The Diary Of Hunter Troy| SSC, Entry #1

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The Diary Of Hunter Troy| SSC, Entry #1

Post by Humilatron »

Today’s Date: 06/22/2016

Dear Diary,

I don’t know where else to put this. It’s been stuck in my head for so long. Here I’m 25, and yet I’m still thinking about what happened 6 years ago. I’ve never written this down before. I’ve never told anyone about this, but there was a time where I was with my friends. We were just playing a fun little game of truth or dare in the middle of the woods in a cabin.

There is this popular hiking trail or whatever nearby and it was my turn. I was dared to be tied against the tree just outside of where the trail begins. It’s pretty isolated, and they were my friends, so it’s not like I was thinking anything bad would happen. And I’m a prideful person. I can’t just turn down a dare. I would never hear the end of it, so I go along with it and before I even know it. I’m tied against the tree. Keep in mind my friends were girl scout members through and through. We were all proud Ambassadors, still are of course in some girl scout way. But these girls knew how to tie knots. So there I was tied to a tree my legs were spread, my arms were spread, and I was hanging there in an X form absolutely helpless.

Keep in mind, I’m not a big girl. My soft blonde hair was cut to my chin for the summer and styled in a bob to look cute. I never really grew in the boob front or the butt front. My chest flattened from my stretched arms giving me no help. And to put the cherry on top, I was wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts matched with a padded pushup bra and pink panties.

My friends had a pair of scissors. I think you can imagine the rest. I still don’t know how much I want to write about this. Maybe I’ll come back to this in a bit when my head is cleared.

Last edited by Humilatron on Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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The Diary Of Hunter Troy| SSC, Entry #2

Post by Humilatron »

Today’s Date: 06/23/2016

Dear Diary,

It’s still in my head. In fact, I dreamt about it last night. I guess it’s a sign I should continue sharing what happened. Where did I leave off? Oh, yes. So I was tied against the tree in an X form and my friends had a pair of scissors. It doesn’t take a psychic to know what happened next.

Snip Snip Snip

They cut my tank top off first, pulled it off of my body. My eyes went wide.

Snip Snip Snip

They cut my shorts off, pulled it off of my body. My eyes went wider.

I started to plead. Beg. “Don’t. Please don’t.”


I whimpered as they began cutting my panties. They moved to my bra and cut that too. My panties and bra clung to my body.


My panties started to fall.


My bra started to fall. And then…


My eyes were shut. My arms and legs were tied. I couldn’t do anything. I heard instant snickering from my friends. I felt the wind against my chest. My bare chest. My bare flat chest. My bare flat chest with my nipples saluting the wind. My bare flat chest with my nipples saluting the wind exposed to the world for all to see should they dare walk by. I felt the wind blowing against my crotch too. My bare crotch. My bare hairless crotch. My bare hairless crotch with my parting pink lips also visible for the world to see should they dare walk by.

I was really regretting my hair cut. Previously, my hair would have easily covered my chest. Given me some modesty. But no. I had to get it chopped off for the summer. And now… there was nothing hiding me from my friends and any stranger who walked by.

And then they left me there. Tied up. I prayed that nobody would see me. That it would all end.

It didn’t.

I can’t begin to tell you what happened. Maybe one day I’ll gain the confidence to write it down. Today is not that day.

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Re: The Diary Of Hunter Troy| SSC, Entry #1

Post by SDS »

Great start!

I'm loving all these stories the SSC content has spawned!

SDS xx
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The Diary Of Hunter Troy| SSC, Entry #3

Post by Humilatron »

Today’s Date: 06/24/2016

God I can’t even get it out of my head. I haven’t slept in a few days just thinking about it. Oh right… Dear Diary, why do I even write that? Is it to make it feel like I’m actually writing to someone? Whatever. It’s not like anyone’s going to read this right? God, the last thing I want is for more people to learn about what happened. Is there even a purpose to writing all this down? I guess it’s the only way I’ll stay sane. If not, I’ll go crazy.

Okay, so there I was naked, my friends gone. I was scared. I didn’t want to be seen, but I also didn’t want to be left there. People would walk by. Most of them just stared. They didn’t really do anything, and maybe that was the problem. They wouldn’t untie me, and they just looked at me and then kept walking. Some would giggle and point whispering about my naked state. Others would almost look like they wanted to help me, but then shook their heads and walked away or their partner would dissuade the by telling them it was probably a hazing thing or something. I mean, I guess they weren’t wrong just some dumb late teens doing dumb teen stuff.

And then, I saw her as she walked up to me with her little posse. Tracy Maguire. Tracy was our same age, but she was known for hating scouts like me. Some say her mom never let her join, so she was salty. Others say it was just because she was too much of a tomboy to commit. Either way, it didn’t matter. She approached me with her little crew, her softball cronies. There were rumors spread around that Tracy might be… butch, if you know what I mean. Seeing her them, I was convinced those rumors were true. Regardless, though, her appearing changed everything. Up until that point, nobody touched me. And then she approached.
“Look at what we have here, girls,” Tracy smiled. “Little nakie Hunter. How old are you? 12?”

The girls giggled as I squirmed. “19,” I corrected.

“Funny… you don’t look it,” Tracy sneered. “Little flat chest. Little bare cooch. Little short hair. Everything’s so little, are you sure you’re my age?”

I nodded. Tracy leaned in close to me, reached her bare hand out to me, and touched by nipples. Her cold bare hands groped them, tweaked them as the bystanders watched. “Please,” I pleaded. “Let me go.”

“You know, Hunter… you really need some new friends,” Tracy said, her mouth close to mine, her forehead pressed against my own.

She removed her right hand from my chest and crawled her fingers down my stomach towards my slit. “Tracy, please…”

“Did you know your friends had this planned?” Tracy asked. “They told me to come by, in fact. Said you would be tied up naked. I didn’t believe them but here you are… naked.”

“Please,” I begged.

I felt her hand cup my bare crotch. “Do you know what your friends told me to do to you?” Tracy said as I felt her finger tips against the bottom of my crotch, petting it. “They told me… you should take pictures of Hunter and post them online. Show them to everyone you know. Put her in her place. Make her cry in agony and humiliation. Break her apart. That doesn’t sound like friends to me, does it? Some scouts you are. I thought the point of the Scouts was to be honorable. Not humiliate your other troopers. But why? Why would they wish this on you? Is this just a game? A horrible ill-minded game? Or… is there another reason why they want to do this to you.”

Tears rolled down my cheeks. My eyes were squeezed shut as I felt Tracy pull my lips apart. “Please,” I begged. “I don’t want this. I didn’t do anything.”

“I believe you,” Tracy said as I felt her cold finger tips touch the surface of my vagina hole without inserting. “I’m not the one putting my friends in such a compromising, vulnerable, humiliating situation. And I’m not the one who ordered my best friend to be humiliated by her worst enemy.”

“So, you’ll let me go?” I whimpered.

“No,” Tracy said. “Because even though this whole scenario is fucked up. I still want to see this play out. So I’ll play along. I’ll show mercy, though. I won’t take any pictures of you or post them online. That part is something even I won’t cross.”

You know… I was grateful for Tracy. She might’ve done things to me. Things I definitely can’t ever write down. But… she at least kept it to herself and her friends.

So, you might be wondering what did I do to piss off my friends. What did I do to make them want to humiliate me…

Well… it’s complicated. Because on one hand I didn’t do anything, but on the other… they found out a secret that only I knew. They found out a secret and they used it against me…

If for whatever reason, this diary gets out and I haven’t finished writing the full story. I need to confess this. Because otherwise you might leave here thinking that my friends are these horrendous monsters that don’t deserve to live, but I assure you it’s not like that. You see… my secret… the one thing I really don’t want to write down, but have to… is that… I love it.

- HT
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The Diary Of Hunter Troy| SSC, Entry #4

Post by Humilatron »

I’ve been trying to find the right words to say, trying to explain what happened. I had experimented briefly with my curiosities. One day, I was alone at home, so I hung around the house naked. The problem was that I forgot about a meeting that we were supposed to have at my house. I remembered when I saw my friends standing there, staring at me. The worst part is they didn’t even say anything. I put my clothes back on, and they acted like nothing happened. That was it. At least, I thought that was it. And now I’m tied to a tree naked.

At some point my friends made their way back to me with Sarah, my best friend, at the front. She was smiling the widest. “How’s the naked girl?” she asked. “Feeling horny?”

“Please…” I said. “I don’t want this…”

“Don’t lie to me, Hunter,” Sarah said. “You might be able to fool Tracy and everyone else, but I know the truth.”

I felt her cold bare hand against my crotch. Her finger touched the surface of my slit. “Please…”

“You’re soaking wet,” Sarah said. “Your nipples are hard. And… even though you’re trying your hardest to look miserable… you’re holding back a smile. The clear signs of an exhibitionist.”

I gasped as Sarah’s finger touched my clit. My eyes widened. “Sarah, don’t!”

“Look me in the eyes when you speak, Hunter,” Sarah said. “Look at me and tell me that you hate this. Do it and I’ll let you go and apologize for everything.”

I looked her in the eyes, eyes watering. “I can’t,” I whispered.

“What?” Sarah said.

“I can’t…” I said. “I can’t say that…”

Sarah smirked. “I know. Tracy really did a number on you. How do you feel?”

“Disappointed,” I whispered.

“Disappointed?” Sarah said with genuine surprise.

“Is that all you can do to me?” I said. “Is that the best you’ve got?”

“What?” Sarah said. “You can’t mean…”

“Sarah… do your worst to me,” I said.

“My worst?” Sarah said, starting to blush. But I… I already…”

I sighed. “Fine, then just let me go,” I said.

“But…” Sarah said. “You actually want me to… do more?”

“I trust you,” I shrugged. “But… if that’s all you’ve got, I’d rather not waste my time stuck to a tree.”

Sarah narrowed her eyes. “Alright, Hunter… game on.”
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The Diary Of Hunter Troy| SSC, Entry #5

Post by Humilatron »

The thing is, I’m not sure how much was in my head, and how much was actually real. I had fantasies about what might have happened. I had dreams of what could have happened, but I don’t actually remember much of what really happened. I remember Sarah toying with me. But I don’t remember what she actually did. So instead of telling you what I think happened, I’m going to tell you what I wanted to happen. My deepest darkest desire was for Sarah to just leave me, tied up naked. Everyone would get in the car, and drive away leaving me alone.

A few hours would go by, and I would wonder where they all went. I would wonder what would happen next. And then, cars would start to drive by. People would start to walk by. They would touch me. They would take pictures of me. They would make fun of me. They would mock me for my small little chest. They would rub me until I was at the brink of an orgasm, and they would leave me again.

I would desperately want a release, but each time I would be denied. I would wonder if my friends were ever going to come back. I would pray that I would be caught by someone else I knew. Maybe my crush could come by and see me. Maybe I would-

“HUNTER! Come downstairs!”

Shit… no no no.

“HUNTER! Get down here now! It’s time to go!”

No. Not now! Goddammit.

“HUNTER! Come on!”

I whimpered as I snapped back to reality. I looked around my room. None of it was real. I was so caught up in writing all of this, that I forgot… I was so close… I sighed as I made my way down the stairs. My thoughts had been interrupted by my best friend. “Alright, alright I’m coming,” I said. “Don’t get your panties in a twist…”

Sarah rolled her eyes. “Jeez, Hunter, what were you doing up there?”

“Nothing,” I said, blushing.

“Ew,” Sarah said. “Do NOT tell me you were masturbating…”

“No!” I yelled, but hesitated for a bit too long after. “I didn’t…”

“Liar,” Sarah said. “Look, we have to get going or we’ll be late for the party.”

“Sarah, you don’t think I’m weird, do you,” I asked.

“Of course I do, but that’s okay,” Sarah said. “You know… we could just skip the party if you need to finish.”

I blushed. “What are you saying.”

“Well… remember how I caught you in your backyard?” Sarah said. “I’ve been kind of thinking…”

Sarah reached into her bag and pulled out a long rope. My eyes widened, my legs shook… was… was it really going to happen?

There was a sudden beeping sound. Oh no… my bare pussy throbbed as I grabbed it, feeling the wetness between my legs as I woke up laying in my bed. No rope. No tree. No Sarah. I still don’t know what was real and what was just a fantasy.
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