Cant find this ENM story

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Cant find this ENM story

Post by littl1p »

I read a story within the last couple of years where a guy gets a rash at school and can't stop scratching so he goes to the nurse and she has him strip and puts some kind of itch cream on him then to keep him from scratching straps him(willingly) to the bed. the thought was he would be alone until the meds could start helping as he lied there naked, but a girl from the softball or volley ball gets hurt and they rush her to the nurses office and in a hurry she forgets hes in the next room. he had fallen asleep and wakes up to the voices of girls whispering so he opens his eyes in a sqint so he still looks asleep but can see and realizes he had gotten an erection which was unfortunately extremely tiny. and he has to pretend to still be asleep as he see them comparing theri pinky fingers to his erection and taking pics. then when they leave only nurse and coach and a teacher are left and he hears them whispering about poor him and the nurse said in her previous years in pediatrics she had not seen one that small. it ends with her getting brave and wanting to secretly humiliate him in front of the teachers and says do you want to see something crazy and gets out a finger cot(like a small condom that goes on finger for I guess turning pages) and she say this is the one made for your pinky then she unrolls it onto his erection as they all try to laugh but in whispered way, then she pulls it off and since he had been awake he cums in front of them and they laugh and leave. then after he pretend wakes up later everyone acts as if nothing happened.

if anyone knows of that story that would be awesome. also if I dont know the author but I would like to make a continuation of it, what are the rules around that?
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Re: Cant find this ENM story

Post by TheBlushingPrincess »

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