Happy New Year 2024 - Sadie's Shame Nude-Years-Eve Photo Traditions (pt2 + Fin)

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Happy New Year 2024 - Sadie's Shame Nude-Years-Eve Photo Traditions (pt2 + Fin)

Post by SDS »

Sadie's Shame Nude-Years-Eve Photo Traditions - Part 1

"No way, I'm not doing it again this year!" Protested Sadie. The blushing shy teen looked between her two cousins, Lola and Rachel both older than her my a couple of years had big grins on their faces.

"Buuuuuut Sadie it's tradition! You gotta do it!" Lola said sweetly.

The three girls were in their Grandma's attic, a New Year's Eve family tradition while the adults partied downstairs and the kids had a big sleepover, the girls in the attic and the four boys in one of the guest rooms. Lola gestured to the Polaroid photos she had arranged in her scrap book making Sadie blush as they all looked at them. "Come on I need to complete my collection" The older girl continued in a whiny voice.

The photos were of Sadie, a photo for each year between the age of 6 and 11... each one a photo of her smiling, laughing or puling funny face while posing next to a big handcrafted sign with the year. It was worth noting however that each one of the photos was of her wearing nothing but a pair of knickers!

You see years ago the cousins' tradition had started innocently when the heating was broke and the boiler was on too hot turning the house into a sauna for the celebration. While the other girls had looser PJs shorts Sadie had happily stripped out of her warm winter PJS to try and stay cool. While she happily danced and played around like any shameless 6 year old would do her older cousins had been playing with a polaroid camera. One thing led to another and the girls had taken a silly picture of Sadie in front of the new years decoration sign.

The next year an equally silly 7 year old Sadie had simply stripped off ready to pose once the girls found the camera again... her older cousins were in hysterics at this and took another photo of the knicker clad girl and so started the tradition had started. The silly giggling cousins each year taking a new photo of the youngest in her festive knickers, she was young and had no shame. However as they got older the girls used the photos to tease and manipulate Sadie all in good fun winding her up telling her they would show the family. The last photo they had was from two years ago with an 11-year old Sadie, who was still in primary school but just blossoming into a woman.

Last year Sadie had been sick so her side of the family had missed the gathering and so the tradition had missed a year. Now a teenager however Sadie was in no way wanting to play along with the older girls as they told her to strip off for another photo.

The next few moments were a giggling struggling mess as the two older and much stronger girls jumped on poor Sadie and tried to relieve her of her warm Christmas PJs. The loose garments gave little resistance but Sadie screamed and kicked and fought like a wildcat as Lola and Rachel tried their best to pin her down. Her PJ bottoms were first to slide half-way down her legs as Sadie crossed her legs making it nearly impossible for the bigger girls to take it further.

"Stop it, or we'll show the boys!" Lola laughed barely able to get the words out with her mad breathless giggling.

"Yea, or we'll go get the boys to help!" Added Rachel finally managing sit on and pin Sadie arms to the bed.

"You wouldn't!" Blushed the younger girl in shock.

"Yes we would! Come on It's just us girls and our tradition! no one else needs to know or see!" giggled Lola finally able to pull Sadie s PJs down further with the distraction. This year Sadie was wearing a much more boring grown up pair of plain pink panties, all the other years she had been wearing childish Christmas ones but that had changed with her maturing into a teenager. Lola still laughed in delight tickeling her cousins bare feet as she finally worked the PJs off them leaving her bare legs up to the panties.

Lola blushed but only gave a playful fight now as the girls tugged up her PJ top revealing a comfortable white sleeping bra. She had developed from a flat chested girl to a teenager with small but noticeable breasts over the last year. "Oooooh Sadie's all grown up" Laughed Rachel ticking her trapped cousin down Sadie's side making her squeal and thrash on the soft bed.

Sadie still felt very silly as her cousins stripped her down to her bra and knickers, she was still younger than tham and barely had any curves unlike her slightly plumb older cousins.

The girls finally got off Sadie jumping around cheering waving her PJs like a trophy. Sadie covered herself for a moment blushing but this only made her feel even sillier, she had in fact changed into these PJs in front of the other girls just two hours before.

"Fine!" She said jumping up and trying to stop herself from blushing and hid her embarrassment behind some bravado. The quicker she got through this the quicker she could get dressed again. She marched herself still red face over to the sign, the other girls had made up earlier.

The other two wooped and cheered getting the camera ready. "Come on better pose than that" Laughed Lola pulling a sulky face.

Sadie rolled her eyes moving from a conservative ENF arm across the chest pose, to a smiling holding up two bunnies Japanese schoolgirl pose much to the delight of the older girls.

"Perfecto" Laughed Rachel clicking the photo of their adorable little cousin.

Sadie looked a sight to behold, her dark hair loose slightly messy from the wrestling, her cheeks flushed red from embarrassment and excitement, her skinny pale body on total show apart from the tasteful pink panties and little soft vest bra. She was far from a sexy goddess but the youthful cuteness would have had most boys in her class drooling if they could see her right then.

Lola took the picture from the camera as her and Rachel squealed in delight practically jumping in excitement ready for it to develop.

As Lola shook the print Sadie blushed again seeing how silly and exposed she looked in the bra and panties as it developed before her eyes.

"Right can I get dressed now!" Sadie said annoyed.

The laughter of the older girls only grew louder. They shared a conspiratorial glance before turning back to their smaller and still undressed cousin.

"Not yet ... we need to get last years photo done too!" Laughed Rachel digging in her bag for some items she had stashed away.

While I've got your attention..

Check out my Nude Year Story Contest ...
Last edited by SDS on Sat Jan 06, 2024 3:38 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Nude Years Eve Photo Traditions

Post by superevil7 »



Great story! My only wish is that they had really gone to get the boys.
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Re: Nude Years Eve Photo Traditions

Post by SDS »

superevil7 wrote: Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:37 pm Image


Great story! My only wish is that they had really gone to get the boys.
Oh yes 100% the concept was inspired by your story haha... 😀
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Re: Nude Years Eve Photo Traditions

Post by superevil7 »

Thank you then! One of the things I always wanted to do, is inspire others to write more stories like mine :mrgreen:
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Re: Nude Years Eve Photo Traditions

Post by mikewozere »

Great story. Not too late to get the boys involved 😉
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Sadie's Shame Nude-Years-Eve Photo Traditions - Part 2

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Sadie's Shame Nude-Years-Eve Photo Traditions - Part 2

"What do you mean last years photo?" said Sadie confused but deep down not liking the way here cousins giggled and grinned at each other.

"Oh pleeeease Sadie! I just can't have a gap in my album" begged Lola pointing to the empty space were 2002 should have been. Despite her cousins begging the way Lola grinned meant Sadie wasn't sure she really had a choice.

"So you just want another photo?" Sadie asked skeptically as the other girls pulled out another sign with last years date on instead.

Rachel grinned getting his younger cousins attention "Yes buuuuutt... you see we need to make you look younger like last year, let me put your hair into pigtails"

Sadie rolled her eyes again, even her twelve year-old self wouldn't have worn that childish hair style. "Fine" she said reluctantly puffing out a long breath and crossing her arms pretending to be moodier than she really. She couldn't help grinning along as she sat on the bed and her cousins went to work putting her hair into cute pigtails complete with pink ribbons. She loved it when the older girls pampered her even if it was for this stupid tradition.

Once her hair was nice and youthful looking Sadie turned to look behind her and was caught by surprise. The older cousins exchanged a glance and jumped on their little cousin forcing her to the bed.

"Get off!" Sadie cried out as she found herself pinned face down on the bed with Lola sat on her back pinning her arms to the side stopping the younger girl from doing anything but kicking her legs helplessly.

"Weeeeel it would look silly if you were wearing the same knickers too!" teased Rachel moving around to Sadie s now angry face so the younger girl could get a look at the silly undies they had found for her. The pair were clearing made for a younger girl, mostly white but covered in cartoon Christmas characters and trimmed in red with a matching bow on the front trim.

"NOOO WAY!" Sadie Screamed trying again to throw her older cousin off her back. Lola was in hysterics as she rode the younger girl like a cowboy on a bull.

Sadie strained her head to try and look back as Rachel vanished from her sight.

"Don't you dare!" the youngest teen screamed kicking her feet wildly trying to catch her older cousin.

"nooo!" she cried out as she felt the waistband of her own knickers pinched.

Sadie let out a scream but instantly feared the boys below would hear her as the panties slid down over her bottom. It was so surreal the feeling of being forcibly stripped, her naked little bottom revealed.

"Stop!" Sadie cried as Rachel was in hysterics looking at the pale little bottom now fully exposed. Like her tits Sadie's bottom was yet to really develop curves so it was a fun sight for the older girl to giggle at. Rachel pulled the panties down past the younger girls thighs totally exposing her naked rump now but Sadie quickly crossed and folded her legs stopping them from being any further removed.

"Have it your way!" Laughed Rachel skipping away to retrieve the camera.

"What are you doing!" Screamed Sadie as she saw the flash and heard the click of the camera.

Rachel didn't answer instead she came back over and gave her little cousin a playful spank on her naked bottom.

"Hey! Stop it now! Pull them back up!" Sadie demanded as "oowww" She cried out as her cousin delivered another spank to the other cheek. Her pale bottom now had two little red marks.

"Ooooh look at this cute little butt" laughed Rachel happily pinching Sadie's naked behind making the younger girl yelp and thrash more as she blushed in shame. Her bottom was now fully exposed and pale showing a slight tan line from her Spanish holidays a few months before. Rachel tried and tried to pull them all the way down but Sadie tangled her legs stopping the panties from being pulled any further than the back of her knees.

"Come on Sadie let me take em all the way off, so I can put your new knickers on! You don't want to be bare bottomed all night, do you? What if the boys come up to see what all your screaming is about." teased Rachel playfully walking her fingers across Sadie's bare cheeks.

"Maybe she does want the boys to see!" laughed Lola half turned around to get a look at the exposed cute little naked bottom! "An exhibitionist! I bet that's you were always so eager to strip for these photos! "

"I am not!" retorted a very blushing Sadie. She wasn't sure what one was, but she could give an educated guess, and she certainly didn't like being naked! In front of the boys would be one hundred times worse!.

Sadie let out a moan of anger uncrossing her legs to let Rachel pull them all the way day. Laughing Rachel went very slow now, slowly teasing the panties down Sadie's little legs and off her feet. Goosebumps spread throughout the nearly naked girls body as the soft fabric teased down her legs and left her totally bare below the bra. Sadie curled her toes in shame burring her head into the blankets as the older girls continued to giggle now twirling her panties like a trophy.

"Put the stupid knickers on me then!" Shouted Sadie blushing as her cousins didn't seem in any rush to dress her quickly. This only brought another round of laughter from the girls and Rachel stayed around Sadie's front pulling a silly face at her blushing little cousin.

"First things.. First... it would look very obvious if you were in the same bra in both photos. " giggled Rachel.

"Don't you dare!" cried out Sadie renewing her struggle fruitlessly as the two older girls started her stripping again.

Barely able to function with the amount of giggling the older cousins went to work pulling up the vest style bra of their little cousin. They exposed her bare back part by part as Sadie fought with renewed vigor as the girls both tag-teamed her now trying to get the bra up and over her shoulders. The older girls played dirty, tickling and pinching the poor screaming with laughter Sadie as she fought and thrashed on the bed. It was suddenly clear to her that the inevitable was going to happen and the tickling, pinching and forcing her to turn over was only leaving her exposed and assaulted in the meantime.

"Nooo" Sadie wailed as the bra was finally pulled out of her fingers, the last inch of resistance she had. The other two cheered throwing the bra away and continuing to pin down their very naked and bright red little cousin. She looked very cute and vulnerable, hair a mess, face blushing, cute little naked bits barely covered as the older girls continued prodding, poking and ticketing her relentlessly.

"Ooooh look at these little boobies" Lola laughed barely able to speak breathless in her teasing. She tried to pinch one of the younger girls nipples but her hadn was quickly blocked. Reflexively Sadie crossed her arms hiding her pale little tits. Barely handful boobies but not a girly flat chest either. The shame of the older girls teasing her was too much. It wasn't fair the other girls had years to fill out and here she was exposed and picked on.

With her boobies somewhat protected the mean girls gase went lower making Sadie let out another 'eeeep' of shame before quickly trying to cover up her exposed slit. "Oooh you've got a bit of hair down their too! I though't you'd still be bald like a little baby" Lola teased trying to pry Sadie's arms away for another look as the young girl clung on into the classic embarrassed naked female pose.

Rachel jumped off the bed with Sadie trying too hard to cover up Lola was enough to keep her pinned down while the cousins giggled to each other. Sadie tried to reach out to grasp the bed covers to hide herself but Lola simply pinched her now exposed nipple getting another shriek from the younger girl who quickly tried to cover up again. Flushed in shame Sadie's little nipples pointed like bullets her hormones raging from the thrill of expose and the adrenaline of wrestling her cousins.

"Nooo!" Sadie screamed again as her older cousins got a photo of her naked boobies as Lola pulled her arm away quickly just as Rachel got the perfect shot. Sadie couldn't believe this was happening, it was one thing the other girls seeing her underwear ... but now to been forcibly stipped fully naked, mocked and photographed was too much for the growing girl. Her mind went fuzzy as she could not get out of this awful situation.

"Come on get your knickers on then!" Laughed Lola finally jumping off her cousin and throwing Sadie the festive children's panties that landed next to her face on the bed.

Moving on autopilot and desperate to cover up Sadie grabbed up the panties and tried to pull them up her legs quickly. With shaky hands it took her two attempts to get them on the right way. Just then 'Click' went the camera and flash again followed by the delighted laughs at her cousins. "STOP!" Sadie cried blushing like a tomato... or Rudolf s red nose as befitting her new panties.

"Ooooh look at your little kitty" delighted Lola holding up the latest photo that had caught Sadie with her panties half-way up her legs her slit fully exposed to the camera.

"You need to destroy them now!" Sadie cried out mortified as the other girls now had photos of her both topless and bottomless.

"Nooo chance these are our special pictures" Lola laughed waving them around trying to goad the younger girl to jump up to try and grab them. Unfortunately Sadie was too stunned and shamed to want to fight in other the silly little panties.

Sadie sat on the bed still breathing heavily in panic and blushing bright red in shame. She used both hands now to cover her boobs while wearing only the silly childish panties which mortifyingly were not too small "Give me a bra than, so we can get this done" She begged regaining some composure.

"You don't need one! You look the perfect twelve year old in your little bitty knickys" Lola replied as Rachel got the camera ready for another photo.

"Nooooo way I'm posing topless" spat a very annoyed and flushed Sadie. Her outburst only made the other two girls continue howling with laughter. It was sooo fun teasing their little cousins, and he she was wearing just a pair of cartoon panties while blushing a perfect Christmas red to match.

"Coooome on ... Sadie-poo ...you gotta! Don't make us go get the boys to help! " Rachel prodded trying to blackmail their Sadie into the photo shoot.

"NO YOU WILL NOT!" Sadie shouted sure her cousins wouldn't do something so extreme as exposing her topless to the boys in just the childish panties! The other two girls looked at each other grinning barely able to keep it together.

"Well... maybe not ...but we WILL show them these new photos tomorrow at breakfast!" Lola teased flashing her the naked photos of the poor blushing teen again.

Sadie bit her lip, suddenly unsure if the older girls would really embarrass her like that? They always liked to tease her with the photos the next day but had never actually exposed her... but then again she had always gone ahead with their stupid demands. Two years ago she had been made to call both girls princess for the day and even do all the washing up which was supposed to be a shared chore.

Sadie bit her lip in shame and resigned annoyance. Shaking the nearly naked girl slowly got off the bed and wandered over to the new wall decoration for 2002. The other two just giggled watching her panty-clad bottom the white fabric hugging her little bottom perfectly get into position. Sadie turned back to the girls still covering her chest and put on the fakest smile and waited for them to take the photo.

"Hands up!" Lola laughed prompting her.

"No way" Sadie spat back shaking in shame.

Her two cousins just grinned like Chester cats and sat back taking in the gloriously silly sight of their cousin in the childish panties they had chosen for her. They had all night and knew they could out wait their stubborn little naked cousin.

Sadie closed her eyes, heart pounding in her chest and let out a big breath. She felt like a puppet as her limps responded stiffly as disbelieving as he as she uncovered her growing little chest to the cheers and excitement of the other girls. She shook but continued on her face burning up it was so red with shame the blood leaving the rest of her body she thought she might faint. The young girl raised her hands into a cheering pose, her already small pale tits instantly looking smaller, almost flat ... just like a twelve year old not ready for a bra might have. She was blinded for a stunned second by a flash as Rachel took the perfect New Year's Eve photo.


The next morning Sadie stilled blushed but had recovered and mostly forgiven the other girls. It had all been silly fun if taken a bit far. The family sat around for their traditional new years breakfast, the adults looking hungover, their grandma grinning and singing already as she handed found plates of the large fry up. After food, it was the family secret Santa. Sadie was about to open her own present when she heard George, her older cousin sat with the other boys quizzically ask "What's this a book?"

"Don't open that!" The blushing teenager screamed, but she was too far away to make a grab for it and her reaction only drew the attention of the other boys as George quickly flipped it open to have a look.


Happy New Year everyone!

Again check out the contest I'm running here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=3186
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