Cassandra Beach: Parts 1-4 by AfterTheFall

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Re: Cassandra Beach: Part 13 by AfterTheFall

Post by underdog_13 »

cassandra beach part 13
Wed Feb 9, 2011 05:04

Deciding to duck down to avoid exposure, I covered my crotch with both hands as I layed flat on my back in the bumpy tray of the pick up. This way someone will only see me if their standing right next to the truck, I thought to myself. With my hands firmly placed over my pussy, I could feel the moisture that had been building ever since we entered town and with the mud nearly all dried, it could only be one thing. The hope of Karen only driving through town so I could avoid more public exposure was all but shattered when the truck came to a halt outside what looked to a grocery store. "Oh crap" I whispered to myself as Karen stepped out of the drivers side door. "Were just stopping to get some groceries for dinner Cassie".
Was all I heard before her head appeared over me laying there in the back. "Oh I see you've found something of Lucy's to wear, you should be all set then".
What did she mean, "all set"? She didn't expect me to climb out of this truck half fricken nekked covered in mud only wearing this ridiculous top, did she!!??
"Umm, yeah, I found it in the back with me, it's a bit tight though".
"Oh nonsense, it fits you perfectly, now come along we need to get some shopping done if we want dinner at a reasonable hour."
I layed there shocked but tried to keep my calm. "But karen, um this top is all I have on."
"That should be fine, Lucy comes into this store with less sometimes and im sure they'll be fine with the mud on you, It's not like they don't have cleaners after all. Hahahaha!"
Karen broke out into a wild laughing fit and soon extended her hand to help me out of the back. I simply shook my head, too stunned to move. "You get out of that truck missy or I'll be telling your nana about this". I soon lost my cool and erupted.
"Im not going into a damn grocery store looking like filthy half nude kid who lost her bottoms playing in the mud!"
Karen's face slowly changed into a fierce scowl and erupted right back at me. "Well it's your fault your filthy, isn't it!? Taking mud baths in front of all the boys, Lucy told me Mark and his friends dropped by to see the show, you hussy. Im sure flaunting your bits in the mud to all the boys should be nothing compared to just going shopping. Now if your not outta' there by the count of three, I'll drag you outta' there by your ear myself!"
"But I fell into the mud, I swear, honest!"
"Oh you won't be swearing anymore missy, not if you don't want a sore red bottom you won't, now lets go!"

I fresh wave of humiliation and self pity washed over me as I resinged to my fate and raised one hand off my crotch and extended it to Karen. She was incredibly strong for such a thin builded woman, hoisted me up to my feet and down to the side walk below. A breeze blew over my naked muddy butt as my bare feet hit the concrete. The feeling of complete and utter terror sank in as I was now bare assed naked below the waist with only this tight pink boob-tube as a top in a public place where people came grocery shopping! "Come along and stop dilly dallying Cassie."

Karen and Lucy were a good five paces infront of me just about to enter the store, I raced after them fearing entering the store alone like this. My hands flew to my privates as I ran for the door, one in the front cupping my crotch, the other vainly attemping to cover my bared butt. Knowing this was a losing battle, I maximised the coveridge in the rear by placing my whole palm over my ass crack. We were inside, the feeling of cold tiled floor under my feet and central airconditioning sent a chill down my spine. Thank god there weren't many people inside. It was a regular sized store for a town this size, maybe even a bit bigger surprisingly. Around seven checkouts spanned the front of the store and not a shop worker in sight. This might just be my lucky break I thought to myself. Karen grabbed a trolley very casually as Lucy followed her down the canned food aisle, ofcourse these hicks would live off that stuff I thought to myself.
I hobbled along awkwardly covering my bared privates in the front and back. This was a nightmare I kept repeating to myself. My mind worked over time with thoughts like, your inside a grocery store bottomless and anyone could be along to see you at any moment!

My head darted back and fourth keeping an eye out for anyone in the area. There was a couple entering our aisle, oh god! I prayed for a miracle, that they'd leave or something, anything. they gradually browsed down the aisle as Lucy was helping Karen pick out canned foods leaving me awkwardly dancing trying to hide behind them. "What are you doing Cassie!? Quit fidgeting girl and stand up straight".
All too concerned with the people entering the aisle I felt Karen smack the exposed side of my butt.
"Ouch!!" Damn that hurt I thought. The couple approached, maybe they would be too engrossed in their shopping to notice me. I began to get desparate, I couldn't be seen like this, not in such a public place. I tried to find something, anything to cover my exposed bottom half, the cereal was opposite the canned food, so with my heart beating as hard as ever I hopped over and grabbed the first box I saw. It was a family sized whole grain cereal box, pretty big too. I hurriedly held it out in front of my naked torso and mid-section. With me holding this in front of me, they might just assume Im wearing bottoms aswell as this silly pink top. Keeping mindful that from the side or back, anyone who cared to look would cop an eye-full of my bare ass, I stayed facing them with my back to the canned foods.
Oh no, here they come, I was literally now in a cold sweat as the couple strode past. They looked down at me as they pushed their trolley along, gosh I felt so tiny there. I would usually have my heels on to give myself a higher stature, but now in bare feet I barely stood a mere 5'1. I guess walking around all day on the beach in the buff pushed that thought out of my head, but standing here now in such a common public area so underdressed made me feel so tiny.
I felt the familiar tingle between my legs as the couple looked me up and down. I panicked and simply smiled back at them like some dorky kid helping her mother with the groceries. Did they know I was naked behind this cereal box? Their faces scowled as they looked over my mud smeared frame, which the mud had now somewhat dried on me forming a crackled paste. My freckled skin could be seen below where some of the mud had fallen away, I knew I must've looked a horrid sight, and the look on these peoples' faces confirmed it.
"Does no one have consideration for anything anymore, this girl is filthy and tracking mud all through the store."
The lady spat in disgust looking at her partner and then over to Karen.
"Oh sorry Jen, this is Cassie, she's gonna' be staying with us over the summer."

Over the summer?! I thought it was only going to be one night I thought to myself.

"Oh it's just you Karen, another munchin to take care of I see."

"Yeah, she was playing in the mud with Lucy, you know young girls these days."
They both giggled a bit at my expense as I stood frozen in fear for if I turned either way, this couple would see that I was in fact naked below the waist in the middle of the grocery store.
Jen and Ryan Smith were a couple in their late 50's with no children, they were somewhat neighbors of Karen and the Thompson clan. Karen secretly hated the snooty couple and believed them to be "snobby rich folk" as she so plainly puts it.
They had the biggest house in the area and hated any intrusions onto their property, but quite often Mark, Cindy or Lucy would find themselves in a pickle with the nasty couple.
"This one needs a bath I think." Jen said as she scowled at me, all I could do was look down in utter embarrassment. Im always the neatest, cleanest person at home, so this sitiuation was getting too much for me. Karen simply reached for the cereal box in my hands and yanked it from me.
"Well we'll take care of miss muddy butt when we get home won't we?"
I simply stared down at my bare pussy in shock as Jen and Ryan took in my bottomless state. Gasping and clasping both hands over my junk they simply raised their noses and went on their way. If I weren't covered in all this dried mud, my skin would've been flaming hot red from embarrassment.

I walked around that whole store just the way the smith's had seen me, with both hands clasped over my pussy. I'd decided against trying to cover my mud covered ass and thought covering the front was more important. God the humiliation wouldn't stop as I saw people looking my way knowing that my bare ass was on show for the whole store. I heard giggles from passing shoppers as they whispered to eachother about the muddy girl, naked from the tits down shopping with her mother. All the exposure sent tingles straight to my pussy as I felt dampness between my legs. Oh god, not here! Trudging along behind Karen and Lucy with my head lowered in shame I couldn't help myself as I traced my fingers over my moist slit right there in the middle of the frozen food section. My nipples sprung to life from my teeny tiny top, oh god everyone would be able to see my arousal. What was I doing!? Basically playing with myself half naked in public. The embarrassment was turning me on, but why? My mind was in overdrive as my body was on auto-pilot. Before I knew it, we were at the checkout.
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Re: Cassandra Beach: Part 14 by AfterTheFall

Post by underdog_13 »

cassandra beach part 14
Wed Feb 16, 2011 20:05

After a very humiliating public display in the supermarket, and not to mention some very up close and personal encounters with some of Karens friends and neighbours, I was back safe in the back of the pick-up surrounded by shopping bags. I clung to them trying to cover myself in any way shape or form. My attention was then again turned to my moist privates. I knew that I was turned on, I had even tried to bring myself off right at the checkout for christ sake! Had I gone completely mad? I usually masterbated regularly at home, but the past few days travelling from home and with staying with nana had prevented me from the naughty deed. I have been almost completely naked outside for the better part of eight hours infront of complete strangers and it is dafe to say my body is enjoying it, even if it embarrasses me silly in the process.
After helping unload ALL the groceries by myself, Karen finally threw me a towel and said I could have a shower. My eyes lit up like christmas morning. A shower! My god, it sounded so good after the day I'd just had. An actual shower with hot AND cold water, in the privacy of the four walls of the bathroom. As my daydream continued and I stared off into oblivion, Karen told me to raise my arms. I did so as if I was on auto-pilot, with that she simply pulled my (or Lucy's rather) tiny pink boob-tube off of me causing my small chest to flop out and laughter from Cindy as she took out the trash. I shreiked and ran for the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.
I can't tell you how reshreshing the shower was, washing off all the mud, sweat and leftover sand from the day's events was heavenly. I was shmpooing my hair as I heard the shed door creek open. Since I was in the middle I couldn't open my eyes, but I immediatley blushed bright red as I heard a male voice.
"Mum said you can wear these tonight."
That was all I heard as Mard dropped the clothes on the floor for me. I finished up, feeling very much my old self again until I looked at the clothes Mark had left for me.

"Is this all you have for me?"
"Im afraid so dear, theres not too many fancy clothing outlets out here so we make do with what we got. Lucy has outgrown it and you look around the same size as her, if not a little smaller, so they should fit." I cringed as I looked at the matching white panty-vest set. It was clearly made for 10 year olds, I was 19 damn it!!!, and the only clothing available to me was meant for a damn sixth grader. It was clearly a hand-me-down of Cindy to Lucy because of how worn the elastic of the waist was and not to mention the holes it had, I had only hoped it fit me and the holes weren't in too many revealing places. They sure did make the best of what they had alright. I stepped into the panties, as they slid up my legs I noticed a bright smiling sun cartoon printed on the butt. Oh god!! They only coverd two thirds of my ass. Stading there topless I looked behind me in the mirror at the sun smiling back at me and a generous amount of butt cleavage peeking out at me. This had to be a joke! The worn out elastic waist meant I had to pull the panties up every few steps as I walked, even as I pulled them up as far as they could go, the top of my butt crack and sides of my ass were very exposed to the world, when I pulled the back up, the front would lower just an inch above my pussy. This was a nightmare. I pulled the short vest over my head and immediately began pulling it down, but to my horror it only went an inch or two below my small breasts. If I lifted my arms above my head, the tiny top would raise up exposing my rosey pink nipples to the world!! I can't believe nana would condone this, leaving me here with these people, with basically no clothing! As bad as it was, I actually was glad to have something, anything covering my privates again, I mean besides my hands and arms of course, besides I had spent so long without anything on it felt strange being covered again, only barely.

"Hey!! You finished in the bathroom Cassie!?"
I heard a banging on the door before Cindy barged in, at least she knocked I thought.
"Gosh Cindy! I could've been on the toilet or even naked in here!!"
"I've seen that bare ass all afternoon silly, nothing I haven't already seen! Haha".
That little bitch! I was furious with her, and just when I was about to give her a piece of my mind, I was pulled out of the "bathroom" and the door was shut behind me. A evening breeze blew over my barely panty covered rear and bare midriff. I looked down and cringed, I was bare from the bottom of my tits to the top of my vagina.
The back end wasn't too much better, about a third of my ass crack hung out of the top of the white sun panties. It wasn't much, a step up from being bare assed, but not by much. I was still glad my privates were covered, even if just barely. "Oh, there you are. Dinners just about ready"
"U-um Karen?"
"yes hun".
"Do you have any other clothing, these are too small for me, its practically indecent!"
I saw Karen glow a furious shade of red before she let me have it. "You ungreatful little cow! You can go naked if you like, nothing the family haven't seen before.
Now be a good girl and go play with Lucy."
I fumed inside but I didn't want my tiny outfit taken away from me, so I ran off to "play" with Lucy. As a ran the panties slid down revealing more of my pale bare ass. This underware was impossible, I had to adjust them everytime my ass jiggled so I didn't show a full moon to anyone who happened to look! Just as I stopped to pull up my panties, I realised I was in the family room standing directly in front of Mark. Oh no! He had just saw the whole thing. "Uh nice outfit there Cassie". As he stared me up and down, I gave a nervous smile and continued down the hall to Lucy's room, I covered the top of my bare ass crack knowing he was staring the whole time. God, I had to be aware of my surroundings, Mark seemed to pop up when ever I was in the middle of some really embarrassing situation. It both humiliated me and excited me at the same time. It was like my heart raced and I became flushed, like I had just kissed a guy for the first time.

I walked into Lucy's room to see her sitting infront of a television set. It looked like a kids network of some kind. Not wanting to be around Mark so scantly clad, I sighed as I sat down on the floor next to Lucy cross legged just like her. Great, stuck here at this juvenille slumber party, I thought to myself. I was actually hoping for a quiet nights sleep after the day I'd just had. I got completely sucked into this show, it was about these juniour high school girls that had slumber parties and always talked about boys. Kind of like a Mary-Kate and Ashley rip-off. Lucy was also engrossed by the program and we sat quietly watching. Cindy soon followed, fresh from her shower, she sat down on her bed watching the show. I was envious of the way she was dressed, me! A 19 year old jealous of the way this girl was dressed. This girl was almost 8 years my junior yet I was the one who had to endure wearing these childish pijama's while she had a modest long sleeve top and pants on.
Noticing there were only bunk beds I wondered where I'd be sleeping. "Where's my bed Cindy?" I asked hesitantly.
"Well Im top bunk and since mum don't let two sleep on top, I guess your down the bottom with Lucy, haha."
That little bitch, now I had to share with Lucy.
Just then Mark came bursting into the room. "Dinner's ready dorks!" I shrieked as I realised the way I was sitting, exposed the top of my ass crack, so I quickly covered my butt with my hands. He laughed as he realised exactly what I was doing. "Again, nice outfit Cassie, hahaha."
We all marched out to the dinning area on the verandah, awaiting Karen with the food. Dinner was pretty uneventful, except for mark glancing over at me all the time, clearly fixated on my hard nipples. It was so cold out here and with this tiny top I had on, the two stiff nipples could clearly be seen. I tried sliding back in my seat to hide my shame. I looked at the beef stew placed before me, it didn't look too apetising at all but after todays events and even a hearty lunch, I soon found myself stuffing my face with the delicious stew.

"My goodness Cassie! Look at you! Your covered with food." Karen shouted from accross the table, I stopped shoveling in the food to look up to see everyone staring at me. Karens comment made me feel like a chastised little girl at the dinner table. She got up and proceeded towards me with a napkin. Karen then wiped my face roughly explaining how a lady should present table manners. "Didn't your mother ever teach you table manners girly? Your a mess!"
Lucy and Cindy were giggling in their seats as I seethed at this latest humiliation. I usually ate with such grace and manners. I had momentarily forgotten where I was and stuffed my face, god it was embarrassing seeing Cindy, Lucy and Mark looking back at me with prefect table manners. I looked down in shame as Karen left the table and came back with a bib. "Theres no way in hell I need a bib Karen! I spilled the food by mistake, I don't need that."
"You watch your tone young lady, you'll wear what I tell you to wear. Now hand me over your top, I don't want you to get any messy food on it."
"But Karen! Can't I just wear the bib over my top? I promise I won't spill anymore food."
"No! Your too messy for that already, now hand over that top this instant Cassie!"
My face flushed hot red as I conceeded defeat and pulled my top over my head from a sitting position. I crossed my right arm over my nipples as I handed karen the tiny top with my left hand. A feeling of dread passed over me as I had just got that top and now I had to give it up and endure more exposure, this time at the dinner table. Karen snatched up the top from my hand then proceeded to tie my new bib around my neck. I lowered my head in shame as I was now clad in a bib and panties because I couldn't even eat food without making a mess. The bib was white and pink trim but only came down to the top of my breasts leaving my nipples completely exposed.
"Nice look Cassie, we should get you a bottle and some diapers aswell, then you'd be all set. Hahaha."
"Shut up Mike!" I finally snapped at him.
"You don't talk like that missy! I think you need a time-out young lady, in fact, you can go to bed right now. No dessert for you."
"What-ever! I don't even want dessert!"
As I turned to walk away, I felt a ping of embarrassment as I realised that last statement just made me sound juvenille and bratty.
"Leave the bib Cassie."
"Can I have my top back?"
"I don't think you've been nice enough to wear it, all day you've complained about everything we've done for you. Your nana will hear about all about the nasty way you've been acting."
"No! Please, don't do that, I'll be nicer, I promise."
"Just go to bed and maybe I'll consider your behaviour tomorrow."
I lowered my head and trudged into the house with less clothing than before. It was like taking two steps forward and one step back, everytime I'd get something to wear, it was taken away in some way. Having things taken away from me, denying me dessert!? I was a university student dammit, not some wayward child. Unfortunately that's what I'd seemed to be at that point in time.
I climbed into Lucy's bed hoping the morning would bring better things, maybe something decent to cover my tits with.
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Re: Cassandra Beach: Parts 1-4 by AfterTheFall

Post by underdog_13 »

This is as far as my backup goes. If anyone wants to check with the author, this is his e-mail as of 03/10/2011:

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