This happened when I was around 9. My parents were both out of town and were scheduled to come back at night, so for the day my mom arranged for me to go to the house of another one of my close female friends, the same age as me. Let's call her "Ursula".
So we were picked up from school by her mom and taken to her home. After a little while of just talking, her mom gave me lunch while she called Ursula into a room inside. I imagined there must be something she had to tell her so I ignored it and kept eating.
How their house was positioned, from the dining table , to your left was a short hallway which had a bathroom and two rooms.
So when I heard some noise (her mother talking on the phone), I turned to my left and froze mid-bite because my friend was standing there completely naked for her bath.
I'm pretty sure my eyes bulged out or something

. She then jumped to the side into a room to hide from my sight. Shortly after her mom finished her call and told her to come into the bathroom. So she jumped back out naked into the hallway, only kind of half-covering with her hands, walked up to the bathroom, then turned around and went in(without covering her butt for the few seconds she had to turn and walk)
I still think she was giggling loudly when she noticed I was looking at her, but if I'm being honest I was so shell shocked the moment feels a bit hazy. So she might have been totally silent for all I know.
I finished eating and went up to the bathroom to "wash my hands" where her mom was like "Yeah Ursula needs to have her bath, otherwise she'll put it off" , and I washed my hands for 30 seconds hoping I would get another look at her behind the washing machine she was hiding behind.
She stayed behind it but she did move away as I was leaving so she did give me another look at everything for a couple of seconds as I left the bathroom.
Now the weirdest part is we never mentioned it happening at all. I still don't know why she partially let me see her and partially covered too. I'm guessing she somehow liked being seen by one of her only close male friends while also being naturally embarassed about it?
Everyone's theories are welcome. I'd like to hear what you all think was the cause, just keep in mind our relatively young age when you make guesses.
For the record I do believe she had a mild crush on me when we were really young, like not a real crush but some extra affection and attention given to me, including arguing with me a lot more over trivial things.
P.s. As for why I tried to get a second look, like i said in incident one, it wasn't anything sexual since both of us were completely unaware, but I did enjoy seeing a girl I knew very well naked and even then I knew this was not a very common experience so I wanted to see it again while I still could.