Dare Me (new 5/23)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Dare Me (new 7/29)

Post by Themarble »

Oh wow, it really came out! After all the edging we get to see him finally lose it. But I imagine it's not quite done for the day. His cock rising is definitely a sign of that. Mel must be in glee. Her plan worked.

I wonder how the story progresses from here. He's finally cum, but it isn't over yet? I wonder how much time has passed, when will mothers shift end? Perhaps she doesn't return alone.
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Dare Me - Chapter 14 - Mikey Gets a Dare (Part 30)

Post by neverdoubted »

Dare Me - Chapter 14 - Mikey Gets a Dare (Part 30)

It was all just a dream, of course. Whether it was a good one or bad depends on your perspective. The part where a bunch of cute girls showed up to our house and willingly took off all their clothes in front of me? That was fantastically erotic. But me being naked and aroused in front of my mom, not to mention all those girls, landed more on the humiliating side. And the binding ceremony, where I had totally lost control of myself all over my new bride. That definitely fit in the nightmare category.

I regained consciousness from sleep very slowly. My first sign of being awake came from feeling the covers of my own bed. I squinted at my bedside alarm clock. It read 6-something a.m. Some object resting on my nightstand was obscuring the minutes. Six in the morning. Too early to deal with being awake. I groaned and rolled over, trying to groggily piece together my strange, but vivid dream, before too many of the details had faded beyond recollection.

It must have started with me obsessing over Lucy's dares as I went to bed last night, because I remembered the first part where I agreed to do a dare myself. Still half-asleep, I snorted into my pillow. It was ridiculous that I would ever agree to shave my privates and be led around blindfolded by my little sister without any clothes on. It's amazing what wild, unrealistic scenarios your brain can come up with while in a dream state.

But then, the horny part of my subconscious must have taken over dream duties and delivered that family of girls to tempt and tease me.

The ending parts had been kind of a blur. I vaguely remembered posing for a bunch of pictures. When Mel removed the talisman from my mouth, I remembered working the imaginary ache out of my jaw. Then, for some reason, I dreamt of her making me pose with each of the girls one at a time before bringing them all in for some group photos. From the collection, they had each been allowed to select a picture to take home. Something to remember me by, I guess.

For the last picture, all my fantasy girls had gathered around me to show off the fake wedding party. Nessy had snuggled up on my right side, wrapping her arm possessively around her pretend husband's waist. Figuring she wouldn't mind, I casually cradled her naked bottom in return. Not to be outdone, little Annie, my naked playmate, snuggled up to my other side and also wrapped her arm possessively my waist. She beamed with pride when I took the initiative and cradled her little naked bottom in a similar embrace.

The twins and Cate also gathered around to complete the wedding party and Mel snapped several pictures. We were all naked, of course, and my penis had returned to its fully erect state. Eventually, Mel noticed it had started to leak pre-cum again. When she pointed it out, both Nessy and Annie moved to assist me. I guess Nessy saw it as her wifely duty to keep her husband presentable. But Annie wasn't about to let one of her sisters butt in on her assigned cock leakage duties.

I remember Mel snapping a picture with both jealous girls wrestling over my stiff member. Afterward, she continued snapping even more candid pictures while the naked harem packed up their supplies.

I remember Nessy taking a moment from packing to sneak over and bid me a fond farewell. She came in close to give me a warm hug, pressing her naked body against me as before, and gave my cheek a sweet little peck of affection. "Goodbye, Mikey," she whispered into my ear, "thank you for...everything!" Then she used the opportunity of our closeness to wrap her hand around my turgid cock and measure its girth one last time. I guess she and it had come to an understanding.

Maybe it's because they are related, but each girl seemed to have the same idea of a fond farewell. In turn, each one would pick a time to sidle up to me and thank me for my hospitality with a grateful kiss on my cheek. When each one grabbed my cock before breaking our hug, I realized it was all an excuse to cop one last feel of my impressive breeding stick.

The details grew even hazier after that, but I vaguely remember, when everything was packed away, that Mel returned their dresses, one by one, and allowed the sisters to get dressed. Penny, who was still humbly serving her naked penitence, was the last one allowed to put her clothes on. Then we all piled out onto the porch to see them off.

I was still naked while I stood on the porch beside my sister and waved goodbye to our guests. I couldn't really remember what happened after that. Like any dream, it had been chock-full of bizarre twists and ended surreally. But as fantasies went, it was certainly full of boner material! Speaking of boners, as I lay there in my bed, I felt my morning wood straining against my boxers.

It being summer, I had totally lost track of what day it was. I lazily rolled onto my back thinking about how good a nice, long, morning masturbation session would feel. I figured there was plenty of time before I had to get up and face the day. As I started to slide my boxers down and off my body, I checked the clock one last time and...my heart stopped.

This time, I was alert enough to notice and identify what was blocking the time. I bolted upright in my bed and grabbed the object with trembling hands. It was a polaroid picture of me standing completely naked in our entryway with my legs spread and my freshly shaved genitals on full display. My smooth balls hung full and heavy, and my engorged penis was sticking straight up in the air. Most alarmingly, there was a beautifully carved, wooden phallus sticking straight out from my mouth. The only way that picture could possibly exist was if...

Still in disbelief, I reached frantically between my legs only to have my worst fears confirmed. Everything down there was completely bald.

It wasn't a dream. It had really happened!

I groaned and fell back onto my pillow as the missing memories from the rest of my day came flooding back to me.

After the girls left, I realized how exhausted I was. I had spent hours on my feet with only the adrenaline pumping through my system to keep me going. I had felt a drop-off in energy and attentiveness after my orgasm. But that was nothing compared to the relief I felt when Lucy declared my dare complete.

"You did good, Mikey," she smiled, "but you still have to pay for the times you broke the rules, remember?"

She held the front door for me so I could wobbly make my way back inside. I was still naked and erect, but for the first time that day, I felt my stomach grumble. It actually felt good to have another bodily need other than the need to cum which had dominated my thoughts all day.

She went off in another direction while I made a beeline for the kitchen. She caught up to me eating a slice of leftover pizza, cold from the fridge. When she made me turn around to face her, I saw she was carrying a sharpie.

"You broke the rules six times during your dare," she ruled, deftly drawing six large circles on my abdomen in two neat rows, "so your punishment will be, the next six times you want to play with yourself, you have to take off all your clothes and come find me wherever I am. Then you have to ask permission and do it right in front of me to earn your happy face. Once you have earned all six, your punishment will be complete."

I couldn't for the life of me figure out how she had come up with six violations. But it's not like I had been keeping that close of count. It didn't really matter. I was in no condition to challenge her assertion. I just wanted to go lie down for a while. So, I agreed to her terms, never intending to actually give my little sister a front row seat to my next six orgasms. What a ridiculous requirement!

I grabbed another slice of pizza, and had it consumed before I even reached the top of the stairs. I took a quick shower and fell into bed for a quick nap. I guess I accidentally slept all night.

Lifting my covers, I looked down at my front. Sure enough, I saw six circles evenly spaced. My lower abdomen looked like one half of a giant domino. I groaned again and threw my head back. I couldn't believe I had let my sister draw on my body! The dark markings would take days to fade away.

I could understand her angle. Having just witnessed her first male orgasm, she was using my dare as an opportunity to see it performed again. Those six circles were her ticket to six more demonstrations; plenty enough to satisfy her curiosity on the matter. Making me lower myself by stripping naked and having to get her permission to play with myself was the actual punishment.

But I wasn't about to play along anymore. As far as I was concerned, I had fulfilled the terms of my dare. It ended yesterday, and so did my obligation. I was free to enjoy myself in the privacy of my own bed and Lucy had no right to be involved.

My penis jumped excitedly as I made up my mind. I finished kicking off my boxers and reached under the covers. With my other hand, I tipped the polaroid down so that it faced the nightstand. I didn't want that humiliating picture staring at me and ruining my pleasure. I intended to fantasize exclusively about my sweet Nessy while I did the deed. I could mix in fantasies about the other sisters in time. I was sure I would be up for another session later in the day. That thought brought a smile to my face.

But my smile faded when I did a double take of the picture and noticed something written on the back. The handwriting was obviously Lucy's. She must have come to check on me last night and found me sleeping. I should have known she had a reason for leaving the picture right there where I would see it when I first woke up.

I picked it up and nervously read it. "Don't forget...or else!" she had written, along with six circles in a domino shape. In the bottom corner, there was one more happy face. But this one wasn't smiling. It had devil horns and an evil grin. I knew the meaning of her message. That one embarrassing photo was just the tip of the iceberg. Mel had taken countless photos of me. Even if she had given each of her cousins one to have as a memento and kept some for herself, she had probably left most of them with Lucy.

I forced my hand away from my crotch and sat up to consider my options. I couldn't stall and put off cumming all day like I had yesterday. That would be agonizing. And if I didn't come to her before the day was out, she would start to grow suspicious.

But if I secretly took care of myself in private before coming to her, I risked failing to put on a convincing show. If she suspected me of cheating, she had more than enough ammunition in her possession to blackmail me. If my friends or classmates ever saw some of those pictures, I would never live it down.

I couldn't see any other way out of it. But I stalled the difficult decision to go through with it, nonetheless. After tossing and turning in bed for at least an hour, my need to pee forced me to get up and go to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I stopped by Lucy's bedroom in the hopes of pleading my case. Her door was open, but the room was empty.

Back in my room, I stripped off my boxers. But I couldn't bring myself to step back into the hallway. I had assumed my nude escapades were over and had already mentally turned the page. Instead, I went and looked in the mirror hanging behind my closet door.

It was horrible! The black circles on my stomach made me look like a clown. I fully expected Lucy to mock me mercilessly. But the threat of further humiliation ultimately made the decision for me and drove me into action.

Out into and down the hallway, I descended the stairs completely naked for the second day in a row. My teenage erection led the way, standing perfectly straight and upright as only a young buck's can. At the landing, I peeked into the entryway before crossing it. To my great relief, there was no audience of girls waiting to stare at my nude state this time.

I found her in the living room sitting on the couch with a big book in her lap.

"Morning, Mikey," she said cheerfully. She looked me up and down but went right back to her book. She acted like it was totally normal for her big brother to come strolling into the family room completely naked and sporting a giant erection.

She was dressed in play clothes, khaki shorts with a floral print blouse. The blouse was sleeveless with spaghetti straps. I remember because I could see her bra straps on her shoulders. It was fine for summer, but back then, a young lady would not be allowed to wear something like that to school without putting a sweater on over it. It was considered immodest because it showed too much of her skin. But that was nothing compared to the immodest amount of skin I was presenting.

"Come sit by me," she offered, patting the cushion beside her. This was not going as I expected. She still had not acknowledged my lack of clothes, my erection, or the empty circles. Was I supposed to bring up the subject of masturbation? How was I supposed to ever fill them in with happy faces if we just sat around and chewed the fat all morning?

But when I came closer to where she was sitting and saw the book she was reading, I briefly forgot about the task at hand. That’s because she wasn't actually reading the book. It was a scrapbook. A very particular scrapbook, in fact.

She hated that book because it was from our beach vacation. Due to circumstances beyond her control (not to mention her dare), she had lost her swimsuit on that vacation. So, the scrapbook contained many pictures of her either completely naked or nearly so. Ever since I had made that book, whenever someone came over to our house, she always snuck off and hid it until they had left. Otherwise, they might get bored and pick it up and start turning the pages.

It was fun seeing her sweat over it when people showed up, and I would always insist she return the book to its prominent place in the middle of the coffee table afterward just to tease her. That was all well and good. But why was she randomly reading it now?

I cautiously sat down, and as she turned the pages, I saw she had made some new additions. She had taken the time to carefully organize and insert the embarrassing pictures Mel had taken of me from the day before. This was Lucy's way of balancing the scales.

My penis started throbbing as I caught glimpses of naked girls in several of the photographs. I grew very interested as my sister revealed pictures, both posed and candid, that I hadn't seen before.

I gasped when she turned the page and a candid picture of all five sisters facing away from the camera appeared. Lucy heard it and paused. The girls in the picture had been in the process of cleaning up, but Mel just happened to catch them arguing over where the console table was supposed to go. They were standing in order, youngest to oldest, with their matching, naked apple-bottoms in a flawless line.

They perfectly illustrated every stage of female rear development. Annie's skinny little booty, with its childish curves had been so small, I had nearly been able to hold both her cheeks in my hand. The twins were sprouting, their bodies just starting to round out into the beautiful, alluring shape they would one day possess.

Nessy had the best butt, of course. Plump but tight. I missed the feeling of her ass cheeks squirming in my hands as I held her during our final binding act.

Then there was Cate. Her full figure was almost finished developing. Her round, ripe, porcelain pumpkin was enough to keep any man's attention forever, just as long as she didn't turn around and distract him with her front side assets.

Lucy resumed her turning. Page after page was full of pictures of naked girls flirting with me, gazing with infatuation at my strapping young body, or even literally wrestling over my sex equipment. Those five amazing sisters, my naked harem, had gifted me with enough material to keep my pleasure centers satisfied and occupied for a very long time!

I was quickly coming to appreciate the incomparable value of that book. Just thinking how nice it would be to study it and reminisce in the privacy of my own bedroom made Mikey Jr. surge to attention. But the next page brought me back to reality.

This page contained a picture of me squeezing both cheeks of Nessy's naked bottom while she held the back of my head in return. We were joined at the mouth in a matrimonial kiss after she had finally convinced her mouth to complete the pretend blow-job and fully envelope the talisman. That was the exact moment I had lost control of my penis.

I felt my cheeks blush as I saw that Mel had taken a series of pictures in quick succession. She had expertly timed the shutter to capture that first ejaculating squirt cumming out the tip of my cock. The series continued with Nessy's eyes bulging as spasm after spasm of my seed was expelled onto her naked, unprotected body. At the bottom of the page, she was standing, facing the camera staring in disbelief at her cum-coated tits and torso while I stood there still in an orgasmic stupor with my eyes rolled back.

Just then, we were interrupted by the click of heels coming down the hallway. Mom! In a panic, I jumped to my feet. There was not enough time to run and hide, or even to cover up. A moment later, she stepped into view dressed for more interviews.

"I'm headed out, do you kids nee-BAH!" she stopped short. This was the second day in a row that she had entered a room to find her son hanging out naked in front of his little sister.

I tried to stand casually, but the throbbing movements of my erection didn’t help.

“I’m sorry, Michael," she stammered, "I didn't expect you to be...here. Are you helping Lucy in the garden again?"

I was reminded of the last excuse I had made for my nudity. I had told mom it was so I wouldn't get any of my clothes dirty while I helped Lucy with her gardening chores.

"Yeah, I, uh...I sure am!" I replied a little too enthusiastically. Lucy perked up at the news that her naked gardening peg was coming along for another shift.

But Mom's bullshit detector was tingling. She squinted suspiciously and I couldn't contain a gulp which made me look even more guilty. I think I had come across a bit too eager about being naked again. To salvage the conversation, I tried to dial my excitement back and sound more nonchalant about the whole thing before she busted me.

"What are those circles all about?" she inquired, pointing accusingly toward my stomach.

They were so my little sister could keep track of how many orgasms I had shown her. But I couldn't dare tell her that! So, I froze. Luckily, Lucy came to the rescue and spoke up while she pulled out her marker.

"I asked Mikey if I could draw those on him," she explained, cheerily, "it's an experiment from my science book, to learn how well different types of sunscreen work on your particular skin type. Those circles are for the different samples!"

Mom seemed to buy that excuse, but she still sensed something was going on and didn't like being lied to. "doesn't it bother you working outside without any clothes on?" she asked skeptically. "What if one of our neighbors sees you?"

Sensing I was about to get into trouble, I leaned into it and scoffed. “Those dinosaurs? Who cares!” I lied. “Besides, it's so much easier to just take a shower after than to do another load of laundry. And it’s easier to help Lucy out with her experiment this way."

She studied me for a bit before offering the ultimate test of my sincerity, "...Ok, well, Mrs. Davenport called and asked if you could mow her lawn. Since you don't mind, you can do that, too, while you're out there."

Oh shit! I was trapped. I nodded casually, but on the inside, I was panicking. I had just agreed to mow Mrs. Davenport's lawn completely naked. Word would get around. How long before mom started loaning me out to all the little, old widows on our street? If I wasn't careful, I might end up being the entire neighborhood's naked lawnmowing boy for the rest of the summer!

I won't bore you with the details of how I earned each of my smiley faces. But you can imagine it was incredibly degrading. Each time, Lucy would make me stand facing the middle of whatever room we happened to be in so she could watch my seed shoot across the open space in a high arc. I wasn't even allowed to catch it in a tissue or anything. And I always had to clean up the mess by myself afterward. But eventually, I did earn all six.

As for the scrap book which I had tortured her with, it now contained more than enough incriminating and humiliating evidence to get me in a lot of trouble. We both agreed it belonged in a more discrete and less prominent location than the living room coffee table. So, when Lucy offered to keep it in her room, I accepted on the condition that I be allowed to check it out whenever I wanted to take it back to my room and "reminisce".

And that’s the story of the last dare I ever accepted from my sister in my life. I wish I could lie and say it was also the last time my sister ever convinced me to take off all my clothes or the last time my naked, aroused body was ever used to entertain a bunch of horny girls, but sadly, I can’t. I guess that story will have to wait until another time.

The End
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Dare Me (new 8/2)

Post by student »

That was a wild ride!

I didn't think that it was possible to top the Lost Swimsuit Saga, but I have been proven wrong.

At first, Chapter 30 seemed to be "it was all a dream," but then Lucy brought up a photo album. Then Mother got signed on with Mikey's summertime working in the nude. What next?
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Re: Dare Me (new 8/2)

Post by Azrael »

I can't wait for more. These stories are amazing.
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Re: Dare Me (new 8/2)

Post by Themarble »

A rather satisfying ending. Bravo! For a second there I was like, OH COME ON, when I read dream but I'm very glad you took the non cop out option.

I love how mother called out the bullshit, perhaps she finds the pictures one day? Now that's a story to tell.

Let's hope this isn't the last time we see Mike without any clothing. I'm hoping so, even in an enf centric story.
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Re: Dare Me (new 8/2)

Post by ralrak »

Brilliant! My only nitpick is that I wish it weren't the last dare from his sister he accepted.
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Re: Dare Me (new 8/2)

Post by student »

Mikey can be naked without dares. Actually, Mikey has told Mother that he likes being naked. What's stopping Mother from mandating that Mikey be naked whenever at home?

There's the principle of catharsis--and that works only when the action is repeated enough so that the feelings or behavior are extinguished. Forced nudity would be a win-win. Either Mikey gets enough and quits, or Mikey likes it.
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Re: Dare Me (new 8/2)

Post by superevil7 »

student wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:11 am Mikey can be naked without dares. Actually, Mikey has told Mother that he likes being naked. What's stopping Mother from mandating that Mikey be naked whenever at home?
I wholeheartedly disagree. I want more Lucy naked, not Mickey! This story is meant to be an ENF story, right? :lol:

Neverdoubted, one day I'll catch up to the present of your story. I'm still in the middle of the Lost Swimsuit Saga. Life and things get in the way of reading, as I'm sure you know. I do like coming to check on the comments to your latest writing. You seem to get a lot of nice ones. :D
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Re: Dare Me (new 8/2)

Post by student »

I agree with superevil7--more naked Lucy! The more naked females, the better.
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Re: Dare Me (new 8/2)

Post by anthelester121 »

superevil7 wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2023 7:12 am I wholeheartedly disagree. I want more Lucy naked, not Mickey! This story is meant to be an ENF story, right? :lol:
student wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2023 8:26 am I agree with superevil7--more naked Lucy! The more naked females, the better.
I concur. Time for Lucy to get under the pump. Further nudity from Mikey will make it easier on Lucy, which I, for one, don't want at all. I hope Lucy Goosey is in for some serious humiliation. :twisted:
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