, Jenna thought as she got to her feet and started jogging the edges of the gym with the rest of the students. Her c-cups bouncing gently with her strides. She hated doing this without shoes and her feet were still slightly tender from the parking lot and her rescue of Sarah, but she could handle it. She just did it. This was normal. This is what gym class is like when you’re naked. It wasn’t anything special.

Some of the boys started speeding up and bumping Jenna as they passed her, brushing against her and running into her on purpose. She kept a good pace, but these boys were doing it on purpose.

Livie and Kenzie tried to provide some cover, jogging closer to Jenna…but it was no use. Kenzie was knocked fully to the floor for her efforts.

“This is madness, she should be stopping this.” Livie half whispered to Jenna.

“Not going to happen. Coach Weir isn’t hiding her contempt towards me or her joy in my predicament.” Jenna responded as best she could between bumping.

“I haven’t had a chance to tell you, I was sorry for what happened in your history class.” Livie’s comfort was interrupted by a passing boy.

“Thank You.” Jenna earnestly said to her friend as their teacher blew her whistle ending the warm-up.

“Long Enough,” she shouted, “Time for volleyball.”

Some of the boys who had finished their jog fast were pulling out the net and balls for the game.

Coach Weir looked at the class, some of them still catching their breath. “Today, we’re playing guys versus girls…with one exception.”

Jenna’s eyes and head sank. Expecting the worst.

“Jenna will play on the boys team. Center position. Never rotate.” She smiled with a broken smile that said she knew what she was doing. “Hit the court!”

Livie grabbed Jenna’s hand and squeezed it as the girls parted for their respective sides.

After a moment of figuring out the starting line-ups. The game began.

The first few volleys showed Jenna exactly what she was up against. The boys took every opportunity to be in her space and touching her. Bumping into her, as they did in the jog among other things. After each positive move, whether she was involved or not, several of the boys would swat her ass. Some had turned it into a game of tackle volleyball, as almost every play ended with a pile on top of Jenna.

The girl’s team had already scored enough points to win. The boys weren’t playing for that honor, they had a different goal in mind.

The actions of the boys continued to get more aggressive, but Jenna couldn’t fight back. The new acting principal didn’t give her that power. He did dissuade this type of torture… but there wasn’t anyway Jenna could stop it.

She could see Livie and Kenzie on the other team, worried and scared for the friend. Livie had tried to talk to Coach Weir about it, but was rebuked and threatened with detention.

Jenna continued to take the abuse well into the second half of the class, the boys finally getting daring enough to try and actually touch her pussy during the pile-on at the end of each play.

Their actions weren’t helping her mild state of arousal. The heightened activity, the stress, the fear all added to Jenna’s swirling and misunderstood emotions. She imagined this is what a boy getting a hard on during a moment at the chalk board felt like. She couldn’t really pinpoint why she was feeling what she was feeling, she shouldn’t have been feeling it…but she was.

And when Coach Weir blew the whistle for the end of the game, Jenna had already planned to try to get some relief in the shower, if at all possible.

…But Coach Weir ruined that too. “Hit the showers!”

Jenna started for the girl’s locker room and the comfort of her friends.

“Not so fast, Jenna.” Coach hollered out. “You played with the boys; you shower with the boys.”

Jenna’s heart sank as all the boys in earshot cheered. Some of the girls laughed. Coach Weir cackled again.

There was no way out of this. Jenna looked at Livie and Kenzie, and their eyes were supportive. They’d be there for her when she got out. After all, they would be going to the same class after this one, Science with Mrs. Apgar and Carly would be there.

Jenna used that thought to gather some strength. Besides it was only 5 or so minutes before the bell would ring. There couldn’t be that much trouble in 5 minutes. Especially if she walked slow.

Coach Weir noticed the change in pace and whistled. “Get a hustle on, you’re a dirty bitch after that game, Jenna.”

She took a deep breath that lifted the breasts on her naked body, and as ordered headed for the boy’s locker room. What waited in there? Jenna could only guess…but she was about to find out.

Coming Soon: Part 36-The Locker Room
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 35 Added.)

Post by computerphoto »

Can't wait to see what happens next, and how much worse their day gets as it continues.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 35 Added.)

Post by AllieNF »

computerphoto wrote: Mon Apr 11, 2022 3:53 am Can't wait to see what happens next, and how much worse their day gets as it continues.
Thank You. I do plan on getting back to this. Life has...been very busy. But there is light at the end of my tunnel,...mid-May. Thank you for interest and your patience! I will return!
Thank You For Reading My Stories.

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