Lawn Work

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Lawn Work

Post by Datom »

Lawn-mowing, hedge trimming, tree trimming,
or any other kind of work.

Hard-working and dependable
Nick Stevens

Nick looked proudly at the top card on the stack of his home-made business cards, and then put them back in the pocket of his shorts. He was pleased with himself, and he had every right to be. It was late May, school hadn’t even let out for the summer, and he already had three people call him to do some kind of work around their houses. He was probably the most enterprising kid in the sixth grade, he thought.

Nick headed on down Johnston Street toward Park. His first job was a simple lawn-mowing job, for Mrs. Mitchell. He knew Mrs. Mitchell a little, from church. She and Nick’s mom sometimes stopped to talk after service, and Nick would have to wait for them. Mrs. Mitchell was about Nick’s mom’s age, early 40s, dark brown hair, glasses, tall and slim.

It was a hot day in late May. Nick was glad Mrs. Mitchell had her own lawn mower—Nick had his dad’s if he needed it, but he was glad he didn’t have to push it down the street. He could feel the perspiration starting to creep out of his skin already.

Nick walked past a large brick house with an iron fence. He heard a voice from inside the fence, calling to him.

“Hi, Nickkkyyy!”

Looking over, he recognized the girl. Her name was Bekki Something, and she was an eighth-grader at Nick’s school. He hadn’t paid much attention to her, since she was two grades older than he was. She was dressed in a pink tee shirt and white shorts.

“Hi!” He waved.

“Where ya goin’, Nicky?” she called.

Nick winced a little. He hated being called Nicky. Then he looked back at her and grinned. “Over to Mrs. Mitchell’s house to mow her lawn!”

He kept on walking. Behind him he heard her voice again. “Bye-bye, Nicky!” He turned and waved absently.

At the corner, Nick turned onto Park Avenue and walked down two houses to Mrs. Mitchell’s house. He looked at the lawn. It was starting to get long—just about time for a mowing job. He walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

“Oh, there you are!” Mrs. Mitchell’s voice came out of the doorway, as the door opened. “All set to mow the lawn for me, Nicky?”

She stepped into the doorway. Her hair was up in a bun, and her glasses looked like owl-eyes on her face. She was wearing a light blue pullover shirt with “Panama” lettered across it, and her shorts were tight around her figure, and came down only to the top of her thighs. She had on sandals, and Nick could see her dark red toenail polish. She smiled at him.

“Yes, Ma’am,” he mumbled.

She came out the door. “Come with me, Sweetie,” she beckoned him, and started leading the way around to the side of the house where the garage was. “I’ll show you where the lawn mower is.”

Nick followed her into the dark garage. In the corner was a gas lawn mower.

“This is the one my son Paul used to use when he still lived here,” she said. “I don’t know anything about this mechanical stuff.”

Nick took off the gas cap and peered into the tank. It looked empty. “Looks like he emptied the gas out before winter,” he said. “I’ll have to get some more gas.” He saw a gas can in the corner. “I’ll just go to the Gas-N-Go over at the corner.”

“Just a minute,” Mrs. Mitchell called him back. He turned, and she came up to him.

“You have a little bit of schmootz on your face, Honey,” she said. She licked her finger and then rubbed it on the side of Nick’s cheek. He shivered a little as he felt her wet finger touching him. “There,” she said, inspecting his face. Then she smiled. “You don’t like when I do that. My son Paul always hated when I did that to him.” She chuckled. “Now go get that gas.”

Ten minutes later Nick returned with the gas can full. Parking the lawn mower in the middle of the driveway, he looked at the mechanism. His dad’s mower had a choke lever on the handle, but this one didn’t have anything. The choke must be down on the mower motor itself, he thought. He knelt next to the motor and studied it. That lever on the side must be the choke, he guessed.

Suddenly, Nick felt a hand on his bare back. It felt like bony fingers spreading out and stretching across most of his back, as they began to move across his bare skin. At the same time he heard Mrs. Mitchell’s voice: “Do you have enough gas now, Sweetie?”

He turned to the left and looked. Directly in front of his face were Mrs. Mitchell’s shorts, with her bare thighs inches in front of his nose. He could see the individual short blond hairs glistening on her upper thighs. He looked up. She was looking down at him, and smiling indulgently. She had removed the “Panama” shirt, and was now wearing only a red swimsuit top above her shorts. Nick could see the cleavage between her breasts all the way down to the string, which was tied in a bow between the two sides of the top. Her bare navel hovered about an inch above the waist of her shorts, and looked round and deep, with a little dimple in her skin right above it.

“Now, Nicky, you be sure and let me know how much I owe you for the gas. Okay, Sweetie?” she cooed. “Do you need anything else?”

“No, Ma’am,” he responded.

“Okay, then,” she said, “let me know when you’re done so I can pay you.” Her fingers traced a slow little circle on Nick’s bare back, then she turned and walked off.

After about a half hour, Nick looked around at the back yard with some satisfaction. The yard had been mown down nicely. Only the edge trimming needed to be done.

He looked back toward the house. Mrs. Mitchell had come out in her shorts and swimsuit top, and was sitting on one of three lawn chairs on the brick patio adjacent to the house. She had a magazine in front of her, but she was looking up at him. When she realized that he saw her, she smiled and waved, then looked down at her magazine.

Nick turned back and looked at the border of the lawn. This needs an edge trimmer, thought Nick. He thought he’d seen a bump-feed trimmer in the garage. Turning, he looked back at Mrs. Mitchell again. She was staring at him, as though she was somehow studying him. Hmmm, he thought, she’s making me feel nervous--I’m going to be sure to put my shirt back on.

Stepping into the dark garage, he looked around. Sure enough, on the wall was an edge-trimmer. He took it down and studied it. It didn’t have a cord, but there was a trigger on the handle. Cautiously Nick pulled the trigger, and he heard the small electric motor whirring into life. He released the trigger and turned it over and inspected the underside. There was a small reel with what looked like a healthy supply of line.

“What are you looking for, Sweetie?” came a voice from behind him.

Nick looked up and saw Mrs. Mitchell walking into the garage. As she walked over to him he could hear the flop-flop-flop of her sandals on the floor. As she came up to him he held up the edge-trimmer.

“Can I use this to trim the edge along the back?” he asked.

She peered at it for a few seconds and said “Sure, Sweetie.” She looked around behind her and said, “My son Paul used to use that sometimes after he mowed the lawn. Show me where you want to trim.” She put her hand on Nick’s back and guided him toward the door.

Oh, heck, thought Nick, as he was led by Mrs. Mitchell toward the back—I forgot my shirt. He felt her slender fingers sliding down his bare back as she walked him toward the back of the yard.

“Right along there,” he motioned with his free hand at the edging.

Mrs. Mitchell surveyed the scene and studied the fringe of untrimmed grass along the border. “You’re right, Honey,” she said, nodding. “That needs trimming. I’m glad you saw that.” She slid her hand up and down his back a couple of times. “You go ahead and trim that. And if you need anything else, I’ll be right there on the patio.”

Nick glanced at the patio. To his surprise, there were two other people sitting in the lawn chairs. One of them was the neighbor girl Bekki Something-Or-Other that had greeted him before. The other was a lady in her mid-thirties, dressed in jeans and a red-and-white-striped sleeveless top.

Mrs. Mitchell looked at them and then at Nick. She looked at him up and down for a second, and said, “Wait! Hold still a minute, Sweetie. You’ve got some schmootz on your little nipple.”

She licked the tip of her index finger and then rubbed her wet fingertip around on Nick’s bare nipple. Her wet finger felt cold to Nick, and the sensation made him tingle. He looked at the two newcomers sitting on the patio. The lady was just looking, but Bekki was grinning broadly as she watched Nick being fingered.

“There,” said Mrs. Mitchell, studying Nick’s bare chest with satisfaction, “Now you’re nice and clean.” She patted his chest, then turned abruptly and headed to the patio to join her guests.

Grateful that the little cleaning session was over, Nick carried the trimmer back to the backyard. He held it up against the edging and pulled the trigger. Effortlessly the trimmer motor purred into life. Nick slowly moved it against the edging and the grass whirred away, leaving a neat look.
Satisfied, Nick stopped for a second, and pulled the trimmer back to survey his work. Itlooked neat now. He glanced back at the patio. Mrs. Mitchell, Bekki, and the other lady were sitting there watching him. The other lady pointed at Nick as she turned to Mrs. Mitchell and said something. Mrs. Mitchell turned and looked straight at Nick, then turned to answer the other lady. Then Bekki said something to the other lady. They were obviously talking about him.

Mrs. Mitchell got up from her chair and started walking over to where Nick was standing. Good, he thought, I’ll find out what they’re saying about me.

“Hey, Nicky, Sweetie!” Mrs. Mitchell approached him. “Mrs. Sheridan wants to know if you prune trees.”

“Oh,” Nick thought for a minute. “I guess so. Why?” He put down the trimmer.

“She says she has some trees in her backyard that need pruning. Maybe she wants to hire you. I told her what a good little worker you are.” Mrs. Mitchell slipped her hand onto Nick’s bare shoulder. “Wouldn’t that be nice?”

“I guess so,” Nick nodded. “I guess it depends on when she wants me to do them.”

“Good!” Mrs. Mitchell slid her hand down Nick’s bare back, turning him around. Nick could feel her thumb sliding inside his shorts. She gripped the waist of his shorts between her thumb and her other fingers. “Come on,” she ordered, “I want to show you to Mrs. Sheridan.” She pulled up slightly on his shorts and gently but firmly pressed on the small of his back. “Let’s go.”

Across the lawn to the patio they went, Mrs. Mitchell walking Nick by his shorts. Nick could feel her bony thumb on his bare skin. Occasionally her fingernail would touch the top of his buttock, and he would flinch. She didn’t seem to notice. “Mrs. Sheridan will be so glad to have you work for her,” she was chattering. “Her husband is working extra hours, so he doesn’t have time to do the yard work, and her daughter Bekki doesn’t do that kind of work. Do you know Bekki?” She looked at him.

“Yeah,” he replied. He glanced over to the patio where Bekki and her mother were watching. Bekki was suppressing a grin as she watched Nick being guided along by the back of his shorts. He was having trouble walking, because of the way Mrs. Mitchell was gripping his shorts, pulling them up in back. He could feel the middle seam of his shorts pressing hard up into his crotch. He wished Mrs. Mitchell would let go.

“Here he is,” announced Mrs. Mitchell as she steered Nick to the patio. “His name is Nicky Stevens, and he does my lawn work.” She brought Nick right next to her empty chair, and let go of him. She came around him and sat down.

Mrs. Sheridan looked Nick over.

“See?” continued Mrs. Mitchell. “He does such nice work. And he’s so strong! Look at his strong arms, and these nice strong legs!” She reached out and slid her hand around the back of Nick’s bare thigh. Nick could feel her fingers sliding in between his legs and gripping him, so he couldn’t get away.

Nick glanced over at Bekki. She was looking him over too, but her mouth was clamped shut, as though to keep from laughing.

“He does look strong,” mused Mrs. Sheridan, looking him up and down. She looked up at him. “Do you like to be called Nicky, or Nick?”

“Nick, Ma’am.”

“Good,” Mrs. Sheridan nodded. “My backyard is full of oak and ash trees that have been sprouting new branches for the past couple of years. My husband never has time to do anything about it. Can you do that kind of work?”

“Sure, Ma’am,” nodded Nick.

Beth turned to her mother, “Mom, don’t forget the other!”

Mrs. Sheridan looked puzzled for a moment, then nodded. She turned back to Nick. “I know you do outside work, but would you be willing to do some work for me inside the house?”

“That depends, I guess,” Nick looked at her. “What kind of work?”

“I have a number of boxes of books in my husband’s study. They’re in boxes right now. I’d just need them unpacked and put up on bookshelves.”

Nick nodded. “Sure, I can do that for you.”

“Good!” Mrs. Sheridan seemed relieved. “They’ve been in those boxes for I don’t know how long. My husband will be so glad to have them out on the shelves.” She thought for a minute. “Can you come over this Saturday and do all that? The books and the tree-trimming?”

“I think so,” Nick hesitated. Then he remembered—he had promised to take Hailey Merriman to the movies on Saturday. “What time? I have to be done by four.”

Bekki grinned at him. “That’s right. I hear you have a date.”

Nick looked at her in surprise. She smiled and nodded. “Little Hailey told me about it. She’s been wanting to go out with you for all of the last year. She’s excited.” Bekki turned to her mother. “Mom, we’ve got to make sure Nicky is done in time to pick up his little girlfriend for their movie date.”

“Okay, then,” Mrs. Sheridan nodded. “Nick, how about if you come over at about one o’clock in the afternoon? You should be done by four.” She smiled. “If you do a good job, there’ll be a little something extra in it for you.”

Nick grinned. It would be nice to have a little extra cash in his pocket for his date with Hailey. “Sounds good, then,” he agreed. “I’ll come over at one.” He turned to go, then felt Mrs. Mitchell’s fingers still gripping his bare thigh.

“Wait a minute, Sweetie!” she stopped him. She peered at his stomach. “You have some kind of schmootz on your little belly button.”

Still gripping Nick’s leg, she licked the tip of her index finger copiously, then touched it to his bare navel and started to rub. Her finger felt cold and wet on his navel, and he shuddered. She chuckled.

“He’s just like my son,” she said to Mrs. Sheridan, smiling. “You remember Paul? Paul hated getting his belly button cleaned in public.” Mrs. Sheridan nodded, watching. Bekki made a noise like a suppressed snort. Mrs. Mitchell licked her finger again and rubbed Nick’s navel some more.

“There!” she said brightly, tapping Nick on his navel several times. “All clean!” She looked up at him, still gripping his leg with her other hand. “Don’t forget, Sweetie, girls like it when a boy has a nice clean belly button.” She let go of him. “Now, you go ahead and finish your lawn work.”

Nick turned gratefully away, and headed back to his trimming. He heard Bekki snort behind him, as he headed back to the trimming.
“Well, there’s your money, Sweetie,” Mrs. Mitchell counted the money into Nick’s right hand, “and here’s something a little extra for being such a good boy.” She reached into her wallet and took out an extra bill, and placed it in Nick’s hand, then folded his fingers over it. “I want you to have that, because I know sometimes I’m a little bit strange to work for.” She looked at him. “You will come back and do this for me again in a few weeks, won’t you?”

“Hey, Hailey!” Nick called down the hall outside his classroom. “We still on for Saturday?”

Hailey Merriman looked up from her locker and grinned at him. “Yeah, Nick!” she laughed. “You promised we’d go see that new movie! You’re not getting out of it that easy!”

Nick grinned back. Hailey was so easy to talk to. Tall, with long light brown hair that went down her back, and a roundish face. Not a raving beauty, but cute, in a pleasing way.

“I’m not trying to get out of anything,” he grinned as he came up to her. He detected a pleasant scent from her, reminiscent of baby powder. “Four o’clock, right?”

“Yep.” She nodded. “Do you want to come over earlier?”

“I can’t,” Nick said disappointedly. “I have a job earlier Saturday.” He brightened. “But I’ll have the money from that job, so we can hang out for a while after the movie if you want.”

Hailey thought for a moment. “Okay,” she said, “I’d like that.” The she made a mock frown at Nick. “You’re not doing to come over all dirty and sweaty from work, are you?”

“I don’t think so,” he chuckled. “This will be a pretty easy job, actually.”

Nick stared up at the house. Once he’d gotten inside the iron fence he could see that the house was bigger than he’d thought. It was a new, fairly large brick house, two stories tall, set in the middle of a well-tended lawn among a cluster of oak trees.

It was a bright Saturday afternoon, a little warmer than Nick had counted on. He was glad he was wearing a light tee shirt and shorts—he didn’t want to get all sweaty before his date with Hailey.

He went to the front door and rang the bell. He could hear a distant “gong” from somewhere inside the house.

It was quiet for a moment. Then the door opened, and Mrs. Sheridan stood there. Bekki was right behind her.

Mrs. Sheridan was dressed in a red dress, and carrying a handbag. She was obviously dressed up to go somewhere. She looked at him. “Oh, Nick,” she said, “That’s right—you’re here to do the trees in back.”

Nick nodded, a little confused.

“I have to get to my club meeting. I’m already late.” She turned and looked at Bekki, then turned back to Nick. “You can go ahead and start on the tree trimming out in the back yard. Bekki will be in charge of you.”

Bekki grinned.

“The ladder is in the garage, and there’s a pruning saw there too. I have to go.” Mrs. Sheridan looked at Bekki. “You know where the spare cash is, Bekki.” Bekki nodded. Mrs. Sheridan turned to Nick. “Bekki will pay you when you’re all done. Just do whatever Bekki tells you.” She turned and went back in the house.

“C’mon! I’ll show you where the ladder is.” Bekki motioned to Nick and started around the house to the garage. She was wearing a light pink camisole top and a pair of tight short red shorts that showed off her thighs and buttocks. Nick followed her around and into the garage.

“Ladder’s over there,” she pointed to a stepladder hanging on brackets on the side wall, “and the pruning shears are right on that shelf over there.” Her bare arm pointed to a shelf on the back wall. Nick could see an array of lawn and garden tools.

He walked over and located the tree-pruning shears, and also picked up a keyhole saw. Then he went over to the side wall and lifted the stepladder off its brackets. He carried his collection out to the driveway, where Bekki was waiting.

Bekki pointed to a cluster of trees on the side of the garage. “Start with those,” she directed.

Nick put down the ladder and tested it. He looked at the lowest offending branch, reaching over and brushing against the side of the garage. He reached for the shears.

“Take off your shirt,” ordered Bekki.

Nick looked up in surprise. “Why?”

“I just wanna see you without your shirt,” she shrugged. “Now, take it off.”

“I don’t really want to,” Nick protested, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

Just at that moment Mrs. Sheridan came out the front door, walking toward the garage. Bekki called to her. “Mom, Nicky won’t take off his shirt for me. I told him to, and he won’t do it.”

Mrs. Sheridan looked at Nick. “You won’t take off your shirt for Bekki?”

Nick shrugged. He felt silly. “I just . . . I just don’t want to.”

“Now, Nick,” Mrs. Sheridan chided, “Remember, I told you--Bekki is in charge of you. You have to do what she says.” She turned to Bekki, “You know, Honey, if he doesn’t do what you say, you don’t have to pay him.”

“That’s right, Mom!” Bekki grinned.

She turned back to Nick. “Now, take off your shirt for Bekki.”

Nick shrugged again and pulled his tee shirt up over his head. He could sense Bekki looking up and down his bare chest. He pulled the shirt off. Immediately Bekki grabbed it from him.

“I’ll keep this until you’re all done,” she informed him. Then she smiled and nodded, “That way it won’t be all sweaty when you go pick up your little girlfriend for your date.”

“That’s better,” Mrs. Sheridan nodded. She turned to Bekki. “Remember, you only pay him if he follows your directions.” She looked at Nick again, then back at Bekki. “I have to be going now. I’ll be back at about five.” And she left.

“Now, get up that ladder and start trimming,” Bekki ordered.
Nick had been working for an hour. He’d been climbing the ladder, sawing or pruning dead or stray branches off the trees around the backyard, picking up the ladder, and moving on. He’d been alone most of the time. Bekki watched him for a few minutes, then gone inside the house.

By now he had trimmed around the backyard, and was on the opposite side from where he’d started. He was approaching the side facing the street. In the distance, he heard a door slam, but he paid no attention.

He moved the ladder again, underneath a young oak tree with a dead branch. It was a little higher than the others, so he had to reach up to saw it off. Bracing himself with one hand, he stretched his other arm up to reach the branch with the saw blade. He started to saw.

“Cute!” he suddenly heard Bekki’s voice from below him.

He looked down. Bekki was standing near him, in front of the ladder, holding a camera. It was aimed at Nick’s chest. She pushed the shutter button.

He stopped sawing. “What are you doing?”

“I’m just taking some pictures of your body.” Bekki grinned. “You have a cute body. I like your legs.” She walked to the side of the ladder and aimed the camera at Nick’s shorts. She pushed the button again. Then she walked behind the ladder, and Nick could tell she was taking a picture of his bare back.

“I’m going to put these on my webpage,” she announced. “Then all the kids at school can see that cute little body!” She giggled. “Your little girlfriend will be so proud of you!”

“You better not!” Nick protested.

Bekki just giggled again and walked away. Halfway back to the house she turned and took another picture of Nick. He started to think, well, it won’t be so bad. After all, she only took a couple pictures of me, and none of them are especially embarrassing.
Then Bekki came back over to the ladder, and came in front of Nick. He hadn’t realized that she’d been holding a plastic bottle in her other hand. It was a transparent bottle with a spray top. She held it up in front of Nick’s belly, and pushed the nozzle.

Immediately Nick could feel the ice water hitting his bare belly. It was so cold it stung. He lurched. The sudden movement caused the ladder to tip to the left. “Woah!” he yelped.

“Omigod!” Bekki breathed, as Nick felt the ladder tipping toward the sidewalk. He instinctively scrunched his head to avoid the hard concrete.

As the ladder toppled and hit the ground, Nick felt the grass come up beneath him, and his body landed. The earth under the grass felt hard, except for a warm spot on the side of his leg.

Bekki rushed around to him. “Nicky! Are you all right?” He felt her hand on his shoulder, then sliding down his back.

Nick caught his breath. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

“If you need to go to a doctor or anything. . .?”

“No,” Nick got slowly up. His left side felt a little sore, but not bad. “I’m okay.” He noticed an acrid smell wafting up to his nose from somewhere.

“If you’re sure. . . .PHEW!” Bekki noticed the smell too, and made a face.

She glanced down at Nick’s shorts. “Uh-oh! Nero!” She looked alarmed, then giggled.

Nick looked down. Smeared on the side of his shorts was a huge brown gob of dog-dropping. He looked down on the ground. Sure enough, a dog had been there, performed its function on the ground, and left the remains in the grass. And, of course, that was the very spot where Nick would have to fall and land.

His heart sank. He saw that it was on his side, as well as all over the side of his shorts. He still had that library work to do inside. He didn’t have time to go home and change. And he certainly couldn’t go pick up Hailey smelling like dog-poop!

As if reading his mind, Bekki made a mock-sad face. “Awww! Poor Nicky! How are you going to have your date with your little girlfriend, with you all covered with that stuff?”

“I don’t know,” snapped Nick, angrily. “Why did you have to go and spray me with that stuff while I was up on the ladder?”

“It was just ice-water,” Bekki replied. “I was just trying to cool you off in the heat. I’m sorry!” He looked at her. She looked sincere.

Nick was somewhat mollified, but still looked ruefully down at his shorts. “What am I going to do? I won’t have time to go home and change!”

“Tell you what,” Bekki offered, “Why don’t you come in and use our bathroom to shower. Meanwhile I can see if I can get those shorts clean for you.”

“Well, . . .” Nick looked at her doubtfully.

“Honest,” said Bekki. “I promise I won’t, like, sneak into the bathroom and take pictures while you’re showering, or anything.” Her shoulders drooped. “I feel awful, doing that to you.” She brightened. “And I can be getting those shorts washed for you in the meantime, while you unpack the books”

Nick shrugged. He really didn’t have much choice. “Okay,” he said. “Which way is the shower?”

He followed Bekki inside the house, being as careful as he could not to brush up against anything. She led him through a large room with bookshelves all along one of the walls. One of the bookshelves even ran above a door.

“This is the library,” Bekki explained. She gestured to a stack of boxes. One of the boxes was open and Nick could see that it contained hardbound books. “This is the other part of the job, after you get cleaned up.”

On the other side of the room was a staircase. Bekki led the way across the room. She led Nick up the steps and along a hallway to a door. Inside was the bathroom. Bekki opened the door and went in. She went across to a narrow closet door and opened it, and pulled a towel off the shelf. “You can use this to dry,” she handed Nick the towel. Then she turned and walked out the doorway.

“If you want to just leave your shorts outside here, while you’re showering, I’ll come back and get them,” she said. “Then I can clean them for you.”

She left. Nick could hear her footsteps on the stairs as he closed the door. Quickly he undressed, then opened the door slightly and put the soiled shorts outside. He re-closed the door and locked it.

Going over to the shower, he stepped in. He turned on the water and felt it warming up. He adjusted the temperature. Then, as the water was hitting him, he reached for the soap that was in a soapdish. As he soaped himself, he thought, how nicely this had worked out, being able to shower just before he went over to pick up Hailey.

Nick stood under the shower rinsing off for a few minutes. Then, finally, he turned off the water. He dried himself, then stepped out of the shower. Somewhat self-consciously, perhaps because he was in unfamiliar surroundings, he quickly slipped on his white undershorts. Then he looked around.

He cautiously opened the bathroom door and peered out. The hall was empty.

“Hey Bekki!” he called out, “Where’s my shorts?”

He heard footsteps from the floor below. Then they came up the steps. “They’re in the washing machine, Nicky!” Bekki’s voice called out. She arrived at the top and was standing in front of the bathroom door. “They’ll be done in about a half-hour. Then I have to dry them in the drier. That’ll take another twenty minutes or so.”

“What?” Nick howled, “You mean I have to wait in here for an hour? No way!”

Bekki shook her head. “You can’t do that, Nicky. You still have to do those books in the library. Otherwise Mom won’t let me pay you.” She peered into the slightly open door. “Don’t you have anything on?”


“Not even your underpants?”

“Well, yeah, I have those on,” Nick admitted. “But I can’t come out and work in just my underwear.”

“Well, you could,” Bekki half-smiled. “I mean, it would be just like you were wearing a swimming trunk or something.” She tilted her head. “And I know you want to finish in time for your date with Hailey. Besides,” she nodded, “I’m not going to be in the library with you all the time. I’ll leave you alone in there.”

Nick hesitated.

“I’ll be good, Nicky,” Bekki’s eyes got wide. “I won’t bother you—promise!”

“Well, okay,” Nick answered slowly. He really did need that money for his date later today. “You promise you’ll leave me alone in there?” He looked Bekki straight in the eye.

“Promise, Nicky!” Her eyes were wide with sincerity.

“Okay, then,” Nick grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his midsection. He came out, and Bekki led him down the steps to the library.

“I’ll get out of here in just a minute,” she promised. She went over to a pile of boxes. “These are in volumes, so if you keep the volumes together, that would be good. And Mom said she wanted them on that shelf up high, over the doorway, so I brought in a stepladder for you.”

Nick looked at the ladder. It looked good and sturdy. He padded over to it in his bare feet and took the two sides in his hands. He moved it along the floor until it was directly in front of the doorway.

“I’ll leave you alone now,” Bekki said. She turned and left the room.

Nick went over to one of the boxes and opened it. There were about twenty books with identical covers. He looked at the spine of the top one. “English Poetry Classics, Vol. I,” it read. Okay, then, thought Nick. He grabbed about four of them, and took them over to the ladder.

As he started up the ladder, the towel loosened and fell from his waist. This is going to be awkward, he thought. In just his underpants, he climbed the ladder until he could just reach the bookshelf over the door. He reached up and placed the books on the shelf, and arranged them in volume order, one through four. Carefully, he backed down the ladder, then looked at the towel on the floor. Oh, forget it, he thought. Keeping that towel on will be more trouble than it’s worth, with all those trips up and down that ladder. He left the towel on the floor and went to the box for more books.

He made several trips back and forth. Each time he took four or five books, reaching up to the shelf and arranging them in order. On the fifth trip up, he was just reaching up to the shelf when he heard the door suddenly swing open underneath him. He heard a female voice “Oooooooh!” and another voice giggling.

“Look at the little tightie-whities! That is so cute!”

This was followed by the sound of a mechanical click.

There were footsteps from under the ladder and Bekki and another girl her age entered the room. The other girl was slightly taller than Bekki, and athletically built. Nick thought he’d seen her at school before, in one of the older grades. She was wearing jean shorts and a green tank top. She had her cellphone out and opened. They were both staring at Nick’s bare body and grinning.

“I hope you don’t mind, Nicky!” Bekki cooed. “Melissa wanted to see your little body.” Melissa held up her cellphone and aimed it at Nick. She pressed a button and Nick heard the click again. “I hope you don’t mind that I’m showing you to Melissa in just your little underpants!” She came up to the ladder and reached up and grabbed Nick’s bare thigh.

“He has a cute little ass,” Melissa grinned, holding her cellphone up again. Click.

“Hey, cut it out!” Nick protested. He pulled his leg away from Bekki’s hand. “You said you were going to leave me alone in here!”

Bekki reached over and grabbed Nick’s thigh again. Her fingers slid up in between his legs. “I also said that you have to do what I say, or I won’t pay you,” she chided. “Remember what Mom said? She said ‘Bekki is in charge of you.’ She said that, right?” Her hand brushed up against the crotch of Nick’s underpants. “Now be a good little boy for us, and turn around and face Melissa, so she can take your picture.” Her fingers squeezed Nick’s thigh. “Come on, Nicky.”

“Yes, Nicky!” cooed Melissa. “Face me so I can take a picture of you with nothing on but your tiny little underpants!”

“Let’s go, Nicky!” Bekki’s fingers squeezed tighter. “Don’t you want me to pay you? So you can go out with little Hailey?” She chuckled. “I bet Hailey would want you to pose for Melissa in your underpants!”

“Awwww!” Melissa drew out the syllable. “That’s so sweet! Come on, Nicky! Pose for me, so you can go out with little Hailey!” She snickered. “I bet she’s waiting for you!”

Reluctantly, Nick turned on the ladder and faced Melissa. She had her cellphone up, and, grinning, she pressed the button and took the picture. She chuckled. “You have a cute little belly button,” she laughed. “It’s an outie.” She reached over and touched Nick’s navel. It tickled, and he wobbled on the ladder. “I bet little Hailey likes your little belly button!”

Melissa slid her hand up Nick’s stomach, up to his chest. Her finger touched his bare nipple. “Ooooh!” she squealed. “Look at these little nippy-nips! They’re sticking out so nice and perky!” She rubbed his nipple with her fingertip. As she did, Nick realized that his nipple had gotten hard. As Melissa’s finger rubbed his erect nipple he felt a tingle going down his spine.

“Hey, look at that little bazooka in his underpants!” Bekki pointed to Nick’s crotch. She grinned. “It’s getting bigger.”

Nick became acutely aware of the tingling now. He also realized that his penis was getting big and hard inside his underpants. Melissa and Bekki were both looking at the bulge and grinning.

In the distance there was the sound of two chimes. The doorbell. Good, thought Nick. They’ll go answer the door, and I can . . .can . . .get out of this somehow.

“Uh-oh! Somebody at the door!” sang out Bekki. Melissa backed away from the ladder. Seizing his chance, Nick came down the ladder and stood on the floor, ready to dart out of the room. Bekki turned and headed for the door out of the library. But instead of going out, she just poked her head out of the library and yelled, “Come in! Whoever you are!”

Both girls giggled. Then Melissa realized that Nick was off the ladder, and grabbed him by the arm. He pulled his arm, trying to get free of her, but he couldn’t. He realized that Melissa was a head taller than he was, and very athletic. Her hand gripped his arm like iron.

Seeing Nick trying to free himself, Bekki came over and grabbed his other arm. Now he was trapped between the two of them. He tried to pull away, but he couldn’t. Bekki giggled, “Aw, Nicky! Are you trying to escape from us? You can’t get away from us!” He felt her other hand sliding down his back and inside the back of his underpants. Her hand felt cold on his butt cheek, and it made him shiver. Her fingers squeezed the bare skin on his butt, and she giggled.

From the doorway there was a low-pitched, slightly gravelly woman’s voice, “Bekki! Whatcha girls doin’?”

Standing in the doorway was a woman in her mid-thirties. She was very tall, over six feet. She looked strong, but not fat. Her arms were proportionately not big, but were muscular. She was wearing a tank top and running shorts, very short and slit on the sides. Her bare thighs looked thick and strong. Her face looked roundish, in an oddly familiar way. Her hair was short-cropped into tight curls. Nick had never seen her before, but the sight of her somehow seemed familiar.

“Oh, hi, Mrs. Merriman,” Bekki grinned.

Uh-oh! Mrs. Merriman—Hailey’s mother!—Nick thought frantically. And here I am in just my underpants!

“Who’s this?’ She came closer, looking Nick up and down. “He looks cute.” She grunted, and came up to Nick. She poked his bare nipple with her finger. “Huh! He's a little cutie.”

Melissa giggled. Bekki said: ‘Nicky, this is Mrs. Merriman, Hailey’s mom.”

Mrs. Merriman was critically looking up and down Nick’s bare body. When Bekki had spoken, she stopped.

“Nicky? Wait a minute!” She looked at Bekki. “This the Stevens kid?” She poked Nick’s belly with her finger.

“Yeah,” Bekki answered, still gripping Nick’s arm. “This is little Nicky Stevens.”

“The one that’s goin’ out with my daughter?”

“That’s right! Isn’t he cute?” Melissa chimed in, holding Nick’s other arm. He could still feel Bekki’s other hand on the small of his bare back. He squirmed.

Mrs. Merriman looked at Nick. Her eyes dropped down to Nick’s underpants, and she stared disapprovingly. “He ain’t goin’ out with my little girl—not like that!” She reached out her hand and touched the outline of Nick’s erect penis with her bony finger. “Not with that load in his dick. I don’t want him nowheres near my daughter! Not like that!” She gestured to Bekki and Melissa. “Lay him down on the floor,” she ordered.

Before he realized what was happening, Nick heard himself gasp as Melissa reached down and grabbed his ankles and picked him up. At the same moment, Bekki slid her hand up Nick’s back and grabbed him under his arms. As he struggled to free himself, he felt himself being laid down on the floor. He kept resisting.

“Oooooh! Look at him wiggle!”

“He’s cute when he wiggles,” Bekki agreed.

“Hey! Cut it out!” Nick protested. “Let me go!” But Bekki was pinning his arms down on the carpeted floor.

“Let go of me!” he gasped. “What are you doing to me? Let me up!”

“He sure is a squirmer,” Mrs. Merriman observed, looking at Nick’s wiggling body.

“Awwww! Poor little Nicky!” cooed Melissa. She had her cell phone open again, and aimed the camera at Nick’s writhing figure. Click.

“I gotta get his underpants off him,” Mrs. Merriman muttered. She was crouching over Nick’s legs, and slid her hand under his back.

Suddenly Nick felt her bony fingers pinch his buttock. He lurched up. At that moment, Mrs. Merriman slipped both hands inside the elastic of his underpants, and pulled them down his thighs. As the two girls stared, grinning, Nick’s erect penis sprung up.

“Oooooooh! Look how nice and big it is!” Melissa drooled.

“It’s standing up nice and straight for us!” agreed Bekki. “It’s cute!”

Melissa aimed her camera again. Click. “I’m gonna send this picture to the girls in Nicky’s class, so they can all look at his little peeny-weeny.”

Nick struggled to get up, but he was pinned to the floor. Bekki was holding his shoulders, and Mrs. Merriman was now sitting on his lower legs.

“Let me UP!” he gasped.

Mrs. Merriman looked at him. She spoke to him, for the first time. “Listen, kid. You ain’t goin’ noplace with my little daughter like that. Not with that stiff little dick.” She touched the underside of Nick’s erect penis with her finger. “I ain’t gonna have you stickin’ your filthy little dick inside my Hailey.”

“I’m not going to do anything to Hailey!” gasped Nick. “I swear!”

“Yeah, right! Now look,” Mrs. Merriman glared at him, “You wanna go out with my daughter?”

“Yes. . .” Nick rasped, uncertainly.

“Well, before you do, I gotta empty your little dick. Right now. I ain’t gonna have you boinkin’ my little Hailey.” She squeezed the base of Nick’s penis between her fingers. “I ain’t raisin’ no bastard grandkids!”

Nick tried to fight his way up but it was no use. Mrs. Merriman had shifted, and now she was sitting squarely on Nick’s knees. He could feel her muscular bare legs locking against his hips. Bekki had shifted, and now she was sitting with Nick’s head in her crotch, and her thighs were gripping Nick’s head and pinning down his arms. She swung her bare feet alongside his chest.

“Hey, Nicky,” she smirked, “I’m gonna hold you down while Mrs. Merriman rubs your little penis.”

Nick tried to squirm, but he could barely move. Above him, he could still see Melissa holding her cellphone. Now she was using it as a video-camera, panning back and forth from Nick’s face to his genitals.

“You have to squirt for us, Nicky!” she cooed, grinning. “All over your little belly!”

He grunted.

“I’m taking a picture of you getting milked!” she gloated, moving the camera.

“Come on, dammit,” he heard Mrs. Merriman mutter, “Pump it out for me!”

“That’s such a cute little penis,” purred Bekki. “I didn’t know you had such a nice little penis, Nicky.”

“Look at the all the little veins pushing out on the side,” breathed Melissa.

“Yeah, I like that little ridge around the tip.”

“And look at the little hole at the end! Where his juice comes out!” Melissa gloated, “That is so cute!”

“Nice balls, too,” pointed out Bekki.

“Goddammit, kid! Squirt, will ya?” Mrs. Merriman was holding the base of Nick’s penis between her bony fingers, and rubbing up and down. “I ain’t got all day.” She squeezed a little harder as she rubbed.

“Come on, Nicky!” cheered Bekki. “Squirt for us! You can do it, Nicky!”

“Yeah, Nicky,” chimed in Melissa from behind the camera. “Let’s see a nice big squirt!”

“Do it, Nicky!

“We wanna see every last drop!”

Nick could feel his testicles starting to ache. He could feel the pressure building up inside his penis.

“Woo-hoo! Look at it bulging!

“Look at all the little veins popping out!”

“Come on, kid!” Mrs. Merriman was rubbing hard now. “I know you wanna squirt it out! Give it up for me, willya?” She shifted her fingers on Nick’s penis, and started rubbing a little slower and harder, at the base. “If ya wanna go out with my little Hailey, ya gotta squirt your juice for me first.”

Nick realized that he was breathing hard, and that his naked belly was heaving up and down. His testicles were aching badly by now. He looked up and saw Melissa grinning as she aimed her cellphone at the tip of his penis.

Suddenly, Nick felt Mrs. Merriman’s index finger slide up along the underside of his penis. He gritted his teeth, but he could feel the hot sperm starting to ooze out of the tip.

He heard Melissa giggle, “ Ooooooh! Here it comes!”

Bekki was giggling. “Ooooooh! Nicky! That’s it! Squirt for us! Squirt your boy-juice! All over your belly!”

He looked up at Bekki. She was grinning down at him. Melissa was focusing the camera on Nick’s crotch. He felt Mrs. Merriman’s forefinger stroking his penis, with her thumb at the base.

Melissa giggled. “Wait ‘til I send this movie to Hailey!”

“Don’t –you – dare!” Nick gasped, feeling the semen steadily coursing out.

“Oh, don’t you worry, Nicky!” Bekki touched his nipple with her finger and began to make a circular motion with her fingertip. “We’re going to send this to all the girls in your class! Won’t that be nice?” She laughed.

Mrs. Merriman was still kneading Nick’s penis resolutely. “C’mon, kid! I want every bit of it!” She squeezed again. “Out with it!”

Nick felt a bolt of hot sperm suddenly squirt out of the end of his penis. The sticky substance landed on his bare stomach in a big blob.

Bekki and Melissa gasped, then cheered, “Yaaaay, Nicky!”

“About time,” Mrs. Merriman muttered. She held the base of Nick’s penis between her thumb and forefinger and shook it. Then she let go. Nick could feel her muscular bare legs unclamping from around his body. He became conscious of himself, lying on the floor, naked and defenseless in full view of the two grinning girls and Mrs. Merriman, with a puddle of sticky semen on his bare belly. Melissa giggled and snapped another picture of him.

A new voice could be heard coming in the door. "Hello? Anybody home?"

"We're in here," Mrs. Merriman called. "Is that you, Carolynn?"

"Just me, coming to drop off some clothes." Mrs. Mitchell came into the room, holding a plastic store bag, and her purse. She looked down at the two girls. Hi, Bekki. Hi, Melissa." She squinted at Nick, still lying naked and vulnerable on the floor. "Well, look at that! Hi, Nicky!" Her eyes traveled down Nick's body to his crotch. "Well, look at you! Looks like they're emptying your little penis! How nice!"

"He's got a date with my daughter," explained Mrs. Merriman, "and I'm not going to let him go anywheres with her with a loaded dick. So I had to milk him."

"Good idea," nodded Mrs. Mitchell, leaning over.

She reached into her purse and pulled out a crumpled tissue. Reaching down, she dabbed it on Nick's belly, wiping up the sticky semen with it. Then she reached down and touched Nick on the end of his bare penis. She rubbed, as Melissa aimed her cellphone at his crotch and video-recorded.

"Ooh, Sweetie! You have a little bit of schmootz on your little penis." She licked her finger and rubbed Nick's penis. He shuddered as he felt her damp finger. She stroked a few times, then stood up again. "There! Nice and clean." She nodded knowingly. "Girls like it when a boy has a nice clean penis."

Bekki snickered.

“Turn him over,” Melissa ordered. “I didn’t get any pictures of his bare ass.”

Nick felt Bekki grab his shoulders. At the same time Mrs. Merriman grabbed his hips, and Mrs. Mitchell took ahold of his legs. Nick struggled to get free, but the iron grip of six female hands on his naked body was too much to resist. He felt himself being turned over, looking down at the floor. They laid him down. Bekki clamped her legs down on his shoulders so he couldn’t move.

“Ooooh! Look at that adorable little ass!” Melissa’s voice. I gotta get a couple pictures of this!” He heard the sound of her phone camera, taking pictures of him.

“It’s okay, Nicky,” he heard Bekki’s voice. At that moment he felt her hand on his bare back. “We like your body from the back, too.” Her hand went gently up and down his back, feeling almost soothing.

Smack! Nick felt his butt cheek being slapped. It stung. Nick‘s body lurched, and Bekki and Melissa giggled.

Mrs. Merriman snickered. “I couldn’t help it. That little ass just needed a good slap!”

Nick felt Bekki’s hand slide down his back to his other butt cheek. He felt his cheek being rubbed. “Mmmm. Nice ass!”

In the background Nick heard a door open and shut. Oh, great, he thought, who could this be? Another member of the audience. He tried to raise his legs to get up, but Mrs. Mitchell was holding him tightly down on the floor. “Hey! Let me go!” he cried. Mrs. Mitchell laughed.

The door to the room opened, and Nick heard Mrs. Merriman say “Hi, Honey!”

Nick’s nose caught a faint whiff of something that smelled like baby powder.

“Hi, Hailey!” Bekki greeted the newcomer. “Look who we’ve got here.”

Hailey! Oh, no! This was too embarrassing! Nick struggled to get up. The hands kept holding him firmly on the floor.

He heard Hailey’s voice, “That’s a cute little butt!” He felt her bare foot rubbing his butt cheek around and around. “Look how it wiggles.” Bekki and Melissa giggled.

“We hope you don’t mind that we’re checking him out,” Bekki said, with mischief in her voice. “I know you had him this afternoon for a movie date.”

“Roll him over,” ordered Hailey. “I want to see his boy-parts.”

Nick felt his entire body stiffening, to resist being turned over. It was no use. He could feel Mrs. Merriman’s steely hands grasp his bare hips, and Bekki’s firm palms grabbing against his shoulders. He felt himself being turned face up, and found himself looking up at Melissa and Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Merriman and Bekki—and Hailey. Hailey was wearing a white sleeveless top and short black shorts. She was barefoot. She was looking up and down Nick’s helpless nude body, surveying every inch of him. He felt defenseless and vulnerable, as Bekki and Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Merriman held him pinned to the floor, on display naked to Hailey’s gaze.

Hailey looked at his exposed body critically. “Hmm. He’s cute.” She stuck out her leg and ran her toe across Nick’s bare stomach. She poked his navel with her big toe, and wiggled it. Nick squirmed. The girls giggled.

Hailey grinned, then continued her examination. “But what’s going on down here? Hmm?” Her toe ran down Nick’s belly to his crotch. Hailey caught Nick’s spent penis between her toes and wiggled it. It flopped back and forth pitifully between her toes. “Hey, Nick,” she said to him, “What’s wrong? Don’t you like me?”

Bekki spoke up. “Your mom made him squirt. Just a few minutes ago.”

Hailey looked at Mrs. Merriman in dismay. “Mom! What’d you do that for?”

“I had to, Honey! I needed to empty his dick before you went out with him.” Mrs. Merriman took Hailey by her arm and looked into her face. “Now, we talked about this, Hailey. No going out with boys unless I get to make them squirt beforehand. That’s the rule. I don’t want you getting all pregnant, like you almost did before with that Keith!” Mrs. Merriman turned to Bekki and Melissa. “About three months ago I caught her and that Keith Wilson, in that little room behind our garage. Buck-naked, both of them, fuckin’ like a couple ’a rabbits! That’s when I decided she ain’t goin’ out with no more boys unless I milk ‘em first.”

“That’s not fair, Mom!” protested Hailey. “I told you that’s not fair! There’s nothing left for me then.” She looked down at Nick’s penis and gave it a contemptuous little kick with her big toe. “I don’t want to go out with him! Not now!” She shoved the ball of her foot into Nick’s stomach. “He’s no good to me now! Not with that limp dick!”

Bekki snickered.

“Well?” Hailey looked at Bekki defensively. “Look at that thing!” She prodded Nick’s penis again with her toe. “I can’t get any action out of that! So what’s the point, huh?” She looked down at Nick. “Sorry, Nick, but the date’s off. You’ve got nothing for me.” She ran her toe up to Nick’s navel and wiggled it again, and smiled apologetically down at him. Then she turned and walked off. Nick could hear the front door bang as she left.

Nick struggled again to get up, but he felt the hands holding him down. “Hey, let me up! Haven’t you done enough to me? Let go of me!”

He felt Bekki let go of his right shoulder. She put her hand on his bare chest, and started to rub it gently. “Awwww! Poor Nicky,” she crooned, as her fingertip gently touched his right nipple. “No date with little Hailey. That’s too bad.” She stroked his bare breast with her fingertips.

Nick tried to get up, but he was still being held down by the two women. He felt himself getting exhausted from all the struggling. He lay back down on the floor. He felt almost no energy in his entire body.

Then he felt Mrs. Mitchell’s hands loosen their grip. Mrs. Merriman let go of his legs. He realized that he was lying on the floor, naked, with no one hanging on to him. He started to get up, then realized that he didn’t have the energy in his body. He lay there, as the two women and Melissa grinned down at him. Bekki’s hand slid across his bare chest and up to his face, and began caressing his cheek. Melissa raised her camera and took another picture. Bekki’s hand slid down Nick’s chest and stroked his belly. Another picture for Melissa.
“Nicky,” Bekki purred, “we really are sorry you didn’t get to have your date with Hailey.”

“Why didn’t you let me up?” Nick growled.

“Because, . . .well, because you just look so cute, lying there naked, I wanted to keep looking at you.”

“We like your body, Nicky. We think it’s yummy.” Melissa chortled.

Bekki backed up a little and removed her hand. “Now that you don’t have to hurry, Nicky, I guess you better go finish with those books.” She grinned. “After all, Mom says I can’t pay you until you get done with the work.”

Nick sighed. “Yeah, right, I guess.” He sat up and reached over to Bekki. “Give me my underpants.”

“Nope.” Bekki snatched Nick’s underpants and held them out of reach. “You don’t get these back until you’re done with those books.” She chortled. “We’re going to watch you work in the nude for us.” She dangled Nick’s underpants just out of his reach. “Won’t that be fun!”

“No!” Nick protested. “I refuse!”

Melissa snickered. “Yeah, right!”

“You can’t refuse!” Bekki grinned at him. “What are you going to do? Go home? I can just see you walking down the street, naked as a little flea!” She laughed and whirled his underpants around her finger and then whisked them behind her back. “Now, you better get up on that ladder, Nicky, and start moving those books!”

Mrs. Merriman turned to leave, but Mrs. Mitchell stayed. She went over to a reclining chair and sat down. “I’m just going to wait for your Mom to get back, Bekki,” she said, looking at Nick. “I hope you don’t mind. I love watching little Nicky working—especially in the nude!” She grinned.

“Better get going, Nicky. Those books aren’t going to arrange themselves!” chortled Bekki.

Sighing, Nick got up from the floor slowly. As he did he was acutely conscious of his male parts. He realized that Bekki and Melissa and Mrs. Mitchell were looking straight at his penis and his testicles dangling down. Melissa held up her phone and took another picture.

Without a word, Nick trudged naked over to one of the boxes on the floor and picked up a couple books. He climbed the ladder and reached up and put them on the shelf, next to the previous ones. As he climbed down the ladder, he heard Bekki and Melissa moving
around in the room. Coming off the ladder, he turned, just in time to see Melissa snap another picture of his nude body.

Okay, thought Nick, just get this done and get out of here. He reached over, got more books, and climbed up the ladder again. He reached and put the books on the shelf. Just as his hand was letting go of the books, he became conscious of something wet, rubbing on the bottom of his testicle. He looked down, and there was Mrs. Mitchell, her finger extended, dabbing at him with a moist finger.

“Tt’s okay, Sweetie. You had a little bit of schmootz on your little testicle.” She smiled. “I’m just cleaning you off.”

He heard Bekki and Melissa snickering.

“I know, Sweetie,” went on Mrs. Mitchell. “My boy Paul used to be embarrassed too whenever I cleaned his testicles. But you know,” she looked up at Nick, “girls like it when a boy has nice clean testicles.” She looked at Bekki and Melissa. “Don’t they?”

“Oh, yes, Mrs. Mitchell!” Bekki and Melissa answered at the same time, grinning.

Nick put the volumes on the bookshelf, then went down for another load of books.

He kept it up for another thirty minutes. It was humiliating. Every now and then Bekki and Melissa would look at him and whisper something, then giggle. Several times, when he was on the ladder, Melissa would get up, come over with her camera, and take a close-up of his genitals. Then she’d snicker, and go sit down next to Bekki. He noticed that the two of them were texting someone, then looking at Melissa’s cellphone and giggling some more.

Finally, he’d shelved the last books. He sighed, got down off the ladder, and went straight over to Bekki. “I’m all done. Give me my clothes and pay me,” he announced, with as much dignity as he had left.

Bekki laughed. “Okay, here they are!” She handed him his underpants, and he pulled them hurriedly on. “I’ll go get the rest of them from the dryer,” Bekki explained, and left the room.

“This was FUN!” Melissa grinned at Nick. “You looked so CUTE all NAKED!” You even look cute in your little UNDERPANTS!” Before he could stop her she picked up her cellphone again and took another picture of him. “That was a CUTE one,” she nodded, smiling.

“You better erase those!” Nick glowered at her.

She laughed. “TOO LATE!”

“What do you mean, too late?”

“I already sent some of these out. You’re going to be POPULAR, Nicky!”

Bekki came back in, holding Nick’s shorts and shirt. “Here you go! Thanks for the show!”

Nick didn’t respond. He just snatched his clothes from Bekki and turned around and started dressing.
When Nick got home, he went straight to his room. He was still reeling from his humiliation at the Sheridan’s house. He closed his bedroom door and sat down on his bed.

This afternoon had turned out to be a horror. First, getting caught by Bekki and made to undress, then being humiliated by Bekki and Melissa. Then having Mrs. Merriman come in and make him ejaculate, right in front of the girls. And after that, when he was the most vulnerable, being humiliated by Hailey.

There was a knock on the door. His mom’s voice came through. “Nick, Honey, are you in there?”

“Yeah, Mom. Whaddya want?”

“I thought you were going to the movies.”

“Uh, I changed my mind.”

“Okay.” A hesitation. “While you were gone, Mrs. Pierce called for you. I think you know her daughter Amanda from school?”

“Oh, yeah. Amanda Pierce, sure.”

“Anyway, she called and wanted you to come over and mow her lawn and do some shrub pruning for her next Saturday morning.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Good. I thought so, so I told her you’d do it.” Pause. “She said she’d be gone when you got there, but that Amanda would be there and would tell you what you have to do.”

Nick sat there, fixating on the wording of the message. Amanda will tell me what to do, he thought.

“Nick, are you okay?”

“Oh, yeah, Mom.” Nick shook his head.

As he heard his Mom’s footsteps leaving the door, he got up and went to his desk. His laptop computer was on the desk, sitting open. Nick sat down and clicked open his email. The first thing was an email from Bekki.

Nick opened it. There was no text, just an attachment. He opened it and saw a version of his business card:

performed in your house, shirtless, pants-less, and even naked
Hard-working and cute
Nick Stevens

He went to the next item in his mailbox. The sender was a Gail Owen.

SUBJECT: Lawn mowing
MESSAGE: Nick, can you come over and mow our lawn and trim it after school Monday afternoon? We live at 420 Applegate Lane. I think you know my daughter Staci from school. I won’t be there, but Staci will be home, and she’ll get you started. Please answer and let me know what time you’ll be there. Thanks, Nick.
Gail Owen

Nick stared at the message. Staci Owen. Yes, I know Staci, he thought. She’s in my third period math class. She’s always looking at me and giggling. Now I have to go to her house and she’ll “get me started.” Yeah, right.

He sighed, and typed “I can be there at 3:30 Monday,” and clicked “send.”
Last edited by Datom on Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lawn Work

Post by Jeepman89 »

Loved this story! Very amusing and well written. Can't wait for the next chapter when he has to do other jobs!
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Re: Lawn Work

Post by NudeBaG »

Fantastic story!
I’d love to know the ages though
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Re: Lawn Work

Post by TeenFan »

I've read two stories by this author, and already I see a couple fetish patterns...
Poor Nicky didn't have a chance.

Sometimes I do focus on the nipples of the main boy character, and how the girls want to rub and touch them. That part of a boy's body
is often underutilized in stories.
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Re: Lawn Work

Post by Britguy »

NudeBaG wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:06 am Fantastic story!
I’d love to know the ages though
Just take the (American) grade level and add 5 or 6 to get the age.
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