Can't Catch a Break (Complete)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Can't Catch a Break (Complete)

Post by neverdoubted »

Chapter 1 (below)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (End)

Author's Note: Copyright 2024 NeverDoubted. Please do not repost this story on other sites without permission ( By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing!
Special Note: The entire Can't Catch a Break series is intentionally told out of chronological order, and the episode numbers reflect that fact. But don't worry, each episode is a standalone story. A full synopsis of this series is available in my library. In addition to the usual ENF, this particular episode also contains themes of self-bondage.

Can't Catch a Break
Episode 23 - The Silent Treatment

Chapter 1

Michelle was not stupid. She knew she was taking a huge risk. But wasn't that true every time she took her clothes off? So why even do it at all? She had been asking herself that same question ever since the thought popped into her head. Why go through with it? Why risk it?

The same answer kept coming back to her over and over. She had to do something. She couldn't keep going like this. And as strange as it may sound, taking off all her clothes to sneak around a city park at night might just be exactly what she needed to show fate who was in charge. The logic was simple. She was sick of fate stripping her naked against her will at the most inopportune times and parading her around...especially in front of him. By taking the initiative, she could wrest back control of her body and hopefully break the curse that had hung over her entire life.

The genesis of the plan had been, of all things, a sex toy. Like any young lady of that age, Michelle loved weddings. She had watched with mild envy, while many of her college classmates got married soon after graduation. But a little jealousy couldn’t stop her from something she enjoyed, like a nice, lovely wedding ceremony. So, when a co-worker asked if she wanted to go to a bachelorette party together, even though she hadn't known the woman very long, she jumped at the invitation.

Upon arrival, she took one look around at the overtly sexual decorations and knew this was not like any bachelorette party she had ever attended. While she wasn't a prude, being best friends with a pastor's kid meant spending more than her fair share of time at both church and the parsonage growing up. She was sure that Pastor Tarverly would not approve of either the decorations or the party games the maid of honor had arranged. The older ladies of the church always planned the bridal showers she went to growing up. And playing "pin the paternity test on the groomsman" between taking penis-shaped Jello shots would not have been on their list of proper ways to celebrate a new marital union.

At one point, the maid of honor passed out presents for each guest to open. Michelle really felt out of her element when she realized these packages also followed the sex theme. While she felt such party favors were crude and in poor taste, she wasn't going to complain or make a scene. After all, other than her co-worker, she didn't even know anybody else at the party.

Some of the favors were mild - like stimulating lubricant, or humorous - like a pair of edible panties. She hoped her package would contain something like that. But she feared she would get something embarrassing like the blatant sex toys being revealed. Some women received dildos or vibrators. And those weren't even among the kinkiest objects. One woman got a French tickler and a blindfold! The whole party roared with laughter when one of them opened a genuine butt plug!

When Michelle's turn came, she nervously opened her bag and pulled out her gift. Even though she didn't recognize it, her face went red because of its phallic shape. It looked like a penis, and that was embarrassing enough for her. The other women strained to see and identify what she was holding. One wondered aloud if it was perhaps a strap-on. The artificial penis did, indeed, have a circular strap coming out from the back end. But another woman quickly corrected the raucous group by identifying the mysterious object.

"No, wait," she cried, clapping her hands in delight, "it's not a's a gag!"

Michelle wanted to die! Who in their right mind thought it was a good idea to even make a gag shaped like a penis? And furthermore, what kind of person thinks it would make a good party favor?! But everyone else seemed endlessly amused by the revelation. As quickly as she could, she stuffed it back into the bag and put it beside her chair. Luckily, the group's interest soon shifted off her and back to the Jello shots.

At the end of the party, the maid of honor asked everyone to show off their favors and huddle around the bride-to-be for a group picture. While the other women were eagerly putting their new sex toys on display, Michelle shuffled over to stand at the very edge of the frame. Someone called out that she should put on her penis gag for the picture, but Michelle just responded with a nervous laugh. The most she was willing to do was hold it up like a prized fish and try to pretend it wasn't there while the camera flashes went off.

The toy had sat unused, still in the gift bag, for several weeks. Then one fateful evening, she came home from work and saw it sitting on the counter in her apartment. Picking up the bag, her pulse started to race. Pulling out the phallic toy, she was reminded about the last time she had made out with her last boyfriend. They had only been on a handful of dates and were still getting to know each other. But that night, their hot and heavy kissing session in the back of the movie theater had escalated to include a little exploratory petting. While Trevor enjoyed sampling various parts of her gorgeous body, she was able to get a pretty good idea what kind of equipment he was working with between his legs.

Immediately following their date, she started making plans to go all the way with him the next time they were together. Unfortunately, the next day, Trevor, who had also been thinking about their relationship, called to ask about taking things to the next level - being exclusive with each other. Michelle was devastated because that question always brought doom.

It's not that she wasn't attracted to him or couldn't wait to get into a serious relationship or possibly even get married someday! But her curse obviously made something like that impossible. Any serious partner would inevitably catch her naked in front of another man - one man, in particular - one too many times, and assume she was cheating on him. No. Getting married without first finding a cure for her curse would only doom the marriage to failure.

Left no choice but to decline Trevor's offer to enter an exclusive dating phase, she could tell in his response that he was going to draw back from her. How could he see it as anything other than a fear of commitment on her part? Feeling spurned, he ended things not long after that. While such break-ups always crushed her, Michelle had come to accept them as a terrible side-effect of her curse.

It had been hanging over her life like a sword of Damocles. Ever since she became aware of it as a girl, she felt it following her around like an ill shadow, haunting her every step. She had tried so many things to get rid of it. For years, she prayed to it as if to a deity. While other little girls were saying their prayers at night, little Michelle Deerington would kneel beside her bed and beg the wicked curse to leave her alone. If not for good, she humbly requested it to at least give her poor body a break from the utter humiliation that comes from being stripped completely naked over and over.

Even at twenty-three, she still did it every night. But it was mostly out of habit by now. She had come to accept that such pleas were pointless and unproductive. Her curse was a heartless creature with no sympathy for a naked girl's plight. Its will could not be swayed, no matter how earnestly she begged.

The night following her break-up with Trevor, Michelle was especially defeated and too heartbroken to put forth any more effort. For the first time in years, she broke from her nightly prayer routine and instead chose to ignore the curse. She also decided she had had enough of love and resolved to shut her heart down and focus on her career.

Giving her curse the silent treatment seemed to be working. So far, for the past nine, glorious months, the truce had held. She ignored it and it seemed to be returning the favor. She didn't even feel it looming over her every second of the day anymore! To celebrate, she adopted a strict schedule, toggling between work and home. Her girlfriends accused her of becoming some boring spinster who only cared about her career and never had any fun. But if she had to choose between being bored or humiliated, Michelle would pick bored every time.

As a strikingly beautiful, single young woman, she was used to frequent, interested suitors. But with her life finally seeming to get on track, she also turned down every dating request she received. Because it was working, she stuck to her celibate lifestyle, even resorting to the extreme measure of not masturbating.

For someone in the prime of her sexual potency, and now finding that she couldn't seem to stop thinking about sex, she was starting to wonder if it might have been a mistake not to at least let off a little steam now and then. But by now, she was too afraid to make any changes or do anything that might disrupt the delicate peace. She was willing to put up with a little sexual frustration if it led to finally being freed from her curse. With every day that passed, her kernel of hope grew a little bigger.

But now, as she held the thick, rubberized cock in front of her face, she regretted agreeing to go to that bachelorette party. She also regretted keeping the toy around her apartment. But it had just felt too substantial for her to simply throw away, and she wasn't about to get caught donating it!

She couldn't decide what was more unlikely; that this...thing could produce any kind of sexual pleasure by sticking it into your mouth, or that she was actually considering trying it. Had she really sunk this low?

Shaking her head, she set it on the counter and walked away. She had put precisely two penises in her mouth in her life, both times at the request of a boyfriend. And both instances had ended the same way, with her chickening out before things could progress to full blow jobs. And while her partners went wild over the act she was performing, it had been difficult for her to see the task as much more than an obligation.

Changing into comfy clothes - sweats and warm, fuzzy socks - she made herself a cup of tea and curled up on the couch. There was enough time before starting dinner to watch some tv and unwind. But she was feeling especially frisky that evening, and at every commercial break, found her thoughts drifting back to that toy and pondering its function. Something like a vibrating massager she could understand. But a fake, rubber penis for your mouth?! She couldn't fathom why a girl would ever wear something like that! What was the point? Who was it for?

Wondering if she just wasn't worldly enough to understand, and with the questions driving her crazy, she got out her phone and began to search for some answers. Putting in search terms like "penis in mouth" and "do women like fake blow jobs?", her eyes went wide at the results. She quickly scrolled past the inappropriate images as if Pastor Tarverly might walk by any second and see the professionals engaged in lewd sex acts she had summoned to her screen.

Feeling her skin start to tingle beneath her sweats, she closed the browser and looked over her shoulder. She had intended this to be a fact-finding endeavor. She should have known that the Internet would lead her directly to porn instead. Remembering what the woman at the bachelorette party had called the toy, she decided to try again, being more tactful with her search terms.

"What is the point of a penis gag?"

This time, after scrolling past a few, obvious porn websites, she hit upon what looked like a discussion forum. Using the forum's search function, she got a compact list of relevant posts with the phrase "penis gag" highlighted wherever it appeared. Now she was getting somewhere!

For half an hour, she sat and learned about penis gags. She read testimonies from people who used them and from those who liked their partners to wear them. By all accounts, having an orgasm while wearing a penis gag heightened the pleasurable experience for all parties involved...interesting.

One woman swore by it. In her post, she said the biggest orgasms in her life came at the hands of her partner, a guy named "dom". One time, he forced her out of the car a few blocks away from their house wearing the penis gag and nothing else and made her find her way home with her hands bound behind her back! When she finally got home, her pussy was dripping wet, and she came ten times harder than she ever had in her life!

One intriguing person claimed that wearing a penis gag regularly made her more comfortable giving real blow jobs. But essentially, the point of it seemed to be about control. You couldn't talk while wearing a penis gag. That made sense. After all, it was a gag. So, you had to communicate in other ways, either non-verbal or through grunts and moans.

Michelle was certainly intrigued. Fear lingered that her curse would return if she made too many lifestyle changes too quickly. But even though she wasn't ready to start dating again, she had been thinking it wouldn’t be too disruptive to start masturbating again. The prospect of an orgasm ten times stronger than anything she had ever experienced certainly got her attention. But the posts always mentioned a partner - frequently the same guy who really seemed to get around. Frustratingly, she couldn't find any information about a single woman using a penis gag by herself. And since she was between partners at the moment, unless she could get this Dom guy to pay her a visit, she was out of luck.

But she wasn't willing to give up. With her simmering body urging her on, thoughts of dinner discarded, and long after her tea had gone cold, she kept searching. Eventually, she stumbled upon the discussion category labeled "solo activities". And that's when her real trouble began.
Last edited by neverdoubted on Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:31 pm, edited 15 times in total.
~ NeverDoubted

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Can't Catch a Break - Chapter 2

Post by neverdoubted »

To satisfy her curiosity, Michelle set out to do a little experiment. Just like the woman on the forum, she decided to take off her clothes and put on the gag. If she felt nothing good from it, she would go find somewhere secret and rid herself of it. But at least she wouldn't have to keep wondering what that woman had felt that got her so turned on.

Unlike the woman, she would remain safely within the confines of her studio apartment. And first, she double-checked the locks on her door, made sure all her blinds were completely shut, and drew her curtains tight. She took the bag and stood in her bathroom, just to add another layer of privacy, before taking all her clothes off.

Then, taking a deep breath, she opened her mouth wide and inserted the phallus. The sensation was...not as objectionable as she had first assumed it would be. She had to open her jaw a little further than she was used to, and her tongue refused to relax, but fought nobly to keep the invader from reaching the back of her throat. But she did manage to get it in far enough to slip the strap over the back of her head.

Feeling her nipples grow suddenly stiff prompted her to look at herself in the mirror. Her eyes went wide when she saw the naked woman looking back at her with her lips spread wide and the two artificial balls nearly touching her chin. It was such an unnerving sight that she fled the bathroom just to get away from it. Then she felt a brief moment of panic as she realized she was standing the middle of her apartment wearing nothing but a penis gag, followed by...a rush of excitement!

She had only been wearing the gag for a few seconds, but she already feared its effects. Scrambling for the strap, she slipped the cock out of her mouth with a gasp and retreated back to the bathroom. Her legs were trembling and her breathing heavy as she shoved it back into the bag and rushed to put her clothes back on. Frightened at how strong the physical reaction had been, she declared any further experimentation too dangerous.

But the next day at work, all she could think about was that gag and the woman in the discussion forum. Wearing it while safely inside her apartment had been one thing. Would her body's reaction really be ten times stronger if she went walking around outside? If only there were some way to find out...

She told herself not to worry - that she would never attempt something that risky. In her young life, she had already spent way too much time naked outside. Would it really matter if she was doing it on purpose this time? She told her mind to let it go. But the idea burrowed in and kept nagging at her like a maddening itch she couldn't ignore. She even started to think up ways she could pull it off without getting caught. Surely it could be done if you were careful.

As soon as she got home from work, she opened the forum site and went straight to the penis gag stories. She didn't strip this time but did get out and experiment with the gag while she read. Re-reading the story of the woman walking home and having a huge orgasm, something about it bothered Michelle. Why had the partner bound the woman's hands behind her back before kicking her out of the car? That seemed cruel and unnecessary. But the woman hadn't seemed to mind at all. In fact, many of the other stories on the forum also involved handcuffs. Why?

As she pondered that question, she slipped the gag into her mouth again. So far, she hadn't been able to fully get the hang of it yet. Almost instantly, she felt the familiar blush on her cheeks. The forum didn't mention how to deal with the rising panic that always came with wearing it for more than a few seconds. No matter what she tried, she couldn't get her tongue to relax, and she couldn't even last a full minute.

She told her hands to obey, hoping she could fight through the panic and get to the other side. But without permission, they darted up and scrambled to remove the strap. Her lungs let out a gasp of relief even as she knew she hadn't been in any real danger. There must have been a strong survival instinct instructing her hands to act against her will and get that phallic invader out of her mouth before it was too late.

Suddenly, an epiphany struck her! The handcuffs weren't some cruel punishment. Even in the case of a solo activity, they were about control...self-control! If she had a pair to put on, she could keep her hands from tampering with her own gag against her will!

Smitten with the idea, she started brainstorming some way to get her hands on a pair. Since she couldn't risk being identified inside a local sex toy shop, she looked for an online option that would allow her to remain anonymous. Unlike the regular fashion and cosmetics sites which she usually shopped at, she had to turn to a kinky website.

She started blushing as soon as the front page opened to show nearly naked women modeling obscene lingerie and leather harnesses. Self-consciously scrolling past all the erotic toys and accessories, she bought the first pair of handcuffs she came across before she could chicken out.

But as soon as she had paid, she regretted the purchase. Rushing to her inbox, she scanned the email receipt, looking for some way to cancel the order and call this whole undertaking off. Unfortunately, the only way to cancel was to call in to customer service and explain why you didn't want it anymore. But Michelle was way too embarrassed to discuss her kinky handcuff purchase with another person. Since it was only thirty dollars plus shipping, she decided to count it as a loss and just pretend it didn't happen. She also permanently deleted the email to hide any evidence of her embarrassing impulse buy.

The next day, she tried to turn the page and focus on work. But she couldn't stop her brain from thinking about it. Normally, she didn't worry about her job performance. She was a good employee. But she was so distracted that day that she could feel herself starting to fall behind on her tasks. Seeing that she was letting her fantasies go too far, after work, she went straight home and brought the gift bag to her car. Resolving to put this penis gag nonsense behind her, she planned to drive around and find a dumpster to throw it away. Good riddance!

But the plan backfired when she couldn't find a dumpster downtown that wasn't either monitored with cameras or behind tall security gates or walls. As she drove around looking down back alleys and side streets, she couldn't help but wonder how a naked woman would fare trying to get around undetected at night. She was angry at herself when she realized her dumpster search had unintentionally morphed into a scouting mission. No longer was she looking for some place to throw the gag away. She was now looking for somewhere to wear it!

Because it was so small, no more than a few square blocks, it didn't take her long to scout the entire downtown area. As the sun began to set and the streetlights came on, she was relieved to be able to formally dismiss the whole area as logistically impossible. There was simply too much artificial light and too many pedestrians around. A naked girl wouldn't stay hidden for long downtown, no matter where she tried to hide.

The drive back to her apartment took her right past Hunter's building. He had moved in not long after she signed her lease. She knew he hadn't planned it that way and didn't blame him. There were only so many affordable places in their relatively small town for young, single professionals to live. But it was yet another reason to avoid downtown. While she barely felt the presence of her curse anymore, she would practically be inviting misfortune on herself by taking her clothes off so close to his apartment.

But as she approached her own building, the idea for another potential location came to her. And it was a good one! Knowing her brain wouldn't let it go until she had eliminated this new location as a viable option, she let out a whine and drove past her apartment without stopping.

Leaving downtown and heading east, she drove down the big, steep hill toward Lake Hill Park. The park wasn't far, only a couple of miles. But you had to drive slow due to the road's frequent switchbacks. If the municipal lake was any smaller, you would have to call it a pond. But it, and the surrounding forests, did provide all the outdoor activities the downtown residents of a medium-sized town could ask for.

"This is stupid," she thought to herself as she pulled into a parking spot near the lake and turned the car off, "what are you doing here?"

But opening her car door and standing up to look around, she knew the answer was staring her right in the face. If a young woman were looking for somewhere public to safely walk around wearing nothing but a penis gag without getting caught, she couldn't ask for a better place.

Cursing softly, she got back in her car, backed out of the parking lot, and headed back into town. Having found the perfect spot made backing out even harder to rationalize. As she drove back up the hill, she begged the responsible side of her brain to remind her of all the reasons why this plan was insane and simply too risky. And it did, with several good ones.

One, she could get caught. Just because the park looked empty, didn't mean there weren't still people milling around out of sight. She could get in big trouble - fired and even arrested for pulling such a stunt.

Two, she didn't know the terrain. Walking around in the dark without a flashlight, she could step in a hole and twist an ankle or even break her leg! How would she explain that to the paramedics?

Three, there might be wild animals!

Four, she could get lost in the woods and not be able to find her way back to her car. What would the rescue team say when they found her dying of thirst and completely naked with her only possession a fake penis? Her reputation would never recover!

In her young life, she had already endured too many naked predicaments. Only an insane person would willingly pursue any activity that requires her to take her clothes off in public on purpose! As she settled into bed, she drew comfort from the excuses her brain had provided. But as she slept, her subconscious mind, which saw them as mere problems to be solved, went to work. And the next day at work, as she revisited the excuses one by one, she was mildly upset to find that her brain had already worked out a solution to each one.

For the second evening in a row, after work, she passed her apartment without stopping and drove down to Lake Hill Park. The pretext for her visit was because she needed more excuses not to proceed. But she could feel a small part of her choosing to treat it like another scouting mission.

"This is crazy. You are actually crazy," she said aloud, as she stepped out of her car and began to look around. She held out hope that, after checking out the park in further detail, she would be able to prove what a terrible idea this really was. Instead, even as she argued with herself, she only found more solutions everywhere she looked.

It's too risky. Look at all the people around, even at night!

But there's a dog park at the far end which closes early. That area is completely deserted every night from eight on.

Even without streetlamps, the moonlight is too bright.

So, just wait for the next new moon.

Then it will be too dark to see! What if I step in a hole and twist my ankle or break my leg?

Look! The dog park has a fence with a clearly marked walking trail all the way around the outside. You could even walk it ahead of time to make sure there are no holes or trip hazards.

What if I get locked out of my car?

Leave it unlocked.

No! Someone could steal my car and leave me stranded naked at the park!

Ok, lock it, but find a safe place to hide the keys. There's a distinctive, flat rock over there by that drainage ditch.

What if the handcuffs get stuck?

You'll practice unlocking them ahead of time.

Practice how? They aren't even here yet!

Disappointed that she had only come up with a couple more feeble excuses, she got out her phone and checked to see if she could get a delivery date on the handcuffs she had ordered. But then she remembered that she had deleted the receipt email that contained the tracking number. Then she tried to look up a lunar calendar and found that, even this close to town, she had no signal down in the small valley.

Getting back in her car, she drove up the hill until she had a signal then pulled over. Now able to look up a lunar calendar, she saw that the next new moon was coming in four days. Making up her mind right then and there, she gave herself an ultimatum. If the handcuffs she had ordered did not arrive by Friday, the night of the next new moon, she would take it as a sign and call the whole thing off. She would permanently sabotage the undertaking by strapping the penis gag to a big rock and throwing it as far into the municipal lake as she could. By removing the temptation, she would force her brain to move on from the insanely dangerous plan.

Too agitated to sit idly and wait for her self-imposed deadline to arrive, she spent the next three nights in the parking lot scouting the dog park area to confirm it really was as deserted as she assumed. Sure enough, it completely cleared out every night right by eight. After everyone else had left, she used the flashlight on her phone and walked the trail around the outside of the fence to memorize the route. If she had discovered any dangerous spots where she could twist her ankle while walking in total darkness, it would have been an excuse to quit. But much of the path was paved, and the rest had wide, flat terrain, perfectly suitable for a naked woman to take a nice, arousing hike.

Every time she cleared another obstacle or worked out another part of the plan, it became a little more real and she got a little more nervous. She was so distracted at work that she barely got anything done. But it wasn't just planning that stole her attention away. She also thought a lot about her curse.

Ever since she started giving it the silent treatment, she hadn't felt its suffocating presence looming over her. Being able to breathe easy for once gave her confidence that she must be on to something. And these plans for a nude stroll around the park, choosing to strip herself instead of waiting to be stripped, gave her a sense of claiming autonomy over her body for once. Could this be the catalyst that finally banishes her curse after so many years of suffering and humiliation? No longer would she have to share every stage of her physical and sexual development with him.

After work on Thursday, she arrived home to find a nondescript, cardboard box on her doorstep and felt a rush of adrenaline. This was it, the last piece of the puzzle! Like a kid finding their first present on Christmas morning, Michelle scooped up the package, rushed into her apartment, and eagerly tore at it. Within seconds, she had the box open and had extracted her very own pair of real, metal handcuffs! Immediately, an overwhelming sense of dread washed over her. Dropping them onto the counter with a loud clang, she backed away from them. What the hell was she thinking? Real handcuffs?!
Last edited by neverdoubted on Fri May 31, 2024 5:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
~ NeverDoubted

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Can't Catch a Break - Chapter 3

Post by neverdoubted »

For several tense minutes, Michelle sat motionless and stared at the purchase. It had sounded like such an elegant solution - the perfect tool for the job. She had practiced with the gag all week and could keep it in her mouth for nearly a full minute. But once the panic set in, her hands always disobeyed her and pulled it out without permission. She had considered improvising some other kind of binding or tie but dismissed them as too risky. Needing some way to control her hands to get over the instinctual panic of being gagged, she had been counting on the handcuffs.

But reading about people wearing them on some kinky discussion forum was one thing. So was seeing pictures of them on a website. Now that they were really here, right in front of her, she felt a visceral reaction to the idea of having her own wrists bound. The longer she stared, the angrier at herself she became. This was always supposed to be part of the plan. Why was she letting irrational fears call the shots? To answer that question, she first had to decide if her fears really were irrational or not. Leaning forward, she studied the very real cuffs on the counter.

They didn't look that threatening. In fact, they were coated in a soft, fuzzy material with bright pink feathers sticking out all over. But the website description had made it abundantly clear that these were no fake or prop cuffs. Fake cuffs had a built-in, quick release latch. But these had promised a genuine lock mechanism that could only be unlocked with a real key. Picking up the box, she rummaged around and came across the two keys in a little baggie. They were oddly shaped, stocky and round instead of a normal key shape. But they were definitely real.

Still terrified, and with her heart racing, she forced herself to pick up the cuffs again. They were heavy and sturdy. Some serious metal was hiding beneath that fuzzy coating. Experimentally, she closed one of the latches around nothing. The ominous clicking sound it produced made her bristle. Swallowing her fear, she picked up one of the keys. It fit perfectly into the lock. Turning the key, she felt the mechanism respond with a satisfying click. And smooth as butter, the latch opened again. Maybe she could do this after all.

She locked and unlocked it at least a dozen times before daring to latch it over one of her wrists. Without fail, the latch yielded every time she turned the key. She had to be sure it could be trusted if she was going to put such precious cargo - her naked body - on the line. The first few times she latched it over both her wrists, her pulse accelerated. But she never had any trouble freeing herself.

After making a quick dinner, she brought them with her for her nightly trip down the hill. She had gotten used to the routine and wanted to keep checking the dog park area after it had closed, even as she told herself she could still back out at any time. Sitting in her car in the small lot waiting for eight o' clock to roll around, she continued practicing with the cuffs. She must have compulsively tested the lock hundreds of times. Even with her hands latched behind her back without being able to see what she was doing, her fingers learned how to locate the lock, and she never had any trouble getting the key to turn and release her.

If she had experienced any difficulty - felt even the slightest resistance or sign of misalignment - she would have called the whole thing off. But after nearly an hour of testing, she finally admitted that the handcuffs were indeed perfectly suited to their intended purpose and that she was being irrational to fear them.

After confirming that the area around the dog park was completely deserted, just as it had been every night so far, she drove home. Having neutralized every excuse not to proceed, she went to bed with every intention of going through with it the next evening. But her racing thoughts and frazzled nerves refused to let her sleep soundly.

The next morning, she had so many butterflies in her stomach that she almost called in sick to work. But her job performance was already suffering. She couldn't afford to miss another day without disrupting many of her already threatened project schedules. In theory, going to work like normal should have helped take her mind off the evening activity she had planned. In practice, the exact opposite happened. She spent the whole day repeatedly going over the checklist she had formed in her mind.

Living in constant fear of unexpected exposure had conditioned her to dress conservatively at work. But even in her stodgy, professional attire, such a spectacular physique was hard to conceal and she still tended to turn heads. She was wearing one of her safest business suits that day. And because the outfit had multiple, protective layers which would be complicated to remove in the dark, first on her mental checklist would be to go home and change out of it and into something more casual.

Having walked the trail enough times, she could have done it in work shoes. But she had already made a mental note to wear tennis shoes because they were more comfortable and would provide a little extra traction on the unpaved parts of the route.

To keep it from falling over her face and obscuring her vision, she would put her hair up into a sensible ponytail, or maybe a braid. She needed a full field of view to scan for external threats during her walk.

At five, before heading home, she stopped at a liquor store. While she wasn't much of a drinker, and had no intention of getting drunk, she needed a little something to calm the stubborn butterflies that were still fluttering around in her stomach. Her grandad had always referred to whiskey as liquid courage, but Michelle couldn't stand the taste of that stuff. Instead, she picked out a small bottle of peach flavored brandy. Returning to her car, she tucked the bottle safely under her seat to use later that evening.

Arriving home, she entered her apartment and after tossing her keys on the counter, crossed over to its "bedroom" space. While the studio only had the main room plus a bathroom, it was well designed and divided up neatly to contain all the usual living spaces. As she reached her bed and began to change out of her work suit, she did something she rarely allowed herself to do – think about her future.

The malicious force that had controlled her life for so long usually made such activities pointless. And while the story from the discussion forum did motivate her a little – what girl wouldn't be intrigued by the prospect of an orgasm ten times stronger than she had ever experienced - the lure of potentially banishing her curse provided the bulk of her motivation. Dare she hope that, by the end of the night, she might finally free herself from its clutches and the crippling anxiety complex it had given her?

Even if she might not be quite ready to think about marriage, she would finally be free to pursue a normal relationship and date without fear! She couldn’t help but wonder what Trevor was up to this weekend. It was precisely the sort of question a young, single woman should do on a Friday night. She had felt a spark with him before he broke things off with her. How differently could the trajectory of her relationship with him have gone if her curse hadn't been there to ruin it all?

If she didn’t have her curse to worry about, she would date him again in a flash. But it was unlikely that someone like him, tall and handsome, and well-spoken, with good taste and better looks, would stay single for very long. Thinking about the last date they went on brought a smile to her face. She had enjoyed playing with him in the back of the theater, exploring his body and encouraging him to do the same to hers. It was a shame she never got close enough to learn if the equipment he was sporting between his legs really was as nice as it seemed. If she were given another chance with him, she wouldn't waste it on meaningless make-out sessions. Although she wasn’t the type of girl to be so forward, she would not hesitate to make her intentions clear, even if it meant practically seducing him, she would-Bzzt!

Just then, her phone buzzed, interrupting her naughty daydream. Seeing it was from Trevor, of all people, she gasped and nearly dropped her phone! She hadn't heard from him since they broke up. What were the odds he would reach out to her just as she was thinking about him for the first time in months? Confused, she stopped beside her bed to read the whole message, which was surprisingly wordy.

"My darling, I've been wanting to tell you this for so long. My heart aches for you. But that is nothing compared to the ache my body feels for yours. I can't stop thinking about you. I want to shower you with adoration, then gifts, then kisses...then just shower with you. I can give you exactly what you really need. I want to make passionate love tonight, filling you like you've never been filled before and making you cry out for more. Have you ever made love standing up? Do you know what it feels like to be fucked against the wall and have a man lift you off the ground with his cock? Have you ever-"

Michelle gasped again. This time, she did drop her phone onto the bed as she felt her whole body blush. Growing up, she had been taught that serendipity was a demonic power. Mrs. Tarverly, the pastor's wife, used to quote Proverbs that warned against depending on luck. "If you believe in coincidences, you might as well believe in chaos. Hard work, faith, and integrity, that's all a young lady needs to get through - in this life and the next."

When she was little, Michelle had no reason not to trust in the old woman’s wisdom. But that was before the curse struck and gave her the longest streak of ill fortune imaginable. It had been nine months since she last spoke to her ex. boyfriend. So, when he suddenly, out of the blue, sends her a message whose theme just so happens to precisely mirror that of her own sensual musings, how could she not believe it was serendipity?

She had never been propositioned in such a graphic, forward manner, and was shocked and a little embarrassed to feel her whole body respond with a rush of excitement. It's true that she had been daydreaming about getting another chance to reconnect with Trevor, and maybe resume dating him. But deep down, though she was ashamed to admit it, she couldn't stop wondering what it would feel like to be fucked against the wall and lifted off the ground by his cock.

Grabbing the phone again, she read the rest of his message, which contained even more descriptions of what he wanted to do with her. At the very end, he said, "I'll pick you up at 7:30. Be ready to experience the best night of your life! Love, T"
Last edited by neverdoubted on Fri May 31, 2024 5:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
~ NeverDoubted

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Can't Catch a Break - Chapter 4

Post by neverdoubted »

The lightheaded brunette had to sit down on her bed to keep from fainting. Her ex. boyfriend, out of the blue, had just tried to reconnect with her in a most unexpected way. But while it may have been unexpected, it wasn't entirely unwelcome. Sure, she had intentionally shut down her love life when they broke up. But she never intended it to stay that way forever.

Because they had only gone out a few times, she didn't know that much about Trevor. But she had greatly enjoyed their short time together. And she did know that he had a good job at a bank. He was some kind of junior associate if she recalled, but on an executive track. He was certainly financially capable of showering a girlfriend with gifts.

She couldn't comprehend his timing. Why now, so many months later? Perhaps he had gotten a promotion and wanted someone to celebrate it with? Or maybe he just couldn't stop thinking about her like the message said. Either way, what woman wouldn't want to be treated to the best night of her life? She was inclined to accept his offer, even the naughty parts. Especially the naughty parts!

The more she thought about it, the better it sounded. But before her imagination could get carried away, she forced herself to slow down and face reality. As much as she hated doing it, she couldn't entertain Trevor's offer without first factoring in what would happen the next time her curse struck. In every decision, it always came first.

Sitting perfectly still and silent on her bed, she closed her eyes and waited for the weight of its oppression to settle over her. That feeling of dread about her inevitable next exposure had a way of clarifying her mind and guiding her thoughts. She knew all too well what terrible things could result if she didn't do this. But as she was calming herself, listening to the quiet room and letting the seconds tick by while waiting for her heartbeat to slow, something extraordinary happened. Rather, something...didn't happen! The weight never came.

After several minutes of nothing, she opened her eyes and tried to suppress a giddy smile. Could it really be? While she hadn't felt its presence as strongly lately, she could always tell it was still lurking. This time felt different, though. Now, for the first time that she could ever remember, no matter how still and quiet she got, she couldn't feel her all!

Unable to hold it in any longer, she leapt off her bed and squealed with unbridled joy. But her joy was soon joined by a flood of uncertainty. Having been squeezed beneath its stifling grasp for so long, she didn't know how to operate independently.

Most people would see Trevor's infinitely more appealing offer and have no trouble changing course. But Michelle struggled with the decision. Changing plans so drastically at the last minute usually spelled trouble for her. As odd as it sounded, the safest option would normally be to stick to her meticulously arranged plan and go through with the naked hike around the park tonight. After all, she had picked this evening because of the new moon. If she didn't do it tonight, she wouldn't have another chance for nearly a month.

But one thing about that choice didn't add up. The whole point of the hike had been to banish her curse - show it that she could make her own decisions about taking risks - so that she could take control of her life. But if the threat of taking action alone had been enough to drive her curse away, did she really even need to go through with the risky hike at all?

Now free to consider Trevor's infinitely more appealing offer on its own merits, the choice was easy. Unwilling to waste such a golden opportunity, she decided to abandon her plans for the naked walk. Immediately, a sense of relief washed over her. She had been fretting over it for days. And as she made her way to the bathroom to take a shower and start preparing for her date, she felt lighter than air.

She spent the next two hours getting ready. It's not that she needed all that time to look presentable; she was already a naturally beautiful woman. But tonight, she was shooting for more than just beautiful. She wanted to be so irresistibly sexy that Trevor's eyes would bulge out of his head when he saw her. She wanted him to have no doubt that he had made the right decision by reaching out again.

In the bathtub, she carefully shaved her legs before trimming up her pubic hair for the first time in months. She ended up shaving her pussy lips completely, but left a small, seductive patch of black hairs running down the middle of her abdomen. Climbing out of the tub, she pondered what to do with the hair on her head. Curling was a laborious process, but she knew how stunning her silky, black hair looked when it was finished. So that's what she went with.

While waiting for the curlers to set, she put on makeup, starting around her pale blue eyes. As she worked, elongating her eyelashes, and carefully applying some liner, she began to ponder her wardrobe. She was leaning toward wearing the skimpiest outfit she had - a slinky, red, strapless dress that barely covered anything. The couple times she had worn it, going with her girlfriends to a club, her boobs had threatened to pop out the top the whole time. But she had certainly turned the most heads. There was no point in being subtle or coy with Trevor tonight - not after the message he had sent. By wearing that dress, she would be sending a message right back. She wanted to be filled like she had never been filled before!

Standing at the sink and seeing her gorgeous nude reflection in the mirror, she wondered what Trevor would say about her exceptional physique. She had signed a membership to the local gym not long after moving downtown and starting her new job. Sadly, she could never set foot inside it again - not after that unfortunate episode involving her curse, the fire alarm, and him.

But ever since she started living like a hermit, she had turned to exercise as a way to expend excess energy. And as long as she did it safely within the confines of her apartment, she didn't have to live in fear of another workout mishap. Over the past nine months, she had added pieces to her home gym until it now took up nearly a quarter of her little studio.

Taking a step back from the mirror, she proudly flexed the various muscle groups she had methodically toned over the past nine months. She was no doubt in the best shape of her life. That Trevor would have trouble keeping his hands off her naked, writhing body is exactly what she was shooting for. Flexing her bare abs, she marveled at their well-defined muscle tone. She practically had a little sixpack! While her body had been slender as a teenager, her tummy hadn't been this flat since before she started college and gained the dreaded freshman fifteen.

While her middle now nearly matched the dimensions of her youth, the rest of her body blossomed all over with tempting curves having completed its transformation to womanhood. Raising her hands to her chest, she cupped her fully developed breasts. They certainly hadn't been this big as a teenager!

Picturing Trevor's reaction to seeing such a healthy rack unclothed - appearing even bigger because of the trim torso she had worked so hard to create, she closed her eyes and imagined it was his hands squeezing her boobs instead of her own. At once, she felt the uncomfortable, but familiar sensation of tiny pinpricks all over her stiffening nipples. Closing her fingers around them, she began to squeeze and knead, knowing that the only way to deal with the sensation was to massage the pain away.

This was usually one of the first stops her fingers made whenever she pleasured herself. So, she knew what to expect and was not alarmed. Within a minute, the pinpricks faded, and a comforting warmth began to radiate outward from her chest. The brief nipple massage activated other sexual systems within her body. Her pussy knowing what usually came next, began to beg for attention. But she resisted the urge. She wanted to save that for later when she could share her ecstasy with Trevor.

Having at least tamed her aching nipples for a time, she released her breasts and went back to preparing for her date. Seeing how nicely her athletic legs transformed whenever she rose up on her tiptoes gave her an idea for the perfect pair of shoes to wear.

Rushing to her closet, she pulled out her sexy, red, open-toed, high heels. Like the handcuffs which she had yet to actually use, they had been an impulse buy and had sat in the back of her closet. Tonight would give her the perfect excuse to debut them. Finding it impossible to attach the complicated straps which ran up her leg almost to her calf while standing up, she had to sit down to finish the job. Upon standing back up, she found she had to walk carefully to keep from wobbling on the pencil-thin spikes.

But when she reached the mirror again, she gaped in disbelief at the transformation. Not only was every muscle in her legs pulled taut to create the image of sculpted perfection, but the high heel also caused her pelvis to tilt forward. She had to pull her shoulders back and arch her back to keep her balance. As a result, she looked like she was intentionally thrusting her breasts far out in front of her. Her plump bottom also benefited from this erotic new posture.

Seeing how spectacularly these shoes showcased all the physical assets she had been working so hard to perfect, she began to brainstorm ways for Trevor to see her dressed exactly like this. She paraded back and forth in front of the mirror, feeling every bit like a supermodel on a runway who had forgotten her outfit. Watching her most private places wobble and jiggle with the gait that her heels forced her to use, she got more and more turned on.

As her fantasies ran wild, she decided she was no longer content with just a single night of rabid lovemaking with Trevor. She would spend the whole weekend at his apartment. She would get up early tomorrow and cook him breakfast, then deliver it to him in bed wearing nothing but these shoes. She would straddle him while he ate - riding his cock like a cowgirl and giving him a pornographic show to go with his breakfast.

In fact, she would be happy wearing nothing but these shoes all weekend. If at any point, she wanted to make love again, she wouldn't say so. She would merely go and stand nakedly against the wall until he got the message that she was ready to be lifted off the ground by his cock again.

The more she thought about it, the more aroused she grew. On top of the brief, physical stimulation she had already given her breasts, she was dealing with months of pent-up arousal begging to be released. Looking down, she saw her pussy was already producing lubricant to get ready for Trevor. Normally, this would saturate her pubic hair before becoming a problem. But having shaved it all off except for a small, useless strip above her cleft, the moisture had nowhere to go. So, she had to just kept patting the area dry with toilet paper until she could get around to picking out her panties. But she didn't let her fingers linger long down there. She was determined to save herself a little longer. She would let his cock draw everything out of her body all night long while she screamed his name and moaned for more.

Once her makeup was perfect, paired with brightly painted nails, she removed the curlers so that her normally straight, raven-black hair could fall in sexy layers. Turning to the mirror, she loved how the loose curls bounced teasingly around her face every time she turned her head. They would make an excellent visual when she bounced up and down on his turgid cock. But until then, she looked like a movie star!

It was now time to put on her wardrobe, starting with panties. Opening her dresser, she got out the sexiest pair she owned. They were mostly made of black lace with just a small, strategic panel covering her most private area. Since there was no waistband or elastic, the panties depended on her swelling hips to hold them up. The see-through material simply molded to her curves like a second skin. Between work and home, she hadn’t gotten much sun lately. As a result, her flesh, which had resorted to its regular, rather pale shade, contrasted sharply with the dark lace of her panties. She couldn't wait for Trevor to tear them off her!

Since the dress she wanted to wear was strapless, she also got out her strapless bra. She had no trouble getting it around her back but was alarmed to find the cups were nearly too small to contain her apparently still growing breasts. Since she didn't have another strapless bra, she had to decide between going without or picking a different dress. It’s not that she worried that her breasts would sag. She still benefitted from the supple buoyancy of youth and didn't really need a bra to hold them up. It was more for her own comfort and modesty’s sake. But she reminded herself that tonight wasn’t really about modesty. It was about seduction. She was going on a hot date, not a church picnic. Checking the clock - she only had five minutes left - she decided to try on the dress without a bra just to see how it would look.

The fabric molded to every curve of her body as she pulled it into place. And while her stiff nipples did poke lewdly out through the slinky material, its bright red fabric was effective at masking the darker shade of her areolas. She would be embarrassed to be walking around in mixed company with so much of her chest exposed, not to mention her nipples poking through the thin material. Surely, if she showed up dressed like this, he would get the message that she was willing to skip dinner and any other activity he had planned and go straight to his apartment. So, she decided to go braless.

Her last act was to put on her sluttiest shade of bright red lipstick. Now dressed to seduce, with her hair, makeup, shoes, and dress in place, Michelle was a walking wet dream. Pairing her outfit with a little, black clutch, she shoved her phone and keychain inside along with a credit card for emergencies. Then, not wanting to keep her date waiting, she hustled down the three flights of stairs as fast as she dared in her dangerously high heels - reaching the ground floor out of breath and only a couple minutes late.

On their last date, Trevor had picked her up in the small parking lot behind the building which was reserved for residents. Seeing his car wasn't out front, she made her way around the building to see if he was waiting for her back there. When seven-forty rolled around, she opened his message to make sure she hadn't misread it.

He had definitely told her to be ready "at 7:30", but he was also definitely nowhere to be found. The sun hadn't quite set yet, but the downtown buildings, none taller than five stories, were already casting their elongated shadows over the area and crowding out the dwindling, natural light. She searched and waited a few more minutes. But when the streetlights flickered on all around her, she grew impatient.

Turning on her camera, she lifted her phone to send him a flirty selfie. The picture came out looking a little more scandalous than she intended. Her cleavage looked huge from that angle, and her breasts were bursting obscenely out the top of her dress. Rather than take another, more modest picture, she sent it to him along with some hearts and the message, "I'm ready for you". If that didn't motivate him to hurry up, nothing would!

Within seconds, her phone started ringing. It was Trevor!

"Hello darling," she teased, using the same term of endearment he had used in his message, "I thought that would get your-"

"MICHELLE!" he interrupted, "Listen, I can't talk right now, my girlfriend is about to get in the car. I don't know what happened. After I sent that message to her-I don't know-it must have somehow gone to you too. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean..."

Michelle kept listening, but her heart had stopped when she heard the word "girlfriend". Trevor offered some feeble explanation for the mix-up followed by another apology. But when another voice, a female, joined him in his car, he said something wooden and formal, then quickly hung up the phone.
Last edited by neverdoubted on Fri May 31, 2024 8:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: Can't Catch a Break Ep. 23 - The Silent Treatment (new 5/27)

Post by CityWolf »

I really like where this is going. My favorite stories are ones where the young lady is turned on by the RISK of humiliation although she doesn't really want the any exposure and humiliation to happen. But her lust and stupidity causes her to push it too far and the worst possible outcome occurs. That is a theme in some of my stories.

I love the setup. She was already both turned on but nervous about her plan but then the titillation of the possible date with her crush and the emotional letdown leaves her in a position to make very, very bad choices. And I hope that her choices are very, very bad. :?
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Re: Can't Catch a Break Ep. 23 - The Silent Treatment (new 5/27)

Post by neverdoubted »

You’ve nailed the dynamic playing out here. Michelle is so distraught (not to mention turned on) that she is blindly walking right into the worst possible outcome. That poor girl just can’t catch a break. :lol:
~ NeverDoubted

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Can't Catch a Break - Chapter 5

Post by neverdoubted »

Michelle pulled the phone from her ear just in time to see the terminated call fade to black. Staring in disbelief, she tried to process what had just happened.

Trevor has a girlfriend? He never meant to send me that message? He...wasn't picking me up to give me the best night of my life? HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND?!!!

Balling up her fists, she looked straight up and yelled at the sky. Acutely embarrassed about how badly she had misinterpreted his message, she looked around self-consciously to make sure no one else had witnessed her mistake. Then, remembering the immodest picture she had just taken, she rushed to delete it from her camera roll.

Needing to regroup, she spotted her car, walked over to where it was parked, and got out her keys. Pressing the button to unlock it, she climbed into the driver's seat and, still in a daze, did nothing but sit there for a minute.

She had never been so humiliated in her life! Well, at least that was her first reaction. But looking down, she reminded herself that at least she still had clothes on. She had endured worse - like that one, Halloween when she was thirteen...or that time she decided to take the bus to the city waterpark in her first bikini...or Hunter's fifteenth birthday party...or that service project sophomore year in college...or the petting zoo...or that time at graduation...

It wasn't fair! Why had it been so long since she had been allowed to just feel...happy? Before a shame spiral could consume her, she shook the bad memories from her mind and turned the radio on to distract herself with meaningless pop music. What was it old Mrs. Tarverly used to say? "You can't lick a popsicle while chewing on pity," as if that was supposed to make her feel better.

Unable to let go of her disappointment just yet, and because she couldn't stand the thought of climbing all those stairs only to be back inside her empty apartment all alone, she put the car into gear and pulled out of the parking lot. Driving around for a while would at least make all that hair, makeup, and grooming effort not feel like a total waste of time.

Though it was hard, she tried to find a silver lining in all this. At least, if she were honest with herself, on the list of humiliating incidents, this would rank pretty low. No one would have even known about it if she hadn't sent Trevor that provocative photo. And even that was more his fault for texting her by mistake. He had seemed quite embarrassed about the mix-up and would probably be eager to pretend the whole thing had never happened. If there were any chance his current girlfriend might stumble across them, he would be motivated to delete both the photo and the messages as soon as he could.

But she had to take some responsibility for the role her own hubris and impatience had played. She should have known better than to make assumptions about Trevor's unsolicited offer of a night of vigorous lovemaking. They had only dated a few times, and she hadn't heard from him in months! But she had been too distracted by the prospect of sex to question his proposal - which sounded more absurd and unrealistic every time she thought about it.

A brief message to clarify his intentions could have cleared up the confusion and saved her hours of wasted preparation. But her libido was like a lonely dog whose owner doesn't ever let it out of the house. If you try to take it out for a walk after being cooped up for so long, it ends up dragging you all over creation and trying to hump the leg of everyone and everything it encounters!

Just as the sun's fiery anger faded, leaving a calm, cool night, she found that her self-pity and anger had also faded as she drove around aimlessly. But one thing refused to fade. All those sexual fantasies about what she was going to do with Trevor all weekend had left her body extremely worked up. She could feel the arousal systems she had activated earlier in the evening still simmering beneath her body's surface - begging to break free...

Jolting out of her haze of arousal, she slammed on the brakes, surprised to find her car idling at the far end of Lake Hill Park. She hadn't done it on purpose, but had driven here automatically, just like she had done every night all week.

Looking over at the gift bag sitting in the passenger seat beside her, she remembered her original plans for the evening - before Trevor's message, and her heart started pounding. Should she try to go through with it? Could she go through with it?

Tonight didn't have to be a monument to failure. She had meant for it to be a night of victory and retaking control. Just because Trevor's ship had sailed didn't mean she couldn't still have some fun. And cumming ten times harder than she had ever in her life sure sounded like a great way to celebrate being liberated from her curse!

Reaching under the passenger's seat, she pulled out the bottle she had stashed under there. If she was really going to go through with this, she could use some liquid courage right about now. But as she filled the shot glass - a tricky task given how severely her hands were trembling - all she could think about was her grandma's nickname for alcohol. "Bad decision juice", she used to call it.

Sniffing the high-proof, peachy elixir, Michelle downed the shot in a single gulp before she could second-guess herself. The liquid burned her throat and made her eyes water. But when it reached her stomach, a comforting warmth spread out in all directions. Emboldened, or perhaps uninhibited, she quickly chased it down with a second shot before putting the dangerous bottle away again.

Killing her engine, she silently recited the plan. Turning off the headlights and peering through the windshield, she was thrilled to discover that she couldn't see a thing - not even the gate marking the entrance to the dog park just a few feet in front of the car! Grabbing her accessories and stepping out, she waited for the interior lights to extinguish, then smiled to find that she couldn't even see her hand in front of her face in the inky darkness. With the sun having long ago set, and no moon in the sky to cast its lesser light, a naked girl would be just as undetectable as she had predicted!

She reached behind to open the zipper on her skimpy dress. But before removing it, she stood perfectly still and silently, hugging the fabric to her breasts and listening to make absolutely sure no one else was nearby who might catch her stripping.

Her heartbeat thudded in her ears making it difficult to listen. But she detected nothing other than the breeze wafting gently through the treetops of the looming, forested hill and the occasional frog or other creature of the night calling out in search of a mate. It brought a smile to her face to think about how, tonight, she was also a creature of the night. Except, instead of searching for a mate, she was on a mission of self-love!

Motivated by her pent-up arousal, she decided to shed her dress. But as she was stepping out of it, she discovered a problem - her first real setback. Completing a circuit around the outside of the dog park was going to take about twenty minutes - she had timed herself several times. But that was her original, carefully crafted plan in which she was supposed to be wearing comfortable tennis shoes. The steep heels she had picked out to show off her body's best assets and seduce Trevor were not suited for a nature hike in the dark.

Trembling because holding her dress in her hand meant she was only in panties now, she weighed her options. She would prefer not to have to do the hike barefoot. As a city girl, her feet were simply not accustomed to rough ground, and she worried about what stepping on something sharp would do to her tender, pampered soles. Doing it in heels was another option. She knew the route well enough. But accounting for extra cautious steps would add a significant amount of time to her journey.

She could drive back to her apartment and retrieve the shoes she had originally planned to wear. But that would greatly escalate her odds of backing out altogether. With her eyes starting to dilate and adjust to the environment, she was able to see more and more scary details around her. Even without a moon, in the mostly clear sky, distant stars cast just enough ghoulish, blue light to make out nearby objects and terrain. And from the top of the hill, light pollution from the town was bouncing off the few clouds hanging out above her and contributing a small amount of orange light to the little valley.

Fearing that if she went home, she would never return, she eliminated that option and made up her mind to do it in heels. Slipping her panties over her nicely proportioned hips and lowering them down her smooth legs to step out of them, she felt a flash of terror. She had been stripped naked too many times not to have this powerful a reaction. But she reassured herself that this time was different. This time, for the first time in her life, she was the one in control - not her curse.

That knowledge gave her the strength to continue even though every muscle in her body was trembling uncontrollably. Taking one more look around to make sure she was alone, she opened the car door. With her naked body briefly bathed in light from the interior dome, she threw her clothes inside and slammed it shut. Then she scurried away from the car until the light turned off again.

A blush spread over her whole body, warming her even more than the brandy shots had. She had done it! She was standing completely naked in the park! But before she could get on with her exciting, solo activity and reap the arousing rewards, there were still a few things on her mental checklist. Reaching into the bag, she lifted out the penis gag and fiddled with the straps. She knew it would not fall out once it was around her head with the business end in her mouth. But on the loosest setting, her tongue was able to keep it from sliding in too deeply.

Lifting the object that had started this whole thing to her face, she opened wide. As the artificial cock filled her mouth and she slid the strap in place over her head, it occurred to her that she hadn't brought a hair tie to put her hair up into a ponytail like she planned. With her hair down, she didn’t like that her field of view would be more limited. But that setback was less major than the shoes she had forgotten, and she felt she could manage the short walk. Lifting her hair out of the way, she let the strap rest lightly against the back of her head with her luscious curls cascading over the top. At least would look sexier with her hair down - not that there was anyone around to enjoy it.

Naked, check. Penis gag, check. Next on her list was the handcuffs. Setting the bag on the ground, she pulled them out and cuffed, first one, then her other wrist behind her back, still gripping her keychain in one of her hands.

Immediately, she felt a light breeze waft over her, tickling her bare skin all over as if to tease her about her nude, bound state. Sensing moisture already spilling out onto her shaved pussy lips because her panties were no longer in place, she regretted not wiping herself down. But then she decided it wouldn’t have made much difference anyway. After all, her body seemed determined to keep producing that stuff no matter what she did.

She had actually done it! Just like she had envisioned, she was standing outside completely naked with a penis gag in her mouth and her hands cuffed behind her back! She shuddered at the sensation of the hormones coursing through her veins. No doubt about it, she was going to cum like a freight train when this was all over!

After pressing the button on her keychain to lock her car, she only had one item left on her checklist before she could begin her nude march. She needed to hide the keychain which held both her car keys and one of the handcuff keys.

Having her pussy throb with every beat of her heart made concentration difficult. But peering through the darkness, she eventually found the distinctive, flat rock sitting on the opposite edge of the tiny parking lot near the tree line. She took one step toward the rock and nearly toppled over as her heel sank into the deep gravel of the parking lot. Seeing how treacherous walking all the way across the lot would be, she improvised a different route around the outside. Here, she found the packed dirt much more accommodating to her unstable footwear.

Unfortunately for poor Michelle, her meticulous plans had several glaring omissions. Confident in her own preparation and ability, she had no idea how many things can go wrong when dealing something as perilous as self-bondage. For example, what good is mastering the use of a handcuff key when it's dangling out of reach? If she had spent a little more time reading the forum, she would have learned that a person engaging in self-bondage better always have a backup plan, and a backup for that.

As she picked her way carefully around the shorter, unfamiliar edge of the parking lot, concentrating on her balance because of her hands bound behind her back, she marveled at the arousal signs growing within her. Systems that were usually only needed during sex roared to life inside her potent body.

Looking down, she was mesmerized by the sight of her own naked flesh. Seeing her large, wobbling breasts bathed in an unearthly, blue glow, and her engorged nipples bouncing enticingly with every step kicked her arousal to a level she didn't know she had.

Suddenly, the pinpricks came rushing back to her tight, full nipples. While they always got that way when she was turned on, it had never come on so quickly or so powerfully! The needling pricks were so strong that she had to stop walking when her legs buckled.

At once, she began fiddling with the keys behind her back so she could remove her cuffs and address the pain. She didn't know why she hadn't just stashed the keys earlier and moved the handcuffs to the end of her checklist. She assumed that small, unforced error, while reflecting poorly on her planning skills, would only result in a minor inconvenience. But by now, the mistakes and errors were starting to pile up. She had no idea how badly she was undermining her formerly solid plans. One more misstep, and her precarious situation would tip into disaster.

Having always walked directly across the parking lot before, she had not practiced approaching the flat rock from this direction. And so focused was she on her stinging nipples and getting just thirty seconds to massage some of the thrumming pain away, that it didn't occur to her that her route was taking her directly over a storm drain...until it was too late.

Her fingers, working by touch alone, had just identified the handcuff key when disaster struck. Stepping onto the small, perpetually moist storm drain, the smooth sole of her right shoe landed on a tiny spot of algae – imperceptible in the pitch black. Her foot only slid a few inches, but she flailed her arms thinking she was about to lose her balance. Since her arms were still cuffed behind her back, they didn't move very far. But the sudden jerk did cause her to lose the grip on her keychain.

As her keys slipped out of her grasp, Michelle growled in frustration. It was another minor inconvenience - dropping her keys and having to stoop all the way to the ground to pick them up. But when they didn't hit the ground with a thud like they should have, her heart stopped. Instead, she heard the most terrifying sound in the world - a hollow, echoing clatter coming from directly below her.

"No, no, no!" she cried into her gag, which she had been wearing for nearly a minute by this point.

Dropping to her knees, she stared urgently between the wide grates of the storm drain, hoping to detect at least a glint of her fallen keys. But she only saw inky blackness. The hole was only about a foot or two deep. But having stupidly put herself in a state of bondage, she had no way to extend her arms even if she could locate her keys inside. Until she could free her hands, the small drain might as well have been a bottomless abyss.
Last edited by neverdoubted on Fri May 31, 2024 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~ NeverDoubted

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Can't Catch a Break - Chapter 6

Post by neverdoubted »

Just then, a strong, rising anxiety - the same one that always came on around the one-minute mark of wearing the gag - washed over Michelle. Standing up, she instinctively tried to reach up and remove it. But to add to her growing alarm, she found her hands, being restrained behind her back by the cuffs, barely moved at all!

Now panicking, she tried to eject the gag using only her mouth. Her moist tongue fought valiantly for every millimeter of shaft it expelled. But the strap around the back of her head resisted. Eventually, it reached its maximum tension and prevented any further progress. Even after all that effort, half of the diabolical contraption remained firmly inside her mouth.

Michelle crossed her eyes and looked down at the partially ejected gag. Standing buck naked with her high heels forcing her to balance on her tiptoes, her hands immobilized, and with no way to reach her keys, she suddenly felt extremely exposed and vulnerable.

Anxious, audible "mmM, mmM, mmM" sounds escaped her lips as she breathed rapidly around the gag. But at least that meant she was still able to breathe. Knowing she had to get the gag out before she could calm down enough to formulate a plan, she bent over at the waist and stretched her cuffed hands to one side of her back. But no matter how much she strained, the gap between her reach and her mouth remained insurmountable.

Growing increasingly desperate, she stood up again and jerked violently against her bonds to see if she could free herself by brute force. But the cuffs were designed to withstand much more force than a struggling young lady could bring to bear - even one who was in excellent shape and extremely motivated to be free because of her naked, gagged predicament. The only thing she accomplished with all that effort was a pornographic display of healthy, jiggling breast meat. When her cuffs refused to budge, she made one, last, frustrated jerk, then gave up on that idea.

She could feel the gag wanting to push back inside her mouth. Only by keeping her jaw clenched and engaging all the muscles of her tongue could she hold its current position. But her own saliva was working against her, coating the invader's bumpy surface, and making it ever more slippery. Knowing she couldn’t sustain this very long, she concentrated on slowing her breathing by reassuring herself that the gag didn't present a serious threat to her wellbeing.

Eventually, feeling the muscles of her mouth start to quiver, she had to let them relax just a bit. Closing her eyes in shame, she cautiously unclenched. The astute receptors on her tongue could detect even the tiniest bulges and grooves of the phallic gag gradually settling into her mouth. It kept intruding, only reaching an equilibrium once the straps were no longer stretched. Feeling the large, bulbous tip filling the empty cavity she had fought so hard to create, and knowing it was an artificial cock head resting on the middle of her tongue made her face burn with humiliation.

While she was still panting heavily, she was now calm enough to begin brainstorming ways to escape. Looking across the parking lot, she spotted her car and remembered that the other handcuff key was locked inside! If she could somehow get in there, she would be able to remove her cuffs and the gag - not to mention putting her clothes back on. Turning on the headlights should make locating and retrieving her keys from the storm grate possible.

There was a button on the handle that would unlock the door if your keys were nearby. She didn't know what kind of range that feature had, but thinking it was worth a shot, she hurried back around the edge of the parking lot - staring at the ground the whole way and keeping her eyes peeled for hidden algae.

This was the longest she had ever worn the gag; long enough for her slippery saliva to fully coat it. And having disengaged her tongue that always held it still, once she started walking, she was caught off guard by how much it was moving. It was almost like...the gag had another purpose.

She had enough exercise equipment in her apartment to recognize when something had been specially designed to condition certain body parts. And with her lips formed into a permanent "O" shape, her jaw wide open, and her tongue forced to sit still and behave while the shaft bobbed gently but insistently in and out of her receptive mouth, she finally saw it for what it really was. Essentially, she was wearing a cocksucking trainer.

If not for her current predicament, this discovery would have thrilled, or at least intrigued, her. Having been raised in church that good girls don't engage in perverse things like oral sex, blow jobs had always remained a mystery. Even when she got older and wanted to try it, she was inexperienced and afraid of messing up and hurting her partner, or herself. But, after just this short session, she already had a much better understanding of the mechanics involved in sucking cock.

She only wished the exercise didn't have to be so degrading. The distinct topography of the shaft's underside - having been modeled to feel like a real penis - slid back and forth against her sensitive tongue with every trip. And every time the trainer reached its deepest penetration, she felt its artificial balls graze her chin even as the bulbous tip kissed the back of her throat.

If adapting to its insistent, physical demands wasn't bad enough, she also a psychological reaction to deal with. While she had survived her initial panic, her restless anxiety hadn't really gone anywhere. As long as the gag remained stuck in her mouth where it wasn't supposed to be, the only way to counteract the panic that wanted to resurface and overwhelm her again was with deep concentration and a persistent effort.

And to top it all off, she still hadn't addressed her simmering arousal. Sure, she couldn't talk. Breathing was a chore. And even swallowing with her mouth stuck wide open was awkward. But as much as she hated to admit it, having her mouth reduced to a purely sexual function with the constant bobbing motion of an artificial cock training it, was triggering more erotic fantasies.

Soon, a question formed in her mind. What would it feel like to wear the gag - and only the gag - while jogging? Before she could stop it, she pictured herself running full speed on her treadmill, buck naked, covered in sweat, with the gag strapped onto her face. The jolting motion of her heavy steps would send its shaft plunging deep into her mouth over and over just like a real lover would want to do and stimulating the nerves of her sensitive tongue. A slave to its unending motion, she would have to open her jaw wide and time her heaving breaths between thrusts to keep the oxygen flowing to her starved lungs.

Michelle had to stop walking, spread her stance, and brace herself, as the erotic image caused a powerful wave of arousal to wash over her already charged body. She moaned around the gag, but her moan of pleasure quickly morphed into one of pain as the pinpricks came rushing back to her exposed nipples. Still with no way to reach them, she could only flinch and shake her chest side to side uselessly.

Before she could suffer another mishap, she quickly resumed walking around the edge of the lot as if everything was fine. But because her gag made sure she kept practicing cocksucking everywhere she went, she could only do her best to ignore the bobbing motion and pretend it wasn't happening. The stinging pain in her nipples, she used as motivation not to get distracted by any more erotic fantasies. She had to stay focused on her objective. There would be time for pleasure once she was free of her bindings.

She reached the car without further incident and quickly turned around to back into it. Feeling around blindly, she located the handle and positioned her thumb over the button. This was it. Holding her breath, she pressed it and hoped to hear the liberating sound of her door unlocking.


She pressed it again.


Looking back across the parking lot where her keys had fallen, she despaired. They must be out of range. Her anger boiling over, she tried to cry out. But the gag effectively muzzled her outburst, softening it into just another sexy, little whimper. It's like the gag had been purposefully designed to sexualize everything she did.

Turning around, she peered intently through the windshield. But it was too dark inside to really see anything. But the act did give her another idea. She had tossed her phone in the passenger's seat before locking the door. Even though she couldn't get to it, yelling through the glass, she might be able to trigger the voice assistant to make a call for her or send a message! She could get one of her friends to come help her. Sure, it would be a little embarrassing for them to show up and find her like this, but she could claim it was a bad date gone wrong.

Walking around to the passenger side, she leaned over to be as close to where she thought her phone was, and called out in a loud, clear voice, "Hey Siri, send a message to Amber."

Well, at least she tried to call out in a loud, clear voice. Unfortunately, without the use of her lips or her tongue, she couldn't pronounce anything clearly and instead issued a garbled, incoherent mess, "hlh hlllh, heh a hhh hl halhl."

In addition, the gag stifled the volume of her voice to barely above a seductive whisper. Her command couldn't possibly penetrate the glass window and reach her phone. Just as she was about to try again, she remembered that her phone had no signal down here in the valley. So, she wouldn't be able to send a message anyway.

Stymied at every turn, she huffed angrily. Turning around, she tried the unlock button on the passenger's handle, but got no response. She jerked on the handle several times as if the locked door would magically open for her anyway. Then, her frustration boiling over, she slammed her shoulder against her car. That was a mistake. Instantly, all the exterior lights came on and the horn started blaring - shattering the silent darkness!

If anyone happened to still be in the area, even on the other side of the park, the clatter would be more than loud enough to reach them. At the thought of some random stranger coming over to investigate and discovering she was a gorgeous, naked woman with her arms cuffed behind her back, and a penis gag in her mouth, Michelle cried out her own alarm and fled the scene – hustling away as fast as her strappy heels would let her.
~ NeverDoubted

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Can't Catch a Break - Chapter 7

Post by neverdoubted »

In a snap decision, she made for the tree line. While the large, forested hill presented new dangers, it was safer than the clearing which was being bathed in various flashing lights from her honking car. At least she could use the lights to help her find a good hiding spot. Reaching the relative safety of the tree line, she hesitated to just plunge directly into the thicket. Picking her way carefully, she stopped as soon as she was deep enough into the forest to be hidden from the clearing.

Her heart was pounding out of her chest and her lungs were cycling way too rapidly. Luckily, her cocksucking trainer restricted the airflow enough to keep her from hyperventilating, and her heart was well-conditioned from lots of cardio exercise.

The trees grew closer together further up the hill. With no clothes on to protect her, and unable to even raise her arms to clear the way forward, venturing any further would mean leading with her tender, naked breasts and sacrificing them to countless scrapes and scratches along the way. The only real option was to just stand there, shifting back and forth on her tiring legs, and wait for what felt like an eternity until the car alarm finally went silent and the lights shut off.

For several minutes after, she stood perfectly still and listened - but heard nothing. If someone had come to investigate the commotion, they were being just as sneaky and quiet as she was. Still, returning to her car now carried an additional risk in her mind. She didn't want to go anywhere near it until she was sure she could get safely inside and drive away.

Emboldened by the return of total darkness, she crept back to the edge of the clearing and walked in a circle to satisfy her complaining toes. Lifting her legs one at a time, she could stretch out her calves and thigh muscles, but her shoes kept her feet flexed in a permanent, pointed position. After having them on this long, she was starting to regret wearing them while she had finished getting ready for her date. But she was thankful for having put so much hard work into toning her legs. All that conditioning was the only thing keeping the muscle cramps at bay.

Dutifully attending to her gag while she walked, she tried to formulate a good next move - a difficult task when all your brain wants to do is wallow in regret. There was so much more she should have done in hindsight. A person more experienced in self-bondage would have known to always have a backup plan, and a backup one for that. She had put some in place. But what good are backups if you can't get to them?

As she was trying, and failing, to figure out some way to escape her bondage, she contemplated the critical importance of keys and backups. She knew deep down that there was a solution hiding somewhere in that tangled mess, even though her conscious mind couldn't find it yet.

With no obvious answers left to explore nearby, she began to think beyond the park. Walking in a straight line without following the back-and-forth contours of the road, she estimated downtown to be just over a mile away. It would certainly be a taxing hike, walking straight uphill in her heels without the use of her hands, but she was in good enough shape to make it to her apartment.

Once there, she would be able to recuperate and regroup. She still wouldn't have her phone or any way to remove her handcuffs. But with clothes and more comfortable shoes, a flashlight and stick, surely, she could make the less strenuous hike back down the hill and retrieve her keychain from the storm grate.

The biggest drawback to trying to walk to her apartment right now was her current state of dress. There would definitely be people out on a Friday night - especially around the bars and other late-night hotspots. Even if she could come up with a route to avoid the high traffic areas, downtown wasn't like Lake Hill Park. Everywhere she went would be flooded in lights and the risk of her nude escapade being detected would skyrocket.

She briefly considered hunkering down and just waiting out the night. At dawn, there should be enough light to see her keys in the grate, and there were plenty of sticks lying around. But to a naked girl, the cover of darkness is a precious commodity – not something to be squandered by merely waiting. Come morning, in broad daylight, going to her apartment would be out of the question. The thought of spending all night lying naked on the hard ground also made that idea much easier to dismiss.

Turning and scanning the edge of the forested area, she spotted a trailhead off to her left. The trail, which seemed to lead generally up the hill toward town, cut a nice, safe, cleared, path through the trees. But she didn't dare approach it. If any other pedestrians were out walking around, they would be on trails like this. Without any clothes, she couldn't risk it.

Instead, she turned to her right and started walking along the tree line. Picking her away slowly across the unknown earth, she eventually came to another break in the trees. Here, a second trail spilled out onto the level ground. Unlike the last one, this trail had been made for mountain bikes. It was a better choice for her because, while it still offered a direct path into town, it would be deserted this time of night.

She took one last, despondent look at her parked car, before turning her bare back on it and entering the trail. It looked like she was going to get her naked, bound hike after all - just not in the direction she had planned.

The path was extremely narrow, no more than the width of a bicycle tire in most places, and paved with dry, packed dirt. The forest quickly pressed in on all sides and blocked her view of both the clearing behind and the sky above. Losing the ability to see even the faintest hint of the path before her, she walked by feel rather than sight. Placing one foot in front of the other, each step was a step of faith.

Going uphill meant treading almost exclusively on the toes of her shoes with her heels never really touching the ground. Within a minute, her calves were complaining. But having endured plenty of grueling sessions on her stair machine, her shapely legs were well endowed to power through such a climb.

What she was not prepared to deal with were the trees themselves. The eerie woods felt like something out of a fairy tale. A living entity, not necessarily malicious, but extremely curious about this rare creature having intruded into its domain. Every tree almost seemed to be stretching out its branches to sample the flesh of the fair, unclothed maiden passing by.

It would be impossible to count how many leafy tips grazed her bare skin. They were so numerous that she couldn't even distinguish individual leaves. She only felt a constant sensation of something soft sliding over her shins, over her legs and hips, tickling her belly and ribs, and especially, brushing over her exposed breasts. Unable to raise her arms and brush them aside, she had no choice but to let the curious tendrils take liberties with her vulnerable, unprotected flesh.

She tried to put it out of her mind - pretend it wasn't happening. But the only other thing she could focus on was the sensation of the artificial cock sliding up and down her receptive tongue and gently fucking her open mouth. Breathing heavily from exertion around the constantly moving gag stimulated her saliva glands to even more production. Because tilting her head back to swallow was such a chore, she tried to do it infrequently. But waiting too long made her have to slurp lewdly around the wide shaft to keep the drool collecting around her lips from spilling out onto her chin. It made her blush to find how even the simple function of swallowing had been sexualized by her trainer.

Her brain cognitively knew the difference between a rubber penis and the real thing, of course. But her reproductive system was having more trouble distinguishing the two. Her brain saw it for what it was - just a toy. But to her body, the repetitive motion sure felt like a real sex act - that her mouth was pleasuring an actual penis that could be attached to a real partner.

The arduous climb mixed with endless, repetitive sexual stimulation began to take a toll on her body. She might have been able to endure it stoically and silently if the trees would give her a break once in a while. But with every step she took, they teased her extremely sensitive breasts and nipples endlessly. Being shrouded in total darkness only magnified every point of contact and drove her crazy with desire from the constant stimulation. Eventually, the sensation grew too powerful to endure and she let out a loud, uncontrolled moan.

This was a mistake. I can't do this anymore. It's too much!

Coming to a stop, she looked down at her nipples which were buzzing from overstimulation. The thought of taking another single step through this endlessly teasing forest made her squirm. For the sake of her nipples, she had to find some other way out. But as she stood on her trembling legs and scanned her surroundings, she saw nothing but blackness in every direction.

If she did deviate from the path, would she be any better off? Her bare body would still be free game for the leaves, but she would be wandering aimlessly - lost. She could turn around and head back to the clearing but didn't like the idea of covering the same ground she had already worked so hard to cross.

That only left up. She had no idea how long she had been walking, and the darkness gave no hint how close she was to the top of the hill. But moving forward was her only real option. Still, even after making up her mind, she found it difficult to take that next step. Her aroused, overstimulated body was begging for a longer break. But standing in one place was also draining the strength from her legs. Michelle whimpered pitifully into her gag, but left with no other choice, forced her feet to resume their climb.

It took only a few steps for her to make another sound. But this one was caused by something other than indecision. Though she had tried to pretend it wasn't happening, the tingling in her pussy had been growing perpetually stronger. The constant teasing of her breasts was driving her arousal much higher than she ever knew was possible. Usually by now, she would have reached an explosive orgasm. But despite her ever-increasing arousal, her pussy had only received the lightest caresses so far, nothing approaching the level of stimulation necessary to trigger a release.

And as soon as the leaves resumed their teasing caresses, her pussy complained about that lack of stimulation in the only way it had - by constricting all its muscles at once.

The spasm made her cry out, and she almost lost her footing. Panting in place for several seconds, she waited until the squeezing sensation in her loins had passed before daring to take another step. But as soon as she resumed walking, she felt another spasm coming on. Halting again, she whimpered while the muscles in her empty pussy squeezing around nothing for a second time.

As with her nipples, a vigorous massage would have provided instant relief. But jiggling her arms to test her bindings again only caused the pink feathers of her handcuffs to tickle the upper curves of her ripe, naked bottom.

As the squeezing sensation in her pussy faded, she took another tentative step forward. Almost immediately, as new leaves discovered her sensitive breasts and stiff nipples, she felt another spasm coming on. Knowing she would never make it to the top of the hill if she kept stopping every other step, she vowed to walk through the sensation this time. While she couldn't stop herself from whimpering and moaning around her gag, she did manage to keep her feet moving even as her pussy completed its third spasm in as many steps.

As she climbed what felt like an endless hill, her arousal levels climbed right along with her. Gradually, a single, overpowering directive replaced every other thought in her brain. She needed to cum so badly - but more than that, she needed to be fucked. Moaning loudly with every cresting spasm, the mating call of the naked damsel in heat shattered the former solemn, silence of the forest. Since she could no longer control her outbursts, she just had to hope that no other human was close enough to hear her muffled, desperate cries of need.
~ NeverDoubted

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Can't Catch a Break - Chapter 8

Post by neverdoubted »

Step...after step...after endless step, Michelle trudged up the hill. For so long - what felt like hours upon hours - all she did was think about sex, suck a cock, and tease her body to ever more heights of unfulfilled ecstasy.

Her pussy spasms grew more powerful and closer together. The gaps between them were nowhere near long enough for her clenching muscles to get a break. Instead, her clitoris quivered between her legs and begged for stimulation. Her nipples, on the other hand, begged for the stimulation to stop. The pinpricks, which were usually limited to her nipples proper, had slowly spread into her tingling areolas. But in a worrying development, they didn't stop there. By now, the entire expanse of her healthy breast endowment was covered in maddening pinpricks.

She blubbered and pleaded to no one in particular for the stimulation to stop. But the only response she ever got was complete silence. Every time she took another step, more leaves slid across the overworked nerve endings of her naked bosom.

Eventually, she abandoned the task of swallowing. With nothing to look at anyway, she bowed her head and let her beautiful, black tresses fall down to cover her face in sensual curls. In this position, she couldn’t stop the drool from leaking out around her ruby red lips.

But her mouth wasn't the only orifice that was leaking. Sexual lubricant coated her bald pussy lips and beyond. While it brought her shame to feel the beads of pussy juice running down her thighs, she did welcome the cooling, night breezes which wafted over her slick, overheated sex. While the constant motion kept her naked, exposed body from shivering, her shapely leg muscles burned from exertion. But afraid she would never be able to get moving again, she wasn't about to give her legs a break - not until she had reached the top of the hill.

Speaking of the top of the hill, she could feel her subconscious trying to tell her something. But by now, her brain had lost the ability to concentrate on anything very long other than cumming. Occasionally, a stray thought would break through, but unless it was related to sex, it always got lost in her fog of arousal before it could take hold in her consciousness.

Her gag made sure every sound she uttered came out sounding unladylike and extremely sexual. She gasped and grunted, whimpered and moaned. At one point, a thought related to sex did break through her fog. She needed stimulation so badly. So, why was she trying so hard to stay on the narrow path and avoid the only thing of substance around?

The tickling leaves were driving her crazy. If she could just press her breasts against something solid for a little bit, she could relieve the pinpricks. For that matter, if she could find a smooth branch or trunk at the right height, she might also rub her-

"Oh god," she thought, "you aren't seriously considering fucking a tree, are you?!"

Michelle's cheeks burned with shame, but in her aroused, hormone-addled state, she did raise her head to look around...and was shocked by what she was able to see! Rather than pitch black, she could actually make out faint outlines of branches around her. At first, to her dismay, she thought it was because she had hiked through the night and was seeing the first precursors of the approaching dawn. But after a few seconds, she figured it out. The glow was coming from downtown!

With a surge of excitement, and quick to turn the page from the whole tree-fucking idea, she buckled down and doubled the pace of her steps. The soft leaves still inundated her breasts and belly causing her to mewl sexily, but gradually - to the great relief of her burning calves - the ground started to level out.

The environment grew brighter and brighter until she could even start to make out colors. And to her utter elation, the foliage gradually thinned, and the path widened. With her naked body no longer assaulted with every step, she found that, for the first time in forever, she could handle her simmering arousal and think about other things than sex.

Now that she was approaching downtown, she was eager to plan the precise route to her apartment. Something about that puzzle bothered her - though she couldn't work out why. Because she didn't know exactly where this trail would come out, she couldn't be sure of her exact position and would have to orient herself once she was out of the woods. But that wasn't the only problem, was it?

Time had lost all meaning since she entered the forest and began her erotic march up the hill. It could be midnight or four a.m. Or it might only be a few minutes after nine. Either way, just to be safe, she would go out of her way to avoid the downtown bars. Fortunately, her apartment was not near any bars or night spots. Once she got to her street, she should be able sneak up the outside stairwell and...OH NO!

In a flash, Michelle's brain finally figured out what her subconscious had been fretting about. How was she supposed to get into her apartment...without a key?

She didn't know what she had been thinking! Of course, her primary apartment key was also on her keychain which was stuck in a storm grate at the bottom of the hill. She had gotten so mixed up thinking about backups and keys, and the sad fact that she couldn't get into her car or remove her handcuffs, that she had landed on a plan of action that required yet another key she didn't have!

Seeing she had come all the way for nothing, she was angry at herself for having overlooked such a critical detail and wanted to scream. But coming to the edge of the forest, the first building she spotted made her want to turn her turn tail and run away. It was Hunter's apartment!

She stood there, panting and aroused, but didn't run. That's because, now that she realized she couldn't get into her apartment, this building contained her next best hope of salvation. Keys and backups, backups and keys. Although she had considered so many options, her consciousness had prevented her from considering this one. But it was hard to ignore now that it was literally looming right in front of her.

When she first moved in, Michelle had originally given her mother the spare keys to both her car and her apartment. But after learning that Hunter had moved downtown, her mother had, without consulting Michelle, handed them both over to him. Michelle could still remember the argument that had ensued over that decision.

"Oh, that Hunter is such a nice boy," her mother had exclaimed, "I sure feel better about you being downtown knowing there's a Tarverly living nearby! And I'm telling you, it won't do you any good in an emergency if I have your keys. My house is hours from here, but he's right around the corner. Trust me, the first time you get locked out of your apartment, you'll be thankful that Hunter has your spare keys."

Even though she insisted it was a bad idea and vowed to take back her keys from Hunter, Michelle had procrastinated on following through. Because of her curse, and the chance of yet another naked mishap that always skyrocketed when she got near him, she preferred to stay as far away from his apartment as possible. And less than a month later, she had to concede that her mother had been right. One day, when she was running late for work and did get locked out of her apartment, she had reluctantly called Hunter for help. And he had chivalrously, and literally, run to her aid - bringing her keys over on foot and saving the day.

Her mother was right about one thing. Hunter was a nice boy; his grandfather had made sure of that. Hunter would be more than willing to offer his services to help Michelle out in any way she may need. If she could call him, he would drop whatever he was doing and come to her aid. She could have even instructed him to place her keys on a park swing and walk away, and he would have done it - no questions asked.

But she didn't have the luxury of calling him. If she was going to retrieve her keys from him tonight, she would have to walk up to his door and meet him face to face.

Thanks to her curse, he had been given countless opportunities to study every inch of her naked body over the years. And even though he was a good boy, that didn't stop him from looking. After all, she was a beautiful girl, and he wasn't blind!

But this time was different because her curse was not driving the exposure. Her own stupidity had done that. While she still didn't love the idea of knocking on Hunter's door uninvited and unannounced with no clothes on, at least he wouldn't freak out. He had seen her naked so many times in so many unusual circumstances that he probably wouldn't even be that surprised. That she was only coming to get her spare keys would probably be the strangest part of the whole encounter.

There was only one problem. Having dolled herself up for Trevor, her overtly sexual accessories and hyper-aroused body presented an image that was anything but wholesome and innocent. Hunter had certainly never seen her like this before! She couldn't help but picture what Hunter's reaction would be if she showed up looking like this.

He had never seen her finger and toenails painted in the most whorish possible shade of red. He had never seen her lips, also painted wantonly, wrapped around a large penis gag to show off her newly discovered cocksucking skills. He had never seen her six-pack abs, or her arms submissively locked behind her back in handcuffs so that her fully mature breasts were easily accessible to his touch. He had never seen her pubic hair shaved into a landing strip like a porn star while she paraded around in heat in fuck-me heels - showing off her sculpted legs and thrusting out her puffy, bald pussy for easy penetration and begging to be filled like she had never been f...

Michelle moaned as, without permission, her mind inserted Hunter in place of Trevor in her fantasies. There's no way he would turn her down if she asked him to fuck her silly against the wall. He was also well-built and in good shape. Had he ever tried to lift a girl off the ground using just his cock? It sure would be fun to find out!

Still, her sense of modesty had some say in the matter. And it wrestled for control over the decision-making centers of her brain. It might sound fun in her fantasies to volunteer to be Hunter's living sex doll for the evening. He really was a good boy who would do anything she asked. And she did consider him attractive. If not for her curse, she probably would have made a move on him by now. But to walk up to his front door and beg him for sex was far out of her comfort zone.

Suppressing her fantasies, she instead set about the difficult task of making herself look more modest and less suggestive. There was a very long way to go on that front! While she couldn't do anything about her handcuffs, now that she no longer needed them to get through the forest, she would happily shed her uncomfortable shoes before continuing. Then, at least she would be able to stand a little more normally before Hunter and not so much like a shameless streetwalker.

But sitting down, even rolling around on the concrete, she unfortunately discovered that reaching the buckles of her complicated shoes with her hands bound behind her back would require an extreme level of contortion. Her workout routine did include a handful of flexibility exercises. But even her body had its limits!

Reluctantly, she conceded that she would have to wear her shoes for him after all. She could live with her back being arched and her chest being thrust out. The bigger, more embarrassing, concern was her penis gag. Now that she had some light to work with, she began to improvise ways to pry it off the back of her head so Hunter would never see it.

She turned to a small, nearby tree that had a branch about the right height. Treading carefully to avoid letting any of other, the pointy branches scratch her delicate flesh, she approached the tree. Once she was close enough that her body was practically wrapped around the trunk, she regretted the naughty things she had considered doing to the trees earlier. Silently apologizing to the forest nearby, she turned around and flipped her hair to one side as best she could.

With her hair now mostly out of the way, she tried to hook the back of the strap over a small, stunted branch so she could slide the contraption up over her head. Without the use of her hands or eyes, she was only guessing when it was in position. But as soon as she felt the strap catch on something, she pulled away, expecting the whole gag to come loose. What she absolutely wasn't expecting was for the opposite to happen.

Instead of catching on the strap, she had accidentally snagged the cinch. And giving it a good yank, the strap was only pulled tighter around her head. Suddenly, as the gag was drawn further into her mouth, her eyes bulged and she cried out a muffled, "MMMM!!!" Sensing that she was still snagged on the branch, she yanked more forcefully. This time, the branch snapped and freed her, but not before it had pulled the cinch to its tightest setting!

Michelle scrambled away from the tree, fighting back against the invader by reflexively clamping down with her tongue and lips. But the bulbous head had already achieved full penetration, and the act only locked it into place in the back of her throat, effectively cutting off her air supply!

Jumping up and down in a sheer panic, the naked bound girl put on an erotic dance, jerking against her cuffs in another futile attempt to free her hands. After a few seconds with no luck and no air, she stopped struggling and just teetered on her toes. Wracking her brain, she tried to recover her tattered wits without breathing.

"You're ok," she tried to assure herself, "just settle down and think this through."

Against every instinct, she stopped fighting the invader, and told her jaw to open wider. It took a second. But eventually, her muscles obeyed, and her tongue relaxed. To her relief, she learned that air could still flow even with the gag fully inserted. The trick was to accept the cock's presence filling her mouth instead of fighting against it.

With the strap cinched tight against around her head, her jaw had to stretch to its limit to accommodate the shaft's full penetration. She could feel the artificial balls pressing firmly and lewdly against her chin while her distended lips wrapped tightly around its base. She had to keep her tongue perfectly still. Any movement would cause the large mushroom to shift and seal off the back of her throat.

Her already tired jaw began to ache immediately from this new level of penetration. And while she was still able to take gasping breaths, she doubted she could keep this up very long. Afraid she might make a mistake and pass out from lack of oxygen, she gave up trying to make herself more modest for Hunter and just decided to hurry up and get there before anything else could go wrong.

The device resumed its training as soon as she started walking again. Now forced to give it all her attention and respect, she committed herself to thinking of nothing else but her sucking duty. With every step she took, she concentrated only on the sensation of the artificial cock sliding up and down her receptive tongue and gently fucking her wide-open mouth.

With every step, the gag bobbed into the back of her throat. But slowly, she adjusted to this new fullness until she no longer feared being suffocated. As long as she kept her tongue still and relaxed the muscles of her throat, even if it did temporarily block her airway, it always popped loose with a lewd, schlurping sound. She didn't appreciate how this new, even more degrading technique turned her into a slack-jawed, singularly focused, sex-crazed slut – not that she could do anything to stop it.

Unable to close her gaping mouth even a little bit, saliva poured out and coated the balls of her pretend blow job partner as well as her chin. The drool even dripped lewdly down onto her ample, naked tits which her heels made sure were thrust out proudly to catch it all.

Imagining what an obscene image she was going to make for Hunter made her whine with regret. In the short time she had decided to go to his apartment, she had somehow managed to put herself in an even more degrading state. Yet, a growing part of her wanted to give in to her most basic desires and just throw herself at him.

Reaching the outer stairwell of his building, she began walking up the two flights of stairs to his third-floor apartment. The closer she got to his door, the more her willpower crumbled. A living sex doll. That's all she was. She had been playing with her own sex toy all evening. But now, she would be Hunter's sex toy. All she had to do was say the word and Hunter would oblige. That's just the kind of boy he was.

With her whole chest covered in pinpricks and her empty pussy throbbing to be filled as quickly as possible, she arrived at number 303 and knew she had to make a decision. Was she going to throw her naked, hyper-aroused body at him and let him do whatever he wanted with it? Or was she simply going to ask for her spare keys and leave? And what if he wasn’t even home? That thought made her whole body make a sexy shudder.

Unable to knock, the naked sex doll bent over at the waist to ring his doorbell with her nose...only to come face to face with the unblinking lens of a doorbell camera!

"Oh God!" she cursed, though the words came out sounding more like, "OGG GLOLG!" Her cheeks burned knowing that Hunter now had a recording of her standing buck naked outside his door, bending over to show off her massive, hanging, drool-covered tits and fully inserted cock gag right to the camera. Even if he wasn't home, he would have that recording for all time.

Suddenly, just as her nose was reaching for the button, the door opened.

~ NeverDoubted

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