Closed Pool (Part One)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Closed Pool (Part One)

Post by Buckaroo »

This is fiction.

Closed Pool (Part 1)

My name is Mark. I’m not sure where to start, because I don’t remember all of my childhood, but I clearly remember certain events that had a major impact on me. My parents, my three sisters and myself lived up North near a medium size city that had a military base and a small university.

At approximately fourteen years of age, I was very shy and naive about sex. To be honest, I knew nothing about the sexual act. I was very attracted to the girls in my class, and when I started noticing breasts, that is all I thought about, the bigger the better. I was only about five feet tall, and thin. There was one unusual characteristic about me that I didn’t realize was unusual. I hadn’t seen any other males to compare myself with nor did I even care. I don’t know exactly how long my penis was, it grew, as I got older, but at fourteen it reached my knees. As I grew taller, so did the length of my penis. I didn’t know there was anything unusual about it. It was there, but a couple years earlier, I started experiencing great pleasures from rubbing it. Until certain events that occurred later in this writing, my penis never got hard; sometimes it got slightly firm, but most of the time it was always floppy (flaccid).

Anyhow, one of the events that affected me was at a local indoor pool a few miles from the city. I’m not sure if it was part of the military or the university. It was a large pool in a building that had a narrow tall lobby that lead to four doors. It wasn’t like a normal community pool in town where you had an entrance where you would pay or anything like that, there were these large gray steel doors, the one on the far left lead to the women’s changing room, the next double door opened to a hallway that lead to stairs that lead to a bunch of bleachers upstairs. The next door lead to the men’s changing room and the double door on the far right opened to a long hallway that was a fire escape from the main pool area. The pool was big. I’m not sure why but I believe it was used for some swimming and diving events. I’m guessing it was approximately 150 feet long by 70 feet wide. Near the fire escape hallway, the deep end of the pool had three diving boards two low diving boards and one high diving board between the two low diving boards. Above the changing rooms facing the pool were the bleachers. At the other end, the shallow end of the pool there was a smaller wading pool for kids about 20 feet from the big pool. It was only about 20 feet square. There were two lifeguard stands between the bleacher wall and the pool.

The pool wasn’t used as much as the more popular ones in town. Because it was so large it was only open six days a week, it was closed on Wednesdays.

One day early in the morning, I decided to go to the pool for a swim. School was out for some reason and I lost track of what day the pool was closed and what that day was. I rode my bike down to the pool and noticed that except for one car, the parking lot was empty.

I parked my bike and walked into the lobby. All the steel doors were closed. I pulled on the handle leading to the men’s room to find that it was locked. In a huff of disappointment, I turned to leave, but noticed something odd about the double doors that had a fire escape sign over it. One of the doors was slightly ajar by less than an inch. I walked over and was able to grip the edge and open the door against the pressure of the mechanism at the top of the door. I slipped into the hallway and let the door close and latch behind me. The hallway was dark, with light at the end of the hallway where the pool was. I walked through the hallway and to the opening of the main pool area. There were windows high in the wall to allow sunlight in and there were a few lights on. I looked around and noticed a lady at the other end near the kids wading pool. I wasn’t sure because she was facing away from me but I was almost certain that was one of the lifeguards. She was sitting in a metal folding chair watching two young children in the wading pool.

I walked out into the pool area and looked around to see if there was anyone else. I didn’t see anyone other than the lifeguard. I noticed a calendar on the wall with Wednesdays crossed off. I then realized this was Wednesday. I walked over to the men’s room door and pulled onto it only to find it was locked. I looked around and decided to go back to the dark hallway and change into my swim trunks. I pulled my swim trunks out of a laundry bag that I brought with me and took my coat and shoes off and placed them into the bag. I removed the rest of my clothes and slipped my swim trunks on. My swim trunks had an inner liner that kept my penis from hanging below the bottom of the cuffs. The swim trunks were a little large for me, but it had a pull string so that I could pull it tight around my waist, and tie into a bow. This time, one end of the string that I pull to tighten slipped into the little hole in the elastic waistband. I wasn’t sure what to do, but decided it shouldn’t be a problem. I put the rest of my clothes into the laundry bag and set it near the hallway wall.

I then walked out into the pool area and looked around. The sound of the water splashing and heating ventilation above drowned out any sound the kids might have been making. Along the sides of the pools there were some ladders that were used to climb out of the water. There was one on both sides of the deep end about 10 feet from the corner of the deep end. I walked over to the edge of the pool between the pool corner and the ladder and dived into the pool.

As I entered the water, the rush of the water against my skin was refreshing, but there was something odd and extremely pleasurable that I didn’t expect. I felt water flowing over my penis. About the time I popped my head above the surface of the water, I reached down and could feel my penis floating freely. I was startled and reached down for my swim trunks hoping they were down by my ankles. They were missing. I looked back towards the direction that I dove from and quickly started to swim back to find them. As I got closer to edge of the pool, I found them floating only about a foot under the surface of the water. I grabbed them and swam to the ladder so I could hold onto it as I quickly slipped them back on.

Initially, I felt embarrassed, but realized that there was no one around to see me. I hung onto the ladder and pondered for almost ten minutes on what just happened. I couldn’t explain what I was feeling, because I didn’t understand what was going on in my head. All I could think of was the feeling was so pleasurable. It didn’t make sense, since I was shy and I didn’t ever want anyone to see me naked. But it felt so good. It was sort of daring, but no one was around to see me naked. Why did it feel so good? I looked around the pool very carefully and other than the lifeguard facing away from me, there was no one else. Many thoughts were going through my head, but I finally realized that I wanted to do it again. I would never get another chance and since no one would see me, there was no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed. Even if someone caught me, I’d explain, it was an accident beyond my control.

I hesitated for another few minutes, and then decided that I had to do it, and I had to do it now, this was my only chance to figure out what is going on in my head. I climbed up the ladder onto the cement deck and walked around the ladder to the edge of the pool. I stood there and thought to my self, I can’t believe I’m going to do this.

I dove into the water, my swim trunks slipped off almost immediately after I entered the water and I continued under water as far as I could before poking my head above the surface of the water. The rush of the water past my penis was unbelievable. I couldn’t believe I did it again, this time on purpose. Treading water completely naked was beyond belief. I didn’t understand why it felt so good. I glanced around the pool to make sure no one was around and decided, that I wanted to enjoy the pleasure as long as I could, by swimming the remaining 20 feet to the opposite side of the pool. I grabbed onto the ladder and hung on for almost a minute enjoying the feeling of being naked. I couldn’t understand why I was enjoying this so much. It didn’t make sense. I decided it was time to swim back to the other side and get my swim trunks. While slowly dog paddling back I pondered on what I wanted to do next. Did I want to try it again? Yes. Absolutely!

After getting back past the low diving board I dipped my head into the water and opened my eyes to look for and to grab my swim trunks. I must have passed it so I looked all around expecting it to be easy to find. It was gone, I looked around again, and at the corner of my eye, I noticed they were at the bottom of the pool. Oh my gosh, they sank into the water, I didn’t expect that. I was almost panicking a little, but strangely enough I was enjoying it even more than ever. I couldn’t understand what was going thought my mind. Part of me was panicking and another part was enjoying it. What the hell?

I started to calm down and remembered a little trick they taught us in swimming class where from the surface of the water we tuck and dive down into deeper water. I tucked and used my legs and arms to propel me down into the water towards my swim trunks. I opened my eyes to watch as I descending towards the bottom, I realized that I was several feet short of reaching them. I returned to the surface, again with conflicting thoughts going through my head. I was panicked; yet again I was enjoying the feeling. Why was I enjoying this? I dog paddled over to the side of the pool trying to figure out my next plan.

After a minute, I realized that the only way I was going to get down that low into the pool was to dive from the side of the pool. Again, with the conflicting thoughts going through my head, part of me desperately wanted me to do it; another part of me was scared of getting caught. Then I realized, there was no other option, the decision to do it was made for me, I had no choice, I had to do it, and if someone did catch me, I would explain that I had to do it because of an accident.

I looked around the pool to check on the lifeguard and make sure she was still facing away from me. I could not believe it, I quickly climbed up the ladder and moved around the ladder to the edge of the pool, I hesitated for a few seconds enjoying the feeling of being completely naked, and then dived into the water deep. About half way down I opened my eyes and I could see my swim trunks and I had plenty of momentum to make it to them. I grabbed them and swam back to the surface. I’m not sure how deep it was but I’m guessing it was about sixteen feet. I quickly slipped my swim trunks back on and swam over to the ladder and grabbed on, floating in the water trying to absorb what just happened. I didn’t understand it, but I knew I enjoyed it. I wasn’t sure how to describe it; it was a mixture of panic, pleasure, daring, etc.

I couldn’t believe what I was thinking; I wanted to do it again. I told myself NO; but realized that I had to do it. I’d never get another chance ever again. I waited for several minutes thinking about it, before I finally climbed up the ladder and walked around the ladder to the edge of the pool. I stood there for a couple seconds and dived into the water. Again it only took a second before my swim trunks were stripped off of me by the water, I continued across the width of the pool to the other side. The pleasurable feeling of the water rushing across my naked body was just as good as the previous times. As I popped my head above the surface of the water, I took a deep breath and continued on to the opposite side I dived in from and grabbed the ladder. I waited for a minute and then swam back across to the diving side. I didn’t even bother looking for my swim trunks, it didn’t matter, I looked down towards the other end of the pool to make sure the lifeguard was still not looking this way. I felt my heart beat fast as I took a deep breath and climbed up out of the pool. I was nervous as I slowly walked around the ladder to the edge of the pool, completely naked. I stood there for almost ten seconds before I dived into the water.

The feeling of being naked out of the pool was even better than when I was in the pool . . . it felt . . . daring. I didn’t pop my head out of the water until I was within 20 feet of the other side. I dog paddled over to the ladder, and floated in the water holding onto the ladder for another couple minutes thinking about what I could do that would make it more daring. Wait, what am I thinking, more daring? Why? The feeling was exciting, I wasn’t sure why I wanted to take a chance, but I wanted to make the feeling of daring to be naked out of the pool more intense. It only took a minute or two and I realized that I had to climb out of the pool on this side and walk across the deck behind the ladders to the side I dived from. I couldn’t believe I was going to do it, but I couldn’t stop myself. I looked down towards the lifeguard to make sure she wasn’t looking this way and then without hesitation, I climbed up the ladder and turned and walked towards and past the corner of the pool. I continued back towards the wall so I could walk around the low and high diving boards. I started to pick up the pace and I had only walked a few yards when I noticed that my penis had bounced off my thigh and started to bounce back and forth from one thigh to the next. This was almost a shock of excitement to me after only a few more feet and my penis was flopping from side to side. I didn’t expect this to happen and the pleasure was unbelievable. Oh my god, it wouldn’t stop, back and forth as I walked. Without realizing it, because of the pleasure I felt, I may have entered a slight twist to my walk to make it slap back and forth even harder. It continued all the way past the diving boards till I got to the other side. The pleasure was unbelievable and my heart was racing.

As soon as I got to the edge of the original side of the pool, I took a deep breath and stepped off the edge and into the water. As I came up for air, I rested holding onto the side of the pool. I started to think about what just happened, and I started to think that maybe it wasn’t that I didn’t want anyone to see me naked; maybe I just didn’t want to get into trouble. I don’t know, I didn’t understand what was happening, all I know was that this was the most enjoyable thing I’ve ever done. Then again, I was pretty sure I didn’t want anyone to see me naked, I just wanted to do something daring.

After a few minutes, my heart rate started to get back to normal. I then remembered the lifeguard and looked over to make sure she was still sitting with her back facing me. Good, so she didn’t see me. I rested for another couple minutes and decided that I was going to swim to the other side. I can’t believe it; I wanted to do it again. Why, I’m going to get caught and get into trouble . . . but I couldn’t help myself, I had to do it again, but how many times am I going to do this? I have to stop soon, it’s been almost a half hour since I first arrived and dived into the pool.

I couldn’t help it, I swam to the other side and as I got to the ladder, I looked over to check on the lifeguard. She was still facing away. I climbed up the ladder and as the first time as I walked my penis slapped back and forth side to side. I walked past the first low dive towards the high dive ladder and then past the other low diving board ladder and back to the original side of the pool. I looked down and the lifeguard was still facing away . . . I can’t believe it; I turned around and walked the other direction to the opposite side of the pool. I couldn’t believe it, my penis slapping side to side until I got to the other side. I then stepped off the edge and into the pool. It took a few minutes for my heart to calm down. After resting, I slowly dog paddled back to the original side of the pool and had to decide what I was going to do next.

I must have rested for almost five minutes, when I heard a voice, “Hey, what are you doing in the pool?” Initially I froze, then I quickly looked around one way and then another way until I saw where the voice was coming from. I was almost in a state of shock, and stammered back, “I’m . . . I’m . . . practicing my dives”. I tried to focus on who was standing on the edge of the pool, it wasn’t the lifeguard, and this girl was younger than the lifeguard wearing a bikini. I wasn’t sure but she appeared to be a couple years older than me. I asked, “Who are you?” Staring down at me she replied, “My sister is the lifeguard, I was taking a nap in the girls changing room.”

I was very nervous and still trying to figure out what had happened. I then realized that I had been floating in the pool for several minutes and I’m sure she didn’t see me walking naked.

She said, “I suppose it’s okay, the place is closed, I’ll tell my sister you’re down here.” I quickly replied with, “No . . . no, please don’t. I . . . I . . . had an accident.” She looked at me inquisitively, asking me, “Did you hit your head?”

“No . . . no, I . . . when . . . I dived . . . I . . .” I stammered out. “You what?” she barked back.

“I lost my swim trunks when I dived into the pool, and they floated down to the bottom of the pool before I could grab them . . . I can’t reach them.”

After several seconds, she smiled and asked, “Are you naked?”

I looked up at her and said, “yes, it was an accident, and I can’t reach them.”

Her smile increased and then changed to a smirk, “I can help, where are they at?”

I pointed down to where I thought they were, and she said, “hold on.”

She got into a diving stance and dived into the pool. I waited for her to come up but it seemed to take longer than I expected. Then I noticed, the sound of her taking a breath of air. I looked around and was surprised to see that she had swum the whole distance from this side all the way to the ladder on the other side.

I watched as she climbed up the ladder with my swim trunks in hand, she walked past the diving boards and to this side of the pool. As she approached the side of the pool I was holding onto, I extended my hand out for her to hand it to me, but she stopped a few feet away from me and waited for a few seconds, smiled and said, “if you want them, you’re going to have to come get them.” I replied, “wait, I need those, I can’t get out, I’ll get into trouble.” As she slowly stepped backwards a few steps, she laughed and said, “why would you get into trouble, it’s not your fault.”

I hesitated for several seconds trying to figure out what to do, as she stopped and then turned and slowly walked towards the diving boards. I didn’t know what to do, some of my instincts told me to stay in the water, but my urges told me to get out of the pool and go after my swim trunks. I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t seem to care; I believe I’d enjoy the feeling of chasing after her naked. As she walked past the closest diving board I decided that I had to do it. I moved from the side of the pool to the ladder and climbed up the ladder. The feeling of being naked out of the water was intense.

As I got to the top of the ladder and started walking onto the deck, I turned my head to see that she was now walking faster and she had just passed the corner of the pool on the other side and was almost to the ladder. Surprised, I quickly turned in the direction behind the diving boards and walked quickly to try to catch up. As I walked I felt my penis start to bounce off my thigh and within a few steps my penis was slapping back and forth, side to side. For a several seconds my concentration of catching up with her was diverted to the intense pleasure my penis was feeling slapping back and forth. It only lasted a few seconds and as I passed the ladder of the high dive, I was able to redirect my attention back to trying to catch up with her.

As I passed the last low diving board and headed towards the corner of the pool, I noticed that she was half way down the length of the side of the pool. How did she get so far ahead of me? About the time I passed the corner of the pool, and headed down the side of the pool, she was only about 20 feet from the other end of the pool. I felt the only way I could catch up was to run as fast as I could. I started running as fast as I could, and I noticed she had reached the corner at the other end of the pool. As I ran, my penis stopped slapping back and forth and bounced erratically as I ran down the side of the pool. As I was running, and out of nowhere I heard a loud yell, “STOP RUNNING.” I wasn’t sure where it was coming from and about the time I passed half way down the side of the pool, I heard another yell even louder, “I SAID STOP RUNNING.” I immediately slowed down to a fast walk, but I was almost 20 feet from the corner of the length of the pool. I looked around trying to figure out where the yelling was coming from and I realized it was the lifeguard.

Oh crap, I wasn’t sure what to do, as I heard the lifeguard bark at the girl in front of her, “what is going on?” As I reached the corner of the pool, and turned towards the two, I slowed my walking pace.

She replied, “he had an accident, and lost his shorts when he dived into the pool.”

The lifeguard asked, “How did you get them?”

She replied, “they were at the bottom of the pool and he couldn’t reach them, so I dived in and got them.”

I stopped walking as I got within about 30 feet away. The lifeguard looked over at me and her eyes opened wide and she quietly whispered, “Oh my.” She then looked back at her younger sister and barked at her, “Give them to me, and go back down to the other end and swim.” After taking my swim trunks from her, she yelled, “GO!”

After a brief pause, I spoke up and tried to explain, “I had an accident, and I couldn’t reach them at the bottom of the pool.”

The lifeguard stood there staring at me for almost a minute thinking about what I said. I started to walk towards her with my hand out to get my swim trunks back and as I got within 20 feet, she said, “No, stop.”

What seemed like eternity was only another minute or two, and she finally barked out, “I told you to stop running. You ignored me.”

I was perplexed, and I apologized, “I was trying to catch up to her, I’m sorry.”

She replied, “That is no excuse. There is no running allowed,” as she pointed towards a sign on the wall with pool rules.

I glanced over at the sign, and then back to her.

She barked, “You go down at that end of the pool and practice your diving and swimming for the next . . .” she looked over at the clock on the wall and then back at me, “for the next three hours. You must learn not to run around the pool. Every thirty minutes when you hear me blow my whistle; you get out of the pool and walk around the pool one time. You walk fast, but no running.”

I replied, “Okay, every thirty minutes.” Again, I started walking towards her with my hand out and as I got within ten feet, she said, “no, I’ll hold onto these for the next three hours.”

I stopped walking, as I was confused. What did she just say? My mind was mixed up, apparently I wasn’t paying attention, when all of a sudden she pointed down towards the other end and barked, “Go. Now.”

My mind was a blur, but I started walking, and slowly passed her as I headed towards the corner of the pool. I was trying to figure out what just happened. I’m still naked. As I rounded the corner of the pool and headed along the length of the pool, I was confused, my nakedness was part of my punishment? Punishment, this ain’t no punishment, this is . . . this is . . . a . . .a?

In an instant realization, I realized what just happened. Instead of being punished for being naked, I was being punished for running, and my punishment was to remain naked for the next three hours.

As I walked back to the other end of the pool, I increased my pace to the point that I could feel my penis bouncing off my thigh’s back and forth. As I walked, I was still confused with mixed thoughts running through my mind, what just happened, and the excitement of being naked and not having to worry about getting into trouble for it.

As I reached the other end, where I started out from, my mind was finally calm of thought, and the girl was swimming in the pool. I asked her, “What is your name?”

She stopped and looked up at me, smiled and replied, “Christy.” “Hi Christy, my name is Mark.” “So, the lifeguard is your sister?” I asked.

“Yes, she’s my older sister.”

I asked, “How old are you?”

Christy replied, “I’m sixteen, I’ll be seventeen in four months. How old are you?”

“I’m fourteen”

She asked me, “Are you ready to practice diving?”

“Sure.” I moved over to the edge of the pool, leaned into a diving stance and dove in. The feeling of the water rushing over naked body was just as good as all the previous times. As I came up to the surface and stuck my head out, I brushed the water out of my eyes and looked around for Christy. I was a little startled as I bumped into her, she was right next to me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were so close.”

She said, “that’s okay; you need to bend your knees more when you get ready to dive.”

“Oh, okay, I’ll do that next time.”

She said, “I’ll help you.”

She climbed out of the pool with me right behind her. This was the first time I got a close look at her body, she was slender and had a nice behind and it was hard to tell for sure, because of her bikini top, but I could see that she had pretty large breasts. At that age, I didn’t know much about breast sizes; I just knew that I liked them big. She said, “Here, get into position.” I got into my diving stance and she kneeled down and pressed on the back of my knees, and said, “like this. Arch over a little more.”

“Like this?” I asked, but didn’t get a reply for almost a minute. I glanced back towards her, and noticed that she was staring at my penis hanging between my bent legs.

She whispered, “yes.” And then she said something that I didn’t expect. She said, “Your penis is huge.” I blushed, but wasn’t sure how to take it since I’d never seen another to compare with.

She said, “When you dive in, you need to lean forward more and push off with your legs.”

I dived into the pool, and it seemed like an improvement from previous dives. I swam back toward the ladder and held on while watching Christy dive into the pool. I climbed up the ladder sat down on the side of the pool with my legs and penis hanging into the water. I sat there for almost ten minutes watching her swim around. I eventually got up and dived back into the pool and stayed underwater and didn’t come up until I was within ten feet of the other side. I swam over to the ladder, climbed up and walked behind the diving boards to the original diving side of the pool.

Another few minutes passed and then I heard the tweet of the lifeguards whistle.

I climbed up the ladder, and I asked, “Do you want to walk with me?”

She quietly replied, “yes.”

We started walking towards the back of the diving boards. My penis started bouncing off of my thighs back and forth each step I took. It felt good, and I noticed that she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of it.

After passing the corner of the pool and started down the length of the pool, I started to walk faster and with a little emphasis in my step, my penis started bouncing higher and with more force back and forth, until it was slapping back and forth side by side. Each time it slapped each side it warped around my side and hit my butt cheek and bounced back to the opposite side. Oh my god, I could not believe the intense pleasure I feeling, from my penis slapping back and forth, and with her watching it, made the pleasure even more intense.

After walking the full length and rounding the corner of the pool we walked past her sister who was sitting in the metal folding chair staring at me as I walked by. We then rounded the last corner and walked back towards our starting point.

After reaching near the ladder, I got into the diving stance and dove into the pool. Christy dove in after me.


Update to Part One (below).


After swimming around for a several minutes, she asked me to dive off the diving boards. I dove off the low dive a couple times, and did okay. She encouraged me to try the high dive, but I only felt comfortable jumping feet first.

While diving from the side of the pool I bumped into her and she grabbed at my arm, and said, “tag you’re it”, and swam away. It took me a couple seconds to figure out what she meant and I quickly swam after her. She was faster than me, but I was close behind. As she reached the ladder she quickly climbed up the ladder but I was able to lightly slap her on her bikini-bottom. She let out a quiet screech, and continued up onto the concrete turned around and dove after me. I didn’t get very far and she was able to quickly tag me back, slapping me on my bare behind. She was faster than me in the water and the only way I could get her back was to get out of the water and dive towards her. My aim wasn’t very good, but I did manage to bump into her, but that just lead to each of us tagging each other over and over.

“This tag doesn’t work very well in the pool,” I said with a smile.

“Let’s take a break,” she replied.

I climbed up the ladder and sat on the edge of the pool with my legs and penis hanging into the water. After a few minutes she swam up to me and asked, “may I touch it?”

I was surprised to hear her ask, I smiled and replied, “okay.” I wasn’t sure what to expect. She first brushed her hand over it several times, hesitated and then poked it, smiled with a giggle said, “its squishy.” I felt pleasure and didn’t know what to do next; I didn’t want her to stop.

She swam backwards away from me into the pool. After waiting a minute, I got up and dove into the pool towards her. I popped up above the surface of the water near her, when I heard the sound of the whistle from the lifeguard.

“I guess it’s time again.”

I turned around and swam back towards the ladder where we started. As I reached the ladder, I noticed that she was right behind me, and climbed up the ladder very slowly. With my knees out of the water, and as I slowly moved my foot up to the next rung, I felt her gently wrap her hand partially around my penis. I stopped climbing up as I felt her holding on and then she grabbed with her second hand above her first hand.

I started getting very aroused and my penis began to get slightly firm, and my brain was starting to feel pleasure. She gently slid her hand down past the end and then reached up and grabbed above the other hand. She continued to do this two more times before she finally let go. I just stood onto the ladder for another minute frozen, waiting for her to do it again. She eventually said, “Come on, let’s go.”

I slowly climbed the rest of the way out of the pool as she followed behind. After a brief pause, we headed towards the back of the pool behind the diving boards. Christy’s stroking my penis a couple times caused some feelings I had never felt before; my slightly firm penis bouncing off my thigh’s each step I took. After getting past the last diving board, I started to pick up my pace a little walking faster with a little emphasis in my step, my penis started bouncing higher and with more force back and forth. My penis was firmer than the previous times I walked, and as it slammed from side to side, it didn’t wrap completely around like it did the previous times.

By the time we reached the corner and headed down the long edge of the pool, the pleasure I was feeling from my penis slamming side to side was getting intense. As we reached approximately one-quarter of the pool length, I noticed Christy reached and tried to catch my penis a couple times as it slammed back and forth, only for it to bounce off her hand, causing my penis even more pleasure. I didn’t know what to say or do, since the pleasure feelings were overwhelming me.

As we passed one-half of the pool length my mind was only thinking of one thing, the intense pleasure that my penis was feeling as it slammed from side to side. Each step I took I emphasized my step by adding a little twist making my penis slam harder, eventually for a brief second, I realized that had to stop what I was doing, if I didn’t stop, my penis was going to explode. The realization only lasted for a second, and I couldn’t control any rational thought any longer as my heart raced and my vision started to blur slightly for several seconds and I lost all control, when all of a sudden . . . I felt my penis explode, squirting several times as it slammed side to side. Besides my vision blurring, my hearing seemed to fade as my brain was exploding with an unbelievable intense pleasure for several seconds. I heard sounds, but wasn’t sure what they were, and as my senses started returning, I felt weak, and almost stumbled, slowing my pace. I looked around and noticed Christy with a smile on her face saying something. I shook my head to clear the fog and asked, “what?”

She looked over at my face and said, “you naughty boy, you got your cum on my leg.”

I was dumfounded, as I tried to figure out what she was saying, or the meaning of what she said, my mind was still a blur. It finally occurred to me that she was referring to my penis squirting, I replied, “it was an accident, I can’t control it sometimes.”

It took her a couple minutes to figure me out, we turned the corner, walked past her sister, before turning the last corner and a quarter of the way up the last long side of the pool, she said, “you don’t know much about sex do you?”

I replied, “I’m a boy.”

She giggled, “No, I mean sex.”

I didn’t like to look stupid, but I was at a loss, “no, what do you mean?”

“You’ll learn soon enough,” she replied.

As we got back to the starting point, I stepped off the edge of the pool into the water and she dived into the water.

For the next two hours we swam and dived into the pool and did the half hour walks around the pool until the lifeguard yelled for me to come to her.

I got out of the pool and walked down to her. As I got closer, I noticed that she had my swim trunks in her hand. As I got closer I reached out to accept them from her, and stopped a few feet away, when I noticed that she didn’t extend her arm out, and then she said, “I think you learned your lesson not to run. But . . . you made a mess on the floor over on the other side of the pool.”

I looked over in the direction of where it happened and replied, “It was an accident.”

She reached her hand out with my swim trunks and said, “you can have your swim trunks back, but you must come back next Wednesday at eight AM for your new punishment.”

I reached out and took my swim trunks and replied, “okay.”

She said, “the door to the men’s room will be unlocked, after you enter, lock the door behind you.”

I thought; great, I guess she’s going to make me clean the men’s room.

Still naked with my swim trunks in hand, I turned around and walked back towards the end of the pool where Christy was floating in the water.

As I got to the edge of the pool, I stood there trying to decide what to do next. I was almost ready to slip my swim trunks on, but for some reason, I didn’t want to. I was enjoying the whole experience and then I dropped my swim trunks next to the ladder and dived into the pool. I realized that if my punishment was to be naked for running, she couldn’t punish me if I didn’t put my swim trunks back on.

We swam around for the next hour, until the lifeguard blew her whistle and yelled that we had to leave, she was closing up. I got out of the pool and got my clothes from the hallway, dried off and put them on.
Last edited by Buckaroo on Fri Feb 19, 2021 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Closed Pool (Part One)

Post by Jeepman89 »

Great story! I hope you continue soon. Hopefully more girls will see him naked as well.
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Re: Closed Pool (Part One)

Post by Buckaroo »

Jeepman89 wrote: Sat Feb 13, 2021 2:50 pm Great story! I hope you continue soon. Hopefully more girls will see him naked as well.
In part two, I need to finish part one first.
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Re: Closed Pool (Part One)

Post by Frosty666 »

In part two, maybe he and Christy can have some kind of intimacy such as she giving him head or him getting to see her naked.
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Re: Closed Pool (Part One)

Post by Buckaroo »

This story was originally planned to be three parts. I knew what I was going to write for part one and three, but wasn’t sure about part two. Immediately after posting most of Part One, I realized that I hadn’t figured out part two and so I decided to combine Part One and Two and summarize part two, so I could concentrate on part three (two).

Today, I realized that combining one and two will not work, so I’ll go back to the original plan of three parts, I’ll finish up part one and post the rest of it. I’ll start writing part three that I believe you will all enjoy. In the future, I’ll come back and finish part two.

If I can, I’ll continue with a part four, in the future.

I’ve updated Part one above with the rest of part one.

If you like it, please give it a thumbs up. 8-)
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Re: Closed Pool (Part One)

Post by blogomatic »

I really enjoyed this! Excited for you to continue it!
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Re: Closed Pool (Part One)

Post by Buckaroo »

blogomatic wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:46 pm I really enjoyed this! Excited for you to continue it!
Thank you. I've been working on it when I have time.

I written some of the next part, I need to finish it. I've been busy lately working on other projects.
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Re: Closed Pool (Part One)

Post by Massageguy »

Good stuff!
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Re: Closed Pool (Part One)

Post by Buckaroo »

Okay, okay, I'll finish Part 2. I'll post part 2 the first week of Jan. 2022.
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Re: Closed Pool (Part One)

Post by TheBlushingPrincess »

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