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Re: Let's talk about clothes.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 7:33 pm
by superevil7
I'll admit I'm the odd one here in that a girl in her underwear does almost nothing at all for me. The girls in my stories are usually naked very quickly and stay that way. Don't get me wrong I do like to write a good stripping, but for me, it's not about what the girl is wearing but the description of her taking off her clothes and how she is feeling doing it.

Re: Let's talk about clothes.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 11:12 pm
by TheBlushingPrincess

Re: Let's talk about clothes.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 12:53 pm
by Executionus
I'm another one who isn't too focused on the underwear, especially the exact type of underwear. And the "childish cartoon character" underwear cliché does nothing at all for me. I think part of my dislike of the cartoon underwear thing is just that it's kinda anti-sexy in the fact that it's equating the half-naked person with an actual child.

That being said, I enjoy using certain types of swimwear, towels, hospital gowns, or other risky "clothing" items that keep the almost-naked person on edge the entire time because they are decided NOT dressed as normal. I've used that sort of thing a ton.

Re: Let's talk about clothes.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:45 pm
by ShySammy
For me it's about the risks of not wearing underwear. I literally stopped wearing them in my early teens and even only wear panties for specific things. I like the feeling of skirts brushing against me, of the fresh air, and of the risk. Although I don't wear short skirts any more, the idea of a short skirt and no pants on a slightly breezy or an active day is a turn on.

The other thing for women or girls is being naked except for long cotton socks. Again I like the look and the feeling. Especially when the man (or men) are fully clothed. It feels like the socks draw attention to the nudity.

Re: Let's talk about clothes.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 3:17 pm
by Debbifan
Executionus wrote: Thu Apr 13, 2023 12:53 pm And the "childish cartoon character" underwear cliché does nothing at all for me.
I agree. It can just about work if the childish underwear is much too small and so ends up tight fitting with camel toe and butt cheek exposure. And there needs to be some extraordinary reason for wearing them, other than 'it was wash day and there was nothing else in her underwear drawer'. That's probably one for the cliché thread. And don't get me started on diapers ! An instant turn off for me but evidently a major sub genre, so each to his / her own.

I do like to describe the underwear if stripping is involved but only a word or two not a lengthy digression.

Re: Let's talk about clothes.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 3:21 pm
by Debbifan
ShySammy wrote: Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:45 pm The other thing for women or girls is being naked except for long cotton socks. Again I like the look and the feeling. Especially when the man (or men) are fully clothed. It feels like the socks draw attention to the nudity.
That's a sexy look. Any kind of footwear with otherwise total nudity. Sneakers, I've even used Wellington boots in a farm setting !

Re: Let's talk about clothes.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:12 pm
by ShySammy
Wellington boots never occured to me. :mrgreen: Fetish unlocked. :oops:

Re: Let's talk about clothes.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:28 pm
by TheBlushingPrincess

Re: Let's talk about clothes.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 8:53 pm
by mastergepetto
For me, at the end of the day, I’m much more interested in the “E” in ENF than the NF. Having a girl wear embarrassing clothes or underwear, or having to strip naked, are all just vehicles to get to the most important part: the embarrassment. I prefer when stories mention the clothes or the underwear or the stripping because it draws out the embarrassment and reminds the reader all that the character is losing. Although I prefer this, I don’t mind if the author skips right to the nudity, as long as the author focuses on the character’s sheer embarrassment of being nude. Purely exhibitionist stories where the character just suddenly strips naked and doesn’t mind being nude don’t really do it for me. I want to see at least a little embarrassment, at least at first.

I know I’m guilty of using the childish underwear cliche (and other cliches) on numerous occasions, but I enjoy it mainly because the contrast between the normally haughty and well put together character, and their embarrassing underwear, heightens the embarrassment. The downfall creates the embarrassment.

To paraphrase my favorite show: “It’s the Fall that will kill you.” Many writers seem to focus more on what the character does after she is naked and rush through the character’s desperate attempts to save her dignity— the Fall. For me, the Fall is the best part. It creates the embarrassment. The clothes, and the loss of the clothes, are almost always an important part of the Fall.

Describing the clothes isn’t entirely necessary though. One writer that I think always nails the fall without focusing on clothes is CityWolf. I use him because he hasn’t been part of this thread. Every one of his(?) stories focuses really well not just in the nudity, but on the fall and embarrassment of the character.

Again, as it’s been pointed out, it’s all a matter of preference, and to each his own. My preferences just happen to focus more on the embarrassment and humiliation— and what creates that.

Re: Let's talk about clothes.

Posted: Sun May 05, 2024 11:07 pm
by HumbledBareBoy
Robert Brooks wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 10:42 pmAbsolutely agree with you SDS—both the disappointment when authors don’t describe underwear or race through the stripping so fast there's no time to even mention it, and the embarrassment at wearing underwear that is very childish.
Personally, I strongly believe in a happy medium: On one hand, stripping too rapidly is unproductive and disappointing for all the reasons you and others have previously stated; On the other hand, the stripping should progress at a reasonable pace, so that things move along speedily enough to maintain my interest! The time it takes to reach "full-nudity" should be of a logical duration, of course not too fast, but that duration should also NOT exceed the entire reign of Queen Elizabeth II herself, either! :lol: The devil is in the details... 😈🔥❤️
If a boy, particularly a teenage schoolboy is stripped / pantsed / wedgied and he is found to be wearing not cool boxers like the rest of his peers but super embarrassing cartoon pattern ‘little boy’ briefs—there are few things in this world that could be more humiliating for him.
I think it can also differ according to other descriptors, in the sense that different styles can accentuate such and such, for one boy vs. another boy; consider, for example, two boy characters of mine, from an existing MMSA series, but also considering for ENM-story posting here: Brothers Tucker and Johnny, ages 13 and 12, same height (5ft. 2in.), and same grade in school -- yet otherwise quite different! See Below: (Click thumbnails for webpage with full sizes, by the way!)

13-year-old Tucker, the little brother: Thanks to delayed puberty, not a speck of hair below the scalp, and it's also exceeded in other areas by his younger brother, especially in the front of his briefs! 🤣
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(Academically one grade behind expected progression, thanks to grade retention for inadequate school performance! Speaking of "inadequate" stuff, he must feel so awkward and self-conscious about certain "shortcomings" down in front, wouldn't you think? :lol: Those childish cartoon briefs of his, it seems, are a summary of his entire character! :shock: )

12-year-old Johnny, the big brother: More physically fit with a lean physique, also "surpasses" his brother because of early puberty! Size is not shockingly beyond the norm, but more just somewhat above-average for his age, yet still within reason... 👍💯
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(Academic grade/level classification matches his present age, no problems with education or schoolwork, and is generally better behaved and more responsible than Tucker. His plain white boys briefs are themselves not exactly the most grown-up choice of undergarments, but if nothing else, assuredly not remotely as childish as his brother's! :lol:)

Needless to say, having been publicly exposed alongside Tucker, he is eagerly relishing the change in their statuses with respect to one another -- having been declared, by informal yet unanimous agreement, that Tucker is now the "little brother" despite being a year older! :shock: :mrgreen:

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