an ENF story by CaughtOfLore
______________________________________________________________________________________Hi everyone. I've written a few different stripping/humiliation stories in the past, but this is my first foray into writing a story that is exclusively ENF and doesn't involve any elements of ENM. As such, I hope you feel that I've done the new territory justice. It’s also been a long time since I’ve written something, so I hope I’m not too rusty. I certainly don’t have the luxury of time I used to where I was able to dedicate to fine tuning this stuff, so can only hope it reads okay. Please enjoy!
Yes, it was supposed to be a day for me to overcome one of my fears. But this was not the kind of “exposure therapy” I had in mind.
As they sat either side of me in the back of the car, I really couldn’t shake the thought that my younger brother Ian and his friend Matthew were eyeing me up. With me wedged in the middle seat between them, they obviously had no choice but to talk across me, but I couldn’t help feeling like they were using it as a convenient excuse to let their eyes wander over my bikini-clad body.
Maybe I was just being my usual, self-conscious, paranoid self. Their excitement around spending the afternoon at the beach seemed like a good reason to be as chatty across me as they were, I guess. But on the other hand, my new pink bikini with a rainbow trim was quite eye-catching, and, more importantly, was revealing more of my pasty white skin than any of us were used to seeing out in the open.
Here’s the thing: I’d spent my whole life up to that point sticking to one-piece swimsuits, never daring to show as much skin as a two-piece would expose to the world - even a more conservative two-piece. This was a big step for me. The bottoms weren’t a thong or anything, but they weren’t super modest either. And not being used to having my midsection exposed, I caught myself several times tugging up at the waistband, feeling like they were perpetually too low.
The bikini top posed its own concerns. In a one-piece, I normally had much more of my chest covered. Now admittedly, I didn’t have all that much up top to cover, being early into my, erm, development… but the two triangles of fabric I was wearing, though generous enough in coverage for what needed to be hidden, still felt insufficient to me. The only benefit I saw to these were the optional light padding inlays they came with for the “cups”. I was at that stage of development where I didn’t really have a great deal in the way of breast tissue, but my nipples were getting mighty puffy and almost cone-like. These little padded linings didn’t enhance my breast size in any perceptible way, but they did a great job of hiding how awkwardly pointy they had turned since last summer. In all honesty, I would have probably chickened out and reverted back to my green one-piece swimsuit for this trip if not for the fact that when I went to put it on, I discovered just how “pokey” my developing breasts had become beneath the unpadded fabric. It’s not like they were going to pierce through the material, but they drew the eye, and far too much to ignore. At least until my breasts developed into a more sensible shape, I really had no choice but to wear the one swimsuit I owned with a padding layer.
But I digress, even though the coverage of the bikini top was inarguably family-friendly, it still felt unnatural to have the area of skin between my would-be breasts exposed, with just a piece of colourful string connecting the two triangles. I felt like boys shouldn’t be allowed to see that part of my chest.
And on the other hand, I knew these thoughts were ridiculous, which was precisely why I had bitten the bullet and forced myself to purchase this new beach attire in the first place.
So there I sat in the back of the car in a nervous state of my own making.
It’s therefore understandable I hope, for me to have been wary of wandering eyes of my two similar-aged opposite-gender backseat companions. I reached down and grabbed the beach towel at my feet, and casually brought it up to nurse over my crotch, just in case the boys were trying to sneak glances down there. I felt unnecessarily self-conscious and on top of that, stupid for feeling so paranoid. All I could do was push through and get myself used to it. It would get easier as the day went on, I told myself.
Before too long, we had arrived at the beach. Sliding out of the car, I surreptitiously tugged the fabric at opposite sides of my crotch to make sure it was providing as much coverage down there as possible, and to be certain that my repeated waistband tugging in the car had not given me any defined cameltoe for the boys to discover. Heaven forbid!
After we found a nice, relatively secluded area of beach to call our own, we laid out our towels, and I made quick business of slathering on sunblock, eager to get into the water and away from public view. *
I swam about in the cool water on my own for a while, relieved that the boys had taken up engaging in a splash fight with each other further down the beach, rather than continuing to buzz around me. After roughly ten minutes, I noticed that both boys had returned to the area on the beach where our towels were laid out and mum was sunbathing. Glancing back again a few minutes later, Mum and Ian seemed to be frantically gesturing for me to come back to the beach, and Matthew had begun wading out into the water toward me. I don’t know how long over those past few minutes they’d been trying to get my attention, but the constant white noise of the waves had in essence muted them entirely.
I started making my way toward the shore, closing the gap between Matthew and myself until he was within earshot.
“Bridget, your mum says you need to come back to shore now!” He urged, in a voice churning with anxiety, “Quickly!”
“What do you mean?” I asked, picking up my pace as best I could. Matthew had turned to head back himself at this point, so I put his lack of a response down to him simply not hearing me over the ocean’s rumbling.
I made sure my bikini top was still in place and gave another little tug to the hem on each leg-hole of my swimsuit before my lower region came back out into the open air, and jogged up to where Mum and Ian were standing, my mother holding and looking rather worriedly at something on Ian’s phone.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, catching my breath and brushing some wet hair back off my face.
“Turn around Bridget,” She said, passing the phone to Ian, “I need to check the tag in the back of your suit”.
“What?” I all but shouted.
“Quickly, I just need to check the tag number!” She rasped, grabbing my shoulders and, evidently with the strength of a superhero, whipping me around to face away from her. This all happened in an instant, but it still didn’t go unnoticed to me that the two boys also made haste to step around to my rear.
“What are you doing?! No! Stop!” I protested, wondering what it was that had prompted this sudden, embarrassing turn of events. There was very little time to ponder this however, as I felt fingers hook into my waistband at the rear and begin to pull away from me. *
“Stop!” I repeated in a panic, stepping backwards in a failed attempt to close the gap that was now revealing my butt to not just my mother but to the two boys. Ian and Matthew started snickering at what would only have amounted to a glimpse of the top of my buttocks. But that snickering became more pronounced when my step backwards prompted my mother’s next action.
As she hissed at me to stop squirming, her intention in wrenching the waistband in the way she did was simply to have enough slack to twist the tag out and around to face her, but this mission seemed to completely blind her to the fact she was pulling the waistband halfway down my butt, exposing even more of it for these two bystanding boys. I was so distracted by trying to prevent the sudden exposure behind me, that I failed to react in time to the waistband in the front. It too was coming down, and if it weren’t for my slight buckling at the waist, my privates may have been unveiled to the ocean right then and there. As it stood, a wispy, damp crop of my recently acquired pubic hair was now out for the ocean to wave at.
Fortunately the bend in my midsection had halted the waistband’s frontal descent right on the cusp of showing anything truly catastrophic. The sounds of the wind, the ocean lapping and the audience to my rear blinded me entirely to the fact that I probably should have been more concerned about my front, for it wasn’t just the ocean around this side of me. I had until now, failed to really notice the other beachgoers, a couple of families who had just recently set up their towels for a day on the beach. One slightly forward and to my left, and the other approximately twenty feet (six or so metres) directly in front of me.
In the family to the left, there were two siblings, a boy and girl I would estimate to be around the same age as me, who had been getting started on what looked to be a run-of-the-mill sandcastle. With all the commotion of my protests, their construction work had been put on hold, and the boy in particular had taken great interest in this barely-clothed girl his own age, who appeared to be on the precipice of having her bikini bottoms removed.
The sister of the boy conversely looked aghast at the way in which my bikini bottoms were sitting so perilously low on my body, exposing the timid top hairs of my vaginal fringe, teasing what more may be exposed should the garment be coaxed any lower. One would almost think from the girl’s expression that she was more panicked at the idea of my exposure in front of her brother’s eyes than I was! Perhaps I wasn’t alone in my beliefs that a girl’s private areas should be kept absolutely top secret from boys after all.
Two boys carrying boogie-boards had just returned from the water to their family’s towels directly in front of me. One looked to be a little younger than me and the other slightly older. I was spun around to face them just as they had wrapped their towels around themselves mid-conversation with each other, and their eyes widened as they unsuspectingly met with my embarrassing scene. Their conversation stopped dead, both of them with a mutual understanding that they would come back to whatever they were talking about at another time.
Right now though, it was time for them to memorise the sight of a girl with her bikini bottoms being pulled so low that they could confirm she had quite recently begun growing pubes.
I’m sure the parents of either family would have reprimanded their children for staring if they had noticed, but every one of them had their backs to me.
My hands shot around to cover my front, knowing that I was a good few seconds too late to prevent any of these new audience members from having seen my scant display of pubic hair. I heard the girl desperately try to distract her brother’s attention away from me by encouraging him to help her dig a moat around their castle. While he did reluctantly look away, it was only a few seconds before I noticed him resume sneaking further glances in my direction to see how my little predicament continued to play out as he scooped randomly at the sand. *
I know Ian had seen my butt before when we were younger, but it had been quite a few years, and this was still rare enough of a sight to him, to register as something he shouldn’t be allowed to see - his earnest chuckling making this perfectly clear. Matthew on the other hand only had a younger brother, and so it was entirely possible this was the closest he had ever been in proximity to a girl’s exposed buttocks. Almost certainly one slightly older than him, let alone one even close to his own age. Matthew wasn’t giggling, but his sights locked on to my partially bared buttocks with such intensity that it bordered on being audible. *
In a panic, I gripped the back of my bikini bottoms on each side and tried to wrestle them back up. Trying to do this behind my back however put me at the disadvantage, and was definitely the wrong move, as it only served in prompting my mother to twist the waistband harder, and further out and down. “Stay still!” She gruffly instructed. *
Wrestling behind my back had also once again exposed my front to the kids in the aforementioned nearby families, the boys of whom now had even more reason to be excited about their day at the beach. The waistband had thankfully not lowered any further in front, my momentary imprudence had left them once more able to observe the natural formation in which my pubic hair had begun growing in.
“There’s no number on here!” My mother puzzled aloud. “Is the number supposed to be on the tag or somewhere else?!”
What the hell was going on?!
Regardless of my confusion surrounding the flustered flurry, the one thing I had any clarity on was my mother apparently being hellbent on exposing my butt. And I was sure if Ian and Matthew were close enough and standing at the right angle they would at this point have a great view of the entirety of my pale white cheeks. *
“That’s a size label”, Ian weighed in, instantly confirming to me they were indeed in the right position to be seeing my whole butt. The realisation of their proximity to my exposed rear caused me to reflexively and unintentionally clench my butt, eliciting an excited chuckle from them both.
“What do you mean, size label?” Mum diverted their immature merriment to bring them back to task.
“The recall notice says it’s on a wash care label”, Ian clarified with remnants of his amusement still clinging to his vocal cords. “Maybe there’s a second tag somewhere else”, he offered helpfully. His tone suggested he was trying to quell his obvious excitement, in acknowledgement of the sense of urgency warranted by the situation. “Would there be a tag on the top piece, inside of one of the triangles?”
“No!” I promptly and forcefully objected, envisioning my mother performing the same tug-o-war action she had just done on the back of the swimsuit, but with the front of my bikini top this time. If she pulled and twisted one of those triangles with even a tenth of the enthusiasm she’d done with the bottoms, the boys would have a very intimate view of my freshly budding breasts. I felt the back of my waistband snap back at me and leapt a few feet out of reach, before tugging the front and rear of the suit back into place and spinning around to face the three of them. *
“We don’t have time for this, Bridget!” My mother shouted, “The poison could already be seeping into your skin!”
“Poison?! What are you talking about?” I demanded, maintaining the grip on my waistband for both physical and emotional security.
Ian made a couple of taps on his phone to bring up his web browser and held it up to me. It was a little hard to read in the bright sunlight and while staying out of arms’ reach, but I could make out an image of what looked like my swimwear, and the larger words that read ‘URGENT AND IMMEDIATE RECALL NOTICE’.
“What is it?” I asked, squinting to make out the words, but simultaneously maintaining my distance.
Ian sighed, turned the phone to face himself, and using his hand as a sun-visor on the screen, read the recall notice aloud as fast as he could.

It has come to our attention that the dye-setting formula used in three garments from our recent “SunSistrz Rainbow Bandz” Swimwear range contain traces of hazardous chemicals in excess of legally permitted levels within the EU, contact with which may pose a serious health risk for children.
Please note that the excess quantities of these chemicals can only potentially cause harm when exposed to moisture and kept in contact with the skin for a prolonged period of time.
Affected products can be identified by the product identification numbers printed on the garment's wash care label.
Affected product identification numbers:
- 774339
- 774341
- 774343
We are working with our material suppliers to investigate how this has happened and to make sure it does not happen again.
I felt a tenseness creep over my whole body as Ian read through the page, and was unsure if the perpetual stinging I was now feeling around the waistband was from chemicals or just the recent waistband snap.
“We can’t waste any more time, Bridget! You need to get those off, please!” My mother implored. Taking in the recall notice again had clearly served to heighten her panic, though now having heard it myself, I could understand why.
I heard a giggling from the two brothers in the family directly behind me.
“I’m not taking them off here!” I hissed, “We’re surrounded by people! Give me the keys and I’ll go get changed in the car.”
“More toxic chemicals could be soaking into your body every second!” My mother argued, “You could end up very, very sick!”
“Bridget, please take them off”, Ian joined in, “It sounds like it could do serious damage to you!”
With this comment, he subtly gestured toward my privates. I realised he was right, and felt my heart start racing. Who knew what the long term effects could be? Was my current reluctance going to result in completely fucking up my reproductive organs? I obviously didn’t want to strip nude on the beach, even under a towel, but on the other hand, the long-term issues I could be causing by delaying further, were beginning to weigh on me enough to tip the scales for a little awkwardness in the short-term.
“Damn it! Okay, fine!” I muttered, grabbing my towel and wrapping it around me just under my armpits. Once it was secured, I turned my back to my mum and asked her to untie the bow at the back of my neck that was holding the bikini top up. In doing so, I was again facing the two sets of unknown children on the beach, the boys all watching with wrapt attention as they saw the colourful straps fall slack over my shoulders. Holding the towel in place with one hand for added security, I pulled and fidgeted about with the hidden parts of my bikini top beneath the towel, until I was able to loosen the bikini top enough to have it drop down my body and land at my feet with a light squelch. I stepped back and out of the little top, and my mother plucked it up to locate the elusive wash care label. *
“774343?” My mother read out. Ian swiftly flicked his finger across his phone a couple of times. He looked back up at Mum uneasily.
“774343”, he repeated, with apparently enough concern in his voice to send Mum spiralling.
“Oh Bridget!” Mum cried, “Oh my gosh, get the rest of it off and then go back in the water and give yourself a good scrubbing, quickly! You need to try and keep as much of that poison from absorbing into you as possible!”
I looked down at myself. With the towel wrapped around me under my armpits to cover my chest, my coverage only just barely extended down to where it needed to in order to preserve my modesty. I shuffled the towel down a little, exposing more pale skin on my chest that had clearly not been exposed to the sun in recent years. I wanted more coverage down below before daring to remove my last piece of clothing, but knew that the towel was now at an extreme precipice. Any lower, and my ridiculous-looking budding areolae puffs would pop out over the top of the towel!
My mum had gone back to reading the recall information page on the phone. For a moment I considered asking her for a little help, but realised that my modesty was clearly not the priority in her mind right now, and her definition of ‘help’ at this point would likely be for her to simply whisk my towel off and pants me without a second’s hesitation.
I used one hand to hold the towel in place, and with the other, I fumbled with the wet, clingy garment, trying to tug the bottoms down from below, without lifting or disturbing the towel. Ian and Matthew watched on breathlessly, obviously not daring to take their eyes off my awkward, excruciatingly careful dance, lest they miss even a slight coverage miscalculation on my part.
“Matthew just said he can give you a hand if you want!” Ian eventually suggested with a grin.
“What?! I didn’t say anything!” Matthew assured me, almost instantly blushing crimson at Ian’s suggestion.
“Boys, give Bridget some privacy”, mum lectured sternly as she looked back up from the phone. The two boys looked down at the ground, Ian still grinning at his successful efforts to make his friend blush.
“Here, let me…” Mum said, passing the phone back to Ian and leaning forward to assist in what appeared to be exactly the way I had dreaded. I jumped back and yelped like a dog whose paw had been accidentally trodden on.
“Settle down, Bridget!” She said as she stepped toward me again, “Hold your towel in place and I’ll get the bikini bottoms for you.”
As instructed, I used each hand to more securely clutch the towel in two different places as my mum gingerly reached below the hemline of the towel and pinched the sides of my bikini bottoms. As she carefully dragged them down, I tried to take some solace in the fact that my mother wasn’t simply out to expose me to the world and was just doing what she needed to do in order to keep me safe. It was hard to focus on that however, as the sea breeze danced against my body to alert me of an exciting new area it had discovered. *
After dragging them as far as my knees, Mum released the bikini bottoms, allowing them to drop freely the rest of the way to my feet. I gently kicked them off toward her, not daring to bend, for fear that any unnecessary large movements would risk misjudgements in my careful towel positioning. I pressed the towel firmly against my crotch, not trusting the winds of the ocean to behave around my ad-hoc mini dress. The boys meanwhile had raised their eyes from the sand and had resumed watching me, examining now with less-than-subtle interest the areas of skin on my upper chest and upper thighs that they weren’t used to seeing me show. Those parts, notably pale from a lack of exposure to the sun, almost seemed to glow, beckoning their attention as if to say “Hey! Bridget would normally have this skin covered! She doesn’t want you to see this part of her, so have a good look!”
“Ian and Matthew are looking at me again”, I complained. Ian had the gall to glare at me like I was the one doing him wrong!
“Boys!” Mum disapprovingly chastised for a second time, leading Ian and Matthew to cast their vision downward again.
“Okay,” She then returned to me, “now go get yourself cleaned off before the poison has any more time to soak into your skin!”
I hadn’t thought this far ahead and now I wished I could turn back time. After this whole dedicated effort to conserve my modesty, was I now just supposed to drop the towel and take a nude stroll down to the water? If I’d have thought this through for a second, instead of just allowing my head to become nothing but a whirlpool of panic for the past few minutes, I could have gotten submerged first, and then removed the swimsuit bottoms while concealed by the water. Then again, I suppose that would have only served to prolong my eventual humiliation to when I would have to inevitably exit the water sans bikini.
I’d like to say I put up a decent fight to keep my towel, but the concern associated with the idea that I’d been poisoned had by this point begun to hit me pretty hard, and I was instead already mentally preparing myself for the run down to the water, to start getting clean. As my mother grabbed the edges of the towel, I only snapped back to the reality of the situation with enough time to throw an arm across my chest and cup my privates over the top of the towel in preparation for its unavoidable removal. The towel was whisked away from my body. An excited hoot of disbelief from behind told me that the two boogie-board boys sitting between our group and the water were keenly watching as my pale bare buttocks were unveiled in an instant and pointing straight at them. * * *
Ian and Matthew had up to this point remarkably kept their view contained to the sand at their feet. I just knew though, that the sound of the towel being removed and the way my mum’s words suggested a finality to my coverage, would prove to be too much for their resolve. No doubt they would be about to take a fresh peek at my state. My now naked state. Before they took the initiative, I spun around and made a mad dash toward the water. At least there, I wouldn’t be so exposed. One sharp intake of breath later however, I became cognisant of the fact I was running straight toward the two boogie-board boys, their eyes wide and their hands over their mouths in disbelief. I skidded in the sand trying to change course, and as I veered left, the boy and girl building a sandcastle gasped as I sprinted by them, narrowly missing their castle by mere feet. * * *
I heard the boy let out a delighted giggle as he enjoyed my jiggling bottom bouncing away.
I waded out into the water until I was sufficiently covered, immediately getting to work rubbing at my skin to remove any hitherto soaked-in poison, focussing in particular on the areas my bikini had been covering. I didn’t dare look back to the beach. Even submerged as I was, I felt a chill at the idea of facing everyone as I rubbed desperately at my privates. No, they wouldn’t really be able to see what I was doing, but I still didn’t want to know they were all looking at me while I did that. Instead, I stared out to sea. I wondered if it might be better for me to just keep wading out into the water, never to return to shore.
“Do you need help with your back?” Came Ian’s voice from directly behind me, followed by a giggle from Matthew off to his left.
I stopped scrubbing and instinctively covered my privates in a frozen state beneath the water.
“Get away from me!” I shrieked.
“I think you need one of us to give your back a scrub though” He pushed, “There’s no way you can reach all the parts that your bikini straps were touching back here.”
“I can manage just fine!” I snarled back, though all the time I couldn’t deny feeling a distinct tingling beneath the surface of my skin back there.
“Okay, okay!” Ian said, making it sound like I was overreacting, “Just trying to help you, sheesh!”
“Help?” I scoffed, “Help?! Ian! You knew about this before we even got to the beach, didn’t you? There’s no way you just stumbled across that information after I got in the water!”
Ian started to speak but I cut him off before the first syllable had been uttered. “Why? Why the hell would you not say anything before I got wet? You know how serious this could be, right?!”
“Okay, cards on the table,” Ian said, “When we first got here and you were distracted putting sunblock on, I took a picture of you with my phone and sent it to Troy.
“What?!” I screamed, almost pivoting to face him. “Why? And what’s that got to do with anything?”
Troy was another of Ian’s friends. He and I had never spoken or met officially, but from seeing him around at our place and school from time to time, he seemed to hold himself a little more maturely than most of the boys my brother hung around. The idea that he had a picture of me in a bikini made me want to bury my head in the sand, figuratively and literally.
Ian tried to explain. “Look,” He said, “Troy didn’t believe that you’d ever be caught dead in a bikini, so I wanted to prove him wrong!”
Ian spoke like every other aspect of the story wasn’t as sketchy as hell. “Anyway”, he continued, “the point is he saw your bikini in the picture and recognised it from the recall notice! If anything, you have him to thank for warning us!”
The undulating waves around us filled the silence for a time.
“So,” I eventually said, “You really didn’t know about this recall before then?”
“Are you serious? No! Of course not!” He insisted, “I’m a sneaky rat of a brother, yes, but I wouldn’t do anything to put you in physical harm!”
To be fair, he made a good point. We had our sibling rivalry but I couldn’t really imagine him trying to poison me.
“Anyway,” he said, “You should really keep cleaning yourself. We’ll leave you to it.”
I said nothing, and waited a good thirty seconds to allow them time to make some distance from me, before I cautiously resumed rubbing at my skin. Within barely ten seconds, I heard a stifled chuckle from behind me. They were still there, watching me from behind!
“Piss off!” I shouted, holding my arms over myself again, “I’m trying to stop myself from being poisoned you little shit! Mum told you to give me some privacy!”
“Alright! Sorry!” Ian laughed, this time audibly sloshing away with his friend.
I gave a furtive glance over either shoulder to make sure they were a decent distance away before finally resuming. At this point I could definitely feel an itchy, slightly burning sensation around my breast buds and bikini zone, so focussed on those areas until it seemed to subside - honestly it didn’t take that long, but with the knowledge that people were likely watching me from behind, it felt like an eternity. After that, I struggled with giving the back areas a good scrub but eventually felt sufficiently cleaned of whatever may have tried to make it into my skin, and headed back to shore. Holding my arms over the expected places and doing my best to mentally block out the beachgoers around me, I made a speedy beeline for my towel.
As I approached, Ian was whispering something into Matthew’s ear. I knew whatever it was, I was likely the subject of it, and it likely wasn’t something I wanted to know.
Matthew almost immediately began flushing red at whatever Ian had said, so then I knew I definitely didn’t want to know.
“Where’s my towel?” I asked, my sights set on regaining coverage as quickly as possible.
“I just had Matthew put it in the garbage” Mum replied, sitting up from her sunbathing and speaking with a tone that suggested throwing out towels was what towels were for.
“What?!” I borderline screeched.
“You had it wrapped around you when you were still wearing the bikini! It would have been soaked with chemicals!” She explained.
“What am I supposed to dry off with then?” *
“I won’t be going in the water and am just using mine to lay on”, mum advised, “so you can use mine to dry off when it’s time to go.”
“And in the meantime?” I anxiously pushed, “I need to cover up! You realise I’m naked, right?”
Mum turned to Ian and Matthew.
“Boys!” She barked, “I don’t want to have to tell you again! Show Bridget some respect and quit your gawking!”
The boys made a point to turn away, mumbling sheepish apologies as they did so. I just knew that their desire to make the most of this rare opportunity would eventually override this facade of respect for my circumstances yet again - it was only a question of how long they would hold out this time. How many times was she going to allow this to play out before she caught on that her scolding only had a lasting impact of about a minute or so?
“What about the other boys?” I complained.
“What other boys?” Mum asked plainly.
I gestured behind me with my head at the two nearby families. I didn’t even have to check if those boys were looking at my butt in that moment. There’s no way they wouldn’t be, and I was right.
“Oh relax,” mum said dismissively, “There’s barely anyone on this beach.”
“‘Barely anyone’ is pretty different to ‘nobody’ when you’re naked, mum!” I hissed.
“It’s a few kids who couldn’t care less, and a couple of parents who have seen it all before. Relax.”
My eyes darted around at the captivated (mostly male) audience around us on the beach. If they really couldn’t care less, they had a very counterintuitive way of showing it. *
“Look! They’re staring at me, mum! They haven’t looked away since you started pulling my swimsuit off!”
“Well I can’t tell strangers’ kids what to do, Bridget. Get back in the water if you’re that concerned!” Mum suggested, laying back down. “They can’t look at you in there”.
“This is so unfair!” I cried at the sky.
“Maybe we could take your mind off it, Bridge”, Ian suggested, surprisingly still looking in the opposite direction to me. “Matthew and I were going to make sand angels! Wanna join us?” He proposed cheekily.
Mum snorted a laugh at the suggestion. The very idea that I would lay down in the sand in front of these boys - in front of all these other kids - and essentially perform horizontal slow-motion nude jumping jacks for their entertainment! My eyes shot fiery, spinning daggers at Ian.
I stepped forward and kicked Ian in the back of the leg, causing him to almost fall over.
“Ah!” He yelped, regaining his balance. “Okay! Sorry!” He offered in an irritated tone over his shoulder at me.
I stepped forward and kicked him in the back of the other leg, this time successfully causing him to buckle and drop to the ground.
“Ow!” He yelled, getting back to his feet and rubbing his calf, “Stop it! That hurt!”
“Then don’t send pictures of me to your creep friends!” I shouted.
“What was that about?” my bewildered Mum lifted her head again to ask.
“Nothing,” Ian said. Still facing away from me, he offered the vaguest of apologies, and couldn’t resist adding “But I’m glad you’re safe now.”
Not saying anything, I turned on my heels to head swiftly back to the water. I hadn’t taken even one step when…
“Bridget!” I heard mum yell with renewed horror, “Your bottom is going all red and blotchy!”
“What?!” I gasped, trying to look back at my own behind to check what she was referring to, while keeping secure coverage using my arms in front of me. From what little I could see around my side, the areas where my swimsuit had previously been covering me were showing signs of irritation. I looked down at my front, and there too I could see a similar blotchiness starting to show in the areas that my hands were unable to cover. I would have loved to dismiss it, but it was undeniable, and it was at this point that I personally started to really worry about the severity of my poisoning.
“Move your hands!” Mum demanded, wanting to assess the problem more clearly.
“I-I can’t do that with everyone looking!” I stammered.
“The boys are still looking away!” Mum impatiently pointed out, “Now quickly, shift your hands and let me see!”
Mum seemed to be somehow deliberately in denial regarding the existence of the other boys on the beach.
“I can’t!” I whined back. *
“Bridget!” *
“Give me your towel, or, or, or let’s go back to the car!” I desperately suggested. *
“Bridget Annabelle Stonning!” Mum bellowed. I froze in fright at the sudden angry tone my mum had taken, and I saw Ian and Matthew tense up too. Ian and I hadn’t heard this voice in a few years now, and it struck me with all the childhood fear it was supposed to.
“Move your hands NOW!”
I reflexively snapped my arms to my sides, trembling not so much from the coldness of the wind on my wet skin, but from the deep-seated childhood regression that had fired into my subconscious through the shock of my mother’s sudden sharp command. I had no idea she could still make me feel like a misbehaving child being told off. But here it was, making me bare all in an instant. *
I could feel the warm red glow of my blushing. A blushing that began on my face and continued all the way down and across my chest where it blended with the skin irritation, as I stood, for the first time, truly naked and uncovered. In the shocked silent aftermath of my mother’s outburst, I could hear a hushed commotion behind me, as the boogie-board brothers no doubt debated on whether or not they should scurry further inland to get a frontal view of my unshielded nakedness. *
Excitement also flared from the brother and sister duo, with the blushing girl anxiously imploring her brother “No, Harrison, please don’t go over there!”. Her attempts to simply distract her brother were now gone, such was her urgency to not have her brother know what the naked body of someone her own age looked like.
And yet somehow, I remained perfectly still. Uncovered with my hands by my sides, aware that at any moment I might see one or all of those boys appear in my periphery. The only movement, my fingers, quivering by my sides with an excruciating desire to cover up, as I pictured the group of unknown boys suddenly stepping into my field of view. Their eyes large with intrigue as they gazed freely upon me, learning the embarrassing secrets of my naked, semi-pubescent girlish form. *
I was snapped back from this odd reverie by the very real sound of feet, perhaps more than one pair, hurriedly padding through the sand off to my right. Whoever it was, they were indeed approaching an area off to my side where they would soon attain a frontal view of my body. It was really about to happen!
“Harrison, come back here!” The boy and girl’s mother shouted angrily. Finally, an adult outside of my own mother had taken notice!
Unfortunately it seemed not to matter for the curious boy, as I could hear his footsteps continue unrelenting. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for him, and it seemed he was ready to take whatever punishment was served up for ignoring his mother. I suppose once he had the image of my nakedness in his sights, nobody would be able to take that image away from him, and that would be well worth it.
“Mum!” I hissed, “Can I cover up? I don’t want that kid to see!” *
“Just a second,” She said, bringing my wrists back to my sides as I went to cover up, continuing to examine my reddened skin with alarm. “It looks like it’s not just red blotches,” She continued, “but you’ve got raised welts forming all over your bikini areas too”. *
I started to sense movement in the corner of my eye, which meant Harrison was likely just getting into visual range of my front off to my right.
“Mum!” I anxiously repeated. *
I heard the boy gasp.
It was too late! He had seen me!
Mum glanced across at Harrison, finally seeming to understand my concern of his position in relation to my naked front. She grabbed my shoulders and quickly pivoted with me so that he was again situated behind me. *
What she had failed to take into account was the boogie-board boys, still sitting where they had been through the whole ordeal, and who were now suddenly being treated to a side-on view of my naked body. With Mum’s hands having let go of my wrists in order to rotate me, I was able to quickly cover up with a yelp, but I had clocked both of them drinking me in before my hands made it to their shielding positions.
CLICK HERE TO JUMP STRAIGHT TO PART 2You made it to the end of part one! Thank you!
The next part is only in the early stages at the time of posting this, but the framework/plot points are all worked out and ready to go. I suspect it’ll be around the same length as this part by the time it is done, and will also conclude the story. I’d love to know what you think so far, before I commit to finishing the rest. If this isn’t working for people I’ll humbly slink back to writing ENM which, as mentioned at the beginning of this post, is really more my wheelhouse.