Debbi stories archive

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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and the Warehouse Incentive Scheme

Debbi offered to do a handover to Carol but was told that really wasn't necessary. "You're always on the end of a phone in the unlikely event I have any queries. Just clear any personal items out of my desk and then you'd better get over there. You don't want to get off on the wrong foot with Angela." Carol was enjoying this. She had concocted this plan with Angela over dinner while Debbi was still providing the entertainment back in the warehouse !

Debbi had not expected to ever have to set foot in the warehouse again, so it was an unwelcome surprise to find herself walking through it again so soon after her last spectacular appearance there. At least I'm properly dressed she thought, ignoring the odd whistle and cheer. She found Angela's office upstairs. "Ah, there you are. At last. I hope that you're going to be more punctual in future" was the rather abrupt greeting Debbi received. " I did not know that I was going to have to come here today" Debbi answered, somewhat taken aback. "Whatever" Angela brushed this off. "Now that you are here, I can start to outline your duties and what we expect from you."

"You want me to analyse your systems and draft the requirements for my team, er, Carol's team, to develop" Debbi interrupted, wanting to appear up to speed. "Oh you don't need to worry your pretty little head about that. We have more than enough qualified staff of our own to handle all that" Angela corrected her. "No, what we were really impressed with was your ability to raise morale sky high among our warehouse and distribution workers." Debbi blushed, remembering her encounter with the gang in graphic detail. "You are tasked with coming up with a rewards and incentives scheme for them. They are going to be set very stringent targets each week but if they meet them, you will reward them in your own inimitable way !"

Debbi was speechless. "I've appointed one of the gang leaders to liaise with you to ensure that the incentives you come up with will be attractive enough to motivate the men" Angela continued. "I'm sure they will be eager to see what you're hiding underneath that suit !" she concluded. Debbi was struggling to find a way out of this fix. She'd worked too hard to get her job to just throw it away. "But they've all seen me naked already" she pointed out, having no idea how she was expected to top that performance. "Not all of them" Angela replied. "That was only one of the shifts and the workers on the other two were most disappointed to have missed out when they heard what had happened !" Debbi was once more speechless. "Come along now and I'll show you where you'll be working" Angela said.

On a morning of unpleasant surprises, Debbi was further taken aback to discover where she would be working for however long this secondment was to last. Angela led her to a glass cube, suspended on scaffolding in the centre of the warehouse complex. Access was via a set of open plan stairs. What is it with men Debbi thought, as she climbed these stairs ? They saw me naked and spreadeagled only a couple of days ago, yet now they are craning their necks just to get a glimpse of thigh from under my skirt !

"Now we need to get this incentive scheme off the ground straight away" Angela began. "So Ivan and I have come up with a simple idea for this Friday." Ivan was to be Debbi's liaison with the men. "If they meet the targets set, you'll work all day in a bikini." Debbi nodded. She had no intention of expressing any great enthusiasm for these proposals. Angela continued to outline her big idea. "At the start of each week you can come in as normal like today. We might even find some work for you to do !" she said condescendingly. "But then we'll have Bimbo Thursday when you'll wear an outfit I'll select for you as an initial incentive for the lads ! " Debbi remained silent.

At that point, Ivan entered. "Ah Ivan. I was just explaining to Debbi about Bimbo Thursday" Angela greeted him. She continued. "Then at the end of the day each Thursday, we'll meet and discover if the boys have hit their targets. If they have, we move on to Forfeit Friday !" "Is great idea" Ivan enthused. "Yeah, brilliant" sighed Debbi. "Ivan, do you have this week's bikini ?" Angela asked. Ivan handed Debbi a matchbox. "Is in there" he said. Debbi could see without looking that the bikini was going to be scanty to say the least ! Angela was rising to go. "I'll see you tomorrow regarding Bimbo Thursday. Meanwhile, you can begin thinking up forfeits for the coming weeks. I want you to be creative, it won't do to simply be taking your clothes off every Friday." "Though we not mind that" said Ivan !

Debbi passed the rest of the day in a daze. It was an especially sadistic twist by Angela to make her come up with the ideas for her own humiliation. When she got home, Debbi went to her bedroom to try on the bikini. She had little hope that the men would fail to hit their targets and that she would somehow get a reprieve. Taking off her work clothes, she opened the matchbox to extract the tiny wisps of material. It was initially difficult to work out what was what. She supposed it could be said that the colour was yellow but there was so little there as to actually demonstrate a colour at all !

Eventually, Debbi worked out which bits of string were the bra. The covering for her breasts were two tiny triangles barely enough to cover her nipples, which were of course hardening. After tying this at the back, Debbi attempted to step into what must be the bottoms. It was like wearing an elastic band ! There was no back at all, just a string that disappeared between her bum cheeks. On top of everything else, this was going to be very uncomfortable to wear all day. The front provided minimal covering for her mound. If she were not already shaven, she would certainly have had to shave !

Debbi regarded herself in the full length mirror. She looked obscene. She would almost rather have been naked. That could have been passed off as a human's natural state. But these minuscule wisps only served to emphasise and accentuate her erogenous zones, serving no purpose other than to titillate. And of course, to provide a reward and incentive she thought glumly !

It was Thursday. Bimbo Thursday. Debbi sat miserably in her glass cube office, looking and feeling every bit the bimbo ! Angela had done a thorough job with the costume she had prepared for her. Debbi had been instructed to apply her make up to a much more elaborate degree than she was used to and she had also been told not to wear a bra, which was not normally any hardship for her but still felt strange in a work environment and especially wearing a tight pink vest top with Bimbo emblazoned across the chest ! Her midriff was bare above a pair of cut off denim shorts, which Angela had doctored to be even more cut off than designed at the back. The ensemble was completed by fishnet tights and the highest heels that she possessed.

Debbi's one small relief had been that since it was January, she had not looked out of place in a full length coat to walk from the car park to the warehouse. She wanted to keep the number of people who saw her dressed like this to a minimum. Needless to say, her arrival once she had discarded the coat had been enthusiastically welcomed by the warehouse gang, before they busily returned to ensuring that they hit their quota for the week.

"Well, that should certainly incentivise the boys" announced Angela by way of a back handed compliment as she entered Debbi's cube. "How are you getting on with the list of possible forfeits for future weeks ?" she asked. Debbi stalled. "Um, not very far. I can't think of anything." Which wasn't entirely true. Against her will, her mind had in fact kept wandering towards all kinds of debasements and humiliations that she had found investigating some of the seedier reaches of the net in search of ever more outlandish stories !

"That's most disappointing" Angela admonished her. "I'm reliably informed that the men are well on the way to hitting this week's target and if we have the bikini forfeit tomorrow, I really need the promise of something juicy to get them excited for next week. Try harder, I wouldn't want to have to put in a bad report about you to Jeff !" She turned to go but as a parting shot said "Oh and don't go hiding yourself away up here all day. Go and show yourself downstairs. Fraternise with the guys !"

There seemed to be an inordinate number if problems on the warehouse floor that Thursday morning requiring Debbi's personal attention and attendance. Nothing to do with parading her in her bimbo outfit of course ! She had intended taking her lunch break in her glass cube but Angela called for her and insisted that she accompany her to the staff canteen. The warehouse gang knew why there had been such a drastic and bizarre change in Debbi's mode of dress today but there was a shocked reaction from the office workers in the rest of the building, who were predominantly female. Debbi squirmed with embarrassment through the entire hour. "Is it OK if we all come in to work dressed like a slut now ?" was one typical remark she overheard.

Later that afternoon, Angela and Ivan joined Debbi in her office. "So, what progress have you made on a list of further forfeits ?" Angela began. "Er, I thought maybe I could do a pole dance" Debbi answered, blushing. It was mortifying to have to be the instigator of her own humiliations, as Angela well knew. "Tame" she replied harshly. "Not good enough. Though we can add that to tomorrow's activities if the boys have hit their targets. What else ?" Debbi took a deep breath. "I've been looking into the cost of hiring a gunge tank" she said cringingly. "Now that's more like it. And another week we can throw you in the waste food skip outside the canteen !" Angela was getting enthusiastic.

"Is good idea" Ivan agreed. "We also like tickle again. Was fun and some guys missed it" he added. "Put it on the list then Ivan" Angela agreed. "And you were going to get a harness made up so that Debbi can drag the trolley around the warehouse ?" "Is right" said Ivan. "With no clothes?" he queried. "Of course, goes without saying" Angela confirmed. Debbi was listening with rising horror. "Well, that's not a bad list to be going on with for the next month or so" Angela pronounced contentedly as one of her staff came in and handed her a computer printout. Angela perused the listings. "Congratulations Ivan, the target level has been exceeded by a wide margin. I'll have to raise the bar for next week" she said. "Guess it looks like the bikini for work tomorrow Debbi !"

Debbi got 'dressed' for work on Friday. She looked at herself in the mirror somewhat reluctantly. Her only covering consisted of the minuscule bikini. She felt certain that at some point during the day it was inevitable that her nipples and pussy would escape from their narrow confines. The g-string design had already left her bum bare ! This bikini was not designed to be worn for eight hours or more, nor for any vigorous movements to be performed while wearing it. Her appearance looked even sillier given that Angela had insisted on her ensemble being completed by a pair of furry Ugg boots.

Debbi had spent last night desperately looking for a way out of this. The ongoing list of forfeits that had been produced threatened to be more than she could cope with. It was true that she was only on secondment but the terms of that agreement had been suitably vague. She had phoned Jeff for some reassurance but he was worryingly offhand and only seemed interested in praising Carol. Try as she might, Debbi could not shrug off a nagging suspicion that had grown up that Carol perhaps did not always have her best interests at heart. She felt guilty and disloyal doubting her assistant in this way but the thought was hard to dislodge. Maybe it was time to update her CV ? Or could she hang in there and put up with the next few weeks ?

Angela met Debbi in the car park. "You can give me your coat here, you won't need it again until five o'clock." Debbi had hoped to at least make it to her office before being exposed. "Don't worry" Angela said. "Everyone knows. I sent out a memo explaining how you came up with the idea for this incentive scheme to motivate the warehouse crew. And they know how well the team did this week !" Great, thought Debbi. Now everyone thinks it's all my own idea to go parading about like this. By this time she was stood in the chilly company car park wearing just two tiny wisps of material and a pair of Ugg boots !

"Nice bikini, it suits you. Ivan has good taste" laughed Angela as she stood holding Debbi's coat in the company car park. "It's a bit revealing" Debbi complained helplessly. "Hmm. Maybe a tad" Angela smirked with the understatement of the year. "But it's what the boys wanted and it's their reward." Debbi shivered in the January cold. "Can we go in ?"she appealed, edging towards the warehouse entrance. "I just need to drop by the office first" said Angela, guiding Debbi towards the main reception.

"Wow Debbi" cried the receptionist as they entered. "Love your boots" she continued, deliberately ignoring the rest of Debbi's outfit, such as it was ! "Are they Ugg ?" Debbi confirmed that they were. "Put your foot up on my desk, let me get a better look" the girl suggested craftily. Debbi felt the g-string bikini bottom slide even further into her pussy, as she reluctantly lifted her leg onto the desk for her boot to be inspected and admired. "Morning Debbi" called several amused voices as people arrived for work. All had read Angela's memo and seemed intent on not expressing any surprise about Debbi's appearance. "Come and look at Debbi's boots everyone, aren't they lush ?" the receptionist called, as Debbi remained perched with one foot up on the desk !

Despite the lack of surprise and comment from those arriving, Debbi felt a flush coming to her face as she followed Angela through the desks to the office where she collected whatever it was she pretended to need. "Right" Angela said at last as she hung up Debbi's coat. "Time for your triumphal entry downstairs. I know the boys are looking forward to it !" Debbi's natural reaction was to want to adjust the fit of her bikini but it was so tiny that there wasn't really anything there to adjust !

Her appearance in the warehouse was greeted by enthusiastic hooting and hollering, in contrast to the deliberately muted reception she had received upstairs. Some of those present had been on different shifts at new year and so had the novelty of seeing so much of Debbi revealed for the first time. Angela announced that Debbi would be spending her time down on the shop floor with them today, there was not really any work she needed to do in her own glass cube. "I'll leave you all to it" Angela said. "Debbi's going to be doing her pole dance for everyone at lunchtime in the canteen !"

fter the initial excitement over her appearance in the warehouse had died down, Debbi was at a loose end. Her job on secondment here was not a genuine one in any case and she had no real work to do. She continued to get appreciative looks and comments from the men as they passed but they could not take the time out to play with her as they had at new year, since they had their work to do and their quotas to keep up for the following week's forfeit ! In addition to feeling awkward, Debbi was also beginning to feel cold. There was heating on in the warehouse but it was at a level designed for fully clothed men performing hard physical tasks, not for a virtually naked young woman standing around and doing nothing !

Ivan noticed her predicament. "You want work ? Keep warm ?" he asked. Debbi thought that she might as well. It would help the time to pass quicker as well as stop her feeling so cold. She was set to work bending and lifting and carrying various packages from shelves and onto trolleys. Her muscles were getting a good workout and the guys in the warehouse and the delivery drivers were getting a great view ! She had to stop from time to time to wipe her brow and to replace her nipples inside the one inch triangles that comprised the bra of her bikini. The g-string bottoms left her bum completely bare anyway, she could only guess at the sight she was presenting whenever she bent over to lift something up !

A person can get used to just about anything and strangely, she felt almost comfortable among the guys down in the warehouse as the morning wore on. Her embarrassment returned when a call of nature made it necessary to pass through the offices on the way to the ladies toilet and to overhear the bitchy remarks from some of the women there. On the whole though, the morning was tolerable and it was an unpleasant surprise when Angela came to collect her. "I'm thinking it's best if you do your pole dance first on an empty stomach" she suggested. "Though we have to do it twice anyway for the two sittings in the canteen !"

Debbi snapped. She wasn't going to perform a pole dance for everyone in the canteen. "No" she said resolutely. "That's not how it works. The forfeits are for the guys here in the warehouse. They put in the hard graft, they get the rewards."

"We not mind share" Ivan interjected but Debbi was determined. "No, you're my boys. I just perform for you." Angela wore a fixed smile. OK, you can have this little victory, she thought. Sure, she had been looking forward to making a spectacle of Debbi in front of everyone in the canteen but she hadn't made any prior announcement, so it was no loss of face for her. What pleased her was how Debbi seemed to be slowly getting wedded to the idea of providing these incentives for 'her boys' ! And anyway, Angela had another nasty surprise waiting for the afternoon.

She shrugged off Debbi's rejection of the canteen. "I just thought there'd be a little more room there but no matter. So, we may as well do the dance here and now. You can prance around the forklift truck." Debbi agreed, pleased and surprised to have gained a 'win'. One of the guys had an old fashioned beat-box and a couple of raucous hip hop tracks. Debbi was no trained dancer and she had not done any gymnastics since her school days. But she was in good shape and tried to throw herself enthusiastically into the sort of moves she imagined would be required. She interspersed these with nervous attempts to climb, hang and swing from the various prongs and supports of the forklift truck and of the warehouse shelving.

It was hard to keep the useless bikini covering all her bits and it needed constant adjustment. "Don't worry about that, even the pros suffer the occasional wardrobe malfunction" Angela laughed. "We like see twerk" Ivan requested. "Go on Debbi. Show the boys your twerking skills" shouted Angela. Debbi had no known twerking skills but she bent and turned her back to her audience and wiggled and rotated her bum as best she could, to the amusement and appreciation of all. This performance lasted for a quarter of an hour or so and by the end, Debbi was puffing and out of breath.

"Well done" said Angela, as the guys applauded. "Carry on working this afternoon. But Carol's coming over at three for a progress meeting in my office and I'd like you to attend !" Debbi was shocked. "What shall I wear ?" she asked. "Oh, that's not a problem. Come as you are" Angela laughed !

Debbi had tried to adjust the three tiny triangles of material that comprised her bikini as best she could, before steeling herself for another walk through the main office to the conference room where Angela was sitting with Carol. To her further mortification, she discovered that Carol had brought Stew along to the meeting as her technical expert. "Oh Debbi, I'd forgotten about you" Angela said dismissively as Debbi entered the room. Her two team members wore big grins but otherwise made no comment , nor showed any surprise. "In fact, I don't think we really need any input from you" Angela continued. "Carol seems to have everything covered. Unlike you" she added, deliberately looking Debbi up and down to much amusement. "But since you're here, you might as well get the coffees for us" she suggested, handing Debbi a tray.

Debbi seethed as she once more had to march through the main office, making a spectacle of herself as she queued at the coffee machine. She stormed back to the meeting room and handed out the coffees. Carol took a sip. "Ugh Deb, you know I don't take sugar" she complained. "Go and get Carol another one" Angela ordered. Debbi tried to ignore the giggling out in the office as she once more paraded past on the way to the coffee machine.

"OK, you can go now Debbi" Angela said casually on her return. "I haven't seen those boots before Deb, are they Ugg ?" Carol asked innocently. Debbi confirmed the brand. "Let's have a closer look. Put your foot up on the table" Carol requested. Stew was enjoying the view ! "Thanks, I might have to get a pair" Carol remarked. Debbi turned to go. "Oh, and I like the bikini too !" Carol added. Angela took this opportunity to explain to Carol and Stew about Debbi's wonderful employee incentive plan for the warehouse, though in reality both knew about it beforehand. Hell, Carol had helped to cook up the entire scheme !

"What's next week's forfeit going to be Deb ?" Carol asked mischievously. Angela answered for her. "We've been trying to get hold of a gunge tank but we can't find one anywhere" she replied. "Oh, you're in luck" Carol answered brightly. "I've got a cousin who hires them out . And he can film the proceedings for you and even stream them online if you want !" Debbi was thunderstruck. "Isn't that great. You can go down now and tell your boys what next week's forfeit is going to be" Angela told her. "Always assuming that they meet their quotas of course !" If Debbi did not know better, she could have sworn that she heard Carol's laughter ringing in her ears as she descended to the relative sanctuary of the warehouse.

It was Friday and Debbi was dressed in her normal business clothes ! What on earth was going on ? While dressed in her designated bimbo outfit the day before, she had not been surprised to learn that the warehouse gang had once again hit the target that would trigger a Friday forfeit for her. But Angela had graciously conceded that on this occasion, Debbi could wear her usual attire until the time that the forfeit was to be paid in the afternoon. She had even provided Debbi with a short satin robe she could wear after stripping naked and before being installed in the gunge tank !

Debbi peered down from her glass cube office. The warehouse floor was a hive of activity, over and beyond the usual hard work of the gang making sure that they kept up their quotas. Another glass cube was being positioned in the middle of the floor, about the size of an old fashioned telephone box. Various pipes and wires were leading from it and on the roof was an ominous looking tank. At least it was ominous from Debbi's point of view ! Another group were busy around a kind of mixing console with several laptops and cameras. These people were relatives of Carol who operated this mobile spectacle for hire to hen nights and other such activities.

It was just after lunch when Angela climbed up to Debbi's office. "They're almost ready downstairs" she announced, handing Debbi the robe. "Time to get your kit off" she continued, adding vindictively after a slight pause, "again !" Debbi took the robe. "Do you want to undress in the ladies ?" Angela asked. But Debbi had decided that she would take off her clothes here in the office. True, the glass cube did not offer any privacy while she did that. But modesty and privacy were commodities that were in very short supply for Debbi these days ! What she wanted to make sure of, was that she knew the whereabouts of her clothes and would be able to regain them safely once this afternoon's ordeal was over. Last week, she had ended up running frantically all through the offices and down into the car park in that tiny bikini, so that she could catch Angela, who had locked Debbi's coat, bag and car keys in her office before leaving !

All the men down on the warehouse floor noticed as soon as Debbi stood up and began to strip off, generating an air of heightened anticipation. Once she was naked, she slipped on the short robe and walked shyly down the stairs from her eyrie, looking oddly demure !

"Oh great, we haven't missed it" gasped a breathless Carol, as she and Stew rushed into the warehoused just as Debbi was about to slip off her robe and enter the glass tank. The pair's early arrival for the weekly progress meeting only added to their boss's embarrassment. "I thought you'd be wearing a swimsuit Deb ?" said Carol surveying the naked woman. "Especially as it's being broadcast live back to our place" she added. "And to the rest of the office here" Angela stated, twisting the knife. "The boys thought it worked better if she was in the nude" she continued. "Certainly, quite agree" said Carol. "Give a twirl for all your fans" she suggested. Debbi didn't move. "Go on" Carol urged her. Debbi held her arms out and performed a quick pirouette.

"Can't I wear a shower cap ?" Debbi asked plaintively. She did not know exactly what to expect but she had a good idea and was worried about cleaning up her hair afterwards. "Ugh no, not sexy at all" responded Angela. "Time to get in the tank !" Debbi entered the glass box and the door was closed securely behind her. She noticed that the ceiling was higher than would have been the case in a normal telephone booth, presumably to facilitate the cascading gunge that would be falling. "It's probably a good idea to close your eyes" one of the operators told her. "This stuff's harmless but it might sting your eyes a bit." Debbi nodded. She was momentarily aware of the red lights of the cameras blinking at her naked form. Then she saw another operator move towards a set of levers !

Suddenly, Debbi was engulfed by thick and slimy yellow liquid. She closed her eyes as suggested but was unable to shut out the howls of laughter. The deluge ceased for a second or two but then recommenced with the yellow liquid replaced by first green and then red as the tanks above her emptied. Her audience was ecstatic. Carol was jumping and clapping her hands as Debbi blinked her eyes open. She could tell that she looked a completely bedraggled mess. The liquid felt sticky and slimy on her skin, a much thicker consistency than regular water. As she had feared, drops were falling from her hair that was plastered with the stuff !

The door to the tank was opened and Debbi emerged to more applause. "Well done Deb" said Carol patronisingly. "Brilliant boss" affirmed Stew. "Where can I get a shower" asked Debbi, voicing the thought that was uppermost in her mind. Angela feigned mock alarm. "Oh god, we didn't think of that. There isn't anywhere really" she lied, knowing full well that there was an en suite to the executive toilets for the use of those who chose to cycle to work. "But I can't put clothes on over this crud !" wailed Debbi, indicating the state that she was in. "Maybe there's a bin bag" Angela pondered. "I'm not wearing a bin bag and anyway, this stuff feels horrible" Debbi objected angrily. Ivan stepped forward. "We can take to car park and use hose ?" was his plan. "There, that's the solution. Great idea Ivan. good thinking." Angela and Carol agreed on Debbi's behalf. "No way" screamed Debbi, as the other two women took her hands and began to drag her towards the door to the car park !

Before she knew it, the slime covered Debbi was outside naked in the chill January air. The tank operators were still filming for the live stream. They had assured Angela that the gunge being trailed across the warehouse floor would not stain and Angela had said they could find a mop and bucket for Debbi to clean it up later before she got dressed !

If Debbi had felt cold when she first found herself outside in the car park, she soon felt a whole lot colder as the first jet of water from the hose crashed into her body. Her screams and squeals, together with the laughter from her audience, soon attracted faces to the windows of the neighbouring offices. Fortunately, the company was situated at a dead end in the estate of commercial and industrial units, so there was no passing traffic. But a few delivery drivers stopped to cheer up their mundane day.

The only other good thing from Debbi's point of view was that the force of the cold water was doing a good job of ridding her body of the slime. She had even agreed to bend so that the jet could clean between her cheeks ! The one remaining problem was her face and hair, which remained plastered with the stuff. "I've got a little sachet of travel shampoo in my bag you can use Deb" Carol offered helpfully. Debbi accepted the offer and then reluctantly knelt to immerse her face and hair in a bucket of water before applying the shampoo.

She had just managed to work up a thick lather in her hair when the shrill ringing of a bell was heard. "Oh damn, I forgot there was a fire drill scheduled for this afternoon" Angela lied ! The car park soon began to fill with employees pouring out from the surrounding offices, to be confronted by a shivering soaking wet woman, totally nude with her hair full of thick shampoo suds !

Those from the company who had been watching the live feed of Debbi's forfeit were not entirely surprised by the sight that greeted them in the car park as they filed out for the fire drill. But people from the adjacent offices wondered loudly about the cold and wet naked woman with shampoo in her hair. Shampoo that was now beginning to run down into her eyes. "It stings, I can't see" Debbi complained. "We go get bucket" declared Ivan. "Noooo" yelled Debbi. But 'yes' was the result, as two buckets of freezing cold water at least did an efficient job of rinsing the suds from her hair ! Needless to say, this was greeted with mass hilarity by those waiting for the all clear to go back inside to their nice warm offices !

"Remember that you're fire warden for the warehouse Debbi" said Angela, thrusting a clipboard at Debbi. "Make a count of the men and then report with the other wardens over there at security" Angela pointed across the crowded car park. "But, but I'm naked !" squealed Debbi. "Oh shush, stop making such a fuss. All these people have seen you now" Angela admonished Debbi. "Can't you do it for me Carol ?" Debbi asked her erstwhile assistant. "That'd be most irregular Deb, I'm just a visitor here" Carol replied with a smirk. "Stew ?" Debbi addressed her other former employee desperately. "Same answer I'm afraid boss" Stew answered.

There was nothing Debbi could do. She scampered around the car park with Ivan in tow, hurriedly checking off the names on her list of warehouse staff. She only knew Ivan and a couple of others by name. Having finally established that everyone was present and correct, Debbi had to run the gauntlet of stares, past the waiting groups from all the other departments and businesses, and hand her completed form in to the head security guard. "Aren't you a bit chilly love ?" he grinned. "I'm f,f,f, freezing" Debbi stammered. "Oi, Ivan" the guard called. "Take her down to the boiler room. That'll warm her up and dry her off." Ivan agreed. "Is good idea."

Although she was being taken further from her office and her clothes, Debbi knew that Angela was not going to offer her any towel. So she dutifully followed Ivan down a flight of cheerless stone steps to the basement. On entering the boiler room, she was hit by a blast of hot air being blown fiercely from the heating system for the entire building. The goose pimples on her flesh began to fade and the moisture on her skin began to dry, even if her hair remained soaking wet. "You come back when ready" Ivan said as he turned to leave. "Wait, Ivan. Can you bring me my clothes back here ?" Debbi pleaded. "Miss Angela say we have to catch up on work to hit targets for next week. You come back when ready" Ivan repeated. "Ivan !" Debbi called forlornly. But he had already gone !

The warmth of the boiler room had been most welcome to the cold and wet Debbi but as she began to dry, it rapidly lost its attraction. It was smelly, noisy and dusty and a long way from her clothes. She was dismayed to discover that, on trying to retrace her footsteps back to the car park from which she and Ivan had entered, the door was now locked. Her only other available route was up a further flight of plain stone stairs. The naked woman made her way up these and peered cautiously through the glass partition in a door that allowed access to a busy open plan office. What was worse was that this was not even an office of the company she was seconded to but was in the building next door ! There was nothing for it but to summon up as much dignity as she could manage and walk straight through this office, looking to neither left nor right, and hope to find an exit from the building on the other side.

Debbi did all she could to ignore the uproar her sudden appearance caused. But then, once she had passed through the entire length of the office and found herself on a landing at the other side, she discovered that whichever way she turned resulted in a dead end, this forcing her into the humiliation of having to return to the crowded office she had just hurried through. People knew she would have to come back from the dead end and hooted with laughter. "Can someone please show me how to get out of here ?" she wailed.

Finally back at the warehouse, Debbi was intercepted by Angela before she could climb to her office and get dressed. Angela was just finishing her progress meeting with Carol and Stew. "Where did you get to ?" she asked. "We had to get our own coffees !" Debbi didn't bother answering. Even though they had seen the debacle earlier, she was still most uncomfortable to be standing naked in front of her staff. Or was that those who used to be her staff ?

"By the way, a change of routine. There won't be any more Bimbo Thursday" Angela continued. "No ?" Debbi queried, relieved but suspicious. "No" said Angela. "I've been talking to the transport manager and he's been most impressed by the productivity in the warehouse and wants to arrange an incentive scheme for his drivers too. So whoever gets the best results any given week will have you driving around in the cab with them on Thursday !" Debbi didn't like the sound of that. "Exactly how good their results are will determine how much you'll be wearing in the cab" Angela concluded. Debbi liked that even less !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and the Driver Incentive Scheme

"We've got a winning driver for you for tomorrow Deb" Angela cried as she entered Debbi's glass office the following Wednesday. "They were set some pretty challenging targets and so he only hit the lowest one. Which means you get away with accompanying him in your underwear rather than that silly bikini or even naked ! Wear something sexy though" Angela laughed. Truth be told, all of Debbi's lingerie was sexy. She picked out a red and black lace set that was not too sheer but she regretted that she had recently taken to only buying thong style knickers ! The winning driver had requested that she also wear hold up stockings and heels.

Debbi arrived early on Thursday morning and the transport manager made the introductions. "Thanks so much for this Debbi, it is such a brilliant idea of yours and so brave. Once word gets round our productivity is going to go through the roof !" he congratulated her. "Oh, er, um, it's nothing, just pleased to help" Debbi mumbled, embarrassed already. "This is Jock, our first winner" the manager continued. Debbi found herself looking up at a large bulky figure with red hair and a beard. "Pleased to meet you. Are you Scottish ?" she wondered. "What do you think lassie ?" Jock replied in a broad Glaswegian accent.

Angela arrived at this point. "Don't waste time here Deb, Jock will want to win next week too. Get your kit off and then you can help him load the lorry !" Debbi climbed to her office, once more stripped out of her business suit and descended to the predictable wolf whistles. She was carrying a bag containing her suit. "No need to clutter up the cab with that. I'll look after it" said Angela, snatching the bag from Debbi's grasp. "But when will we be back ? I've got no money on me" Debbi indicated her underwear clad body. "Don't worry your pretty little head about that. All meals on me today" Jock announced gallantly, his eyes drinking in the sexy sight before him !

Debbi felt vulnerable sitting beside Jock in the cab, without her bag and wearing only her skimpy underwear. She looked down from the cab into the cars passing beneath and thought ironically of the times when she had been driving and had been concerned about her skirt riding up and giving a free leg show to those in lorries or coaches alongside her on the motorway. That all seemed very small beer compared to what was now on display ! Fortunately, her current elevated position meant that only Jock could see clearly her state of undress but she knew that this was only a temporary reprieve.

When they reached the first drop off point, Debbi tried to hang back in the cab but Jock was having none of it. "Come on missy, stir yourself and shift some of those boxes. I've got a schedule to keep to !" Debbi staggered back and forth from the lorry to the stores with armfuls of bulky packages. Neither Jack nor those from the stores seemed to be that interested in helping her, preferring to take in the view and listen with surprise and amusement to Jock's explanations of who Debbi was, what she was doing there and why she was in her underwear !

The same pattern was followed at another two drop offs, by which time Debbi's muscles were aching and she was starting to feel hungry. It was with some relief that she saw that Jock was turning into the area reserved for lorry drivers at the back of a motorway service station. "Can you just get me a burger ?" Debbi asked hopefully. "They don't allow food to be taken out, you'll have to come in" Jock explained. "Like this ?" Debbi wailed. "The lads in there are all broad minded and the lasses behind the counter are used to all sorts of banter. you'll be fine !"

Debbi was unconvinced and anyway, she didn't care about the sensitivities of a bunch of truckers, it was her own feelings of embarrassment and exposure that she was concerned about. Jock had a sudden idea. "Tell you what, you can wear my high vis yellow vest that I've got in the back !" The grubby waistcoat like garment didn't offer much in the way of extra cover but Debbi realised it was the best offer she'd get. She was starving and anyway, Jock insisted that it was against company rules to leave her alone in the cab. She reluctantly slipped on the loose vest and headed across the parking lot with Jock towards the cafe !

Jock was immediately the hero of the truck stop once he entered with his exotic companion. Debbi reacted automatically when someone offered to take her 'coat' and the yellow vest was soon discarded , leaving her once again in public in just her underwear. There was no room to sit at Jock's favoured table and so Debbi found herself seated on the lap of a particularly grizzled old trucker as she munched her burger and fries. She would not normally entertain such junk food but she was starving and just wanted to make this stay as short as possible.

The drivers were all delighted as Jock explained how it was that they were getting this novel and welcome change to their usual lunchtime routine. Less enthusiastic were the women serving at the counter, who looked on disdainfully, and two bottle blondes around Debbi's age who scowled at her from a corner. "I just need to use the ladies" Debbi explained when Jock was ready to go. She felt the eyes of the entire cafe on her as she crossed the floor towards the grubby looking toilet entrance.

The toilet area itself was not too filthy and Debbi was just finishing up when she heard the sound of the door creaking open. She emerged from the cubicle to be confronted by the two blondes. "What you do ? This our patch" one of them hissed in broken English. "I don't understand. I'm just going anyway" Debbi tried to push past. "Men pay us. You come, give it away. Wreck our business." Debbi blushed as the penny dropped. "No, no. It's not like that at all" she stammered. "It's a company incentive scheme" she told the uncomprehending girls !

Outside in the cafe, the drivers were waiting for their final treat of watching Debbi parade one more time across the floor before leaving with Jock. Instead, when the door burst open, it was the two blonde working girls who emerged, laughing and triumphantly waving a pair of suspiciously familiar looking knickers over their heads ! The crowd cheered and there was now a heightened sense of anticipation awaiting the re-appearance of Debbi.

A couple of minutes ticked past before a head peered cautiously around the door. From the looks on the faces, Debbi realised that everyone knew about her predicament. Jock made no move to come over to assist. Finally Debbi shuffled out, shielding her crotch as best she could. The mood in the cafe was one of hilarity. Debbi's hopes of some fellow feeling from the women at the counter were not to be realised. "Oh sure, we keep an endless supply of spare knickers behind here for occasions just like this" was the sarcastic response ! "Come on Deb, we've a schedule to keep to" insisted Jock. "Shake hands with everyone and then we can be off."

Debbi had quite an escort for her bottomless trek back to where the lorry was parked. Most of the other drivers in the cafe accompanied her and they were rewarded with the sight they had hoped to see, as she had to abandon all attempts to cover her pussy in order to climb up into the raised cab ! Debbi was left red faced as she was joined by Jock and they began to pull back out onto the motorway.

"Can't we go and buy some knickers ? I want some knickers" she pleaded. "Och, don't worry about it. I don't mind honestly" Jock reassured her mischievously, as he glanced down to where Debbi was resolutely trying to keep her legs clamped together. "But we've got three more delivery stops to make" Debbi reminded him. "That's OK too" Jock continued to tease her. "I'll text ahead to each of the depots to warn them that you've lost your knickers, so that anyone who would be offended can arrange to take their break while you're there !"

Debbi wasn't worried about the sensibilities of any sensitive souls at the depots, it was her own mortification that concerned her. She had just about coped with unloading the packages in her underwear but now being completely bottomless was a new ordeal. "I want some knickers" she sulked. Jock was beginning to lose patience. "And where pray do you suggest we get some from ? I can't drive this great big articulated lorry down a tiny high street and park outside the local knicker store so you can run in and buy a pair. Or maybe I can find another lorry park and you can march through a mall dressed as you are ?"

Debbi conceded that he was right but continued to sulk as they arrived at the first of the afternoon delivery stops. "I still want some knickers."

As promised, Jock sent messages ahead to 'warn' those at the depots that Debbi had lost her knickers in the course of the day and would be arriving without them. Hence at the first stop, they were greeted by a sizeable group of workers ! "Is there anywhere I can get some knickers ?" Debbi called as she climbed down from the cab. It was impossible to preserve her modesty while so doing. She was told not to worry about it and reassured that the men were not offended by her appearing bottomless. They proved this to her by insisting she pose with them for a group photo before getting down to work unloading the lorry !

The second stop of the afternoon proceeded in much the same way but Debbi's hopes rose when she found that the final depot of the day was located adjacent to a large superstore. "Do they sell knickers ?" she asked hopefully. It was explained to her that the men were not in the habit of buying knickers but one of them did admit that he thought the store boasted a ladies wear department. Having completed his rounds for the day, Jock was no longer concerned about time and so he was prepared to wait while Debbi went to the store. "But I can't walk into the store in public like this" Debbi protested.

The guys in the depot were only too happy for Debbi to spend their afternoon break with them while one of their number volunteered to suffer the embarrassment of trying to buy a pair of knickers. Debbi told him her size. After what seemed like a long time of being passed around from lap to lap, Debbi was relieved to see the intrepid shopper return carrying a package. She was pleasantly surprised to find that he had purchased a very tasteful pair of white panties, cut high on the leg and with a pretty lace waistband. They even had quite a full back rather than being a thong and she luxuriated in pulling them up her legs, to the sound of applause and wolf whistles. Her rescuer was rewarded with a kiss on the cheek !

Disproportionately relieved to be 'dressed' once again, or as dressed as she ever seemed to be when working these days, Debbi clambered back into the cab alongside Jock. Surely nothing else could go wrong today ? "I'm just going to check the weather forecast" Jock announced, turning on the radio !

Debbi stared miserably out of the windscreen as the snow fell steadily. The lorry wasn't going anywhere any time soon. Even in first gear, it had failed totally to get up the steep incline of the hill on which it was stuck with several other heavy goods vehicles, as the normal traffic crawled nervously by. Jock had phoned for a tow truck but goodness knows how long that was likely to take to get there through the stalled traffic.

"I could try flagging down a car , see if any are going in your direction to take you back ?" Jock suggested. "Oh yeah, like I'm gonna get in a car with a total stranger in snowy weather in just my bra and pants !" Debbi scoffed. "Anyway, my car and house keys are with my clothes back in the office" she moaned. "That cow Angela kept them."

Jock was trying to keep some heating going but had to ration it. Debbi began to shiver. "We could get in the sleeping compartment behind us and cuddle together ? That'd keep us warm" the practically minded Jock proposed. "In your dreams" was Debbi's response. She began to fidget. "I need to wee" she admitted. "It looks like there's a flat patch over there, just before the embankment" Jock pointed. "Nip out quick, no-one will see you." Debbi hesitated. "I can't do that !" But bodily functions got the better of her.

Steeling herself against the cold, she clambered down from the cab towards the one suitable patch that Jock had indicated. She felt hideously exposed but thankfully it was dark now with the early winter sunset. She had lowered her new white knickers and was just in full flow when another stranded lorry switched on its headlights, illuminating Debbi as if in a spotlight ! Slowly passing cars began honking and she heard laughter from several of the parked up lorries but there was nothing she could do until nature had taken its course. She then hastily hauled up her knickers and tottered precariously back to the lorry. "Watch out where the huskies go" she heard someone call out !

"Not my fault" Jock laughed, as the shivering Debbi climbed back into the cab. "Bollocks" Debbi cursed angrily. "Here, you'd better put this on" said Jack, reaching into the sleeping compartment and pulling out a heavy duty donkey jacket. "Why didn't you give me that earlier ?" Debbi scolded him, as she thankfully took the jacket and put it on. "That wasn't part of the prize deal and I was enjoying the view too much" Jock explained with a grin !

It was fair to say that Debbi was not enjoying life during this secondment to Angela's company, where her only real duties consisted of being the prize incentive to boost productivity ! When the tow truck had arrived, it had proved to be not powerful enough to drag the stranded lorry up the icy incline. The crew, who were intrigued by Debbi and her donkey jacket, offered to give her a lift back. Jock stayed with the lorry to wait for the weather to improve but he wanted his jacket back. The recovery crew had suspected that Debbi was not wearing much under the jacket but were still very pleasantly surprised by what was revealed ! Several more people saw her underwear clad body as they attended to a couple more emergency call outs before finally dropping her off at the company.

Apart from security and the night shift in the warehouse, everyone had long since gone home and Debbi's clothes and keys were inaccessible in Angela's locked office. The guys in the warehouse made up a makeshift bed for her on some spare pallets and covered her with their coats. The following morning, Debbi was quizzed by Angela about her change of knickers.

"Those are nice but what happened to the others ?"

"They were lost"

"How ?"

"Some girls took them" Laughter.

"Where ? Why ?"

"At the truck stop cafe. They were jealous"

Angela let Debbi go home to freshen up but she had to return in the afternoon for the Friday forfeit, since the warehouse guys had once again hit their target. This week the forfeit was a repeat of the naked tickle torture for the benefit of those who had missed it at new year. Debbi was tied down and proved to be as entertainingly ticklish as ever !

Things continued unabated. The following Thursday, Jock once more won the transport department productivity prize and this time he had done so by such a margin that Debbi had to accompany him wearing just the minuscule bikini Ivan had procured a few weeks before. That trip had at least concluded in time for Debbi to get back and get dressed but she had been paraded in any number of locations in front of various amused and titillated spectators.

So by now, she was thoroughly fed up. And it was another Friday and time for yet another forfeit !

Debbi was on all fours. She was naked of course, it was Forfeit Friday after all ! Well, to be entirely accurate, she still had a pair of sneakers on and she also wore knee pads and a shoulder harness that was attached to a wheeled trolley behind her. This trolley was to be piled up with boxes and Debbi would crawl around the warehouse, pulling the trolley and transferring supplies from the shelves to the loading bay. It might not be the most efficient method but it was certainly the most entertaining ! Her breasts hung down seductively and those behind her received rewarding views of her pussy and asshole as she strained to move forwards. Visiting lorry drivers were somewhat taken aback but soon joined in the fun. Word of the company's unusual incentive scheme was starting to spread !

Debbi's stamina was not endless and after an hour of this, it was reckoned to be enough. The afternoon needed a coup de grace however. After she was released from the harness and had struggled to her feet, Ivan announced "Now we throw you in bin !" Debbi was aghast. "Noooo" she cried but to no avail. She was picked up and carried outside to the evil smelling skip containing the waste food produce from the canteen. Debbi was unceremoniously thrown in, the lid was closed and the men wheeled the skip at great speed around the car park.

When they stopped and opened the lid, the sight that greeted them resembled an old style 1950's cartoon. Debbi's body was adorned with traces of congealed gravy and custard, chicken bones, fish heads and vegetable peelings. "Bastards" Debbi yelled at the men as she tried to stand. The generally good natured crowd were a little sheepish, wondering if they had gone too far. Then Debbi glimpsed a familiar face at the back of the crowd.

"Jeff ?" she said, startled. "Oh, uh, hi Deb" he mumbled. "What are you doing here ?" Jeff looked as sheepish as the warehouse guys. "Um, it's kind of embarrassing" he began. "Embarrassing ?" Debbi screamed. "This is embarrassing" she emphasised, indicating her nude body from which the accumulated crud was slowly dropping. "Er, yeah, I can understand that" Jeff agreed. "But the thing us, there's a bit of a crisis back at the office."

"So what's the bloody crisis then ?" Debbi asked angrily. It was an incongruous setting for a business conversation, with Jeff holding his nose against the stench coming from the evil smelling bin and a naked Debbi still standing up in the bin with bits of food detritus slowly dropping off of her. "Er, hadn't you better get out of the bin first ?" Jeff said fastidiously. Debbi raised one leg and began to climb out. She was so used to being exposed now that she gave little thought to the view she was presenting to Jeff as she did so. But, although this wasn't the first time her boss had seen her undressed over recent months, he was still disconcerted by the flash of fanny !

"So, what crisis ?" Debbi repeated as she now stood beside him. "Er, wouldn't it be better if you got cleaned up and dressed first. Where's the executive shower ?" Jeff enquired. "She's not using that with all the crap she's got on her" Angela interjected. "We get hose" Ivan said, eager to help. Debbi conceded that might be the most efficient way of cleaning her up. "You might as well start while we're waiting." she said. "Well, er, the thing is, Carol's admitted that she's bitten off a bit more than she can chew " Jeff began. "Really ?" Debbi said unsympathetically. "Yes, she knows the basics but the responsibility of making financial decisions and dealing with staff is getting on top of her" Jeff continued. "So ?" said Debbi, determined not to make it easy for him.

They were interrupted by a loud squeal from Debbi as her naked form was hit by a jet of freezing cold water. Jeff beat a hasty retreat to avoid ruining his suit. Ivan and the boys did a thorough job of making sure every orifice was hosed clean. "As I was saying. So ?" A naked, shivering and dripping wet Debbi was addressing Jeff in an aggressive pose, hands on hips. "Er, so I've agreed with Angela that it's best for the project if you cease your secondment and go back to your old job" Jeff replied.

Debbi was exultant but she wasn't going to let it show. Ivan and the lads were crestfallen. "You going ?" he asked. "Looks like it Ivan" Debbi replied. "We miss you" said Ivan. Why on earth have I got a lump in my throat Debbi thought ? "I'll miss you too" she said. "I'll come down to see you when I'm here for a progress meeting" she offered. "And strip for us ?" Ivan wondered hopefully. Debbi laughed. "We'll see !"
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and the Management Course

Debbi settled instantly back into her routine at the company. She was determined to maintain a dignified front. She knew that her forfeit in the gunge tank had been relayed back to her staff here but she hoped that most of her bits had remained covered during that. She also recalled the unwanted exposure at Christmas. And Halloween. And at the charity car wash. And at the team building exercise. She did seem to have been accident prone ! Still, it wasn't so bad really. She was sure her staff weren't that interested in such things and would have forgotten all about them by now. Certainly everyone was working well. Carol was particularly efficient and Debbi felt guilty that she had ever entertained any doubts about the good intentions of her assistant !

Meanwhile, Carol and Angela were stewing. Angela resented losing her hold over Debbi and having her fun spoiled. But she was realistic enough to know that the success of the project had to take precedence. For her part, Carol was relieved to have given up the burden of responsibility that she had been struggling with. But it was humiliating for her to have to admit that Debbi could do the job so much better than her and she was determined to get her own back. She had to get Debbi naked again. But she had used up several of her ploys and she doubted that any of them would work again. Then she received a phone call from Angela.

"I've just had a circular from a friend of mine who's running a four day residential seminar on the latest internet marketing techniques. It's at a secluded country house and will be attended by some high rollers and a bunch of wannabees." Carol couldn't immediately see what that had to do with her. "Well, I can easily arrange complimentary places for you and Miss Know It All if you think Jeff'll go for it. And my friend the organiser will include plenty of role playing tasks that'll give plenty of room for exploitation if you get my drift ?" Angela explained. "Oh I get your drift alright ! Leave it with me" said Carol.

Jeff had been easily persuaded of the benefits of both Debbi and Carol attending the residential seminar, which had been extended to a full five day week. Debbi was happy that Carol was coming. As Jeff had said, it would be good for her development. Plus, it helped to assuage Debbi's guilt about ever having doubted the loyalty of her assistant. It was unfortunate that Angela was also one of the delegates but Debbi knew she could rise above that.

It turned out that the course was to be a select gathering of ten, six men and four women plus Angela's friend Ingram who was running the course. "Ingram ? That's a strange name" said Debbi when they were introduced on arrival. "What's so strange about it ?" Ingram batted back. "Er, um, well, nothing really I guess" Debbi stammered. "It's just that I've never met anyone called Ingram before." Ingram's face was a mask and difficult to read. "Well, isn't that an advantage ?" he asked. "A sense of exclusivity ? Not one of the crowd ?" he continued. "Oh yes, of course" Debbi gushed. "Like me in a way. I'm Debbi without an 'e' at the end !" she chirped. "Really ?" said Ingram, disinterestedly turning away.

"So what is it you want me to do ?" Ingram was asking Carol and Angela a little later. "We want to get Debbi naked in front of everyone" Carol replied eagerly. "Shouldn't be a problem" he smirked. "How many times ?" The women hadn't considered this. "Oh, could you do it more than once ?" Carol was pleasantly surprised. "Sure, two or three times if she's as gullible as you say" said Ingram confidently. "We'll let the tension build for a couple of days and then go for it !"

Carol and Angela were delighted with the prospect. Ingram meanwhile was an interested observer of the developing chemistry between Debbi and the fourth woman attendee, a newly qualified graduate colleague of Angela's called Diane. "It's pronounced Dee-anne" she was correcting Debbi. "Oh, sorry" said Debbi. "I'm Debbi without an 'e' at the end !" Diane raised an eyebrow. "How common" she answered. Debbi was a little taken aback. "What uni did you go to ?" Diane was asking. "Er, um, I didn't" Debbi admitted. "I did evening classes at the tech and learned on the job, working my way up." Diane was not impressed. "And that was actually good enough for your company ?" She was incredulous. "Er, yes it was actually." Debbi was getting irritated. "I guess some people just have lower standards" Diane concluded, going to talk to one of the men !

This could be fun, Ingram thought !

Over the next two days, the noticeable antagonism between Debbi and Diane grew. Diane never missed an opportunity to snipe at Debbi while Debbi's initial diffidence vanished and she began to bite back ! Diane flaunted her superior qualifications while Debbi emphasised that, despite all that, she was currently higher up the management ladder. Carol and Angela were, of course, secretly on the side of Diane. The six men on the course had no particular reason to support either faction but most also passively fell in behind Diane. It was a class thing. Debbi might be more attractive in both looks and personality but Diane was one of them, from the same background and education.

Ingram watched all this build until he judged it time to spring his first ploy to get Debbi naked. The two women were once more locking horns in a discussion about how ruthless one should be in business. Debbi was advocating the idea of karma and how one should treat people fairly in order to be paid back in kind. "God, you're so naive" Diane countered. "It's a dog eat dog world, nobody ever got anywhere by being nice." Debbi blustered, trying to find examples. Diane ploughed over her. "And you seriously believe that ? Get in the real world honey. I can't believe someone as dim and gullible as you has ever been able to make any progress, even in a crummy company like yours !" Red faced with anger, Debbi bridled. "I am not gullible and I am most certainly not stupid" she exploded.

"OK ladies, hold it right there" Ingram interjected. "I think now is the perfect time to introduce a little exercise in lateral thinking and you two are ideal to go head to head against each other in it !"

"Fine by me" Diane responded aggressively. "You betcha" spat Debbi !

Acknowledgment to 'nyjoemo' for the basic concept of the task in this chapter..........

Ingram began to get organised. "Let's make some space on the floor here" he began. The six men on the course quickly started moving chairs to create a wide circle, which Ingram invited Diane and Debbi to enter. "So, as I was saying ladies, this is an exercise in lateral thinking but it is also about reacting under pressure when there's a competitive element." Diane smirked. "Would you like to back out now ?" she asked Debbi. "My superior background gives me such an overwhelming advantage that it hardly seems fair !" Debbi was determined not to lose face to this younger bitch. "When you've had a bit more real life experience, you might be ready to take me on" she spat angrily.

"Ok, you two each take off your shoes. Get down on all fours on the floor next to each other. Then we'll put a blanket over each of you," Ingram instructed. Diane did so immediately. Debbi looked puzzled but was determined not to be one-upped and so also knelt down next to her rival. Two large blankets were draped over each so that neither could see a thing.

As the group tittered, Ingram continued, "OK. Now the scenario may seem a bit strange but bear with it, remember it is about lateral thinking. Imagine you are in the desert under this blanket and in order to stay alive you have to take something off, but it has to be something very specific but also very logical. So, you have to take off the first thing you think of, otherwise you have to continue taking something off until you hit the right article. Oh, and just to make it interesting, whoever figures it out first, gets to keep whatever the loser has discarded and do whatever she wants with it !"

The tittering in the crowd got a little louder as Debbi was heard to say "Shit !" under her breathe. She was desperately trying to think what was most appropriate to take off and also at the same time trying to second guess Diane. She was literally working in the dark ! Trying to think laterally but also going by her natural inclinations, knowing how much she hated wearing a bra and also thinking that Diane would take off an outer garment first, Debbi struggled beneath her blouse and managed to extract her bra, which became the first item to emerge from beneath her blanket. She was disappointed to hear Ingram yell "No, try again !"

Of course, under her blanket Debbi had no idea what Diane had selected. But her second thought was that tights would be incredibly hot and restricting in a desert and so, with some difficulty under a blanket, these were the next item to be removed. The response was again negative but, realising that Diane must also have failed, when she threw out her shirt Debbi felt more confident. But yet again, she heard Ingram say, "Sorry, Ladies. Try again." By now, Debbi was beginning to panic, knowing she was topless under her blanket and had guessed wrong three times. Still Diane must have guessed wrong, too and would be in a similar state of undress. "Sod it," Debbi said defiantly, and after some wriggling, tossed her skirt from beneath the blanket. The momentary cheer from the crowd went silent. When, after what seemed like the longest two or three seconds in memory, Debbi heard Ingram say "Nope, sorry !" the group saw see the bump from under the blanket that represented Debbi's head fall in dejection, and the laughter and cheering pick up again.

"Uh, guys," Debbi said desperately, "I, er, can't go any further. OK ? That's it ?" After some hearty boos and "no's" from the crowd, Debbi said, "Diane what about you?" The arrogant upper class girl answered "I said I would figure this thing out and I will ! And if you forfeit, I win and I get your clothes !"

A red mist descended on Debbi and emboldened by Diane's response, she hissed a determined "Fine !" The surrounding crowd giggled and whispered as it saw her struggle beneath the blanket to slide her knickers down to her knees, then sit on her backside so she could get them down her legs and over her ankles. The room exploded in applause and hooting when the sheer white underwear came flying out from under the blanket !

After a couple of minutes Ingram got the crowd to be quiet. "OK Debbi, you did great, but remember, when are in the desert under a blanket, the very first and most logical thing to remove is..........THE BLANKET !!!"

Debbi's eyes where wide as saucers when she realized that the blanket had just been whisked off her very bare body and she was crouched stark naked in the middle of a room full of her peers who were laughing, toasting, pointing, snapping pictures with their phones, and generally taking great delight in her predicament. She saw Diane standing if front of her, not only fully clothed, but now in possession of the garments that had, until just recently, comprised Debbi's outfit for the day !

Debbi stayed crouched on the ground, using her hands and arms as best she could to shield her body from the laughing crowd. She wasn't doing a bad job but it was still clear that she was naked in all the photos that continued to be gleefully taken ! "Please give me my clothes back" she begged Diane. "That's for me to decide, I won them fair and square" the victorious Diane laughed. "But she must have cheated" Debbi appealed to the rest of the course. "Diane did not cheat. In fact, she figured it out right away. The idea was to see if you could figure it out at all....and, quite obviously you couldn't. So, Diane has every right to keep your clothes" Angela asserted on behalf of the other attendees !

What Angela had said was pretty much true. Diane had figured out the solution immediately and had thrown off her blanket. While Debbi was still figuring out which piece of clothing to discard first, Diane had made sure that the crowd had remained quiet so as not to tip off her rival that she had already lost. Ingram had signaled his approval with a silent thumbs up. As each and every stitch of Debbi's clothing had flown out from under the blanket, Diane had picked it up and waved the discarded piece to the crowd, eliciting the cheers Debbi had heard in her makeshift blanket cave !

Ingram was content to let things run on for now. "Tell you what" said Diane. "How about I give you another choice ? See if you're capable of making a sensible decision this time ? You still have your bag which has the key to your room. You can walk back there through the hotel now, bare ass naked as you are, and get a change of clothes. Or you can sit here now with us for the rest of the afternoon and I give you these clothes back at five o'clock." Debbi's mind was racing. "What kind of choice is that ?" she cried. "Your choice as of this moment stupid" Diane answered spitefully.

Debbi hesitated for a few more seconds. "OK, I'll stay here until five" she eventually decided to a round of applause. "And don't you dare say I'm not generous. You can have these back in advance" said Diane, throwing the wisp of white lace material that comprised Debbi's knickers in the general direction of her still crouching rival. "Nobody wants to have to keep looking at your fanny anyway" she added dismissively, though the men present may not have agreed ! "Say thank you" Diane demanded. "Thank you" Debbi hissed through gritted teeth as she tried to gather in the knickers while remaining covered.

Debbi then stood with her back to the crowd, momentarily displaying her bare bottom as she hastily pulled the skimpy knickers up her legs. "Well, that was a very interesting and successful experiment" Ingram announced with a straight face. "Let's all sit back around the table and analyse what we've learned." Debbi crouched back down in her seat, still trying to use her arms as best she could to hide her tits !

Debbi sat huddled down in her chair, trying to keep as much of her body as possible below the level of the conference table. She was squirming as the other course members critiqued her dismal failure in the blanket task. "I can understand her losing to someone of such an obviously superior intellect as Diane" one of the guys was saying. "But to lose so completely borders on crass stupidity. Why didn't she cut her losses after she'd only taken off a couple of items, rather than ploughing on and ending up bare ass naked !" Everyone laughed. Debbi was ruefully asking herself the same question.

"You're being a little hard on Debbi here" said Ingram, guiding the conversation. "You're overlooking the competitive element and the ability to react under pressure, all of which clouded Debbi's judgement" he explained. "So, you're saying Debbi's not the person you want leading you in a crisis ?" Carol asked innocently as Debbi shot her a look. "Well, it has to be admitted that Diane seems a better prospect" Ingram agreed. "See" said Diane triumphantly. "Not taking any notes I see ?" she challenged Debbi. Debbi was in no position to take notes, crouched as she was with everything below her bare shoulders hidden beneath the table.

"Perhaps you'd like to come out the front Diane and explain what your thought processes were as I outlined the challenge ?" Ingram suggested. Diane bounded out to the head of the table. "Before I start, I think we should also get Debbi out here to explain her thought processes too, such as they were ! Just so we all know how not to do it ?" she said mischievously. "Good idea" Ingram agreed. "Er, I can't do that dressed like this" Debbi protested. "Bad loser as well as bad game player" Diane taunted. "That's right Debbi. A good manager would be prepared to accept the consequences of her actions"" Angela added. There was strong agreement from the men on the course. "It would help you get the maximum benefit from the exercise and be a valuable learning curve" Ingram confirmed.

The peer pressure became overwhelming and Debbi very reluctantly found herself standing alongside Diane, clad in just the white lacy knickers that Diane had so magnanimously returned to her ! Debbi tried to keep her arms clamped across her chest but Diane began writing salient points from the exercise on the white board and getting Debbi to point them out, thus revealing her tits to everyone !

Angela took a surreptitious photo of the pair that Ingram later put up on the course web site with the caption 'The reason one of these ladies is fully clothed and the other is only wearing her knickers, is that only one of them had had the benefit of a university education !'

fter Diane's posturing and pretentious explanation of what her thought processes had been during the blanket game, Debbi stumbled through her account of the mistakes she had made and the reasons for them. Not a gratifying thing to have to do in front of your peers, especially when all that you are wearing are your knickers ! After finishing, she returned to her seat and once more huddled down as low as she could under the table top. OK, they'd all seen her tits by now but that was still no reason to have them out there on show for the remaining half hour of the day.

Five o'clock rolled around and Ingram brought the session to an end. They would all reconvene for dinner together in the hotel. All this time, Debbi's clothes had lain tantalisingly out of reach in a pile on the table in front of Diane. Debbi now watched in alarm as Diane began to pack them away in her bag. "You said I'd get my clothes back at five if I stayed here like this in the meantime" Debbi challenged her. "Ah well, you see, that's something else you've learned today. About unwise choices and the difficulty of negotiating from a position of weakness. You could have scampered along what would have almost certainly been deserted corridors to your room at two thirty but you didn't make that choice. And now it's rush hour and you're going to have to show a crowded hotel your pretty knickers !" Diane taunted her.

"But I trusted you" Debbi protested. "Another unwise choice and adding being a bad judge of character to your long list of shortcomings !" Diane replied. "Think yourself lucky I left you your knickers. Say 'thank you for leaving me my knickers Diane' and I might reconsider further." Debbi gritted her teeth. "Thank you for leaving me my knickers Diane" she said. "Well, you're more than welcome I'm sure" Diane answered generously. "But I still think I'm keeping the rest of your clothes !" With that she turned and left the room, together with the other course members who had watched this exchange with great amusement. "See you at dinner Deb" said Carol. "Hope you're decent by then" laughed Angela.

Debbi was left alone in the conference room apart from Ingram, who was putting his notes back into his briefcase. "What can I do ?" Debbi asked hopelessly. "Here, you'd better take this" said Ingram, passing her his suit jacket that had been hanging on the back of his chair. "It's amazing, that blanket game has never gone the whole way before, not even close. But it was a very valuable lesson and everyone learned a lot from it" he continued enthusiastically. Yeah, like what colour knickers I was wearing Debbi thought ruefully !

"It's surprising how your rivalry with Diane pushed you so far in your determination to show that you were her equal. Very revealing behaviour" Ingram chuckled at his double entendre. "But I am her equal. In fact, I'm much better than her" Debbi insisted. "That's as may be Debbi. But I'm afraid the evidence of this afternoon doesn't back you up does it ?"

She put the jacket on. She could hold it around her top half OK but it still left rather a lot of leg showing and she was certain that her knickers would be visible from the back. They weren't thong style today but still did not cover much. She determined to walk briskly to the lift with Ingram and to look fixedly ahead. Her peripheral vision caught startled looks and she overheard a few remarks at reception but she tried to blank them out.

Happily the lift was empty. Ingram pressed the button for the fourth floor where his room was, not thinking that Debbi was on the floor above. As they got to the fourth floor, he said "I'd better take my jacket back now, you've only got one more floor to go." Debbi panicked again. "But what if I'm seen ?" she cried. "Sorry, but I have to pop out to see another client before dinner and I need the jacket" Ingram explained.

Debbi reluctantly handed back the jacket.Unfortunately for her, a woman entered the lift just as Ingram exited and, to add to this misfortune, the woman pressed the button for the lobby ! In that typically reserved English way, the woman avoided any eye contact with her unexpectedly exposed companion and the lift did not stop at any other floors on the way back down. But sadly, Debbi's luck didn't hold once they had reached the lobby.

Another seminar had just ended for the day and the lift began to fill with half a dozen Japanese business men who did not display any such kind of English reserve and who began to talk animatedly among themselves in their own language ! They had no inhibitions about blatantly staring at the knicker clad beauty hemmed in with them into a corner of the lift. They were going to the fifth floor the same as Debbi and they all gathered round her excitedly as she rummaged in her bag in the corridor for her key. She could feel hands on her bum and it was with difficulty that she was finally able to enter the room without any of them following her. Debbi leaned back against her closed door with a sigh of relief !

"And those Japanese men thought she was a prostitute !" Debbi heard the gales of laughter and Diane's loud voice holding court as she entered the bar. "Ah, talk of the devil" laughed Diane when she saw Debbi. "Or should I say enter the bimbo ? Glad you found some clothes !" The laughter continued as Debbi bristled. She was dressed simply in smart jeans and black t-shirt. Diane had a tight calf length brown dress on. "What can I get you to drink Debbi ?" asked Ingram. "Gin and tonic please" Debbi replied.

They all went through for dinner in the oak panelled dining room, with the mournful heads of various stuffed deer and boars looking down from the walls. Diane was remorseless with her teasing. "So do tell about your trip back to your room this afternoon" she pressed Debbi, though she already knew all that had happened from the girl in reception. "Ingram kindly lent me his jacket" Debbi tried to brush off the questioning. "Yes, but you even managed to be stupid enough to lose that didn't you ?" Diane persisted. Debbi reluctantly gave an abbreviated account of events in the lift. "And you can bet those Japanese men know how to recognise a hotel prostitute !" Diane howled with laughter. "Look here, you just got lucky this afternoon. I'm every bit as good as you and more" Debbi took the bait. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. If you need to think that to be able to cope. We all know the truth" Diane said dismissively, to grins from the others.

The two women continued to lock horns back in the bar. "Maybe you'd fare a little better in a physical challenge Debbi ?" Ingram suggested. "Do you play squash ?" he wondered. "You bet I do" Debbi replied fiercely. She hadn't in fact picked up a squash racket for over two years because of the pressure of work but she had been in the second tier on the squash ladder at her club. "How about you Diane ?" Ingram asked. "A little" Diane answered disingenuously and feigning a concerned expression, when she was actually a player of county standard and inter-varsity champ !

"Right, well you can hire rackets from reception. But the challenge needs to have some jeopardy" Ingram continued. "The challenge is that you race each other through the hotel to the squash courts and then the loser has to play the match in her underwear !" Diane again feigned concern but she had noted the wink that Ingram gave her. But Debbi had the bit between her teeth and the scent of revenge. She looked at how she was dressed compared to Diane and had no doubt that she could out run her. "Let's up the ante" she cried. "Loser plays naked !" This cry attracted the attention of everyone else in the bar, as the course members cheered. "And the winner gets to keep the loser's clothes" Angela insisted !

The enthusiastic crowd thronged around Debbi and Diane as they headed to reception to hire rackets. This promised to be much more fun than a routine evening drinking in the hotel bar ! In the confusion, Diane had slipped away and returned wearing full kit of crisp white shorts and sports shirt. This disconcerted Debbi somewhat, since she had been counting on the advantage that Diane's tight evening dress would have given her on the race to the courts. "Don't you have any kit ?" Diane asked disdainfully. "No" replied Debbi defiantly. "But that doesn't matter, because after the race I'll be wearing yours" she added with complete certainty. "Ooh, fighting talk" taunted Angela.

Debbi did take the precaution of hiring sneakers from reception along with the squash racket. The crowd had already begun making their way over to the squash courts to reserve good seats for the match. Ingram had also gone ahead, since he was to be the judge in the event of a close finish to the race. Carol and Angela were to oversee the start, although both expressed disappointment that they would not be there at the finish. "I can start the race for you if you like ?" the receptionist offered and this was gratefully accepted. The two protagonists glared at each other while they allowed sufficient time for everyone to get over to the finish.

"OK" Said the receptionist. "On your marks...get set...go !" Debbi set off like the wind. She had not been over to the squash courts but she had seen the arrow direction signs all over the place. Diane was sprinting too but it was Debbi who established a lead of four or five yards as she rounded the first corner in the corridor. This lead had extended to ten yards by the time she rounded the second corner and by the third, Diane wasn't even in sight ! On and on Debbi went. Past the kitchen, past the laundry room, all the while taking careful note of those arrows. She was exultant, revenge was going to be so sweet. She even allowed herself to slow down a little to conserve energy for the match to come.

One more corner to go. Which she rounded to be confronted by a grinning and cheering crowd and Diane leaning nonchalantly up against the door to the squash court. The look of triumph froze on Debbi's face. She had lost ! Again ! How ? Why ? "You finally got here then loser ?" Diane taunted. "But, but, I was leading. I was miles ahead. You must have cheated" Debbi accused. "Diane didn't cheat Debbi" admonished Ingram. "Once again she demonstrated her far superior foresight and strategy. You blindly followed all those little arrows around twisting and turning corridors. Whereas Diane knew there was a direct route past the ground floor bedrooms and that the only reason guests are directed round past the laundry is to avoid noise for anyone trying to sleep in the rooms !" Debbi was dumbfounded. "Time to get naked again loser" gloated Diane !

Debbi and Diane emerged together from the locker room to warm applause and carrying their rackets. Diane was in her pristine white kit and Debbi was of course naked, apart from the sneakers that Diane had magnanimously allowed her to keep so that there could be no question of her having an unfair advantage during the match. They posed for a photo together, Diane happily and Debbi most reluctantly. This photo was another one destined for Ingram's course web site with the caption this time reading 'The fact that once more one of these ladies is in full kit and the other one naked, is further demonstration of the advantages of a university education.'

Debbi's clothes had been given to Angela to look after while the match was played and would be given to Diane afterwards. "You're going to have to be careful Deb, you'll be going home naked at this rate if you lose many more outfits" Carol laughed. "What are you going to do with all these clothes you're collecting Diane ?" Angela asked. "Oh. I'll probably donate them to the clothing bank for the under privileged" Diane answered charitably.

There must have been forty or fifty spectators gathered in the bleachers to watch the game. Word had got around all the residents of the hotel, including the Japanese delegation. Debbi thought that the only way to salvage a tiny shred of dignity from this latest debacle would be to win the match and so she assumed a determined crouching stance as she waited for Diane to serve. She ignored the catcalls from those behind her that this pose elicited !

Unfortunately, Debbi soon became painfully aware that Diane's abilities as a squash player far outranked her own. Debbi was good enough to be able to keep laying bat on ball but nowhere near good enough to be able to hit any winners. Thus it became like a cat toying with a mouse, as Diane casually had Debbi diving and scurrying about the court while she stood serenely in the centre like a ring master, until deciding it was time to end that particular point. More than once, Debbi ended up sprawled on the court in a most unladylike fashion ! The Japanese were not in the least inhibited about coming down close to the glass wall of the court to record proceedings until the other spectators complained loudly that they were blocking the view.

Debbi's ambitions shrank rapidly and she was now solely concerned with desperately trying to win just one point. It was not to be. 11-0, 11-0, 11-0 ! Total whitewash. Total humiliation. Debbi slumped to the floor of the court in total frustration !

While Diane basked in her second humiliation of Debbi with her many admirers, Angela and Carol tried to cajole the naked Debbi into spending the rest of the evening with them in the bar. "The whole hotel's seen you naked by now anyway" they argued. But Debbi was intent on going to bed. She trudged past reception towards the lift. "Lost again I see ?" the receptionist laughed. Debbi flipped her the finger. "Er, excuse me. But we need the sneakers back you hired" the smirking receptionist called after her. It was just one more tiny humiliation as Debbi had to kneel down by reception to take off the sports shoes.

The next day was the final day of the course. Just a morning session, then lunch together before an early finish. Debbi tried to ignore the snide remarks from Diane and the grins of the other course members. She still had one more change of underwear in her room but otherwise, what she was wearing was her only remaining outfit ! So she was wary when Ingram suggested a final exercise for the morning. "I think we owe Debbi one last chance to salvage just a little pride against Diane" he smiled. "Though it's clear that Diane is the superior strategist, Debbi deserves a chance to show she's not totally useless" he continued.

"I'm up for it. What is it ?" said Diane. "A game of hide and seek" Ingram replied, "Hide and seek ?" Debbi was incredulous. "Don't be so dismissive" said Ingram. "It could just as easily be looked upon as a kind of war game, using intellect and strategy to lure an opponent into a trap" he elucidated. "What's the forfeit ?" Diane was eager to know. "No forfeit this time. Just one final chance for Debbi to show that she actually can think outside the box" said Ingram calmly as Diane snorted in derision. "So I won't lose my clothes this time ?" Debbi was concerned and unaware that, in so saying, she had subconsciously given away that she was already preparing for the prospect of defeat. "Not unless you're stupid enough to put yourself in such a vulnerable situation that someone could steal them off you" Ingram said with a laugh. And with a wink at the others which Debbi failed to register !

How had Diane found her so quickly ? Debbi thought that she had found the perfect hiding place. She had noted the hotel laundry when she had been racing to the squash courts last night and had thought that climbing into one of the large laundry baskets would be ideal. She vaguely remembered hearing that some famous football manager had done that when he was supposed to be banned from the dressing room. It may indeed have been a very good hiding place, were it not for the fact that Diane had made such good friends with the receptionist that she was able to follow Debbi's progress via the hotel security cameras ! She gave it ten minutes and then sauntered to the laundry to lift the lid of the basket on the surprised Debbi.

So it was that Debbi was now under intense pressure. Ingram had explained that it was a race against the clock and Debbi only had ten minutes to find Diane or she had lost again ! OK, so her clothes wouldn't be forfeit this time but she could not stand the thought of the further boasting and taunting that would come from Diane. Time was ticking down and Debbi had no plan. She was rushing aimlessly along the corridors like a headless chicken when Carol seemed to come to her aid. Her assistant was making exaggerated eye gestures in the direction of an insignificant looking unmarked door. Debbi grabbed the handle and went in.

It was a small dusty room, dimly lit by one hanging light bulb. A large wooden hatch was built into a wall and sitting before this was a large piece of L shaped furniture, like a cushioned seat without any legs. Two armrests were set high on the 'back' of the seat. There must be something behind that hatch, was Diane curled up in there ? Debbi opened the hatch to reveal a red curtain behind it. She could vaguely hear the activity of the staff preparing lunch in the dining hall in the distance. Debbi clambered onto the seat and placed her head through the hatch, there must be something on the other side. She leaned forward further, resting her arms on the side of the seat for balance. Suddenly, unseen hands behind her slotted a semi-circular piece of wood from each door of the hatch and closed it around Debbi's neck. The detached sections left a perfect circle that fit snugly around her, leaving her head trapped and staring forward at the curtain. It tickled her nose and she fought the urge to sneeze.

"Hey, what's happening ?" Debbi cried into the curtain. She was then dismayed to feel the same unseen hands beginning to fiddle with the zip on her skirt !

Kneeling forward as she was with her head stuck fast in the hatch, there was nothing that Debbi could do to stop the hands unzipping zips, undoing buttons, unclasping clasps and peeling down waistbands ! Her hands flailed behind her uselessly but to no avail. "No, stop" she cried into the void. Her shoes tumbled off her feet and she could feel that she was once again stark naked !

At this point, the red curtain that had been tickling her nose began to part. Debbi blinked at the sudden light and realised that she was peering down into the dining room, where her fellow course members had already assembled for lunch and were laughingly toasting her with their wine glasses. The few other hotel guests who were not in on the joke looked on bemused at the array of heads on the wall. Moose, boar, Debbi, fox, deer, all looked down forlornly !

It was then that Diane burst into the room, triumphantly twirling Debbi's clothes over her head. Debbi's last remaining clothes that she had with her, apart from a final change of bra and pants back in her room ! Diane's entrance was greeted with loud cheering and applause. "Oh dear" said Ingram with mock concern. "As we said, it was not the intention that any clothes would be forfeit with this task. But we did add the proviso that there could be an exception if anyone was stupid enough to put themselves into a totally vulnerable position. And it seems as if someone was stupid enough !" Amid much laughter, he raised his glass to Debbi.

Debbi could only look down from her perch on the wall as they ate the first course and Ingram further analysed Diane's successful strategy. Befriending the receptionist, using the security cameras, finding out about the hidey hole where Debbi was now ensconced. Everyone assembled for a team photo beneath Debbi and the other animal heads on the wall. When are they going to let me out Debbi wondered, as she watched Diane sneak from the room ? Just then the curtain closed on her again and she began to hear some ominous whirring and clanking sounds of machinery from behind her !

With her head still trapped in the hatch, Debbi was helpless as the machinery began to turn the entire chaise sofa on which she was kneeling through ninety degrees, leaving her facing a blank wall. She felt hands on her hips, lifting her bum into a more pronounced upright position. "No, stop it" she cried into the wall. She waved her hands behind her, which only led to those being grabbed. She heard some banging sounds and then felt her wrists and ankles being fitted into wooden slots. These were then completely enclosed as another piece of wood slotted into place on top, leaving space for her bum to protrude just as her face had from the other end !

Debbi was now firmly stuck. "Let me go" she demanded angrily but there was no reply. The clanking and whirring of the machinery started up again and Debbi felt the turntable moving through another ninety degrees to leave her facing the empty room lit by the bare light bulb. This mechanism had not been used in anger for a couple of centuries, when the original manor which had been converted into the hotel had been a haunt of the notorious Hellfire Club. But the receptionist had told Diane that it was still routinely tested every Monday. Debbi could feel something brushing against her backside. It wasn't the curtain was it ?

Debbi's fears were soon realised when she heard a swishing sound, followed by the feel of cool air on her bum and then loud uproarious laughter and cheering. "Now that's a much better view" she heard Diane's loud voice bellowing. "Hope it doesn't put you off the rest of your dinner" said a voice that sounded suspiciously like Carol. "OK, another team photo" a male voice suggested. The only saving grace for Debbi was that she was high enough up the wall to avoid tempting anyone into abusing her exposed ass in any way other than verbally, though she could hear that continuing !

It must have been forty-five minutes that Debbi was stuck fast, displaying her bum to the dining room below. Facing inwards as she now was, she could no longer hear any detailed conversations but she could hear periodic outbursts of hilarity as more guests arrived for lunch and availed themselves of the photo opportunity afforded by her ass !

Eventually, two of the hotel cleaning staff arrived to extricate her from the unusual stocks that she was locked into. Debbi was acutely embarrassed to be found naked but she was relieved to be free and to be able to stretch her cramped limbs. The Lithuanian cleaners were unable to answer any questions, so Debbi once again steeled herself for a naked walk of shame ! She now knew of a back way to the conference room where she needed to go to collect her bag. But there was no way of avoiding another trek through reception on the route back to her room.

Debbi made it to the conference room without incident, to find that all of her fellow course members had already left. She cursed Carol who she would have to find, since they had driven to the hotel together, Jeff being stingy with expenses as usual. Holding her bag and course materials in front of her as a makeshift shield, Debbi walked head up through reception, ignoring the stares of the few guests hanging around. "You lost again I see" the receptionist called after her. Debbi flipped her the finger !

Back in her room, Debbi found that there was not even a towel she could use, since the cleaners had already been through but had yet to make up the room ready for the next guest. She stared forlornly at her now empty case before putting the course materials into it. Opening the closet in the room she saw her only remaining clothes; a skimpy black and red lace set of bra and knickers ! For what it was worth, she put them on. It was marginally better than being naked she supposed, as she looked at herself in the mirror, but not exactly decent for the drive back home.

Debbi made her way back down to reception to check out. Unfortunately, she was in a queue behind the Japanese delegation who were also leaving. The men all demanded a selfie with her before she was able to hand in her key. "Have you seen my colleague Carol ?" she asked the receptionist. "Good to see you've found some clothes at last" the girl smirked, admiring Debbi's lingerie. "She said she'd be waiting for you in the bar." Cursing Carol again, Debbi made yet another detour to the bar, running the gauntlet of yet more stares.

"Oh, there you are Deb. Can I get you a drink ?" Carol asked innocently. Being the designated driver, she was sipping a tomato juice. "No, let's just get going" Debbi hissed at her. "Let me just finish my drink then. Where are your clothes ?" Carol grinned mischievously. "Diane won them all" Debbi scowled, to curious looks from the bar staff. "Well, of course, I knew she'd won some but I didn't realise it was everything" Carol laughed. "Well it was" responded Debbi petulantly. "Almost everything anyway" Carol giggled at Debbi in her bra and pants. "Haven't you got something I could borrow ?" Debbi asked her assistant. "Don't be silly, you know nothing would fit" Carol replied blithely, finishing her drink. "Let's go get the car !"

"Hurry up Carol. I'm stuck out here in my knickers remember" whined Debbi, as Carol took her time loading the cases into the boot of the car without having unlocked the doors. "Oh silly me, I haven't handed my room key back. Stay there, won't be a minute" Carol exclaimed, disappearing back into the hotel. "Carol" Debbi cried after her. "Let me in the car first." This plea fell on deaf ears !

Ten minutes later, Carol returned to find Debbi crouched behind the car to shield herself from the street, though still in plain view of the hotel. "Sorry about that. That receptionist does like to chat" she explained, finally unlocking the car to let Debbi in. "Isn't there anything I can cover with ?" Debbi tried again. "Well, there is the dog's blanket on the back seat but she does like to roll in fox pooh" Carol replied. Debbi thought better of it !

Debbi hunkered down as low as possible in her seat, though she was still spotted by a bunch of rugby fans in a coach that Carol seemed to take forever to overtake. "Where are you going ?" Debbi asked as Carol began pulling off the road. "You must be starving, you missed your lunch didn't you ?" Carol explained as she nosed the car into a fried chicken drive through. "No, no, I'm fine" Debbi protested, though she did feel hungry. "We can't have you fading away" Carol insisted in a motherly fashion.

Debbi found herself blushing as she placed her food order with the grinning girl at the serving hatch. "Three pieces of chicken, fries and a coke" the girl announced as she returned with the meal, accompanied by a pair of curious lads from the kitchen. "You've parked too far over, I can't reach" Debbi complained to Carol. "Well, I can't move, you'll have to get out and take it" Carol replied. Debbi hastily clambered out of the car to the accompaniment of hoots and horns from all those waiting in line behind them !

Despite this embarrassment and despite the fact that the junk food was far from her usual diet, Debbi tucked in with relish. She had not realised just how hungry she was. Carol's phone beeped. "Get that for me will you Deb ?" the driver asked. "It's a text from your daughter. She wants you to pick her up from college" Debbi informed her. "Tell her OK, at about three thirty" said Carol. "Can't you drop me off first ?" moaned Debbi. "No point, the college is on the way" answered Carol !

Carol's daughter Charlotte was waiting at the side of the road alongside the college. "Hi mum. Can we give Rosinda a lift too ?" Charlotte asked. "Sure" Carol replied. "Rosie, here, it's fine" Charlotte called and a plump Indian girl joined them. "Hi Deb" said Charlotte as the two students piled into the back, making sure to push the dog blanket to one side ! "Hi Lottie" Debbi answered. She had stayed hunkered down as far as she could in her seat but now Charlotte took in her state of undress for the first time.

"Where are your clothes ?" Charlotte burst out laughing. She'd met her mum's boss a few times and liked her well enough, though she had thought that she was sometimes a bit full of herself. Rosinda peered over to look too. "She lost them in a challenge on the course" Carol explained on Debbi's behalf. "What ? All of them ?" asked Charlotte. "Well, only one outfit at first but then she had a losing streak" Carol continued. "And so she had to streak" laughed Rosinda. "Yes, good job she had this last set of bra and knickers" Carol chuckled. "So she was in the nuddy ?" Charlotte exclaimed gleefully. "Some of the time" Carol confirmed. "Goodness mum, you go on much more interesting courses than me ! You had an eventful time Deb" Charlotte laughed. "You could say that" Debbi answered with a touch of bitterness.

"Oh look, there's my brother." Rosinda spotted a schoolboy walking along the road. "Can we stop and give him a lift too ?" The boy squeezed into the back alongside the two older girls. "Why's the lady got no clothes on ?" he immediately enquired. "She's got bra and knickers", "Yeah but no dress", "She lost them" etc,etc.

Debbi was relieved when the Indians were dropped off and her underwear ceased to be the main topic of conversation. It wasn't much further to Carol's place to also drop Charlotte off. "Dad's home I see" Charlotte remarked as Carol's husband Derek came up the path to meet them. "Your mum's been on Skype, she wants you to call urgently. Something about your dad's birthday" he informed Carol. "God, I'd better go and answer the old bag, you know what she's like. Can you drop Deb off for me Derek ?" said Carol, exiting the car and handing the keys to her husband.

Debbi squirmed with more embarrassment. "Hi Deb. What happened to your clothes ? It's a nice day but not that hot is it ?" Derek laughed. He'd always thought of his wife's boss as sexy and was pleased to have this further unexpected confirmation. "She lost a challenge. I'll tell you all about it this evening" Carol laughed, as she and Charlotte went into the house. Derek confirmed the address with Debbi, who just hoped he wouldn't be too distracted on the drive !

"I can't get right to the door" Derek decided, studying the parked cars along the street, including Debbi's own. "OK if I drop you here ?" Debbi was far from happy with having to jump out, extract her case from the boot and scamper twenty yards to her front door in her bra and pants. But she had just about had enough of Carol's family and this drive home, not to mention the preceding couple of days ! "That's fine Derek thanks. Unlatch the boot for me." Finally safe back inside her own four walls, Debbi just hoped that not too many of her neighbours had seen her !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and the exercise monitor

Debbi and Carol were in Jeff's office for a debrief after the training course. "So, how did you find it ?" Jeff began. "Oh it was fabulous" gushed Carol. "I learned so much. Ingram was a fantastic coach, he made me aware of so much I didn't know" she continued. "And it wasn't just the official sessions. It was so beneficial to interact with the other course members informally and learn from their experience." Carol finished her ingratiating spiel. Jeff turned to Debbi. "And how about you ?"

"Er, yeah. It was useful" Debbi mumbled. Jeff glanced down at his laptop. "Yes, well I can see why you might be a little subdued. It seems you rather showed us up as a company" he accused her. "What do you mean ?" Debbi felt her face reddening. Jeff turned round the laptop which was displaying Ingram's page of photos and captions from the course. Debbi cringed. "It wasn't fair. She kept cheating" she whined, trying to excuse her failures. "Oh now, that's not right Deb" Carol objected. "You know Diane was just better at thinking outside the box, while you let your emotions get the better of you. Ingram told us those were the lessons to take from those tasks !" Debbi seethed. "Well, I really hope you have taken that lesson to heart Debbi" said Jeff. It was always a bad sign when he called her Debbi instead of Deb. "I have to say my faith in you has been a little undermined."

Debbi threw herself into her work and kept a low profile for a couple of weeks. Then Carol bounced into her office. "Have you heard the news ?" she asked. "What ? That terrible earthquake in Chile ?" Debbi wondered. "No, the news from here silly. Jeff's appointed a new Product Development Manager. We won't report directly to her but we'll be expected to offer her every assistance." Debbi was suspicious. "Her ?" she said. "Yes" Carol confirmed. "Jeff head hunted Diane after hearing all about her on the course. Isn't that great ?"

Debbi's one consolation throughout the debacle on Ingram's course was that she still had a better job than Diane, one earned by her own hard work. This had now been undermined by Jeff parachuting Diane in over her head in the company pecking order. True, she was not in her direct line management. But there she was on the company structural diagram, on the level above Debbi.

Debbi's mood was not helped when she discovered that on the wall of Diane's new office, and clearly visible to anyone who came in, was a framed copy of the captioned photograph; 'the reason one of these ladies is fully clothed and the other is only wearing her knickers is because only one of them had the benefit of a university education.' When Debbi complained to Jeff, she was told not to be so sensitive and to use it as an incentive to do better in future !

Diane's new team's first product launch was of a fingernail sized exercise monitoring device. It adhered to the skin and when it sensed that the wearer's pulse rate was falling below a preset optimum for the relevant exercise regime, it emitted a sharp electric shock as a stimulus to work harder. Debbi was sceptical when they met to discuss the launch. "Would there really be a market for a thing like that ?" she wondered. "Maybe not among slouches like you" Diane retorted. "But we've done market research and thrusting go ahead millennials will take to it in droves and that's the market we're after !"

"Exactly" Jeff agreed. "Don't be so negative Debbi. I'm tasking you with setting up the big launch event and I expect you to give it your best shot." Debbi seethed. Right, I'll show them, she thought. She and Carol contacted various gym equipment suppliers and arranged to hire a hall where a circuit could be installed on which a couple of hired models would exercise while monitors showed their heart rate and the intervention of the stimulus. Jeff was pleased. "Looks like you've put a lot of work and thought into this Deb." She was Deb again and not Debbi, he must be happy with it she thought.

"Yes, very good. Well done Debbi" Diane interjected. "You have been a bit free with the company's money though" she suggested. "What do you mean ?" Debbi bristled. She had costed this meticulously. "Well for a start, we don't need to hire a hall. There's plenty of space downstairs in reception. We can set up the demonstration there" Diane proposed. "Excellent, then we can entertain prospective customers in the board room upstairs" Jeff agreed. Debbi grudgingly supposed that could work. "And the cost of hiring two models is exorbitant" Diane continued. "We don't need them. I've seen you play squash and while you have no skill for the game, I've seen how you can run about. We can have you demonstrating the circuit for free" Diane concluded !

"But, but" Debbi stammered. "Another excellent idea, I can see now your ability to think outside the box Diane. You two will make a great team" said Jeff !

Debbi fumed that once more the tables had been turned on her. Diane showed her the device and demonstrated the shock it gave on Debbi's finger. "Ouch" Debbi cried but then realised that the short sharp jab was not really painful, just a kind of wake up call. "Has it been tested ?" Debbi was anxious to know. "On horses for possible sale to the police. But of course we have a lower setting for humans" Diane replied. "And anyway it will only activate if you slacken off in your workout" she reminded her. "Maybe you should take the afternoon off Deb ? Have a session at the gym to get in shape" Jeff suggested. "What a good idea. Carol and I can set everything up here" Diane agreed. "And I'll start calling customers" said Jeff. The gym it is then, thought Debbi mournfully.

Carol and Gilbert the security guard were supervising the installation of the gym equipment in reception. "How's it going ?" Diane asked. "Fine" said Carol. "We've got a circuit of four bits of equipment. There's a treadmill, rowing machine, exercise bike and thigh spreader. Gilbert's got that facing his desk" Carol laughed. "The exercise bike's got no seat ?" Diane noticed. "To keep her on her toes" Carol explained. Now Diane laughed. "I like your style !"

"I suppose she'll wear her own workout gear ?" Diane pondered regretfully. "She may think so" Carol affirmed. "But I've sown the company logo onto the straps of this." She held up a skimpy white one piece swimsuit. "You can insist she wears this to promote the company name. Jeff'll back you up" she suggested. Diane looked at the brief costume which was cut conspicuously high on the leg. "Brilliant Carol" Diane congratulated her accomplice.

"We'll spring it on her in the morning, I've just got to take it home tonight to make a few more adjustments" Carol announced. "Adjustments ?" Diane raised a quizzical eyebrow. "I used to do dressmaking as a hobby. I'm going to cut the lining out of the suit" Carol explained. Diane howled with laughter. "But won't she notice ?" she wondered. "Come on, this is Debbi we're talking about" chuckled Carol. "You know she's not the sharpest tool in the box. I did it once before for a bikini car wash and she didn't have a clue how much she was showing !"

The following morning Carol handed the white swimsuit, from which she had removed the lining, over to Diane for her inspection. "Good job" Diane congratulated her. "I know now where to come with my sewing chores. The logo looks great but it's so transparent now !" Diane ran her fingers along the inside of the suit. "I can even make out the pattern of my fingerprints through it !" she exclaimed. "Surely even Debbi'll notice that ?" Carol laughed. "Not if we keep hassling her and hurrying her along. This will be a surprise remember and we'll make her do a quick change without giving her time to think."

Debbi was in her office. She had her sports bra and spandex shorts laid out on her desk ready for this dreaded workout session. She wasn't happy at the thought of being so attired in front of her work colleagues and in the semi public space of reception, despite the memory of several previous such exposures. But she figured she would treat it mentally the same as if she was in the gym. Her workout yesterday had gone well and she was determined to put on a good demonstration today, even though she was frustrated at yet again being outwitted by Diane.

Diane meanwhile had gone to collect the fingernail sized monitoring device that would emit a small electric shock as an incentive to keep working. The research team were busy setting up the displays and screens for Debbi's session downstairs. "They're in the drawer boss" one of the technicians called to Diane. "Make sure you take a blue one and not one of the red ones we used on the horses. Those wouldn't harm her but they'd certainly keep her on her toes !" he laughed. "Ha ha" said Diane with a grin, as she pocketed a red device !

"Get your kit off, Diane's just gone to get your monitor" Carol demanded as she burst into Debbi's office. Debbi groaned as she reached for her sports gear. "No, no, no, not those" Carol objected. "Jeff's approved this special costume for you with the company logo and everything." Carol held up the white swimsuit. "I can't wear that here" Debbi protested. "Course you can, you've got the figure for it" Carol insisted. "It'll be no different to stuff you wear on the beach" she reasoned. "Yeah, but that's the beach not the office" Debbi argued. "Jeff, she won't wear the costume" Carol yelled, playing her master-card. "She'd better if she still wants a job tomorrow" came the reply !

Debbi snorted in annoyance and began to take off her business suit. She was down to her underwear when Diane came in. "God, aren't you changed yet ? Everything's ready and everyone's waiting downstairs" she complained. "I'm sorry" said Debbi inadvertently and then immediately regretting it. What did she have to apologise for ? Diane fixed the adhesive red device just above Debbi's hip. "There, don't knock it off when you put the costume on. But hurry, hurry. We'll be just outside" she chivied Debbi along !

Debbi hurriedly took off her bra and knickers and laid them on her desk with her other clothes. She was still bristling from Jeff's remarks and from being harassed by Diane and Carol but she knew that she had better not keep them waiting. She quickly grabbed the white swimsuit she was to wear and struggled to pull it up over her hips and fully on. It was very tight and it was a good job she'd shaved she thought, briefly noticing how the high cut design skimmed her pussy mound, displaying it prominently. What she could not see when looking down was how clearly it outlined the shape of her lips in a pronounced camel toe !

She had no opportunity to study the suit further as Diane and Carol impatiently opened the door to her office again. "Oh good, you are ready at last" said Diane, managing to suppress a smile when she saw how lewdly the suit displayed Debbi, with her nipples as clearly visible as the camel toe ! As Debbi hurried past her, Diane was further delighted to note that the back of the suit was cut so high that most of each butt cheek was naked and she was sure that once Debbi started working out, it would ride up even higher.

"Looking good Deb" one of her staff, who she was unable to identify, called as the trio made their way through the open plan part of the office. Debbi was cursing herself for being so enthusiastic in setting up the workout demonstration. All she could do now was put on the best possible performance to illustrate the capabilities of the device and she was determined to do that and not give Diane the satisfaction that she had wimped out. Nevertheless, her confidence was further undermined when she emerged from the lift in reception with the others and was confronted with an unexpectedly large crowd of prospective buyers that Jeff had rounded up. There must have been more than twenty executives of both sexes.

Diane began explaining how the device operated and the benefits of the stimulus it would provide to keep working out at the maximum level. Debbi however felt that during this explanation, more eyes were on her scantily clad form than were on Diane ! "The device is going to be demonstrated for you this morning by our I.T. manager Debbi, who I think some of you know and have done business with in the past. Wave hello Debbi" Diane concluded. Debbi looked again and to her chagrin did indeed see several familiar faces.

"Turn sideways Debbi" Diane commanded with an arm on Debbi's shoulder. "As you can see through the material of the suit here, the device sits quite flat and unobtrusive against the body." Diane pointed to the red adhesive patch that was clearly visible on Debbi's side. God, it's not that transparent is it Debbi wondered as the clients murmured appreciatively ?

Jeff was satisfied with how well the company logo stood out on Debbi's costume but he was much more surprised and delighted by how vividly the rest of his I.T. manager was displayed ! You can see absolutely everything, it's almost obscene, he thought. Hell, it is obscene he decided as he felt an embarrassing stirring in his loins that he was sure was shared by several of the other men present. It should be a definite selling point as far as they were concerned, he only hoped that the female execs would not consider the display too sexist. He and Diane would have to offset that possibility with the professionalism of their presentation later upstairs.

Diane was continuing to explain how the demonstration would work. "As you can see, we have a circuit with four pieces of exercise equipment; the treadmill, rowing machine, exercise bike and thigh spreader. Debbi will do ten minutes on each piece followed by a five minute rest period before starting another circuit. Gilbert here, our security guard, is in charge of the timings. Of course, you are all free to come and go between this demonstration and the presentation and refreshments upstairs in the board room. Debbi will be carrying on down here regardless !"

Debbi became worried. She'd assumed she would only be doing one circuit, that was what she had originally planned for the model. How many did they expect her to do ? "You can see the monitors on the wall which will display Debbi's heart rate" Diane continued. "The device remains inert until Debbi reaches her optimum effort level which we have preset and is marked here on the other screen by the red line. Whenever Debbi then falls below her optimum, she will receive a little encouragement from the device to keep working !" Debbi knew how the thing worked but hearing it so starkly spelled out like that was somewhat intimidating.

"Is the shock painful ?" asked one of the female clients who Debbi recognised from various previous meetings. "Oh no, no" Diane insisted. "Merely a little prod to remind her it's there but it's very insistent and keeps going until the required heart rate is attained once more." The woman appeared to be disappointed to hear that there would be no pain involved ! "OK Debbi, let's get started. The treadmill first I think" suggested Diane.

Focus, focus. Ignore any comments, don't think about what I might look like, just get through these exercises, maintain dignity. These were the thoughts going through Debbi's mind as she stepped onto the treadmill and pressed the button to set it in motion. She soon got into a rhythm and it seemed to take her mind off of the fact that she wasn't in a gym but in the middle of a busy reception area. And she wasn't wearing her workout gear but was, in fact, dressed in next to nothing ! The view was certainly being enjoyed as her flesh bounced enticingly.

Debbi had hoped that most of the execs would have retired to enjoy the free drinks in the boardroom rather than stay down here watching her but the reverse was proving to be true and actually their numbers were being swollen by colleagues from the offices above finding excuses to visit reception and even by curious passers by coming in off the street ! Debbi moved on from the treadmill to the rowing machine, which at least did not seem quite so exposed and one or two of the execs did even begin to drift off. But after ten minutes of that it was the exercise bike which was a whole different ball game !

Debbi immediately discovered the absence of a seat and had to spend her allotted time standing on the pedals and pumping her legs. Her thighs were already starting to ache and she sensed many in her audience moving behind her where, as feared, the swimsuit had worked its' way between her cheeks to become a thong and to display her virtually naked buttocks ! Diane watched with a grin, as the monitor showing Debbi's heart rate rose inexorably towards the red line at which the incentive device would kick in.

Debbi meanwhile moved to complete her first circuit with the thigh spreader. She began to bitterly regret having selected this particular piece of equipment. She had to sit astride a bench and pull weights attached to her ankles by opening and closing her legs. She was facing the front of reception and in order to get the maximum benefit from the exercise, she had to open her legs really, really wide ! During this exercise, Debbi felt a slight humming from the adhesive patch and guessed that she had now reached her optimum heart rate. She wasn't surprised since it had been hard work and her blood pressure was not being helped by opening and closing her legs just a few feet away from a grinning crowd. The blood pressure of many in the crowd was also rising, noting just how transparent this suit was now becoming !

Diane grinned maliciously as the graph monitoring Debbi's heart rate began to sink back towards the red line that would trigger an unpleasant shock for the hapless I.T. manager, who was enjoying her first five minute rest period. Most of the invited executives were still there and one or two who had had dealings with her in the past were exchanging a few words with the embarrassed Debbi when she suddenly let out an involuntary shriek ! A sharp piercing shock ran through her entire mid section, much stronger than the mild pricking sensation she had experienced when testing the thing.

Debbi, and everyone else apart from Diane, was unaware that she was now fitted with the device they had been testing on horses. She began jigging wildly on the spot. "Ow, ow, ow !" Diane laughed but did not want the prospective buyers to think that the device would be too strong for their customers. "Don't worry folks, it's only the device doing its' job." She indicated the monitor screen. "Unfortunately, Debbi's a bit of a drama queen and appears to have a very low pain threshold ! Work those buns, better get that heart pumping again Deb" she encouraged and Debbi jumped back up onto the treadmill to begin her second circuit and to forestall the electric shock activating again !

The whole spectacle now became even more amusing for Debbi's audience. Her workouts on the various equipment became more and more frenetic. Her suit became more and more revealing, as her sweat made it even more transparent and as it disappeared completely between her ass cheeks at the back. And for all her efforts, she was tiring and could not prevent getting three or four further shocks, much to the delight of everyone watching her squirm uncontrollably !

By the time Debbi entered on her third circuit, the crowd of invited executives had thinned out as they retired to the board room. But the size of the crowd watching Debbi had not diminished, with the execs being replaced by delivery men, gangs of lads off the street, friends that Gilbert the security guard had alerted and other staff from within the company who were enjoying their lunch break ! These newcomers were much less restrained in their reaction to the spectacle that Debbi was presenting. There were plenty of ribald comments, especially when she was using the exercise bike or the thigh spreader. And some of the lads enjoyed counting down the heart rate monitor as it sank towards the red line where it would give her yet another shock !

By the time Debbi had completed her third circuit, she had been working out for two whole hours and was exhausted. She had only had two five minute breaks and those had been interrupted by the device giving her shocks as her heart rate fell. She knew she would not be able to continue for another circuit but by now Jeff, Diane and Carol were upstairs in the board room with all the potential customers and there was nobody to stop the demonstration. Debbi had always thought that Gilbert the security guard was a lecherous creep but reluctantly she approached him for help.

"Can you phone upstairs and get them to stop this demo now please Gilbert ?" she asked. She could feel his eyes boring into her suit as he waited on the phone. "They're not picking up Deb" he grinned, his eyes flicking up from her pussy to the monitor which showed that any second now, Debbi would be getting another nasty shock ! "Well try the technicians, get them to switch this bloody thing off" Debbi said frantically, since she also had a wary eye on that red line. "No answer, maybe they're at...." Gilbert was cut short. "Ow,ow, ow, ow ,ow !" Debbi began running on the spot manically, much to the pleasure of the motley crew still hanging around reception.

Her brief burst of activity was just enough to drive Debbi's heart rate up again and momentarily stop the shock. She spotted one of her staff coming out of the lift. "Sandra, please go back up and get Carol for me" she called. "Sorry Deb, I've got to get to the bank this lunchtime" and Sandra was gone. There was nothing for it, Debbi was going to have to gatecrash the boardroom. But then...... " Ow,ow,ow,ow,ow !" There came the shock again and there came Debbi's undignified and involuntary dance ! She saw a pair of scissors on Gilbert's desk and handed them to him.

"Cut the bloody suit away and take off the patch Gilbert" Debbi demanded, turning her right side to him. "Um, if you say so Deb" Gilbert replied. He could clearly see through the suit where the patch was fixed but deliberately missed it with his first cut. "Can't seem to find it Deb" he explained. "Owwwww !" Debbi wailed at another shock. "Just cut the whole bloody side away" she yelled at him. Gilbert happily did so, from hip to armpit ! Ignoring the expanse of newly revealed bare flesh, Debbi wrenched the device from her skin and banged it down on the reception counter. "Put the bloody thing in a box and then I'm taking it back upstairs" Debbi said, only then becoming fully aware of just how wrecked her suit now was !

Debbi was so happy to be rid of the patch that had been giving her excruciating shocks but her relief was tempered when she surveyed the carnage that had been inflicted on her swimsuit by Gilbert slashing it down the side. Gilbert for his part, was delighted to observe that along with all the other exposure this suit provided, there was also now a considerable amount of side boob on display ! In fact, all that now held the suit together were the hems around the leg and shoulder strap. Debbi struggled to keep the gaping hole together and avoid her right nipple escaping. "Do you want me to look for a safety pin Deb ?" Gilbert grinned. Debbi ignored him. "I'm going back upstairs" she announced, to mild booing from those still hanging around reception in the hope of further titillation.

Debbi decided that using the stairs to the second floor might be safer than the lift. Her intention was to reach her office and get dressed before confronting the boardroom but she was thwarted by the appearance of Diane as she reached her floor. "Gilbert phoned to tell me you'd stopped the demonstration." Diane did not seem best pleased. "I was exhausted and I didn't know when anyone was coming" Debbi complained. "And what's happened to your suit ?" Diane feigned annoyance. "Those bloody shocks were killing me, I had to get Gilbert to rip it off" said Debbi, as some curious execs followed Diane out of the board room. Debbi thrust the box containing the device at Diane.

"But it's a red one" Diane exclaimed loudly, so the customers would hear. "So ?" said Debbi. Diane began dragging her to the boardroom. "Let me get dressed first" Debbi squealed but Diane ignored her. "Ladies and gentlemen. I know some of you had concerns that the shocks Debbi was getting from the device seemed to be causing her discomfort and you were worried how this might effect the marketability of the product." Some of those present had indeed entertained such thoughts. "Well, I owe Debbi an apology" Diane continued disingenuously, as the executives considered the bedraggled I.T. manager. "I accused her of having a low pain threshold but it seems she was fitted with a red patch designed for use on horses, rather than a blue one that is used on humans !"

Everyone except Debbi found this to be most amusing. "Rest assured, when Debbi comes to your offices to demonstrate, we'll fit her with a blue patch" Diane told the assembled gathering. "Sorry, when I what ?" Debbi demanded angrily. "We were just discussing" Diane explained. "Before making a final decision, some of our customers here wanted a repeat of today's demo in their offices for their staff and of course I agreed !" Debbi was not happy. "It won't be so bad, there will be limited room available and so we won't take all the equipment with us, just the exercise bike and the thigh spreader" Diane told her. The customers agreed that these were good choices ! "I'll task Carol with getting another suit for you Debbi" Diane chuckled.

t had been a deeply embarrassing and humiliating week for Debbi, encompassing three visits to the offices of prospective customers to demonstrate the workout patch. These were all companies that knew her as a serious and capable businesswoman and with whom she had often worked in that capacity. Indeed, Diane insisted that Debbi accompany her dressed normally for the office and partake with her in the initial presentation of the properties and benefits of the device. So it was some surprise to most of those watching in each location when Diane announced that Debbi would now go and get changed so that she could demonstrate the attributes of the device for them.

This entailed Debbi finding the rest room and changing into the suit. The suit that Carol had obtained for her ! There had been no need for Carol to think of removing the lining from this white suit, since the cut of the suit was so revealing and so humiliating that it was hardly necessary. The one piece was cut high over Debbi's hip bone and the back was a complete thong even before there was any question of it riding up ! There appeared to be only an inch or so of material covering her mound at the front and the top half also displayed ample cleavage and side boob.

Debbi had protested loudly that she couldn't wear this when she had first tried it on back in the office but Diane and Carol had insisted that it was ideal and that in any case, there was no time to find anything else that would have the company logo on it. Diane pointed out the 'advantage' that the adhesive patch could be stuck on the side of Debbi's right buttock which the suit left completely exposed. Debbi was at least relieved to see that it was a blue patch this time !

Her reappearance on each occasion, having changed from her business clothes into this wholly inappropriate outfit, was received by delighted and appreciative murmurs from the men present and by scornful smirks from the women. It was something positive that Debbi now had only two pieces of equipment to workout on but it was a distinct negative that they were the two most revealing ones. Comparatively speaking, the exercise bike was only mildly humiliating. She could sense most eyes on her buttocks as her legs pumped away. The thigh spreader was a total disaster area however. To say the swimsuit was not designed with such activity in mind would be an understatement. It was not really designed for any activity at all, save posing around a pool. The constant opening and closing of both arms and legs put great strain on the material of the suit and there was an ever present risk of a nipple or, even worse her pussy lips, escaping the confines of the suit. To Debbi's shame and chagrin, on more than one occasion over the course of the three days, both disasters occurred !

After the workouts, Debbi still had to hang around in the suit as she helped Diane hand out leaflets and answer questions before finally being allowed to get changed. The one consolation was that the sales drive was a great success but it was scant consolation for Debbi since, in Jeff's eyes, all the credit went to Diane !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and the parachute jump

Debbi had undergone one more trial concerning the exercise patch. Jeff and Diane had insisted she take part in filming a video of the demonstration for promotional purposes. As with her tour of the prospective customers, only the two pieces of equipment were used. But although the finished film had been cut so that it would be passed for general viewing on the net, the result had been lascivious enough, with far more concentration on her buttocks than she thought necessary ! Judging from the many comments beneath the video, it did seem that many of the tens of thousands of hits the clip was receiving were prompted more by Debbi's bum than by any merits of the device. It was probably just as well that she remained unaware of the out takes that the cameraman had made available to a porn channel, complete with nip and lip slips !

For now, Debbi was just pleased to be enjoying a few weeks of quiet normality with no hare brained schemes to bother her. This welcome fallow period was ended by Diane and Carol bursting into the office. "You are going to sign up for the sky dive aren't you Deb ?" Carol urged. "Sky dive ?" Debbi repeated incredulously. "Yes Debbi, surely you've heard ?" asked Diane in her usual patronising tone. "We've got so many major sponsors already and Jeff is very keen that we all play our part." Most of this was stretching the truth to put it politely, as the pair had just hatched this scheme over coffee. "But isn't it dangerous ?" Debbi had never done anything like this. "No, it's all expertly managed. Surely you've seen little old ladies doing it while strapped to some hunk ?" said Carol. Debbi did seem to recall seeing something of the sort. "And you know the importance Jeff attaches to these charity events" Diane reminded her. "And what he's like when he's disappointed" Carol added ominously. Debbi groaned. "OK, where do I sign ?"

Diane and Carol giggled together as they left Debbi's office with her signature on the list for the charity sky dive, the first part of their scheme accomplished. A few days later, after the participants had undergone some rudimentary tuition at the local aerodrome, Diane wandered into Jeff's office. "I've been speaking to my friend Roger, the rich entrepreneur" she began. Jeff was always impressed with the access that Diane's privileged background gave her to such individuals. Calling Roger 'rich' was something of an under statement, the guy was a multi-millionaire !

"Yes" Diane continued. " I was telling him about the sky dive and wondered if he would be a sponsor." Jeff's ears perked up even more. "And he's agreed to triple all the sponsorship we can get, including the company's donation" Diane announced. "Fantastic" enthused Jeff. "Isn't it just" Diane agreed. "But you know his sense of fun. He's laid down one condition, which is that all the women participants sky dive in the nude !" Jeff was a little taken aback by this condition but the benefit to the charity would be significant and he could also see the funny side.

"I must say that sounds most generous. But how many women do we have signed up ?" asked Jeff. "Oh, just the one" Diane laughed. "But Roger doesn't know that !" Jeff laughed too. "Neither does she I assume" he chuckled. "Best not to worry her pretty little head about that before the day, she'll be nervous enough about diving as it is" he decided considerately. "I suppose Roger will want some confirmation that the condition's been honoured ?" Jeff pondered. "No problem with that" Diane replied. "I've arranged a professional camera crew to record the whole thing, including being on the jump alongside Debbi !"

The eight participants who had signed up for the charity sky dive were waiting expectantly in the small aircraft hanger. Apart from Debbi, the other seven were all guys from Debbi's team. Diane and Carol approached, accompanied by two camera crews who were to film the event, one in the air and one on the ground. Carol was carrying a clipboard detailing the sponsorship each person had attracted.

Diane began addressing the group. "Before you all go to get ready, on behalf of the company and the charity, I would like to sincerely thank you for all your efforts at getting sponsorship. The sum you have extracted together from willing donors is most impressive. But I have better news yet. The company has agreed to match the amount you have raised with their own donation !" This was met with cheers from the waiting divers. "But wait, wait, that's not all." Diane held up her hands. "I've spoken with a friend of mine Richard, who you may have heard of ?" Yeah, yeah, thought Debbi. You and your rich friends. "And Richard is going to triple the amount raised, including the company donation !" Diane continued.

This news was even more enthusiastically received. Even Debbi was reluctantly impressed. "As you can imagine, the difference this combined donation will now make to the charity is considerable and you should all be very proud of yourselves" said Diane. "Richard made just one condition for his huge donation. He always has a sense of fun and mischief and he has stipulated for his condition that all the women jumpers should sky dive nude !" Amid much laughter, all eyes turned to Debbi.

"What do you mean, all the women ? There's only me" Debbi responded angrily. "And you will be personally responsible for getting all this extra money for the charity, for which they will be so grateful" Diane congratulated her. "What if I won't do it ?" Debbi was still angry. "Then you will be personally responsible for losing this vital contribution" Diane pointed out. "Come on Deb, be a sport" urged Stew, one of the guys on the jump. "We won't look" he promised. "Think of the poor little mites in the children's hospital" Carol encouraged her. "Alright, alright, I'll do it" Debbi caved, to loud cheers !

Having finally caved in to peer pressure regarding the financial benefits to be accrued by the children's charity if she performed the sky dive naked, Debbi was hurried across to a small side room by Carol. "Look, I really don't want to do this Carol" she tried again. "Oh, nonsense. It's a very wonderful thing you'll be doing for the charity and they are going to be so grateful to the company !" Carol insisted. Debbi was still hesitant, however. "It'll be fine, you heard the others say that they wouldn't look ! Get your things off , Diane said she'd look after them for you and take them to the landing site" Carol continued. "I'd rather you look after them, I don't trust Diane" said Debbi as she began undressing. "Why not silly" laughed Carol. "But if it makes you feel better, I'll take them for you."

When Debbi was almost naked, there was a knock on the door. "We thought we'd kit you out in your harness in here" Carol explained, as she opened the door to a hunky member of the parachute regiment. Debbi might not have minded being naked with him under other circumstances but this was simply embarrassing. "Well, I must say this is a first luv" he announced cheerfully. "I'll try to be careful where I put my hands !" he laughed. Debbi began to climb into the harness with his assistance, stepping into the waistband and then the elastic leg loops that fitted around her thighs. The straps leading from thigh to waist resembled some strange set of stockings and suspenders in their effect and looked mildly erotic. Other straps led to a second band which was around Debbi's chest, just below her boobs and this led up to the final shoulder straps.

The parachute itself was then affixed to the back and the paratrooper adjusted the various buckles and fastenings to make sure that all was secure. "All comfy ?" he asked. Debbi was standing stiffly like some kind of cartoon action woman, though seldom did such characters have pussy, tits and ass on full display like she did ! "It's a bit restrictive" she answered the instructor. "Yes, well, it's not designed for everyday wear. It's strictly functional to do the job it's designed for and we'll all be there to help you out of it as soon as you land" he explained. "Let's go back outside and we can run through the safety drills with everybody one last time." Debbi looked around anxiously. "You have got my clothes safe Carol ?" she worried. "Yes, yes. Of course" replied her assistant !

Dressed in only hiking boots and the restrictive parachute harness, Debbi waddled out of the side room and into the aircraft hanger. Everyone turned to look at her. "You said you wouldn't look if I agreed to do this" she protested to her team. Murmurs of "sorry, sorry" as people looked down at their boots and then back up again ! Debbi spotted the camera crews; one static and one to do the jump alongside her. "What are they filming ?" she wailed. "It's just for some publicity and to prove to Richard that we've fulfilled the condition for his donation" Diane replied. "Don't worry. It'll all be edited so that nothing naughty shows" she lied.

The nine volunteer divers, eight in combat gear and a little nervous, one naked and extremely nervous, stood in line while the safety drill was run through one last time by the instructor. His long checklist was occasionally interrupted by a female voice hissing "stop looking" and "you promised not to look" ! Eventually, the squad made their way out to the waiting plane, "don't look". Once they were all seated in two rows facing each other, Debbi found that the restrictions of the harness made it impossible for her to close her legs completely. And she would just happen to be sitting opposite the camera crew !

Back on the ground, Diane and Carol watched the plane take off. "I've got her clothes here. I guess we'd better be heading off to the landing zone ?" said Carol. "Oh, no rush" answered Diane. " I hear they do a great coffee here. We can take our time, I'm sure someone will take good care of her if she happens to land before we get there !"

Meanwhile, up in the air, the plane was on its' final approach to the landing site. Debbi was to be the next to last to jump, followed by her cameraman. She watched in increasing excitement and tension as her colleagues jumped. "Keep going, move along. We don't want to overshoot the field" the instructor encouraged them. Finally, Debbi was on the threshold. Her nudity was momentarily forgotten as she tried to remember all that she had been taught about the jump. In a cumulative rush of adrenaline and exhilaration, she launched herself into the void !

Debbi's mind was a whirl of mixed feelings and emotions. For sure, there was an element of fear. Leaping out of a plane was a potentially life threatening situation after all. Then she also remained acutely aware that she was naked apart from her safety harness. But the overwhelming feeling was one of intense joy and exhilaration. She could only think in cliches, feeling as free as a bird !

Debbi became aware of her personal cameraman, who had jumped out of the plane immediately after her, manoeuvring through the air to come alongside. She could only wonder at what bizarre shots he must be getting as her exposed flesh was buffeted and distorted by the fierce updraught of air, which was the only physical manifestation that she was plummeting to earth at breakneck speed. Otherwise it really felt like floating on air, the freedom of her nudity making it almost akin to the feeling when skinny dipping.

All too soon, her camera toting companion indicated that it was time to pull the chord. For a brief instant, fear kicked in again as the predominant emotion. What if the parachute failed to open ? Debbi pulled the chord and immediately felt the power of the upward tug on her shoulders as her body shifted from the horizontal to the vertical. She looked up to see the reassuring sight of the silk canopy billowing above her head. She looked down on the chutes of her companions similarly deployed, like a fleet of exotic jellyfish !

A feeling of serenity came over Debbi. For the first time, she could enjoy fully the panorama unfolding beneath her as she resumed a much more leisurely descent. Was it cold ? Well, a little chilly maybe but that was offset by the adrenaline rush. Debbi began to make out more distinct details on the ground below her, including the field with the big red 'X' which marked their landing site and where she knew Carol would be waiting with her clothes. The first of her colleagues on the dive already seemed to be coming in to land. All seemed to be going to plan and she availed herself of one last look around at the splendid vista before she descended too low to be able to take it all in.

It was when she turned her head back to the landing site that Debbi had the first inkling of trouble. The site, which had been more or less immediately beneath her, now seemed to be significantly off to her right ! She could still see her colleagues landing successfully but all of a sudden, she appeared to be moving sideways as much as she was descending, trapped in an invisible cross current of air. Debbi had no idea how to operate the strings on her chute to control its' direction and anyway, she didn't want to risk impairing the functionality and falling to the ground out of control. All she could do was drift helplessly in the current. Where was she going to land now ? Turning her head to the left, Debbi could see that she was headed inexorably towards town !

"This really is surprisingly good coffee for a place like this" Diane remarked as she leisurely sipped her skinny latte. "I suppose we'd better be thinking about heading off to the landing site with her clothes though ?" suggested Carol. "She must have landed by now." Diane sighed. "I guess" she conceded, gathering up her bag. Carol's phone beeped to indicate an incoming text. "That's probably her" she laughed. "No, it's from Stew" she corrected herself. Then she began to laugh and then to look a little concerned. "Blimey ! He says they've all landed safely apart from Debbi. Apparently the wind got up as she was the final one coming down and the last they saw of her, she was headed straight for the town." Carol was suddenly a bit worried for the safety of her boss but Diane simply found the whole thing hilarious. "Let's go and see if we can find her" she laughed. "But how will we know where to look ?" Carol asked reasonably. "I'll set up all my social media alerts" said Diane. "Something like this is bound to hit the net pretty quickly !"

Debbi was kicking her legs wildly in a desperate attempt to change the direction her parachute descent was taking but all her attempts were futile. The wind was too strong and if anything, it seemed to be momentarily lifting her higher once again as it caught in the chute. Anyway it was too late now, she had already passed beyond the perimeter of the field containing the landing site. Debbi was of course mortified to be naked in these circumstances but for now her initial priority was to somehow get down safely and in one piece. Maybe she would be able to use part of the parachute as cover once she was on the ground, at least until Carol found her with her clothes ?

She was now starting to descend again as she sailed over the busy industrial estate containing the company offices and on towards the central shopping precinct of the town. By now, Debbi could make out individual figures looking up and pointing. Could they see she was naked ? Probably, though she was still a little too high for anything much to be seen clearly. The wind was now beginning to drop however and her rate of descent accelerated ! Debbi could now see that she was headed straight for the municipal park. She offered up a silent prayer, please don't let me land in the lake. She was now able to discern the faces of startled onlookers as her descent became a blur and the ground raced up towards her.

Crash, creak, splinter ! Debbi's silent prayer had been answered to some extent and she had avoided the lake. She had come to an abrupt halt by landing in a stately ancient oak tree that was now groaning in protest at this sudden intrusion ! A quick check confirmed that she seemed to be in one piece apart from a few scratches and she did not feel any pain. The problem was that her parachute was hopelessly tangled in the upper branches of the tree and the naked Debbi was dangling helplessly from her harness thirty feet above the ground, with a sizeable bunch of people hurrying over towards her to see if they could assist !

Debbi looked around helplessly. There was no way she could get down by herself, she was just dangling there. Even if she could somehow extricate herself from her harness, she would then plummet thirty feet to the ground, which was obviously not a very good idea ! Already a sizeable crowd was beginning to gather and gaze up at her. She wanted to keep her legs together but the strain was too much. They needed to drift apart to enable her to balance and the loops from the harness around her thighs were also an encumbrance. "Are you OK ?" a voice called from the ground. "I think so but I'm stuck. Can somebody help me ?"

Once it became established that Debbi was in one piece, the mood changed to one of amusement and curiosity !

"Why are you naked ?"

"It was for charity."

"How come you landed there ?"

"It was the wind. Can somebody help me down ?"

A middle aged woman in tweeds began to harangue Debbi. "That tree is over a thousand years old and now it's in danger of being damaged all because of an idiot like you !"

"I wasn't aiming for it, it was the wind. Can somebody please help me down ?"

"There's a preservation order on that tree, people can't just go clambering all over it" tweed woman asserted. "We need experts. Has anyone called the fire brigade ?"

"I think so" one of the crowd replied. Debbi could see that people now had their phones out for photos and recordings. "Don't look, stop looking."

The banter from the ground was now increasing. "The fire brigade normally get called out to rescue cats from trees."

"Well, I'm pretty sure I can see a pussy up there !"

"Don't look"

A group of teens began a rowdy chant to the old tune of 'coming round the mountains'. "Bare naked lady up a tree; There's a bare naked lady up a tree; Bare naked lady, bare naked lady; Bare naked lady up a tree !"

"Stop looking" cried Debbi.

Sensing an opportunity to make extra sales, a mobile hot dog stand and an ice cream van had made their way to the park. There was now a real party atmosphere. A policeman and policewoman had also now arrived to control the crowd. "The fire brigade are on their way love, we'll soon get you down" the policeman called. "Why are you naked ?"

"It was for charity"

"Arrest her officer, she's damaging a precious tree" insisted tweed woman.

"Let's get her down first madam"

"Tell them to stop looking !"

"I don't think they'll take much notice love."

In the distance, Debbi thought she could hear the two tone sound of a siren !

Carol's concentration on the road ahead as she drove them towards town was sorely tested when Diane erupted into gales of laughter. "She's landed in a tree in the park" she announced joyously, reading the local news feed from her phone. "Is she OK ?" was Carol's first thought. "Seems to be" answered Diane. "But she's stuck up there and can't get down. Come on, hurry up, we've gotta see this !"

The two women arrived at the park around the same time as the fire brigade, who had driven their engine across the grass and were now assessing the situation. "We could saw through that branch ?" one suggested. "That tree's over a thousand years old and has a preservation order" yelled tweed woman, who had made sure she was close to the operation. "She's right I'm afraid" confirmed the fire chief. "We have to be careful." A voice was heard from thirty feet above them. "Can somebody please get me down ?"

"We're going to have to put up two ladders" the chief decided. "One of you can get her in a fireman's lift ready to carry her down and the other can sever the ties. Someone else can worry about the parachute" he concluded. "Who's going to pay for a tree surgeon ?" tweed woman demanded. This time the fire chief ignored her as his men began to prepare the rescue mission. As Debbi's luck would have it, the local brigade was currently the subject of a fly on the wall documentary series for Channel 5 and this incident was comedy gold for the TV crew, who were already busily filming. They would worry about how to cut and blur the shots they were getting later !

Debbi had lost count of how many people had seen her naked today, the crowd was constantly growing. The two ladders were now in position either side of her. "We'll soon get you down now darling, we just have to be a little careful with the tree" the first fireman reassured Debbi as he climbed up towards her. "And with me I hope ?" she wailed. "Goes without saying" the fireman laughed. "How come you're naked anyway ?" he asked, as if noticing the fact for the first time. "It was for charity" Debbi explained. "Charity eh ? Good girl. I'll get the lads to sponsor you. Now hold steady, I've just got to get you over my shoulder while my colleague cuts you free from the chords !"

There was a loud cheer from the crowd below as Debbi was turned and placed over the shoulder of the fireman in a classic lift. The blood rushed to her head as she was upended but that was not the only reason for a red face, as she could only imagine the view that was now being presented to her audience ! "Full moon tonight I see" she heard a female voice cry that sounded very much like Diane. Whoever it was, the remark was greeted with wild approval !

n Debbi's mind at least, it seemed to take forever for the ties linking her harness with the parachute above to be disconnected. All the while she was draped over the other fireman's shoulder, displaying her bare bum and glimpses of her pussy to the gawping crowd. Finally, after what seemed like an age, her rescuer carefully began his descent down the ladder to cheers from the crowd. Debbi was relieved to once more be turned right side up and with her feet on the ground but she was still acutely aware of being virtually naked and surrounded by crowds of curious onlookers who had been royally entertained ! And , oh god, was that a TV crew ? And where was Carol with her clothes ?

"Let's get that harness off you love, make you more comfortable." The fireman who had carried her down helped Debbi out of the straps. They didn't cover anything important and were digging into her flesh, so Debbi had no objection. "Arrest her officer. She damaged a valuable tree !" The police and the fire chief tried to ignore tweed woman. Nobody seemed quite sure how to proceed now that Debbi was safely back on solid ground. Well, nobody apart from the TV crew shooting the documentary on the fire brigade, who now jumped in to conduct an impromptu interview with Debbi !

"How did you end up in the tree ?"...."Why are you naked ?"...."Very admirable, what charity are you supporting ?"...."How professional were our fire fighters here ?" A red faced Debbi stammered out answers to this barrage of questions, mortified to still be standing there naked. "The fireman was very brave, kind and considerate" she answered the final question. "Look, you're not going to show me naked are you ?" Debbi asked anxiously. "No, no. We're only shooting you from the neck up" the TV guy reassured her. What he did not mention was the uncensored footage being shot for the technicians special Christmas party tape, both from this interview and from her earlier rescue !

"I want to make a citizen's arrest officer. She damaged a precious tree !" Tweed woman was insistent. "It was only a few twigs. I didn't mean it, I like trees" Debbi shouted back at her. "Maybe we had better take you down to the station just to clear up a few details" the policeman decided. Debbi looked aghast. "Can't I borrow your jacket ?" she cried. "Sorry, it's not allowed for a member of the public to wear police uniform" the accompanying policewoman informed her as they began to make their way through the laughing crowd to the waiting police car.

Debbi caught sight of Carol and Diane and called to them. "Carol, where are my clothes ?" Carol clasped a hand to her mouth. "Oh, sorry Deb ! In all the panic I forgot them. They're still back at the airfield." Before this conversation could proceed any further, the naked Debbi was bundled into the back of the police car. The crowd slowly began to disperse, happily comparing photos they had taken and footage they had shot. "Do you think we should follow her to the police station ?" Carol asked Diane.

Debbi was relieved when the police car drove into the service yard at the rear of the station rather than up to the front door entrance. At least she would only be seen by other police officers, though that would be bad enough. She tried again to negotiate the loan of a jacket or flak vest or anything but was once more stonewalled by the reply that uniform could not be worn by members of the public. Thus it was that Debbi was frog marched into the police station, naked except for her hiking boots !

Several other officers and a few felons awaiting processing were hanging around and Debbi tried to avoid eye contact and to ignore any crude remarks the felons made. "What's all this ?" the desk sergeant asked the young officers who had brought her in. "She was on a parachute jump and landed in a tree in the park" the male officer began. "Yes, yes. I know all that. We took the call and it's been on the local news. But why have you brought her here instead of taking her home ?" queried the sergeant. "Um, er, well, there was his woman who wanted to make a citizen's arrest for damaging a tree and we wanted to make sure if it was an arrest-able offence or not" the officer tried to justify himself. "Don't be so bloody stupid" the sergeant retorted. "Of course it's not an arrest-able offence ! And find the young lady a blanket from the cells." The chastened officers rushed to comply.

"Sorry about all this miss. I realise you're nude because of some charity event. Can we call someone for you ?" Debbi was grateful that her luck seemed to have changed for once. She thanked the sergeant and called Carol's mobile. "My friends will be here in twenty minutes or so with my clothes and bag" she explained, as she was finally able to wrap herself in a blanket. "Fine. Since you've got to wait, we may as well complete a routine report form. You can do that Hastings" said the sergeant to the male officer. "Yes sir."

When she arrived with Carol, Diane managed to disguise her disappointment that Debbi was not in a cell, or at the very least handcuffed. Worse still, someone had given her a blanket to cover herself with ! "We were so worried about you. We wondered if you'd been hurt and we were in such a rush, we forgot your clothes. But here they are now" she cooed. "Thanks" said Debbi curtly. Diane was still reluctant to hand over the bag containing Debbi's clothes. "It must have been awful to have so many people seeing you bare ass naked and taking photos and films too ?" she pointed out. "Thanks for reminding me" responded Debbi, grabbing the bag and retreating to a toilet to get dressed.

Although this lack of an arrest had stopped it from being an absolutely perfect day, Diane was well satisfied with the outcome of her plan !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi at the trade fair

Debbi's company were branching out into the lucrative gaming market with their software apps. They had taken a stand at a major gaming trade fair and it was deemed to be a vital step on the way to gaining a foothold with potential partners and customers. Debbi's boss Jeff had tasked her and her team with staffing and running the stand, though he would be present himself from time to time when he could get down there. Debbi would be in charge of the stand and engage with any movers and shakers who were attracted to it. Carol, her 35 year old assistant, was to be the odd job girl. Simon and Stew, two 20 year old coders, would be on hand to contribute any geek speak that might be necessary. Debbi had attended several trade fairs and knew that a pretty promotions girl always helped things along, so she had contacted an agency and hired an experienced girl. She told them it would be a tasteful business affair and so a short skirt and crisp blouse would suffice.

Unfortunately for Debbi, her experience of mainstream industry trade fairs had not been good preparation for encountering a bunch of gamers. On arrival, Debbi was astounded by the explosions of garish colour, flashing lights, beeps and buzzes, face painting demonstrations and deafening product displays. Their business like stand in comparison looked like it might have been put together by the Salvation Army ! The agency girl Nicky was a very pretty blonde with good legs but as far as being an attraction for passing trade was concerned , she was competing against any number of Wonder Women, Warrior Princesses, Star Trek honeys and so forth. Up against which, her relatively modest mini skirt did not cut it. You could sense the tumbleweed blowing through the stand as the five of them stood idly twiddling their thumbs. "We've been out bimbo'd" said Carol. "Looks like it" agreed Debbi sadly.

When Jeff arrived, he was furious. Debbi took the brunt of his displeasure. "This is a fiasco. We have zero sales leads. Do you know how much this spot is costing the company ? I blame you Debbi. We'd better have more footfall in here tomorrow or I'm holding you personally responsible." Carol, Simon and Stew smirked. Debbi was at a loss what to do. This was outside her usual business experience and indeed her work experience in general, which so far in her career had all been plain sailing. She did not know how to deal with this potentially very serious setback. She asked everyone to get there early the next morning so they could try to brainstorm a solution.

Everyone was there the next day an hour before opening. Everyone except Nicky the promotions girl. Debbi's big plan was going to have been to get her into a more enticing costume but the apologetic message from the agency stated that Nicky had found the prospect of an audition for a prestigious pop music video too enticing to turn down. Jeff had arrived and was even angrier at the lack of progress and how, if anything, the the situation had got even worse with Nicky's defection. "You'd better come up with something fast" he told Debbi ominously. " I want this stand packed with punters by the time I come back later this morning or else." Debbi was in a panic but meanwhile, Carol had strolled along the avenue of stands to where the guy had been doing the face painting demonstrations yesterday. "I don't suppose you also do nude full body painting do you ?" she enquired.

"It's not my speciality" the face artist replied in answer to Carol's question. "But I've seen a couple of demos and could have a go." "We're desperate for something striking to attract people to our stand, we had nobody yesterday" explained Carol. The artist looked her up and down dubiously. "It's for you is it ?" he asked. Carol broke into loud laughter. "Perish the thought, I'd scare punters away ! No, I plan to get my boss. She's younger and sexier, though it pains me to admit it."

Debbi was getting more and more frantic. She had never seen Jeff so angry, nor felt so under threat in her job. "I've no idea what we can do" she complained to Simon and Stew. "And now Carol's disappeared when I need her help." "You could always try hitching your skirt up Deb" suggested Simon jokingly. "You know, roll up the waistband like schoolgirls do with their uniform." "Nicky had a mini skirt yesterday and that was no good" replied Debbi sadly. "Where've you been Carol ?" she cried as her assistant returned. "I've just saved our bacon, or more specifically yours" Carol announced, pulling Debbi along the corridor of stands.

"Where are we going ?"asked Debbi. "Have you ever seen those clips where models look fully clothed but are really nude and covered with body paint ?" Debbi's eyes widened. "I've spoken to the face painting guy and he says he can do a full body job on you." "I can't do that" shrieked Debbi. "I'm a professional businesswoman not some bimbo !" "We agreed yesterday that we'd been out bimbo'd by the competition" argued Carol. "This will be our response. We'll blow them out of the water !" She could see Debbi hesitate and begin to ponder. Debbi did recall seeing some such examples that were incredibly realistic and didn't show much detail at all. Carol pushed home her advantage. "Jeff'll go ballistic if he comes back later and we haven't done anything to get some customers. Have you any better idea ?" "OK, let's see what this guy has to say" said Debbi, caving in to the pressure of the situation.

This is a lot more like it, thought the artist as Carol introduced Debbi. "I'm guessing you want to be ready for when we open today, so we'd better get moving" he said. His stand had not been designed for this eventuality but he was able to pull an old curtain across. "Hurry up and slip your things off and we can get started." This time pressure left Debbi with no time to think. "I'll head back to the stand to get things organised and come back for you just before we open" said Carol. Debbi had no time for second thoughts and rapidly undressed behind the flimsy curtain while the artist prepared his paints. Her clothes were piled on the floor and as he turned, he saw her standing naked apart from her lacy knickers. He regarded these critically. "I think they'll have to come off too" he decided. "I could paint over a plain cotton pair but that lace design will show through too much." Cursing her choice of underwear for today, Debbi reluctantly added the knickers to her pile of clothes, revealing her neatly trimmed landing strip. "Ah, same problem as the knickers I'm afraid" objected the artist. "We need to shave that, I've got some soap and a razor !"

Debbi could see the logic of shaving off her landing strip but it was still embarrassing to be doing so under these circumstances. She had a mug of water and some soap and was desperately trying to raise a lather to smooth the passage of the razor. "Do you want me to do it for you ?" suggested the artist. "No, I'm fine" squeaked Debbi. "Only we don't have much time before opening" he continued. "It's OK if I miss the first few minutes" said Debbi. "Yeah, but what about my stand ?" replied the artist. "My face models will be arriving for my demos as soon as the bell goes !" Debbi hurriedly finished off. "Is that OK ?" she asked, hardly believing that she was presenting her shaved fanny for approval to a stranger. "I can work with that" the guy smiled. "We don't have time to paint all of you, so I propose painting what will look like a one piece swimsuit. That OK with you ?" It'll have to be thought Debbi, it sounded as if it would be racy enough to tempt a few customers to the company stall.

"My speciality's tiger faces for kids, so for quickness sake, I'll make the swimsuit a tiger skin design." "Fine" said Debbi. She stood stock still, mortified to be naked like this. He quickly drew on the outline of the suit round her hips. buttocks and breasts in clear black lines. He then began to fill in the tiger print effect where the material of a real suit would have been. Normally, he would have applied an initial layer as a kind of undercoat but there was no time for such niceties. Which meant that the usual camouflage effect was noticeably reduced and it was pretty to clear to anyone giving more than the most cursory glance exactly what it was; a design painted on a naked body ! Debbi had not helped by protesting as he painted around her snatch "Ooh, it tickles" so much so that he skimped on that area. The front was as good as it was going to get in this timescale, so the artist quickly began filling in the pattern on Debbi's bum. He had deliberately drawn the outline at the back scooped low and high cut to minimise the amount he would have to paint.

He was barely finished when the arena PA blared out "Three minutes to opening." At that point also, Carol burst in. "Wow Debbi, you look sensational. This is going to be so great !" That's what she said. What she thought was, god she might as well be naked but the paint gives us deniability if anyone objects. Debbi's nipples being erect did not help and the outline of her pussy lips also stood out where the artist had been hurried along by Debbi's ticklishness. A pro might have applied small plaster strips to these areas before painting but this was a pro face painter not body painter and he had not come equipped for that anyway. Debbi wanted to look at herself in a mirror but Carol thought that might not be a good idea and hurried her along. "Don't rub against anything for ten minutes or so, let the paint dry" advised the artist. "Here's your shoes Deb" said Carol. "I'll come back for her clothes and settle up with you a bit later" she said to the artist.

The situation Debbi found herself in was so unexpected that she felt light headed as she headed out in public with Carol back to their stand. She was naked in public ! Naked !! OK, she knew she had the body paint which camouflaged all her important bits, or so she naively thought ! But her every nerve end cried out; naked ! And she was acutely conscious of every bounce and jiggle of her flesh, which walking on her heels seemed to accentuate. She was already garnering a lot of attention by the time she reached the temporary sanctuary of the company's stand, and the doors had only just that moment opened to the public. At this stage some of the hardest stares were coming from the hired hostesses who immediately saw that it was their turn to be out bimbo'd today. Did this woman have no shame ?

Carol had told Simon and Stew what was going on and and to prepare themselves for a treat but even so, Debbi's sudden appearance came as a shock, albeit a most welcome one. It was true there was some tiger skin painting on her that kind of resembled a swimsuit but anyone could see it for what it was and easily make out her pussy, tits and ass ! The boys could not believe that they had arrived an hour ago with their soberly dressed boss and only a day of boring inactivity to look forward to. And now they were seeing every inch of her virtually naked body and would soon witness her making a complete spectacle of herself !

Carol was already taking charge. "You'd better hang around here for ten minutes while that paint dries properly , then take our leaflets and start parading about outside." Debbi cringed, she wasn't sure she could do this. It was clear that Carol would have to assume her duties and liaise with any potential customers on a business level. Debbi could not be both bimbo lure and professional executive. Nobody would take her seriously in her present guise. During the time she was waiting for the paint to dry, she thought more than once of calling the whole thing off. But that time only showed once again how pitiful the offering of their stand was and how little traffic it would generate. She thought once more of Jeff's anger and how it even seemed possible that her job would be on the line. She would have to go out there and begin accosting people !

"OK Deb" said Carol. "We hardly gave out a leaflet yesterday so there are hundreds here. Go and start giving them out. Aim for blokes. Any man would take anything from you looking like that." Simon and Stew laughed. "But encourage them to come over here to us so we can sort out who are live prospects." Debbi was dismayed at how easily Carol was slipping into boss mode. Nervously, she left the security of the stand and stepped out into the main thoroughfare.

Debbi steeled herself to step out onto the thoroughfare. She was startled to be immediately surrounded by a gaggle of middle aged executive admirers like flies around a jam jar. "Can I interest any of you fine gentlemen in a leaflet detailing our products and services ?" she asked desperately, a vacant smile playing across her attractive face as she handed each of them a flyer from the stack in her hand. "Don't worry" she said. "I don't scratch !" gesturing to her tiger paint. They laughed, or at least they took their cue from her pantomime giggle that would be used to accompany this joke over and over again through the day. "There's plenty you could interest me in sweetheart" said one. Unsurprisingly, they did not reject the offer of spending some time in the company of the attractive brunette. "Let's all pose for a photo with you" suggested another.

None of the men could resist the temptation to give her smooth body a casual grope as they sidled up to her for their photo. Some pulled her close by her hips, letting their uninvited hands slide up and down her curves and belly and making her skin crawl. Others were more brazen, crudely grasping at her taut painted buttocks as the photographer intentionally took a long time getting the perfect image. Debbi kept her rictus grin through it all, giggling to mask her discomfort. She was becoming concerned that all the poking, pinching and grabbing would quickly wear away the thin layer of pigment that provided her with some illusion of clothing but when she was able to check with Carol a few minutes later, it had proven to stand up to it surprisingly well. The last man finished having his photo taken. Debbi tried making her pitch but they weren't interested having gotten all they had come over for. She watched them wander off, looking at their newly acquired photos and laughing with one another.

That hadn't been a particularly auspicious start thought Debbi sadly. The aim was not to attract hordes of people to herself but to the company stand. She would have to refine her technique. As was to be expected, a high percentage of the predominantly male attendees were attracted to interact with her. So as soon as she engaged them in conversation, she began purposefully edging towards the stand. Eventually, she had begun to generate an acceptable number of legitimate leads for Carol, while at the same time continuing to endure numerous indignities, not to mention embarrassment at her over exposure. This had been going on for just short of a couple of hours when out of the corner of her eye, Debbi noticed Jeff arrive. Oh god, what was his reaction going to be ?

"What on earth do you think you're doing Debbi?" Jeff demanded. He called me Debbi and not Deb she thought. He's angry with me. "Er, oh, I'm so sorry Jeff. We were desperate. This is all Carol's idea" she replied, trying to shift the blame. "I must go and congratulate her, it's brilliant" said Jeff, suddenly smiling. He openly looked her up and down, happily taking in every detail of her body as it was revealed. He had long wondered what was under that business suit but had not expected to ever find out. Debbi was blushing once more. "You stay out here doing what you are obviously best at and I'll go and chat with Carol about what customer leads she has. She looks very busy !" Debbi took some small comfort from the fact that Jeff seemed pleased with the business they were now generating but she was miserable about what appeared to be her downgraded status. And she still struggled with the embarrassment of being out here virtually, or in actual fact but for a layer of paint completely, naked.

Debbi reapplied her mental mask and tried to go back onto autopilot as she resumed her role of attractive lure. She put up with the occasional grope and photo request but her equilibrium was once more to be disturbed. "Debbi?" asked an incredulous female voice. "Oh my god, it is you ! Look Jackie, it's Debbi !" the woman cried, calling to a companion. Sarah and Jackie, two bitchy rivals of Debbi from her time at business college. "Good grief" yelled Jackie, joining Sarah and staring at Debbi. "You look, how shall I put it, very striking !" laughed Sarah. "You told us you were a rising executive in the company responsible for a large team. Not some common booth babe, and a rather extreme example of one at that !" continued Jackie. "Er, I am. I'm just helping out here in an emergency. They're part of my team." Debbi miserably indicated the boys on the stand. "Yeah right, we believe you" smirked Jackie sarcastically. "And so will the other folk from college when we post these photos on social media" added Sarah as they both posed for photos with her, much to Debbi's chagrin. "How shall we caption it...? Guess who we ran into at the trade fair and look what she was doing !" they laughed as they walked away.

Debbi was mortified but all she could do was plunge back into the fray. She approached a group of middle eastern businessmen but despite their obvious interest in her, she was having difficulty in guiding them over to the stand. They crowded round, invading her personal space, though there was no groping. Their interpreter spoke quietly to her. "My employer will reward you very well if you will join him in his hotel this evening" and he passed her a card with all the contact details written on the back. They think I'm a prostitute ! This is turning into a nightmare thought Debbi. But at least they were now going to the stand to talk with Carol she was relieved to see. She might have been less relieved had she known that Carol would give them Debbi's phone number and address which they seemed to want. After all what harm could that do if it brought in more business, thought Carol.

Jeff called over to Debbi. "I'm just taking Carol to lunch, we've so many quality leads to discuss. Sorry Deb, I can't really invite you looking like that ! Keep up the good work, the boys'll get you a sandwich."

Debbi chewed morosely on her sandwich before she had to venture out soliciting for customers once more. She was getting seriously dehydrated under the harsh lights of the arena floor but she did not dare drink, she was desperately trying not to have to go to the rest room until the end of the day when the show closed. She had four more hours to get through. She asked Simon and Stew if her paintwork was still doing its' job. It never had done if truth be told but at least it did not appear to have deteriorated from its' original state and they could tell her it looked the same with a clear conscience, after asking her to give them a little twirl. Debbi further reassured herself that it must be within the bounds of decency, since she had already been parading for four hours and had not been kicked out. She was unaware that some of the other booths had complained to the organisers but it had been ruled a borderline case and they would only act if a visitor to the show objected.

After a half hour break, Debbi reluctantly forced herself to head out into the crowds once more. She was subjected to another round of low level harassment until her heart sank to see her enemies Jackie and Sarah returning and this time they had their old college lecturer in tow, Mr. Harrington. "Mr. Harrington knows your company and he insisted that your position with them is what you said it was" began Jackie. "But then he did not believe us about what you were doing until we showed him the photos we've posted" continued Sarah. "I had to see for myself" said the lecturer, drinking in the deliciously unexpected sight Debbi was providing. "How come you are reduced to having to do this ?" "I told Jackie and Sarah, it was an emergency and I had to help out for the benefit of the company" Debbi replied lamely.

"And she's doing sterling work above and beyond the call of duty Bernard" interjected another voice. It was Jeff, who knew Mr Harrington and had just returned from an extended lunch with Carol. "I like my staff to make full use of their assets !" he laughed. "Yes, I have an exceptional sales technique" giggled Debbi, suddenly striking a pose with hand on hip. God, why did I just do that, she immediately thought ? It was the dehydration making her light headed. "Well, I think we should have a group photo as a memento of this success" said Harrington. Jeff took the shot for them. "You should see the likes, shares and comments these photos are getting" said Sarah spitefully as they left once more.

It was no good, Debbi had to risk a drink. She walked over to the stand and glugged down some water. She then saw Jeff talking with one of the company directors. Jeff had been too ashamed of yesterday's fiasco to invite him then but today's bustling activity was another thing entirely. Yet another familiar pair of eyes was hungrily pouring over her body. "I have to say Debbi that your initiative is bringing in the most satisfying results." "It was all Carol's idea really" interrupted Jeff, twisting the knife. "We had to do something after the initial stand Debbi organised was such a flop." "Excellent work Carol. Jeff's been telling me about this spectacular middle eastern deal that looks very promising" continued the director. "Oh yes, the one dependant on Debbi having dinner with them tonight !" laughed Carol. "Is that so ?" laughed the director. "Better not let us down then Debbi" he chuckled. "Your charms are proving a big hit ! Off you go and drum up some more leads for us." With this the three of them turned away to discuss more business, leaving Debbi no chance to quiz Carol on what she had just said. She gulped down some more water and once more collected her leaflets.

As the clock edged towards five, the crowds thinned out appreciably and Debbi was left to ponder her aching feet and the increasingly urgent need to relieve her bladder. There was one further unpleasant surprise as Jackie and Sarah swung by for a third time. "Thought you might like to see how social media's reacting" said Sarah tauntingly. She held out her phone. The number of likes and shares was far too high for Debbi's liking and among the expected plethora of text speak in the comments were several words all beginning with the letter "S".....slut, slag, slapper. But the most upsetting thing was her first real sight of a photograph of herself in her "costume". It was obscene, you could see everything clearly ! And she had been parading about like that all day ! She wanted to confront Carol for misleading her about how revealing it was but by now her main concern was to visit the rest room.

The PA system was encouraging attendees to leave the venue so Debbi headed across the floor to the rest room. She still made a surreal sight as she walked through the emptying space with her paint still stark against her clearly naked body. But most people were now busy packing up and dismantling their stands and she only attracted a few glances. She entered the toilets to find two other booth babes checking themselves in the mirror. "Oh my god" said one, clearly enough to ensure Debbi heard. She entered the cubicle and did her best to ignore the whispered chatter as she gratefully relieved herself. She decided to wait until they left to avoid more cattiness but this proved to be a mistake. The whispering stopped, followed by the sound of taps running. But she had not heard the door close. Without warning, a pile of sodden toilet paper followed by a huge quantity of water came over the top of the cubicle and all over her bare body ! Debbi screamed in shock as the rest room filled with laughter, running footsteps and a few parting words of abuse.

Debbi emerged from the cubicle dripping wet and splattered with pulpy wet toilet paper. She wandered over to the mirror gasping, the water had been ice cold. She looked at herself, her hair and makeup ruined. She groaned and began pulling the blobs of wet paper from her body. It seemed all the available toilet paper had been used in the prank. Debbi tried drying as best she could by running her hands and arms under the dryers before trying to wipe away as much moisture as possible from the rest of her frame. To her horror, the unexpected shower had finally breached whatever waterproofing the paint had been designed to withstand. This became apparent as she looked down to find that her hands and forearms had been covered in messy shades of brown, orange and black. "Oh no, no, no , no !" she yelped , rushing over to the mirror to find that she had not only smeared the pattern but also exposed several areas of her buttocks and belly, as well as spreading paint over the tops of her shoulders and her face ! She looked utterly ridiculous, as though she had been in a fight with a paintbrush. With no way of drying herself, she couldn't even remove what paint was there and accept her open nudity. Dread filled her as she began to panic about what to do !

In the end, Debbi realised her only solution was to just walk back to her colleagues and get her clothes. The walk back to the stand was far less comfortable than even the embarrassing walk across to the rest room had been. Everyone now most certainly took notice of the soaking wet woman covered in patches of smeared paint , her hair a wild mess filled with pulpy bits of paper. She drew whistles, glares, laughter and even some concern in equal measure. She felt her face burning red with shame as she focused on keeping her shaking legs moving. It seemed to be four times further than she remembered. Upon reaching the company stand, she found her colleagues weren't much kinder, laughing hysterically at the sudden transformation of their exhibitionist boss. They demanded to know all the details of what had happened. Debbi indignantly related the tale of her ambush.

"Anybody got a towel ?" she asked plaintively. "Strangely enough, no. It wasn't something I'd thought about bringing to a trade fair" answered Carol sarcastically. "I'm fed up" announced Debbi. "I'm going home. Where did you put my clothes Carol ?" Carol's mouth formed a shocked "O" shape. The shock was genuine, there was no mischief on her part on this occasion. It was simply that they had been so busy that she had completely forgotten about collecting Debbi's clothes from the face painting stand ! "Run and see if he's still there Simon" she said. But alas, he returned shrugging his shoulders. The stand was already dismantled and abandoned. "Don't worry Deb" said Carol reassuringly. "I've got his card and I'll chase him in the morning and get them back for you. He must have them bundled up somewhere with his stuff." "That's all very well but how do I get home now ?" screamed Debbi. "Well at least your bag's here and you drove in today rather than taking a bus" answered Carol, trying to keep a straight face. "I'd offer you my jacket" said Stew. "But the state you're in, it'd get ruined." Debbi had to concede that point. "Look" suggested Carol. "We'll wrap the company banner around you. That way, you can still be promoting the company as we walk to the car park !"
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi the inadvertant camgirl

Diane was fuming. OK, she still had the fly on the wall documentary about the fire brigade to look forward to when Channel 5 got round to showing it. But otherwise, the two weeks since the parachute jump had not gone at all well from her point of view. The children's charity had been overjoyed at the boost to their profile and their coffers but instead of Diane getting any credit as the organiser of the jump, it was Debbi who had been the prime focus of their thanks and who was now displaying a framed certificate in her office ! And the local fire station had asked Debbi to be their official mascot. She was even dating the one who had carried her down from the tree !

None of these outcomes was at all desirable from Diane's point of view. Hence she had called a war council with Carol. "We've got to get back at her" Diane began. "But why ? She didn't go out of her way to make these things happen, they just did" said Carol. "If anything, it's her who would want revenge on us !" Diane was scornful. "I don't care. She's not getting away with it. Don't go all coy on me, you've put her through enough in the past" she reminded Carol.

Carol had indeed enjoyed filling Diane in on the pranks she had pulled on Debbi in the past before Diane had joined the company. The jet skiing. The hypnotist show. The car wash. The Halloween costume. Ayia Napa. But all these had kind of salved Carol's resentment towards Debbi and she now thought Diane was in danger of going O.T.T. with things. She recognised, however, that in her current mood, Diane was implacable. "OK. So what next ? Any ideas ?"

Diane's phone chirped. "She's just gone into her meeting with Jeff" Carol informed her. "Great, I'll be right down" said Diane. "I do love the way she always leaves her laptop lying around open" she remarked when she arrived in Debbi's office. "Do you know her password ?" Carol had to laugh. "Of course I do. Silly cow can't keep anything secret. And guess what ? It's 'Debbi' !" Now it was Diane's turn to laugh. "Without an 'e' " Carol added and they both laughed !

"How long do you need ?" Carol wondered. "Only five minutes. Keep an eye out in case she comes back unexpectedly." Diane was installing onto Debbi's laptop a piece of spyware her computer guru had supplied her with. As long as Debbi kept to her habit of leaving the laptop lid open, the webcam would continue broadcasting live once initially activated, even after Debbi thought she had switched it off !

"So you're OK with this South Korea trip ?" Jeff was asking Debbi at their meeting. She was more than OK. It was a welcome sign that Jeff's trust in her had been re-established, after the doubts arising from her performance against Diane at Ingram's training course. "We're confident our proposals will be mutually beneficial to our Korean partners" he continued. "But we'll set up a conference call anyway while you're there so we can smooth out any details."

"Fine. I'll have my laptop with me. What's the time difference ?" said Debbi. "Eight hours. But we'll arrange the call for early afternoon here so you can still get your beauty sleep" replied Jeff !

"Here's your visa, flight details, hotel reservation, company credit card and a thousand in South Korean won" announced Carol, dumping the impressive pile on Debbi's desk alongside her laptop. "Carol you're a star, mwah !" gushed Debbi, standing up to plant a kiss on her assistant's cheek. "I don't know what I'd do without you !" Carol glanced down guiltily at the open laptop. "You really shouldn't leave that lying around open like that all the time" she said. "Oh, don't be a fusspot" Debbi chided her. "I know you worry about me but it's perfectly safe. Besides, nobody would ever guess my password." Carol shrugged. Oh well I tried, she thought.

Three days later, Debbi was ensconced in her hotel room in Seoul. Back in England, the conference call was being displayed on a large screen in the board room. The screen was divided into six segments and the person speaking was brought up to full screen as needed. The six participants on the call comprised two executives from the Korean partners who were recording events to share later with their colleagues, plus Jeff, Diane and the company chairman as well as Debbi. Other members of her team were in the board room but just as observers of the big screen without any individual input from their computers.

"So you can see, the cost benefits to both parties would be huge. I really think this could lead to great things and help to cement relations between our two companies !" Debbi was concluding her pitch. "Wonderful Deb, thanks for your hard work so far" Jeff congratulated her. "We're going to carry on with the call, there's more financial stuff to discuss with Mr Kim and Mr Son. But I know it's past ten o'clock over there and you must be tired and still a bit jet lagged I'm sure. We'll let you go and we'll fill you in on email."

"OK, I wouldn't mind getting some rest. Ciao for now" Debbi replied, leaning over to press disconnect on her laptop. Her face, that had been displayed full screen while she spoke, shrank down to the bottom right hand corner. But instead of the square going blank, Diane was delighted to observe that it remained lit and continued to show an open window into Debbi's hotel room !

On seeing the first part of her plan work, with Debbi's window remaining open from her hotel room, Diane quickly clicked in the second feature of the bug she had installed. This proceeded to reinstate Debbi's window to full screen, overriding the video conferencing software. "Oh, what's happened there ?" mused Jeff. "Deb, you forgot to switch off your screen" he called. "Doesn't seem as if she can hear you" said Diane. "It looked like she moved to switch it off" pointed out Stew, one of the team members who were observing. "Maybe there's a bug on her laptop ?"

By now onscreen Debbi had demonstrated that, while she had been decorously conducting the conference call in her crisp white blouse, she had in fact long since taken off the bottom half of her trouser suit and all that she was wearing below the waist was a pair of red lacy knickers ! This sight was greeted with stifled laughter from the members of Debbi's team. "Er hmm" Jeff coughed awkwardly. "Can't we fix this ? Diane ? Stew ?" he pleaded. Stew moved over to Jeff's computer. "I'll try but if it's a bug on her laptop, it may be sending an override" he explained. "I've told her so many times that she should be more stringent about following the company's basic security rules" Diane added snidely.

"Oh, this is too much" Jeff spluttered, as they all watched in horrified fascination as Debbi began to unbutton her blouse ! "I am so very sorry about this unwarranted interruption Mr Kim" he apologised. "Are you both still there ?" "Yes, yes. We still here" replied the disembodied voice of one of the Korean partners. "We still recording but all we see is Miss Debbi." By now, 'Miss Debbi' had taken off her blouse and was reaching behind her to unclasp her bra !

In her hotel room, Debbi was now naked apart from her skimpy red knickers. She approached the screen, reaching behind it for a glass of water so that her nipples virtually brushed the screen !

Jeff was getting increasingly frantic. It wasn't that he minded seeing a nude Debbi capering about. Far from it, that never got old ! But it was an embarrassment in front of the M.D., the members of Debbi's team and especially the Korean partners. "Are you getting anywhere Stew ?" he asked desperately. "Not really" the techie admitted. "Whoever wrote this bug knew what they were doing."

"Looks like she's writing an email" observed one of the team, looking at the topless Debbi typing away on her laptop to her new fireman boyfriend. "Email !" exclaimed Jeff. "I'll send her an email telling her to close the lid, or at least turn the bloody thing around !" This did not suit Diane's purposes at all. "I think it would be much kinder not to tell her" she said. "If it were me, god forbid, I would much rather not know. She would be absolutely mortified to realise that she was making such a spectacle of herself in front of us all. Much kinder if we all just keep quiet."

"You think so ?" wondered Jeff. "Definitely" confirmed Diane. "Better submit to Diane's superior experience of the female psyche" the M.D. decided, letting Jeff off the hook. "But I think there's no need now for Debbi's team to stay" he added. The team reluctantly gathered their things and traipsed out, all apart from Stew who continued in vain to try and debug the system.

"Look here" suggested Diane. "Why don't we just carry on regardless with our financial discussions and not worry about visual input ? It's not as if there's any sound now from Debbi's room to distract us."

"Sounds eminently sensible" agreed the M.D. "You always have a solution Diane" he complimented her. "Is that OK with you Mr Kim ? Mr Son ?" asked Jeff. "Is fine" replied one of the two Koreans. "We still recording so we have record of discussion and what is decided." As well as a record of Debbi in the nude, thought Jeff ! In truth, everyone remained distracted by what was playing out on the full screen in front of them. Debbi had finished sending her message and had now got up to switch on a device in the room that seemed like the radio. At which point she began to dance !

"So we agree that it is possible to share development costs on that basis ?" Jeff was desperately trying to keep the conference call on track but everyone's eyes inevitably kept drifting back to the screen, where Debbi was prancing about her hotel room clad only in a pair of skimpy red knickers. It had to be said that Debbi was not a natural on the dance floor and her moves owed much to the Elaine Benes school of disco dancing ! One good thing was the lack of audio on the feed, so that those watching did not have to endure the sound of Debbi singing along to a drippy K-pop song.

Somewhat to the disappointment of Diane, the M.D. and the Koreans, it seemed that the good thing was finally coming to an end as Debbi moved to switch off the radio in the room and exited the screen stage left. Part of Jeff was disappointed too but he also felt relief as he began to try to bring the call to a sensible conclusion. He was thwarted in this aim however when Debbi quickly re-entered the frame, this time sans knickers !

The business conversation petered out again as everyone watched Debbi bend to present a full moon to the screen as she extracted an item from her bag. Diane was delighted to see Debbi turn around holding a familiar looking silver cylinder ! Once more, those partaking in the conference could only watch in startled fascination as Debbi clambered onto the bed facing the screen, opened her legs and began to locate her clit with her left hand. Her right hand was firmly grasping Steely Dan !

Bugger, I wish I could control this cam to zoom in, thought Diane. Never mind, this was still priceless and beyond her highest hopes for this prank. "Stew, for goodness sake. Can't you get rid of this bug ?" wailed Jeff. "Sorry boss, it's a tough one" Stew replied, though in truth he had given up trying and like everyone else was captivated by the on screen image. "Er, look, I, er, I really am so very sorry about all this Mr Kim" Jeff stammered. The Korean response remained sanguine however. "Is OK. No hurry. We watch Miss Debbi and then talk. She very pretty !"

As the naked open legged Debbi slumped back down on the bed in a post orgasmic glow, the assembled conference callers watched in stunned silence ! Sensing that there would not be a lot more to see now and more than satisfied with the success of her scheme, Diane thought it prudent to discretely click on her bug and reduce Debbi's feed from full screen down to her square in the bottom right hand corner. "At last. Thank god for that" exclaimed Jeff. "Well done Stew." The techie had no idea what he had done to rectify the problem but was happy to take the credit.

Jeff once more began apologising profusely but the Koreans seemed unperturbed by what they had just witnessed. The main business of the call was now swiftly concluded. There was a little more movement down in Debbi's corner as her naked figure got up from the bed and disappeared from view, returning a few minutes later and turning off the light. "And you really think it best that we don't tell her ?" Jeff asked Diane. "Definitely. She'd be so embarrassed and it wouldn't serve any purpose now" Diane replied and the M.D. agreed. "We'll just call in her laptop for a routine service once she's back."

At home late that evening, knowing that it was now morning in Korea, Jeff put in a call request to Debbi. He was surprised to see the screen immediately fill with Debbi's tits ! She was sitting there at the screen working on something. "Er, Deb ?" he called but she was oblivious. Then she obviously noticed the incoming notification from Jeff, got up confirming she was completely naked and walked to the bed to pick up her blouse. Once she had slipped this on and sat down at the screen again, she reached across to activate her end of the link. "Hi Jeff" she answered brightly, as he filled her in on the financial details from the earlier call.

Even later that morning, Debbi was pleasantly surprised by the welcome she got from everyone at the Korean partners, who were noticeably more friendly and attentive. Everyone seemed to want to stop and share a word with her. It was just as well that she was unaware of the footage from the conference call that Mr Kim's son, who also worked at the company, had stumbled across last night and had uploaded to a notorious Korean underground voyeur site, where it was already registering the highest number of hits !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi ( and Carol ) and the contamination unit

Carol was confused. Why wasn't she finding this as funny as everyone else ? She had already heard from the giggling team members who had spilled out of the conference room having seen the start of Debbi's unwitting show. And Stew had filled her in about the spectacular climax. Climax being the operative word ! Deep down, Carol knew why it was no longer such fun. It was because she knew that it wasn't some random act of fate that had led to Debbi's latest humiliation but it had been carefully planned by Diane and she, Carol, had also been complicit. She thought back fondly on the early pranks she had pulled, when it had been such fun to see Debbi exposed and embarrassed. But over time, those had succeeded in assuaging her built up resentment towards Debbi and she no longer bore her any ill will.

So it was a strangely unresponsive Carol that was listening to Diane gleefully detailing her triumph with the laptop bug. "What's the matter with you ? You don't seem to find it funny ? Or are you just sour that you weren't in the board room ?" Diane wondered. "No, nothing. It sounds great. I'm just a little tired." Carol wanted Diane to go but the Queen Bitch was already planning ahead to what she could next inflict on Debbi. I've created a monster, thought Carol, thinking back to how she had first met and conspired with Diane on that training course.

Diane was still wittering on. "We're not going to tell her anything. I persuaded the bosses it would be tooooo embarrassing for poor Debbi" she laughed. "I'll call in her laptop for supposed servicing but I'm leaving the bug on there. I can't repeat the exact same trick of course but you never know when it might come in useful for something." Carol snapped at this point. "Why are you so mean ?" she demanded. Diane laughed harshly. "Mean ? Moi ? Who was it that started all this ? Don't tell me you're now feeling sorry for Goody Two Shoes ? I've got plenty more ideas involving the company's little darling and if you're not going to help me, you'd better not get in my way or you could end up regretting it !"

Debbi returned flushed with the success of her mission to Korea and blithely unaware that anything untoward had happened. She certainly wasn't going to let that bitch Diane spoil her mood, so she looked up brightly when her rival entered her office, returning her laptop from service. "Thought I'd just drop this by as I was passing" Diane began. "Thank you" said Debbi politely. "Do you still have that fireman boyfriend by any chance ?" Diane inquired. "Yes, why do you ask ?" Debbi replied defensively. "Oh, just a safety demonstration Jeff's asked me to arrange at our chip production plant and his expertise might be useful. I also had you down to introduce and present the demo." Carol's ears perked up at this. She didn't know how but this sounded suspiciously like the next of Diane's schemes. Perhaps I'd better get to go along too and look out for her, she thought ?

Carol had convinced herself that really, when you thought about it, she'd had very little to do with the various misfortunes that had overtaken Debbi in the last year or so. It had begun with the jet skiing and that was all Debbi's own fault for trying to get out of it and not being prepared. OK, so it had been Carol who had suggested she could do it in her bra and pants but that had just been a bit of fun.

OK, so it had also been Carol who had organised the hypnotist and encouraged him to do a risque show but how could she have been expected to know that Debbi would be so susceptible to hypnotic suggestion ? And OK, so it was her who had persuaded Debbi that it was a healthy option to fly commando to Cyprus but how could she have foreseen that the silly cow would contrive to get herself strip searched, more or less in public ? Besides, Debbi seemed to enjoy that mini break.

Bikini car wash ? Well, lots of people did such things for charity and Debbi certainly had the figure for it. OK, so it was Carol who had caused it to escalate into a topless car wash but that was all in the excitement of the moment and for a good cause ! And OK, it had to be admitted that it was Carol who was responsible for the Christmas elf and the New Year baby but these had done wonders for team morale and also boosted Debbi's popularity. She had done her a favour really !

No, none of it was really anything to do with Carol at all, she decided. All the real trouble had stemmed from that Angela and her protege Diane. At least, that was what Carol convinced herself.

Debbi had also been taking stock of the various scrapes she had been involved with. She felt incredibly guilty whenever the slightest germ of an idea crept into her mind that suggested her assistant might not always have had her best interests at heart. Because she knew that Carol had always been loyal. But Debbi was only too aware of the hostility of Diane and the feeling was mutual. Was hate too strong a word ? It was for the kind hearted Debbi but nevertheless, she had to admit to herself that she really didn't like Diane very much at all !

Oh well, she had just had a successful mission to Korea where nothing bad had occurred, or so she thought ! And she had a new hunky boyfriend who would ensure that nothing untoward happened at this upcoming safety demonstration that Diane had foisted on her.

"It's like an office outing isn't it ?" said Debbi to break the rather awkward silence. They were driving to the production plant for the safety demonstration. Debbi didn't understand why it needed Diane, Carol and herself to all be present and she might have used that argument to try and get out of the engagement if it wasn't for the fact that she would be able to spend some time with Andy the fireman ! Diane, of course, had her own plan for the afternoon and Carol had decided to ask to tag along in the hope of possibly thwarting it, whatever it was.

Some of the staff at the plant had been rounded up to watch the demonstration and there was also a party of students from the local college. It all started routinely enough, with Debbi's boyfriend Andy and another colleague from the station setting up controlled fires in the car park and demonstrating the various types of fire extinguisher. They then proceeded inside the plant where Andy gave advice for safe evacuation in the event of alarms and any real fire. It was all rather tame and Carol began to think that she had been wrong about this being one of Diane's schemes to embarrass Debbi. But her antennae began to twitch again when they came to the concluding part of the tour at the decontamination chamber, where Andy was stressing the need for prompt and decisive action should a person ever come into contact with any of the hazardous chemicals used in the production process.

By this time, Debbi seemed distracted and pretty bored despite Andy's presence. But Carol was now on her guard. Diane meanwhile had sidled up to one of the Asian girls in the student party. "A bit boring isn't it ?" she whispered. "Tell me about it" the girl replied. "What's your name ?" asked Diane. "Aditty" the girl replied. "Well Aditty, how about we liven things up ? You won't get into any trouble but see that lever over there beside the woman Debbi ?"

Carol was now on full alert. She had noticed Diane in conversation with that surly looking Asian girl. Andy was now asking if there were any questions. In answer to one of the staff who didn't normally visit this part of the plant, he was stressing that time was of the essence if anyone did ever come into contact with any hazardous materials. Such people would have to be immediately transferred to the decontamination unit alongside. Everyone gazed through the large picture window into the harshly illuminated clinical environment beyond.

"What goes on in there then ?" asked one of the students. "All contaminated clothing has to be removed and sent down that emergency chute to a hazardous waste disposal facility" Andy replied. "Then the person is hosed down with a special disinfectant compound." More alarm bells started going off in Carol's head as she heard this explanation and then glanced across at the smirk on Diane's face. The Asian girl was now going to ask a question.

"What happens if I pull this lever here ?" said Aditty. "No, don't" cried Carol, throwing herself in front of Debbi. But too late ! Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Of course, Aditty pulled the lever. And a fine spray of clear liquid enveloped Carol. Not only that but her sacrifice also proved to be in vain, since the spray soaked Debbi too anyway. There was mild panic amongst the crowd. Nobody but Diane knew that the spray was merely water, part of the sprinkler system.

The only thing that Andy could do was to demonstrate the need for swift and decisive action that he had been lecturing about. He thrust open the door to the decontamination unit. "Quick ladies, in there" ordering Carol and Debbi inside before securing the lock. The two disoriented women peered out at the expectant crowd through the picture window. "Quickly ladies, get your clothes off before it seeps through to your skin" Andy called over the intercom. Diane patted Aditty on the back. Two for the price of one, she thought delightedly !

In no time at all, Debbi was already down to her skimpy Pink Lady bra and knickers and was stumbling around trying to get out of her tights. Carol meanwhile was still fully clothed with a dazed look on her face. "Carol, what are you doing ? Hurry up, this stuff's dangerous" Debbi urged her. "What about them ?" Carol pointed at the two dozen or so people outside the room, craning their necks to try to get the best view through the large picture window into the brightly illuminated decontamination chamber.

Finally succeeding in discarding her tights, Debbi followed the pointing finger. Until then, she hadn't given the watching audience a second thought. Seeing them now she blushed and was embarrassed, though the impact was slightly reduced by the number of times recently that she had found herself in not dissimilar situations ! Nevertheless she shouted to her boyfriend. "Andy, tell that lot to clear off."

"Er, yes folks. I think you'd better move along, give the ladies some privacy" Andy suggested, to groans of disappointment. "I really don't think that's necessary" Diane contradicted him. "This is all part of the safety procedure as laid down by company standards and while we didn't plan to go quite this far with the demonstration, it remains highly educational and of great value" she continued. "Well, OK, I guess if you say so" Andy agreed.

"Hurry up Carol. We have no idea how quickly this stuff reacts" said Debbi, who by now was unclasping her bra. The reality of the danger she might be in finally penetrated Carol's consciousness and she clumsily began divesting herself of the smart trouser suit she had on. The powerful suction from the disposal chute swiftly yanked away her jacket and trousers which were immediately followed by Debbi's knickers !

Diane was delighted to have once more succeeded in rendering her hapless rival naked but she was also intrigued and determined to get her one time co-conspirator into a similar state. That would teach her to be disloyal and to desert the cause ! Carol had once more paused as she stood alongside the naked Debbi in her shirt tails, which just about covered her plain Marks and Spencer underwear. Not bad legs for an old girl, thought Diane about the buxom thirty something. "Come on Carol. Everything off. We need to start the full decontamination process" Diane called through the intercom !

Shaken out of her trauma by Diane's harsh voice, Carol fumbled with the buttons of her blouse, which the powerful suction from the disposal chute rapidly removed from the scene. Her plain blue set of Marks and Sparks bra and knickers was now fully revealed. "Nothing got through to touch these" she called out hopefully. "You can't be sure" Diane's voice carried over the intercom. "We have to be thorough, it's all clearly laid out in company procedures."

Whimpering slightly, Carol unhooked her bra, allowing her somewhat pendulous breasts to flop free. Most of the onlookers were still focused on the already naked Debbi, since for them her nudity was not the commonplace it had now become for Diane and since she provided the sexier sight by some margin. But Diane was experiencing sadistic pleasure from seeing Carol getting her comeuppance for her disloyalty in switching sides, as it appeared to Diane. "Knickers too Carol" she called gaily. Carol stepped out of the last item of clothing that either woman in the decontamination chamber now possessed, in the process revealing rather an impressive thatch of pubic hair which was in stark contrast to the clean shaven Debbi !

"What now ?" Debbi called out angrily, the initial panic panic at being sprayed with dangerous liquid having subsided. With Andy the fireman effectively sidelined, Diane had taken over completely. "Stand on those two crosses on the floor" she instructed. The two disconsolate naked women did so, all the while trying not to think about the fascinated audience beyond the picture window who were seeing every detail brightly illuminated. "Pull that other lever Aditty" Diane told the Asian student she had enrolled to her cause earlier. This the smiling girl did happily, causing evil smelling green disinfectant to pour down over Debbi and Carol !

"What the hell's this ?" Debbi yelled, in between screams. In addition to smelling awful, the disinfectant was also cold. "It's a powerful disinfectant. Don't swallow any. It's for your own good" Diane replied. "Make sure you spread it all over !" She smiled a triumphant smile watching the two defeated women smearing gunk over their breasts, legs and buttocks. That'll take some getting rid of, Diane laughed to herself. No worries, we have the means !

Debbi and Carol had covered just about every inch of their bodies in the green gunk. "How the hell do we get this off now ? There can't be any contamination left" Debbi yelled. They certainly hadn't felt any ill effects from whatever had sprayed them. Far worse was the embarrassment and now this disinfectant. "Stand on the two crosses again" Diane called back in return. She turned to Aditty. "These are the controls for the hoses. Which one do you want ?" she asked the Asian girl. "I'll take the pretty one" Aditty replied. "Fine. That'll be this one on the right. I'll have some fun with Carol" Diane laughed !

The two green ladies stood on the crosses, looking like naked exiles from a Hulk movie. They looked expectantly at the ceiling for a cleansing shower to pour down from whence the disinfectant had come. So it was an unpleasant shock to suddenly be blasted by a fierce jet of freezing water hitting them in their midriffs ! There was much laughter from the assembled audience as Debbi and Carol screamed, gasped and squirmed under the onslaught. "Turn the bloody things off" Debbi shouted. "It's how the unit's designed" Diane replied, as the powerful jets shooting out of the wall were aimed upwards at the women's breasts. "Do you want to go home smelling like toilet cleaner ?"

Debbi admitted defeat as Aditty expertly aimed the jet at all parts of her body. "Turn slowly ladies, let's get everything" Diane instructed. When both women had their backs to the window and everyone was admiring their bums, Diane issued a further order. "Bend over ladies and spread your cheeks !" Both women looked over their shoulders askance. "You've got to be bloody joking" Carol objected. "It's all as laid down in the procedures" Diane lied, waving a booklet that purported to be said instructions but was in reality just the manual for her new smart phone.

Debbi resigned herself to bending as she had been asked and opening up her buttocks, hoping to hasten the end of this experience. She screamed as Aditty aimed the jet at the obvious target with unerring accuracy ! "Come on Carol, you too" called Diane. The older woman was mortified at having to comply. Their audience was enthralled by the ever escalating spectacle. "Nearly finished ladies" called Diane, after a couple of minutes of this. "You need to face us again. Spread your legs and lean back thrusting your pelvis forward so we can access the last bit ! Grip your calves at the back." Diane struggled to keep the laughter out of her voice. This time, Debbi and Carol did not even bother complaining but adopted the demeaning position and gritted their teeth as the water hit the spot.

"I'm afraid you'll have to wash you hair properly when you get home" Diane apologised. "Where are the towels ?" Debbi cried. "There aren't any, they would be a contamination risk" Diane explained. "Then how the hell do we get dry ?" Debbi demanded !

Having been stripped, disinfected, thoroughly doused with freezing cold water and then told there were no towels available, it was fair to say that the two dripping wet women were fuming. "Don't worry ladies, it's all under control" Diane called cheerfully. "Just move forward from the crosses and we'll turn on the hot air jets." She signalled to Aditty to turn another control knob. Debbi and Carol did indeed begin to feel a little warmth flowing towards them from the walls and ceiling.

"According to the manual" Diane began, waving the bogus document through the window at them "it's much more effective if you can run around in circles flapping your arms." There were stifled giggles from the staff and college students who were still assembled outside watching the naked women. "You've got to be bloody joking" yelled Debbi in response. "I'm only telling you what it says here" Diane replied calmly. Debbi had to admit that the gentle heat was was not having as much immediate effect as she would have liked. With a resigned glance at Carol, she began trotting in a circle and waving her arms. Carol even more reluctantly followed suit, both women trying to shut out what was now open laughter from those outside the room !

"It also recommends doing jumping jacks to finish off the drying process" Diane called after a few more minutes. Debbi stopped moving and stared out of the room hands on hips. "Don't push your luck Diane" she warned, though she was hardly in a position to offer any retribution towards her rival. "I'm only quoting the manual" Diane replied mildly. "But I think Jeff would be very disappointed to hear that you'd refused to complete the full recommended procedure. It doesn't set a very good example." Debbi and Carol exchanged looks again and commenced to perform jumping jacks ! The incredulous audience were too stunned even to laugh at this point. Debbi's pert tits jiggled enticingly but Carol's heavier boobs were flying every which way and almost bashing her chin ! Debbi felt so sorry for her assistant.

Suddenly, an authoritative voice cut through from outside. "What in the name of all that's holy is going on here ? What are those women doing ? Is that Debbi ?" It was the plant manager, who knew Debbi from previous company dealings and had come to investigate after being informed that the decontamination unit had been activated. "Oh, hello sir" said Diane quickly. "There was an incident during our safety demonstration. Our fire expert here will explain !" The buck was swiftly passed to the hapless Andy. "Er, yes, that's right. The ladies unfortunately got sprayed by some dangerous chemicals" he stammered. "Where from ?" demanded the concerned manager. "These nozzles here" Andy indicated the ceiling. "Call yourself a fireman ?" the manager responded angrily. "Don't you even recognise a sprinkler system ? The only thing that comes out of these is water ! And why are all these people milling around watching ? Get them out of here !"

Diane shooed away the staff and students who had been entranced by the remarkable and unexpected spectacle they had been witnessing. There were a few groans of disappointment but these were tempered by the realisation that there probably wasn't going to be very much more to see now anyway. Diane held onto Aditty, indicating that the Asian girl should stay behind.

Meanwhile, Debbi and Carol had overheard via the intercom all that had just transpired. Debbi stormed towards the door. "Let us out now" she demanded. As the door to the decontamination chamber opened, she rushed at her boyfriend, poking Andy violently in the chest. "You fucking idiot" she yelled. "It's only a fucking sprinkler system and the only thing we were sprayed with was fucking water. You put us through all that fucking humiliation for fucking nothing !" Andy was nonplussed but he could not fault the logic of Debbi's colourfully expressed argument. "Get our fucking clothes now" she shouted.

The plant manager cleared his throat nervously. It was a toss up whether he was more disconcerted by the proximity of Debbi's spectacular nudity or by her uncharacteristic and unladylike outburst. "Er, I'm afraid that isn't possible Debbi" he said. "Anything that goes down that chute is immediately incinerated to destroy any contamination."

"What ?" yelled Debbi. "Oh well, that's just fucking great" she railed. "I can go and get a fireman's jacket for you from the fire engine" Andy offered. "Piss off" retorted Debbi. "Don't fucking bother." And to everyone's surprise, she turned on her heels and marched proudly out of the door, right past the astonished office workers, down the stairs, across reception and straight out to her parked car, where she wrapped herself in the emergency blanket that she always kept in the boot and drove off furiously in a screech of tyres !

"Well, that was quite an exit" remarked Diane mildly. "Um, I wouldn't mind that fireman's jacket" piped up Carol, who was belatedly trying to cover her own nudity. "Yes, yes of course" Andy replied, hurrying out the door. "Ah, they had their first lover's tiff" Diane said sarcastically. "Never mind, it's good it was only water. No real harm done." Carol looked daggers at her. Diane saw the hostility but that only caused her to smirk even more. Maybe this will teach Carol not to cross me thought Diane but in any case, she was now grooming a new sidekick. "Well, I had better go and write a report" said the plant manager with one last look at Carol.

Diane took Aditty to one side. "How would you like to come to our company on work experience ?" she asked. "Is it always like this ?" the excited girl wondered. "More often than you might imagine" Diane laughed. "We'll have a lot of fun !"
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and the Naked Office

"Did Jeff OK that compensation claim for your clothes ?" Debbi asked Carol back in the office the following week. "Yeah. I'm going out after work tonight to buy a new outfit. How about you ?" her assistant replied. "No such luck. Jeff refused to authorize it. He said it was all my boyfriend's fault and I should claim against the fire brigade" Debbi grumbled. "How is Andy ?" wondered Carol. "Fucking idiot" said Debbi. "Excuse my language" she apologised.

"You two still together ?"

"Sort of. But I don't really see it as a long term thing. All we really have going for us is that we both lust after each other's bodies" Debbi grinned.

"Still and all. It's a pity that it's been soured so early just because of that cow" asserted Carol. Debbi had grown adept at bouncing back from these kinds of humiliations but it was all a new experience for Carol, who was still seething and thirsting for revenge. "We've got to get her back somehow" she told Debbi.

"Let it go" Debbi advised. "That's what I kept thinking on that stupid training course if you remember and look how that turned out for me ! She lives a charmed life."

The object of their discussion was a little put out that Carol had not come running back to her with her tail between her legs but who cares ? She had a new PA now, with whom she was in conference. "What I need you to do is to research the next way we can make those two look stupid and ridiculous. Preferably involving the loss of their clothes. If you can also somehow tie in Jeff, so much the better. It really is about time that I was running this entire operation" said Diane. "Leave it to me. I'll get right on it" replied Aditty !

"So, I've got this cousin who works as a production assistant for this independent TV company." Aditty began explaining her plan to Diane. "They've pitched the idea of doing a remake of the Naked Office to a streaming network and it's been accepted." Diane liked the sound of that. "Remind me, what's The Naked Office exactly ?"

"They make out that it's some kind of serious social and business experiment to build team spirit and productivity and to make people feel better about themselves. But really it's just an excuse to film people with their kit off" Aditty explained. Diane was liking it even more. "They build up to it during the week, so they can record people's 'journey'. You know that reality TV kind of shtick. And then on Friday everyone comes to work naked !" the Asian girl continued.

"The thing is, they just need a small group to focus on or it gets unwieldy and they can't develop 'characters'. Like, they don't expect an entire I.T. department of twenty people to work in the nude. So I've volunteered the management team !" Diane was full of admiration for her new P.A. "Yeah, I told my cousin we could use Jeff, Debbi, Carol and you" said Aditty.

"Me ?" screeched Diane. "Calm down. You won't go through with it of course. We've plenty of time to come up with some excuse." Diane was partially pacified by this. "Anyway, they let me see some run throughs of old series and most people chicken out on the Friday and come in wearing a bikini or novelty pants or something. It's only the very occasional person who surprises them by actually turning up totally naked" Aditty continued. "And we all know who that dupe will be" laughed Diane. "Exactly" agreed Aditty. Diane had earlier relished filling in Aditty on the history of Debbi's exposures prior to the decontamination chamber fiasco.

"The other advantage of pretending that you'll also be doing it, is that Debbi and Carol won't be able to back out. They'll even think that it might be a way to get back at you !" Diane saw the logic of that. "Now you just have to get Jeff to agree" said Aditty. "I'll go over his head" replied Diane. "And start thinking about how I can make it all backfire on him in some way !"

"Well I'm not doing it !" Debbi exclaimed petulantly. She was in her office with Carol. Aditty had just been in to inform them that they had been nominated to take part in Diane's latest wheeze. "Just hold on a minute"replied Carol. "Think about it. We can use this to really get our own back on Diane." Debbi was sceptical. "You reckon ?" she asked. "Absolutely" affirmed Carol. "I remember this program from before. It's mostly a big tease. In the end there's not much nudity apart from maybe one person. We'll wear swimsuits or something and make sure that she's the only one actually naked" she continued. Debbi was won over. "OK, let's go for it. We'll call it 'Operation Cow's Comeuppance' !"

Diane had sweet talked an extremely reluctant Jeff into agreeing to sign up the management team for the deal. She cleverly left the impression that she had cleared it all with the M.D., when in fact she had not spoken to anyone at a higher level at all.

It was a couple of weeks later and they were gathered with the production crew in Jeff's office. Diane had also somehow roped in Karen, the head of HR. Debbi was stripped down to her best Victoria's Secrets lingerie, Carol and Karen were both wearing plain Marks and Spencer underwear and Jeff was in his boxers. They were filming the session with a life coach for the program, where the coach emphasises the importance of having a positive body image. "Where's Diane ?" asked Debbi suspiciously. "We filmed her earlier" the female director replied. "Apparently she had an important client meeting she couldn't put off" she explained. "I do recall seeing something about that in her diary" Jeff confirmed.

Each of the four were encouraged to speak about their bodies in front of a full length mirror. "I'm never happy with my bum" Debbi admitted, turning to one side to study the reflection. "Oh crap" said Carol. "I'd kill to have a bum like that" she proclaimed. "And the rest of that body" added Karen. The two other women were both about ten years older than Debbi but, while aware of the toll the years and having a couple of kids had taken on their figures, they concurred with the life coach that they really didn't have anything to be ashamed of. The forty year old Jeff recognised that he was no Greek god but was content that he had no beer gut and was relatively trim.

"How do you feel about your penis ?" the life coach asked. Jeff blushed as Debbi giggled. "Er, kind of average" he stammered. "My wife never complains" he asserted defensively. "Women never do to their husbands, only among themselves" Karen laughed. "Don't worry. You don't have to show us" said the director. "Of course we would love it for everyone to feel confident enough to come in naked on Friday but we only insist on there being one such person. And Diane's already agreed to fulfil our nudity quota" Debbi and Carol high fived each other !

"So the rest of you can just bare as you dare and come in whatever you feel relaxed about. But do try to find something a little less boring than those boxers Jeff" the director encouraged !

Debbi strode confidently through the office on Friday morning. True, it was still odd to be coming into work wearing just a bikini and a denim jacket draped over her shoulders for the walk from the car park. And though she had chosen her most modest bikini, modest was a relative term as far as Debbi's beach wear was concerned ! But she had endured far worse and this was going to be worth it.

The TV crew were filming everyone's arrival. The fully clothed team members had been advised of what was afoot and Stew voiced general disappointment at Debbi's attire. "I thought this was supposed to be the Naked Office ?" he called out. "Wait until Diane gets here" replied Debbi with an extravagant wink !

The participants were to gather in the board room and Carol and Karen had already arrived. They too had opted for bikinis, though in their cases of a much more conservative cut. The director of the program was a little underwhelmed at the level of titillation provided by these three but there were two more arrivals to go.

The door opened and a sheepish looking Jeff appeared, holding his briefcase in front of his crotch. Despite that, it was clear that the boring boxers had been dispensed with. It required the insistence of the director to get him to reluctantly lower the briefcase. His three colleagues were unable to completely stifle their laughter as it was revealed that all he was wearing was a pair of novelty elephant trunk pants ! "Bravo Jeff" called the program's psychologist. "Very brave and totally in the spirit of the project." Jeff blushed. His wife Audrey had initially been furious that he had allowed himself to be roped into this but later she decided that, as a punishment, she would make him wear these pants that she had bought years ago as a joke for their wedding anniversary.

The tension now began to build in the room. Debbi listened intently for any sound of a commotion that might herald the arrival of a naked Diane. So it was an anti-climax when the door next opened and it was only Diane's young intern. Aditty grinned cheekily at Jeff and his elephant trunk. "Sorry to interrupt people" she began. "But Diane sends her apologies. She can't be here, her mother's been taken ill and she's had to go home to Bristol to look after her !"

"I don't believe it !" exclaimed Carol in exasperation. "Well I bloody well do" stormed Debbi. "I just knew she'd pull something like this." Jeff tried to placate them. "Now ladies, that's not fair. Let's all wish Diane's poor mother a speedy recovery" he said. "Speedy recovery my ass" cried Debbi. "I bet there's nothing wrong with her."

The director interrupted these recriminations. "It does leave us with rather a big problem though. I'm sorry to say that as you all are at the moment is just not good enough for the program we hoped to make and that your company signed up for. One of you is going to have to get naked !" There was an uncomfortable silence. "Why is everyone looking at me ?" wailed Debbi !

"Oh if you could only have been there. It was all just absolutely brilliant" enthused Aditty. "Yes, well, as you know I couldn't be there for the most obvious reasons" replied Diane, just a little peeved to have missed out but nevertheless delighted with her latest spectacular victory. "That's why I need to know all the details. So, what exactly happened when you told them I wasn't coming ?" The pair were comfortably settled in Caffe Nero. "Right, well, if you're sitting comfortably, then I'll begin" the Asian girl laughed.

"So, Debbi and Carol were absolutely fuming, they really thought they'd finally got the better of you" Aditty began. Diane laughed at this. "But then, as we knew she would, the director jumped in and said someone else would have to get naked. 'Course, Debbi was the only possible candidate out of these four but we had all the usual 'I'm not doing it' stuff. But then the director said they'd have to scrap the entire show and would sue the company. So then Debbi tried to get them to postpone it until you could be there but the schedule would not allow that as we knew. Anyway, to cut a long story short, she ended up stripping off that bikini and chucking it in Jeff's face !"

Diane was picturing this in all its' glorious detail. "It gets better" Aditty carried on with the tale. "They had to re-shoot her arriving at the office, 'cos previously she'd had the bikini on. They dragged her out to her car bare ass naked and she had to walk right through the entire office back to the boardroom. What made it even better was that when she first turned up, she'd bragged to everyone how it would be you that would be naked this time. So there were all these shouts of 'where's Diane then ?' Debbi was absolutely livid by now !" Diane couldn't contain her delight. "Oh, but it gets better yet. All those shouts were no good for the take to use on the show, so they had to ask the team to tone it down and made her go back outside and do the walk all over again !"

"So what then ?" asked Diane. "OK, so fortunately in all the kerfuffle, they'd forgotten all about me so I could hang around" said Aditty. "The idea for their show was that now they'd just shoot a few minutes of them supposedly doing some work and they'd conduct individual interviews with the psychologist lady about how liberating it felt and all that rubbish. But then of course there was the piece de resistance that you had organised and which none of them knew about !" Diane grinned broadly. This was going to be good !

"You should have seen their faces when the M.D. walked in with the Koreans !" Aditty was continuing to recount what had happened in the boardroom for Diane's benefit. "Everyone began talking at once. Jeff and Debbi were going 'meeting ? what meeting ?' while the M.D. was like 'what on earth's going on here'. Then Jeff was like 'but you knew all about it' and the M.D. was 'no I didn't'. So you're going to have have an explanation for that" she told Diane. "No problem, I can handle that" Diane assured her. "What then ?"

"Well, Debbi and Jeff were all saying they didn't know anything about any meeting but the M.D. showed them it was there in their online diaries. I'd hacked into those like you'd showed me" the Asian girl asserted proudly. "Good girl. So what did they do ?"

"All sorts of things were going on. Carol and Karen slunk off. They weren't needed for the meeting and they'd been sensible enough to come to work dressed and changed into their bikinis in the toilets. So they went to get dressed and stay well out if it all. The Koreans looked gobsmacked. I know you'd told me about them watching Debbi masturbate in her hotel room..." Diane laughed happily at the memory. "... but they weren't expecting Jeff in his elephant pants. So the M.D. ordered him to go and get dressed. He'd done the same as Carol and Karen, so he grabbed his briefcase again to hide his pants and rushed off !"

"What about her ?" Diane was eager to know. "Well, of course all she'd worn to work was that bikini and now somehow she couldn't find it. I don't know if maybe someone was tidying up and threw it in the bin" Aditty smirked. "Good girl" Diane congratulated her. "She had some old denim jacket but the M.D. was getting vindictive now and said that wasn't appropriate business wear !"

"So she stayed in the nude ?"

"Like a new born babe, yeah !"

"What about the film crew ?"

"Well, the M.D. wanted to throw them out but they said they'd sue etc. Then he said they couldn't film the meeting because of company confidentiality but they said they'd cut the audio and show it with a voice over."

"So they stayed ?"

"Yeah, it was well funny. Debbi had to rush downstairs to her office to get her notes to give a presentation."

"In the nude ?"

"Of course " Diane had just wanted to be sure and to savour the mental image.

"Then the M.D. made her go and get coffees for everyone. 'And not that muck from the machine, go down to the canteen and get the real percolated stuff'."

"So she had to go all the way down to the canteen ?"


"In the nude ?"


"At break time ?"


Diane was delighted. "'Course, I couldn't follow her but she was well red faced when she came back" Aditty explained.

"And she had to give a presentation naked ?"

"Yeah, but they finally noticed me then and chucked me out. But my cousin on the film crew told me they'd filmed it all and they're going to show it on the program with a voice over saying how liberated and empowered Debbi was and all that."

Diane sipped her skinny latte contentedly. Now she just needed to find out how the Koreans had reacted to it all !
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Re: Debbi stories archive

Post by Debbifan »

Debbi and Carol's cross country trek Part One

"She's a bloody psychopath" said Carol. It was Monday and they were back in Debbi's office. OK, so Carol had got off lightly this time, wearing that bikini in the boardroom for half an hour was no big deal. And OK, although she had now switched sides, part of her still couldn't resist laughing at the memory of seeing Debbi scampering through the office in the nude carrying a tray of coffees. But her competitive edge had been aroused and she still wanted revenge for the ordeal of the decontamination chamber !

"We've got to get her back" she continued. "We've had this conversation before" replied Debbi. "I told you, she's like Teflon. We'll never make anything stick and it'll only rebound on us. Plus, she might just end up being our boss before you know it !" This alarmed Carol. "They wouldn't sack Jeff would they ?" she asked. "They won't sack him but they might shift him sideways. She succeeded in making him look pretty stupid you must admit. You should have seen the dressing down the M.D. gave him once the Koreans had left" answered Debbi. "But I'm betting the Koreans didn't mind you giving the presentation in the nude ?" argued Carol. "After all..." but she then bit her tongue, remembering that Debbi had no idea her hotel masturbation session had been broadcast live over the conference call !

"That's as maybe" Debbi responded. "But it all looked so unprofessional." Carol was still fumed. At least she didn't have to worry any more about The Naked Office, since the production company had decided to cut everyone else out of the show and to concentrate exclusively on the segments they had shot with Debbi. But it rankled with her that somehow, Diane always came out on top.

Later that afternoon, Carol bounced back excitedly into Debbi's office. "I've found us the perfect opportunity to get her back" she began. "Oh yeah ?" said Debbi sceptically. "Yeah. I've been talking to that Aditty. Her college was going to have to cancel a camping weekend for her class 'cos none of the tutors could supervise. So I got Jeff to agree to pay the three of us to be chaperones. It'll be some good publicity to get back into the M.D.'s good books." Debbi was confused. "They're all eighteen aren't they ? Why do they need a chaperone ? And who are the three of us ?"

"You me and Diane. Who knows why there has to be a chaperone, some health and safety crap, you know how it is." Carol answered. Debbi was still confused and did not see any plan behind this. "Don't you see ? Aditty's well up for helping us arrange some unfortunate 'mishaps' for Diane" Carol explained. "Sounds dangerous to me" objected Debbi. "Oh, don't be such a wimp. What could go wrong ? There's two of us. Three if you count Aditty" Carol countered.

Two floors above them, a similar conference was taking place in Diane's office. "And they really think you're going to help them ?" asked Diane. "Yeah" chuckled the Asian girl. "When will they ever learn ?" Diane laughed !

Debbi and Carol were sitting up front in the driver's compartment as Debbi drove the minibus containing the twelve students to the camping site. For some reason, Diane had elected to sit in the back with the girls, which suited Debbi and Carol fine. They were also relieved that all of the students were female which meant that, in their role as chaperones, they would not have to worry about having to control any unwanted shenanigans with boys !

"I still don't see how this is going to help us get any kind of revenge over Diane" Debbi remarked. "It'll be easy" replied Carol. "I've been talking to Aditty again. There's a lake close by this camp site where we're staying. When we're down there, she's gonna suggest we go skinny dipping and then she and some of the other girls will steal Diane's clothes !" Debbi stopped her and held up a finger. "Hear that ?" she asked. "No, I don't hear anything" said Carol. "That's the sound of alarm bells ringing" said Debbi. "Don't you see how easy that can backfire on us ?" she continued. Carol was unconcerned. "It doesn't matter if we're naked for a short while, it's all girls there. And you don't realise how much Aditty hates her, she's really been treating her badly on this work experience. Just think how funny it'll be watching her walking back through the woods with nothing on ?" she concluded. "I guess you're right" Debbi conceded.

An altogether different conversation was taking part in the back of the van. "So, I've got my one piece swimsuit with me but it's strapless, so it'll look like I'm naked if I run on ahead and am in the lake before the rest of you arrive" Diane was saying. "Once they're naked and in the middle of the lake, I'll come out and you lot make off with their clothes !"

"We won't have to get naked ?" one of the girls was concerned. "No, you can pretend to be shy and still plucking up courage. They'll rush in because they'll think their cunning plan is actually working" Diane explained. "I've arranged for my boyfriend to pick me up and I'll leave those two silly cows to your tender mercies" she laughed. The girls thought it a great game and were already thinking of what they could do to Debbi and Carol. "It'll be like a sorority hazing" one exclaimed delightedly. "I'll burn their tent" said Aditty !

They had spent a boring day and a half at the camp site listening to the girls adolescent chatter about boy bands they had never heard of from Korea or somewhere. Carol had consulted again with Aditty, who had thought that it would be best if they simply discovered the lake on the first day and then, sometime in the afternoon, she would 'spontaneously' suggest skinny dipping in it. Aditty was clearly the alpha female among the students and knew they would follow her lead. "Don't you be too eager straight away, it might seem suspicious to Diane" she told Carol, who in turn informed Debbi.

So it was that after lunch, the company of students and chaperones were walking through the woods towards the lake. "Hey, how about skinny dipping in the lake ?" Aditty announced enthusiastically. The other girls laughed. "Well, at least it's a nice enough day" chuckled one, which was true. "Can you all swim ? Isn't it a bit risky ?" Carol objected as planned. "Of course we can all swim" answered Aditty. "And we haven't met anyone else in these woods since we've been here" she argued. "Where's your spirit of adventure ?" she added.

"Well, I don't mind but I know that's not Diane's kind of thing, she's far too stuffy. Maybe she'll wait for us and look after our clothes ?" remarked Debbi, taking up Aditty's idea that the best way to get Diane to take part would be to issue some kind of challenge. It seemed to work a treat. "There's no way I'm going to be your servant and miss out on all the fun" Diane declared. "Last one naked and in the lake's a sissy !" And with that she turned and sped off down the path towards the lake.

A couple of the girls continued to show reluctance, a ploy to make sure that Diane had enough time to immerse herself in the lake before Debbi and Carol would see that she was wearing a swimsuit under her clothes. Diane had only to shuck off her jeans and t-shirt and so by the time the others arrived, she was in the middle of the lake with just her head and bare shoulders visible. "Come on in, it's not that cold" she yelled. "Last one's a sissy !" she repeated.

Debbi and Carol were so euphoric over the success of their plan that, as they quickly stripped off, they did not notice that none of the girls seemed to be in a hurry to join them. It was a strangely liberating feeling anyway and they were soon scampering together down the jetty that jutted out into the lake, jumping off the end and into the water with a loud splash ! "God, it's freezing" cried Debbi, laughing at the shock. But it was exhilarating at the same time, to be frolicking about in nature with such total freedom. She had almost forgotten about the object of the exercise and so it was an unwelcome shock when, a few moments later, Carol let out an anguished cry !

"Look !" Debbi followed her pointing finger to where the figure of Diane was emerging from the lake. Wearing a black swimsuit. And being greeted by a dozen fully clothed students. Who were busy scooping up two bundles of clothes. That looked rather similar to those discarded by Debbi and Carol a few brief minutes ago. "Hey ! What're you doing ? Stop !" shouted Carol. "See you later ladies. Well, hopefully anyway" Aditty called back. "I think you can remember the way ?" And with that, the laughing group disappeared from view up the trail !

" I knew this would happen. I told you it was too dangerous. Didn't I tell you it was too dangerous ?"

"Oh yeah, like you're so bloody clever. So clever you ended up with your bare ass sticking out of the wall on Ingram's course !"

"Well now we're both bare assed again !" Debbi and Carol were treading water in the middle of the lake and arguing. "This isn't getting us anywhere and I'm getting bloody cold" announced Carol, setting out for the shore, since there did not appear to be any hand holds to climb back onto the jetty that they had so recently leapt from, in an altogether different frame of mind.

"Ow, ow, ow !" They gingerly stepped out onto the pebble strewn shore. They looked around hopefully in case the girls had left anything for them to wear but no such luck. Goose pimples began to appear, as they became uncomfortably aware of the chill breeze nipping at their naked bodies and of their unwanted exposure. It was still only April after all. "What are we going to do ?" asked Carol. "What can we do ? Just make our way back to the camp and let them have their joke. Even if they've hidden our clothes, we've still got all our other stuff in the tent."

Carol remained fuming. She was still so much less accustomed to being on the receiving end in such a situation. "I'll kill her. I swear to God, I'll kill her" she cursed. "It's karma" said Debbi. "After all, it's only what we planned to do to her" she reasoned. "Yeah, but look how many times she's already got one over on you. If you believe in karma, there's one hell of a payback due !"

"Yeah, well I don't believe in it really" muttered Debbi resignedly. They set off down the trail. " Ow, oh, ooh, bloody twigs ! They could at least have left our shoes !" The two naked women were making slow progress, eyes downcast to avoid too many sharp objects. Pausing, Carol happened to look up. Festooned on the branches of a tree just ahead were their knickers, waving gaily in the breeze. "Look" she gestured. "That'll be something at least. I wonder if the rest of our clothes will be scattered a bit further along ?" But before this happy thought could take hold and either of them could make a move to retrieve their underwear, they heard a voice ring out, disconcertingly close at hand. "This way boys !" Boys ? Boys ! The two startled nudies looked around frantically and dove headfirst into the nearest ditch !

"Now there are knickers sir !" They heard the laughing cries from a group of boy scouts on a nature hike with their leader. "OK boys, no need to get so excited. Just scoop them up and keep them with those other clothes we've found in case we find out who they belong to" the troop leader instructed them. "Maybe there are ladies around with no clothes on ?" suggested one of the scouts. "Now that's not very likely now is it boys ? Come on along. This way !"

Debbi and Carol looked at each other in their makeshift hiding place. Fortunately, the scouts were headed towards the lake and not thinking of carrying out a search of the area. The two women waited long enough to be certain that the boys had gone and then climbed out of the ditch in an even more bedraggled state, with burrs and leaves in their hair and sticking to their bodies. "Shit, shit, shit !" exclaimed Debbi. "Yeah, well all we can do now is keep going in case they come back" said Carol practically, their trust in the fact that they were at least alone in the woods profoundly shaken !

Debbi and Carol's forward momentum slowed considerably. The two naked women were still predominantly casting their eyes downwards to avoid cutting their bare feet. But now they were acutely aware of the presence of the scouts somewhere in the vicinity and who knew who else there might be ? In time, they began to notice the path becoming more and more narrow and in danger of petering out altogether.

"I think we've taken a wrong turning" said Debbi, painfully aware that they had lost their bearings completely. "We'll have to go back the way we've come" declared Carol reluctantly. "What about those scouts ?" Debbi objected. "We'll just have to be careful and go even slower, we can't stay here all day like this" Carol asserted, gesturing at their naked forms. Cursing, the two women retraced their steps. Just as they approached a fork in the path where they must have gone wrong earlier, they heard a familiar voice call "Hurry up boys, don't dawdle."

"Shit" hissed Debbi, as the women hurriedly turned on their heels and plunged back the way they had come ! "Look sir ! Naked ladies !" they heard a cry. "Don't be silly boys, come this way."

"But there were sir, I saw them !" Fortunately, the scout leader led the boys resolutely off up what was obviously the main path. Debbi and Carol could no longer risk following them, however. "It looks a bit brighter through that way" said Debbi hopefully, pointing at a track that hardly deserved the description of a path. They pushed on along it regardless, until they saw in alarm that they had come up against a wooden fence at the side of a country lane.

"Shit, it's a road." Debbi stated the obvious. There was no immediate traffic, in fact all that could be heard was occasional bird song and the stiffening breeze rustling the new spring leaf growth in the trees. The pair peered nervously down the road. "Look, there's the entrance to the camp site" declared Carol, pointing at a road sign on a bend about a hundred yards down the lane. "Dare we risk it ?" wondered Debbi. "It seems quiet enough and there wasn't any traffic round here when we arrived remember" Carol reassured. Debbi hesitated. "Come on. It won't take more than a minute or two to run to the turn and I'm getting cold" Carol urged.

"Thank god nobody can see us" giggled Debbi nervously, as they climbed in a most ungainly fashion over the fence that separated the wood from the road. They immediately became aware of their much more exposed and vulnerable situation. "Come on, we can't afford to hang around. Run !" said Carol. They began to run but quickly slowed. "Ow, ooh, bloody stones !" The loosely tarmacked road was hell on their bare feet. They made steady determined progress nevertheless but when they got to within twenty yards of the relative safety of the turn, they were startled by the roar of approaching engines from around the bend !
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