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Tough Luck by Elizabeth

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:00 am
by PhilMarlowe
Elizabeth wrote: Tough Luck by Elizabeth

One day, I decided I would meet my friends, Sabrina and May. We played several games, but one got me in particular: Strip Brawl

The goal is you survive as long as possible in Stamina Battle. Choosing any character to play as. Last place removed an article of clothing.

The first match was, in order from me; Sabrina; May, we were Kirby, Peach, and Luigi. I won with flying colors. Sabrina lost and removed her socks. Kirby to Bowser. May lost and removed her socks. Sabrina lost two more rounds and lost her shirt and hat. May lost a round and lost her bracelets.

Sabrina claimed it wasn't fair since I haven't removed clothes yet. She lost the sixth round and lost her pants. I finnally lost a round (7) and lost my jacket. Sabrina was fed up with losing when she lost round eight.

The power suddenly went out. At that moment, Sabrina lunged at me and grabbed my pants. May blurted out, "What are you doing?" Sabrina exclaimed, "I'm stripping Beth!"

May jumped on and joined in. They only got to my pants and yanked them off. I ran up the stairs abd was tackled by May. She and I rolled down the stairs and flopped on the floor. She took my shirt off whilw I was half-consious and proceeded to remove my bra. I slapped her hands away the best I could when Sabrina arrives fully clothed. The tag-team duo overcame me and my bra was taken. They went for my panties, but I struggled until hitting my head on the wall.

They stole my panties.

They put my clothes in a plastic bag and ran outside. I was completely naked, so I used the floor rug as cover. But Sabrina stayed behind and waited for me to pursuit. She took the rug and threw it into the bathroom, locking the door. I ran after May, hiding in the bushes to prevent exposure.

May ran into a cab and used it to get to the creek. When I got there, May was nowhere to be seen. My clothes were in a tree that was too high to reach. I climbed the tree to get my clothes. They were soaked since May put them in the creek. I couldn't go home in wet clothes, so I followed the path I took to get there to get back home.

May and Sabrina were at the basement door. They looked like they were hiding a secret. I asked them why they were smiling like that. They both said, "Nothing," in unison. Then Sabrina tripped and the door flew open.

May was hiding something: HER NAKED BODY!!!

She was completely naked. "SUPRISE!" she yelled, " It turns out the creek's side is slippery and the cab driver wouldn't let me in with the dirt and mud on my clothes." Sabrina blushed. "I came here with the muddy clothes on, but Sabrina was expecting you to come through first."

May and I eventually stripped Sabrina back and we threw her into the pool. There was one problem: we were locked outside naked.

I remembered the storm cellar is linked to the basement so we used the cellar. My brother was jome the whole time and went to play Link's Crossbow Training and we went in exposed. The washer blocked the entrance, so we crawled around the basement to saftey. We clothed ourselves. But Sabrina stayed unclothed to scare him. He just stood there and carried her outside and locked the door. We left Sabrina outside until morning. She slept naked on the porch and said she would get us back.

We ignored it and all was good until nightfall. She stripped me and handcuffed me to the fence. I couldn't censor anything at all and traumatised the neighbor's dogs.

My mom was ticked off when she saw me. Sabrina was grounded for a week and had to wear a diaper to the pool for humiliation and May couldn't use the Wii for a week. The moral of the story: take it easy when playing games they never played before.

Tuesday, January 21st 2014 - 10:49:34 PM